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Posts posted by Tuna

  1. 1 hour ago, Fisher said:

    2000 is a great option as both parties were on relatively equal footing in regards to popularity. 


    2008 would be intriguing but we’d have to alter a lot IG to compensate for that cycle’s huge slant in favor of the Democrats. 

    Why not 2021? It’s only nine months from now. 

    Also, the one reset we did in VUSA set in 2000 was very successful (at least from my recollection). 9/11 served as a unique scenario that really engaged the community in terms of crafting a response. Plus, the question of whether or not to attack Iraq is in the air. 

  2. 2000 is a great option as both parties were on relatively equal footing in regards to popularity. 


    2008 would be intriguing but we’d have to alter a lot IG to compensate for that cycle’s huge slant in favor of the Democrats. 

    Why not 2021? It’s only nine months from now. 



    P.R. #012, 2Q 2001


    Torres Pushes for Medicare Drug Coverage
    FL Congressman Continues to Fight for Florida Seniors

    WASHINGTON D.C.-- This morning in the House, Congressman Juan Torres continued his push for Medicare reform by proposing legislation to provide coverage for self-administered drugs on behalf of America’s seniors. The Relief for Medicare Drug Prices Act would expand coverage for America’s elderly citizens and begin the process of providing full coverage for all prescription drugs. Torres spoke to the press regarding the bill this morning:

    “Medicare is in dire need of modernization and I am proud that I have taken the lead in regards to revitalizing the program on behalf of America’s senior citizens. I began 2001 with the Access to Diabetes Screening Act and now I have set forward the Relief for Medicare Drug Prices Act to cover and provide security for every elderly citizen in America. The Drug Prices Act will provide coverage for self-administered intramuscular and subcutaneous drugs, the first important step of Medicare modernization. Florida seniors will save thousands, annually, with this proposal. Furthermore, this proposal will reduce the financial burden in the long term as we adjust our focus towards not just reacting to illness but preventing it. I hope that members on both sides of the aisle can come together and get this bill passed for the deserving seniors across this nation.”



    P.R. #011, 2Q 2001


    Resolution Slams Grayson with Resolution
    Torres Pushes Resolution Disapproving of Panama Decision

    WASHINGTON D.C. -- This morning, Congressman Juan Torres proposed a nonbinding resolution expressing the House’s disapproval of President Tyler Grayson’s decision to agree to President Mososco’s demands for talks over the status and control of the Panama Canal. Torres spoke to the press regarding his resolution and commented further on the president’s decision.

    “The American people clearly support and believe in the authority of the United States to control and defend the canal from the saber-rattling governments of Panama and Cuba. But maintaining our authority isn’t just a popular sentiment of Americans, it’s also smart policy. Preserving control of the canal is in the best interests of our economy and security. So it’s an absolute travesty that President Grayson has waved the white flag to Panama and Fidel Castro by agreeing to negotiations over the canal, all for the sake of removing two Cuban fighter jets. The President just caved over the threat of two jets. Our Air Force has over 20 squadrons of fighter jets available, yet this president choked and gave in over just two Cuban planes? He failed to get any assurance of any kind that the construction of the joint Panama-Cuba air force would be halted. He failed to get President Mososco to halt her country’s military buildup. President Grayson folded quicker than a cheap tent by agreeing to these talks. It’s time for the U.S. House of Representatives to express, on behalf of the American people, our disapproval with this absolutely horrendous decision.”



    P.R. #010, 1Q 2001

    Grayson Trades Two Jets for a Canal

    Torres: President Virtually Surrenders to Panama


    WASHINGTON D.C.-- Congressman Torres spoke to the press following President Grayson’s address where the White House announced a trade of removing two Cuban fighter jets in exchange for negotiations on the Panama Canal.


    “When I heard the president’s address, I shook my head. This is maybe the most poorly negotiated deal in diplomatic history. This is diplomatic equivalent of the Babe Ruth trade to the Yankees. President Grayson has effectively waved the white flag and surrendered the canal to President Mososco by conceding to her demands for negotiations. And all he got in exchange were two fighter jets removed? Furthermore, there were no concessions to halt construction on the joint air base, providing a newly paved tarmac for the Cuban jets to return if these talks break down in May. The President said in his address that the canal is essential to American economic and security interests. If he truly believed that, he wouldn’t sell out so easily for two fighter jets. We as Americans do not apologize for our interests. Let me be the one to tell President Moscoso that our security and economic freedom are non-negotiable, especially when you just threatened war against our brave men and women in the Armed Forces. Mark my words, President Grayson has many questions to answer in the coming days about this absolutely horrific deal he struck.”



    P.R. #009, 1Q 2001


    TORRES: "We Stand Resolute"

    FL Congresman Bashes Aggressive Moves by Panama, Cuba




    WASHINGTON D.C.-- Congressman Torres spoke to the press regarding the events transpiring in Panama and Cuba.


    “What are we witnessing take place in Panama over the last few days is very concerning and of the utmost priority to our nation’s economic, military, and diplomatic interests. Preserving American authority over the Panama Canal should not be an issue in which nations resort to military threats over. However, it is has become abundantly clear that President Moscoso has escalated this situation. Not only has her country taken the course of rapid militarization, but President Moscoso has sought out the assistance of Fidel Castro’s regime in Cuba. I will not comment on our president as no one in congress should interfere while he is handling this developing  situation. But allow me to convey to the world that we as Americans are resolute in our position on the Panama Canal and we will not blink or bat an eye in the face of aggression. On behalf of my colleagues and I here on Capitol Hill and for the millions of proud Americans across this country, I pledge we will stand together and not abandon America’s interests of peace, security, and freedom. It is my utmost hope that, through the moral strength and might of this nation, President Grayson will stand for what is right and on behalf of the country he was elected to serve.”

  7. Juan Torres, responding to Speaker Sutherland's remarks: "If your car won't start and the tank is full, pumping more gas won't help. Throwing money at this problem will do nothing for our school system, which is broken to its core. It's time actually sit down and completely rebuild the education system from the top to bottom."

  8. Juan Torres: "I find it ironic that, after challenging Charles Fong in last year's debate to work with him on a bipartisan education bill, this president immediately proposes a bill without reaching out to Republicans or even considering an idea outside his liberal bubble. Even worse, this proposal does nothing but shovel more taxpayer dollars into a broken system."



    P.R. #008, 1Q 2001


    Torres’ Bills Pass through House

    High-Speed Rail and Diabetes Proposals pass with Bipartisan Support


    WASHINGTON D.C.-- With the passage of the High-Speed Rail Investment Act of 2001 through the U.S. House of Representatives, two of Congressman Juan Torres’ bills have already been approved in just the first docket. With the Access to Diabetes Screening Services Act having already passed by unanimous consent, Torres has already seen success in caring for Florida’s seniors. Now, the high-speed rail bill he proposed will deliver important assistance to the Sunshine State as it prepares for construction of a high speed rail network, in accordance with the successful 2000 referndum on an amendment to the Florida constitution mandating such a network of railways be built. Torres spoke to the press regarding the string of legislative successes:


    “When I was elected as a U.S. Congressman, I pledged to deliver results in the House for my constituents back home. And so far this session, I am proud to report that two of my proposals to help the citizens of Florida have already passed and are now awaiting the review and debate of the Senate. Whether it be my Medicare reform plan to expand care for diabetes screening or the High-Speed Rail Advancement Act to assist the Sunshine State in the construction of our soon-to-come railways, I am honored to have been at the forefront of the effort to move this nation forward and help Floridians with their everyday lives.”

  10. U.S. Congressman Juan Torres,


    "While Mrs. Braun's  overcame many of the difficult circumstances faced by minorities and should be commended as a role model in that respect, there are glaring concerns and flaws that she must address before the Senate can confirm her. In my opinion, the American people deserve to get answers to these important questions before we can proceed."

  11. Congressman Torres,


    "The U.S. Senate, led by men and women of common sense and conviction, has stood for the second amendment rights of all Americans. I am proud of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for backing this bill and I am confident that we get the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act passed through the House. Now, the eyes of America now turn to the Oval Office. Will President Grayson stand for the people whose rights he swore to protect? Or will the so-called 'era of bipartisanship' be nothing more than empty words on a chilly morning?"

  12. “House Republicans are furious that President Grayson never invited Republican House Leader Byron Baudin to the recently announced talks on infrastructure. Apparently the president has already given up on the era of bipartisanship and is locking out the GOP. It’s absolute horse-you-know-what that this president lectures us on cooperation when he refuses to reach out or invite our leadership to even sit down to discuss policy.”


    -Republican Congressman



    P.R. #007, 1Q 2001

    Torres to Grayson: Time to Revoke Wet Feet, Dry Feet

    Torres Writes to White House; Urges Immediate "Action" to Revoke Clinton Policy


    WASHINGTON D.C.-- U.S. Congressman Juan Torres wrote an impassioned letter to President Grayson this morning calling on the White House to take immediate action to revoke the 1995-1996 wet feet, dry feet policy towards Cuban refugees. The son of Cuban refugees who fled to America at the dawn of the Castro regime, Torres warned the White House of the tyrannical nature of the Castro government and the need for strong American leadership. Torres bashed the Clinton era policy as a betrayal of our nation's core values and requested that the Grayson Administration revoke the Cuban Migration Agreement. Here is a copy of the letter Congressman Torres sent to the White House this morning. 





    The White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

    Washington D.C., 20500


    Mr. President,


    I write to you regarding a matter of great importance to the interests of both the Cuban-American community and the free world. Since 1959, the people of Cuba have lived under the oppressive and tyrannical dictatorship of Fidel Castro. Religious expressions has been restricted, free speech stripped away, political repression made public policy, and the torture used as a weapon against innocent civilians. All media is censored by the government. Minorities live in fear under heartless politicians who care more about power than the citizens they were elected to represent. The Cuban education system has become less of an instrument of learning and instead a scheme of Marxist indoctrination. Communism and the regime of Fidel Castro has failed the people of Cuba. Imprisoned on this island, they seek freedom and a chance at a better life.


    That is why I request your administration immediately take action to revoke the “wet feet, dry feet” policy instituted by President Clinton in 1996. Prior to this policy, all Cuban refugees seeking freedom in the United States were given the chance to find a new home thanks to the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966. However, the “wet feet, dry feet” alterations to the CAA has set back the cause of freedom for the people of Cuba. This, the basis of the Cuban Migration Agreement of 1995, has abandoned refugees picked up at sea to be immediately shipped back to Cuba. The policy bars any and all Cuban refugees who are unable to reach the shores of Florida from entering the country. If the Coast Guard or military picks up the refugees in the ocean rather than dryland, they will be immediately sent back to where they were attempting to flee. This policy is grossly unjust to those seeking freedom from the oppressive communist regime in Havana.


    Therefore, on behalf of my colleagues, the Cuban-American community, and all men and women who seek freedom around the world, I urge your administration to revoke wet feet, dry feet and restore our policy towards Cuban refugees to its pre-1995 guidelines. Diplomatic ramifications should not matter when the fate of millions of freedom seeking Cubans are at stake. As the son of refugees who fled Castro when first took over, I speak for my family and my community when I call on you to revoke the Clinton Administration’s ultimate failure in leadership and to correct our nation’s course towards ensuring freedom in the Caribbean. My colleagues and I request you immediately consider and deliver your verdict on this issue as soon as possible given your duties as president.



    Congressman Juan Torres

    Florida’s 21st Congressional District

    Ranking Member on House Government Committee





    P.R. #007, 1Q 2001

    Torres to Grayson: Time to Revoke Wet Feet, Dry Feet

    Torres Writes to White House; Urges Immediate "Action" to Revoke Clinton Policy


    WASHINGTON D.C.-- U.S. Congressman Juan Torres wrote an impassioned letter to President Grayson this morning calling on the White House to take immediate action to revoke the 1995-1996 wet feet, dry feet policy towards Cuban refugees. The son of Cuban refugees who fled to America at the dawn of the Castro regime, Torres warned the White House of the tyrannical nature of the Castro government and the need for strong American leadership. Torres bashed the Clinton era policy as a betrayal of our nation's core values and requested that the Grayson Administration revoke the Cuban Migration Agreement. Here is a copy of the letter Congressman Torres sent to the White House this morning. 





    The White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

    Washington D.C., 20500


    Mr. President,


    I write to you regarding a matter of great importance to the interests of both the Cuban-American community and the free world. Since 1959, the people of Cuba have lived under the oppressive and tyrannical dictatorship of Fidel Castro. Religious expressions has been restricted, free speech stripped away, political repression made public policy, and the torture used as a weapon against innocent civilians. All media is censored by the government. Minorities live in fear under heartless politicians who care more about power than the citizens they were elected to represent. The Cuban education system has become less of an instrument of learning and instead a scheme of Marxist indoctrination. Communism and the regime of Fidel Castro has failed the people of Cuba. Imprisoned on this island, they seek freedom and a chance at a better life.


    That is why I request your administration immediately take action to revoke the “wet feet, dry feet” policy instituted by President Clinton in 1996. Prior to this policy, all Cuban refugees seeking freedom in the United States were given the chance to find a new home thanks to the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966. However, the “wet feet, dry feet” alterations to the CAA has set back the cause of freedom for the people of Cuba. This, the basis of the Cuban Migration Agreement of 1995, has abandoned refugees picked up at sea to be immediately shipped back to Cuba. The policy bars any and all Cuban refugees who are unable to reach the shores of Florida from entering the country. If the Coast Guard or military picks up the refugees in the ocean rather than dryland, they will be immediately sent back to where they were attempting to flee. This policy is grossly unjust to those seeking freedom from the oppressive communist regime in Havana.


    Therefore, on behalf of my colleagues, the Cuban-American community, and all men and women who seek freedom around the world, I urge your administration to revoke wet feet, dry feet and restore our policy towards Cuban refugees to its pre-1995 guidelines. Diplomatic ramifications should not matter when the fate of millions of freedom seeking Cubans are at stake. As the son of refugees who fled Castro when first took over, I speak for my family and my community when I call on you to revoke the Clinton Administration’s ultimate failure in leadership and to correct our nation’s course towards ensuring freedom in the Caribbean. My colleagues and I request you immediately consider and deliver your verdict on this issue as soon as possible given your duties as president.



    Congressman Juan Torres

    Florida’s 21st Congressional District

    Ranking Member on House Government Committee





    P.R. #006, 1Q 2001

    So Much for “Era of Bipartisanship”

    Grayson Slings Mud; Congress Will Lead Instead


    WASHINGTON D.C.-- U.S. Congressman Juan Torres criticized President Grayson and his administration for taking a dramatic and negative tone to start off the next four years, despite promises and calls during the inauguration for cooperation and bipartisanship. Torres invited the press into his office and spoke with them regarding the recent press releases from the White House:


    “It’s concerning that the president is throwing a tantrum over disagreements on the labor bill before the House. President Grayson is apparently so blinded by his own obsession with this labor boss protection bill that he cannot see the bipartisan progress being made for transportation and Medicare reform. The Republican Party is working and making progress with our colleagues across the aisle to expand coverage for senior citizens and modernize our railways. We have lived up to the president’s call for an ‘era of bipartisanship’ with our collective efforts. Unfortunately, this president has already resorted to mudslinging after going to silent for the entire transition. It’s time for this administration to live up to the words elocuted at the inaugural and for President Grayson to stop poisoning the well for collaboration and cooperation between both parties. And until he does, this congress and we Republicans will stand on principle and do our best to work alongside our Democratic colleagues to move this nation forward.”



    P.R. #005, 1Q 2001


    Torres’ Diabetes Bill Passes House

    Unanimous Consent for Proposal to Help Florida Seniors


    WASHINGTON D.C.-- This morning, Congressman Juan Torres’ Access to Diabetes Screening Services Act of 2001 passed the U.S. House of Representatives by unanimous consent. The first major Medicare reform proposal to expand coverage for seniors citizens, the proposal would dramatically expand aid and care for seniors to get screenings for diabetes and treatment services. Congressman Torres commented on the passage this morning:


    “To every senior citizen in Florida and across America, I can report to you today that help is on the way. Thanks to the leadership of my party and the bipartisan efforts of both Republicans and Democrats in the House, we have passed the Access to Diabetes Screening Services Act unanimously. I am proud to have authored and played a role in orchestrating the passage of this proposal that will improve Medicare for the 21st Century. I now urge my colleagues in the Senate to get to work immediately on passing this common sense bipartisan proposal.”

  17. Congressman Juan Torres,


    "I certainly hope the president heeds his cry for bipartisanship because not a single phone rang on Capitol Hill with a call from him or his team during the transition. We cannot have an absentee president who sits on his hands and does nothing. So far, it's not promising. I hope President Grayson indeed tries to follow through on delivering an era of bipartisanship and wish him the best of luck."



    P.R. #004, 1Q 2001





    WASHINGTON D.C.-- Congressman Torres spoke at the Path Forward rally with fellow Republicans to offer America a comprehensive vision forward for the country. Torres spoke on the threat posed to the world by regimes such as Saddam Hussein's in Iraq and North Korea as well as presenting a positive mindset for the country over the next century. Here is a transcript of Torres' remarks.


    “Thank you. It is my honor to speak to you all regarding the future of our nation abroad and the ideal of American leadership on the international stage. If the 20th Century taught the world anything, it is that when men and women of good character stand together, freedom spreads. We stood in unison and solidarity with our allies in Europe to tear down the Berlin Wall and lift the dark veil of the Iron Curtain. And thanks to the efforts, communism fell and freedom reigned across eastern Europe. But if there is a warning to be heeded from the trials we have faced, it is that mankind cannot stand idly by while a force of evil spreads unchecked and without consequence. Look no further than Munich in 1936 when a brutal dictator was appeased with concessions rather than confronted with courage. If the world seeks to avoid repeating the mistakes of the last century and achieve the boundless potential this new era brings, American leadership is imperative and a necessity. 


    Both parties in Washington D.C. believe in the basic principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We all wish to see the spread of democracy and oppose those who would oppress their neighbors. But words and belief must be backed by action. And we as Republicans are ready to take action to ensure the principles we old dear are preserved.


     That begins with holding Saddam Hussein and his regime accountable and responsible. Saddam and his henchmen have been responsible for the death of millions, whether it be deploying chemical weapons on the Kurds or brutally murdering political opponents. Intimidating neighbor states, plotting assassinations of retired heads of state, and repeatedly violating UN Security Council resolutions are just a few of the many breaches of the international trust committed by the present regime in Iraq. That is why it is imperative the United States lead the world in standing up to Saddam Hussein by cutting him off completely economically. That is why we must begin providing resources to opposition on the ground to undercut him and establish democracy in the region. The same goes for Kim Jong Il in North Korea. The 21st Century will be an era when the world stands up to dictators before they have the chance to rise. And the United States will be the conductor of peace in the world as we lay the groundwork for a new age.


    Ronald Reagan put it best when he spoke years ago about the challenge we as Americans face. 'Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.'

    My friends, we as Americans have never cowered in the face of tyranny. Just as those before us have paid the price for our freedom, so will we as a nation and as the Republican Party defend the ideals of freedom and democracy. Thank you and God Bless.”



    P.R. #003, 1Q 2001



    Fights for Seniors' Diabetes Treatment & Assisting Sunshine State with High Speed Rail



    WASHINGTON D.C. -- U.S. Congressman Juan Torres has started off the 107th Congress with a wave of activity to fight for the interests of Floridians. Thus far, Torres has proposed landmark tax relief as well as the Access to Diabetes Screening Services Act and the High-Speed Rail Investment Act. Congressman Torres spoke with a local radio talk program in Florida to discuss the work he's done thus far:


    "The tax relief proposal I set forward would indeed deliver relief to every person and every business in Florida to help get our economy growing and moving again. But the other proposals I have set forward, I believe, also bear significant weight in regards to the wellbeing of this state.The Access to Diabetes Screening Act will expand Medicare coverage to help senior citizens with diabetes receive screening and treatment. By lowering costs for screening, we can help improve the daily lives of our elderly citizens in Florida and reduce healthcare costs in the long term. I also proposed the High-Speed Rail Investment Act, in light of last year's constitutional amendment here in Florida. As now required by state law, we will be constructing a high-speed rail network sometime in the near future here in the Sunshine State. The Investment Act will provide federal assistance to Florida to spur construction and progress on a statewide high-speed rail system. I intend to continue working on behalf of our great state and make the most of the prodigious opportunities presented to us this session of congress."



    P.R. #002, 1Q 2001



    Tapped as Top Republican for Intelligence & Foreign Affairs Committee



    WASHINGTON D.C -- Congressman Juan Torres has been named as the Ranking Member and top Republican on the House Committee on Intelligence and Foreign Affairs. Now charged with the task of leading Congressional Republicans on matters of international diplomacy, espionage, and the military, Torres spoke to the press regarding his new position.


    "I am grateful for the trust placed in me by our leader, Byron Baudin, and my colleagues. The Republican Party believes in standing up for the principles that America holds dear. We are the party that has fearlessly stood up to communism and oversaw the demise of the Soviet Union with the collapse of the Berlin Wall. We are the party that believes in a strong military and American leadership abroad. We are ready to fight for the security and rights of all Americans at home and abroad. It my tremendous honor to serve and represent these values as the Ranking Member for the Republican Party in the committee for Intelligence and Foreign Affairs. I look forward to working with my colleagues to help shine the light of democracy and freedom and to serve the interests of our citizens."

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