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Posts posted by Avner

  1. Barak Mofaz D-GA

    Israeli Defense Minister, Ariel Sharon, at the State Department in Washington after meeting with Secretary of State George Shulz.



    Hello Netnations & Washington, D.C.!


    This may not be the speech that will wow the crowds here; this speech is not filled with passionate flowery rhetoric or fancy promises. My friends, this is a speech warning of our nation's impending danger in our foreign policy. We have enemies, both foreign and domestic, that are using any possible manner to see this great nation withdrawn from the world; I am here to tell you, as Democrats, progressives, moderates, liberals and blue dogs, do not be swayed by the viper of isolationist delusions and push our party to embrace the nonsense we see growing in the Republican Party. 


    The United States serves an essential function within the international community, and its active involvement is wholesome and vital. American engagement encourages peace, stability, and prosperity for America and the international community. We nourish global leadership as the world's leading economic and military power. With power comes the duty to help shape the international system and handle transnational challenges. American engagement guarantees a responsible and accountable actor working towards shared goals.


    In today's connected world, no nation can flourish in isolation. Global challenges such as climate change, terrorism, pandemics, and economic crises require collective action. The United States' involvement helps produce alliances, foster cooperation, and harmonize efforts with other nations, leading to more effective solutions.

    Our American soft power influences the world, including its values, culture, and institutions. Its soft power tools, such as economic aid, cultural exchange programs, and educational opportunities, can bridge gaps and promote peaceful resolutions.


    It is why I will constantly batter the ominous consequences of the idiotic MAGA push to expand isolationist foreign policies in this nation. Isolationism can debilitate relationships with critical allies, erode trust, and weaken the network of alliances that the United States relies on. These alliances supply a crucial framework for addressing shared challenges and promoting stability. Abandoning these alliances would isolate the United States and reduce our ability to influence the global stage.


    This loss of influence would result in other powers, possibly with differing values and interests, filling the void and reshaping the international order; we saw this with Azerbaijan, a U.S. ally, now turned into an Iranian-Russian puppet; we are not Moscow Democrats like the new wing of Putin Republicans have taken hold in Congress, we must be the party that stands up for American idealism that promotes human rights, progressive morals, and free trade that benefit us and our allies against Russia and China.


    By disengaging from the world, the United States risks losing its credibility as a champion of freedom and democracy, undermining its ability to promote these values abroad. People love to call me a militarist, but I want a progressive America to have a progressive foreign policy that defends the coerced nations and puts the tyrants in their place. Foreign policy doesn't mean iron clashing against iron; diplomacy is creating a coalition of the willing to use their soft power to enrich freedom worldwide.


    Isolationism in America today is the appeasement of the future; this president, her administration, and the Democratic party are leading the way where we avoid that. Do not be naive to think foreign issues won't affect the domestic economic pressures that everyday Americans have continuously faced, and if we continue to neglect our standing on that shining hill of liberty, the economic woes of the average American will continue to get worse.


    Thank you, and God Bless you!

  2. Mofaz: “The Stench of Appeasement Fills the Air”


    Washington, D.C: Harshly rebuking Congress in front of reporters, Senator Barak Mofaz called the fall of Azerbaijan the ultimate lesson of failure to act, the low intelligence of isolationism can cause, and the moral shortcomings of not supporting American allies. Senator Mofaz called it one of the stupidly obvious blunders of both sides of Congress, and the global implications for both America and its partners would likely be catastrophic.


    “I think many people with no foreign policy experience had a big ass mouth that should have stayed silent. Azerbaijan was an American ally just like Armenia, but it was one of the few Shiite majority nations on this goddamn planet that was hostile to Iran. Of all the things we imported from Azerbaijan, most of that trade was their oil. Oil prices are already high for Americans; it will contribute to continued high prices.


    The Azerbaijani government worked with us as partners to fight in the War on Terror, from deploying troops to Afghanistan to serve with us in ISAF to fighting Islamic terrorism in the Caucuses, now thanks to the difference in Congress, Azerbaijan is now an Iranian puppet, another satellite state to conduct Tehran’s chokehold of terrorism and human rights abuses. The Fall of Azerbaijan will have international consequences for the United States; God help us if they come to fruition; it is the new era where the stench of appeasement once again fills the air.”

  3. Senator,


    Congratulations on your nomination; my question is, of course, not about petty bull...crap over Twitter but something pertinent to your potential position.


    Recently we have seen Iran become increasingly aggressive, invading Azerbaijan and removing any diplomatic initiative between Azerbaijan & Armenia. We have seen Iranian proxies Hamas and Hezbollah try to take advantage earlier in the year. You will be one breath away from the president and, of course, be one of her closest advisors concerning foreign policy. What advice do you believe you can provide her as this crisis grows?

  4. Mr. President,


    I instead offer the following amendment to replace Section 2,


    Section 2: Increase in Stockpile Capability

    (a) The current stockpile of the WRSA-I program (War Reserve Stockpile Ammunition-Israel) shall be increased by 60% to enhance Israel's defence capabilities and enable it to respond effectively to potential threats to its security.

    (b) The additional stockpile shall consist of a diverse range of ammunition types, including small arms ammunition, artillery rounds, missiles, and other relevant munitions, as determined by the United States Department of Defense.

    (c) The United States will permit loaning U.S. PGMs (precision-guided munitions) to Israel.

    (d)The Pentagon will use the Special Defense Acquisition Fund (SDAF) to expedite PGM deliveries, by enabling the Pentagon to purchase weapons in advance of their sale to Israel without imposing additional overall costs on the United States


    Section 3: Expedited Access to the Stockpile

    (a) Israel shall be granted easier access to the WRSA-I stockpile to facilitate its defence needs.

    (b) The United States Department of Defense, in coordination with the Israeli Ministry of Defense, shall establish streamlined procedures and protocols for the expeditious transfer of ammunition from the WRSA-I stockpile to Israel.

    (c) The procedures and protocols shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including both countries' export control measures and national security considerations.


    I yield.

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