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Posts posted by Tuna

  1. A16UAJm.jpg




    12:05 PM: After embracing the new First Lady and his children, President Joseph Edward Murphy shakes hands with former President George W. Bush. He shakes hands with congressional and senate leadership. President Murphy then returns to the lectern and delivers his first inaugural address. 





       First Inaugural Address of President Joseph Edward Murphy


     "My fellow citizens, I come before you today honored by your trust and humbled by the journey ahead. Thank you, President Bush, for your service to our nation and assisting in a smooth and seamless transition between our administrations. My wife and I are grateful for the support you and the First Lady have shown our family. On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you for your service and commitment to this country. 


         Two hundred years ago, a little boy was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. He was not fortunate enough to inherit any wealth or riches. He possessed no title of nobility or great status in society. But what mattered most to him and guided his steps in life was his integrity and goodwill. That young man was Abraham Lincoln. When he was twenty-eight years old, no one of prominence or stature knew yet of him. He was a simple store clerk in New Salem, Illinois. One day, a woman entered the store and purchased a few goods. After she left, Abe realized that he had overcharged her by six cents. Now, that’s not much, even back then. But after closing the shop, Abe Lincoln walked five miles to return her the money he owed. 


         Abraham Lincoln walked the straight and narrow path for five miles. And the good people of this nation have walked that same path through the good times and bad. Mothers and fathers have held their families together as their college savings and retirement funds dried up. Working class Americans search for whatever work they can find just to pay the bills. Middle-income families do what they can to get by. The character of this nation is determined not by the bottomline but by the strength and resilience of the American people. In these times of great peril and suffering, caused not by their own doing but by the failures of those in leadership, everyday citizens are reminding us of what has always been true of this nation: The soul of America does not lie in the corporate boardroom or the halls of congress. It’s found in the homes of everyday Americans whose perseverance knows no end. It sits at the kitchen table, clipping coupons from the Sunday paper just to help pay the next month’s bills. It stands in the unemployment line, tirelessly searching for both a job and a way out of this nightmare. And it walks five miles on a country road in the dead of night to pay back six cents to a complete stranger.


         The truth is that the soul of this country remains strong in the midst of this present maelstrom. But it is undeniable that the promise of American dream has been defiled and compromised. Last fall, a great sin was exposed in the character of those most privileged in our society. For decades, profit came before progress. Billions of dollars cut from education funding in order to prop up those at the top. Rising healthcare costs left unaddressed so as to profit the insurance companies. A housing industry built on the shifting sands of greed. A government more concerned with bumping up the value of a stock than offering opportunity and a higher standard of living for all people. This economic crisis is the result of the dishonest practices of politicians and profiteers who put K-Street ahead of Main Street.  The trust we placed in Wall Street and Pennsylvania Avenue was violated in the most egregious and unjust manner. Both lawmakers and stockbrokers alike bear the responsibility for this recession. And it is our responsibility today to find our way back and make good on our word to the American people. 


          The Scriptures declare that ‘Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.’ Any effort to restore the prosperity of this nation will fail  if we do not ensure our institutions are built on the rock of truth. No civilization ever prospered for long through deception and corruption. It is our moral responsibility as public servants and elected representatives of the people to reflect their good character and conduct ourselves accordingly. Across this nation, millions of Americans have lost their jobs and savings as a result of reckless behavior on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. Thousands of dollars wiped out from retirement funds, college savings accounts, and basic income. The American people have been overcharged by far more than six cents of their fortune and dreams. And if Honest Abe would walk five miles to return merely a nickel and a penny to a stranger, what then is our excuse as public servants not to act?


         In these challenging times, many are seeking answers. But I say here today that the American people are the answer! Look no further than your own heart. There lies the spirit of America; a sacred fire that guided us and remained faithful through every tribulation. From the battlefields of Lexington and Concord to Baghdad and Fallujah.  From Gettsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Selma, Alabama. From the plains of the Dust Bowl to the American midwest. In the toughest of times, we hold strong. The good citizens of this nation still take pride in their honest living and the example they set for the next generation. They have kept the faith and honored our values. The will and fortitude of the American people have kept us united and bound us together through every last hardship. They have fought everyday to ensure the preservation of not only themselves but of our nation. All they ask of us now is that Washington D.C. and Wall Street finally fights for them!


          Because our authority comes solely from the consent of the governed, it is our duty to the American people to act. Not as charlatans in the eternal debate over the size and scope of government, but as champions of their welfare and well-being. Both Republicans and Democrats alike work the assembly lines, take the metro, drive the combine, and go about their daily business in friendship with those across the aisle. So why not us? Far more significant matters are at stake than another argument over bureaucracy. 


          Therefore, let us pursue an aggressive and bipartisan agenda designed to uplift this nation out of this crisis and put us on the path to recovery. I invite both Republican and Democratic leadership to the White House to begin work on a comprehensive economic investment plan that breathes new life and instills hope and opportunity for every American; not just those on Wall Street. It is time to back our job creators with a just and competitive tax code. We possess the resources necessary to spark growth in vital sectors where working and middle-class families make their living. We have the power to put hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work with a national infrastructure bank; building the economy of the future and alleviating the burden of unemployment. I still believe there is room for compromise and progress on energy; meeting the demands of today while pursuing a renewable tomorrow. Our past battles do not preclude us from improving access to healthcare and making certain all have access to a good physician. We can work together to ensure transparency and accountability in the marketplace so no business or bank is too big to fail.  All this and more is possible Already, we see everyday Americans picking up the pieces and putting this country back together. Let us follow in their example and get to work on restoring their faith in us and the institutions that must take their interests to heart.


         But we cannot confine our efforts to restore that trust merely on matters of domestic policy. We must ensure both the American people and our allies can have confidence in our commitment to the preservation of peace, respect for international law, and the growth of democracy. If the last eight years have taught us anything, it is that the United States must lead the world in more than just military might. Our will for peace   must be stronger than any weapon or power in our arsenal. We must discipline ourselves to both protect the free world without overexerting our nation to the detriment of the people at home. Peace abroad, prosperity at home, and security for the American people begins with respect for and cooperation with our allies. And to achieve this, we must chart a new course with a doctrine of renewal. We will draw to an end any wars that have distracted us from our vital national interests; refocusing our efforts on defeating those who struck us on September 11th. We must live up to our own principles and forsake the archaic and medieval methods that foster resentment and sew the seeds of retaliation. Ultimately, the war on terror will not be won with merely guns and tanks, but by demonstrating to all humanity the beauty of embracing the natural rights of all mankind.  Our allies can rest assured that ours will be a shared mission to expand the shelter of democracy while preserving and respecting the order of affairs that makes peace possible. For those despots whose authority and power is derived by denying their people of the natural rights of humankind, we reaffirm our universal resolution and support for their freedom and plight. But for those in positions of leadership who seek to break away from the patterns of oppression and blaze a new trail of hope and peace, we offer you the hand of friendship to lift you up onto the path of liberty. 


         Every four years we gather here on these steps and renew the promise of our democracy. It is a tradition we carry on with pride; honored to take part in the peaceful transition of power. But on this day, a sea of voices across this nation call on us to reaffirm more than just our commitment to the Union. As King David wrote, the Lord leads the humble in the right way and teaches them His will. With faithfulness and love he leads.’ 


         Therefore, may we, as the blessed children of liberty, pursue the righteous path. Behind us lies a broken road paved by poor choices. We have been brought to our knees many times before. But we will come overcome. In the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson, may we be of ‘one equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.’ 


         Before is a historic opportunity to chart a new course. We can recover, rebuild, and restore the promise of this nation. We can rise to new heights never before imagined by any prior generation. And above all else, just like Honest Abe, we can begin on the straight and narrow path to a new day of honesty and trust in our public servants and institutions. With hard work, integrity, perseverance, and the Almighty’s blessing, we will overcome. Thank you! God Bless you. And God Bless the United States of America!”


  2. A16UAJm.jpg




    (After shaking hands with Vice President Weaver, President-Elect Joseph Murphy and Chief Justice John Roberts step forward to the lectern. Mrs. Catherine Murphy holds the Lincoln Bible while standing next to her husband)


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Joseph Edward Murphy, do solemnly swear..."


    PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "I, Joseph Edward Murphy, do solemnly swear..."


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "...that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States..." 


    PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "...that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States..."


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "...and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


    PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "So help you God?"


    PRESIDENT MURPHY: "So help me God." 


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "Congratulations, Mr. President!"



    (The crowd erupts in cheers as President Murphy and Chief Justice Roberts shake hands. The Marine Corps Band plays "Hail to the Chief" while the 3rd U.S. Infantry fires off its cannons, saluting the new Commander in Chief)




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    12:00 P.M: Vice President-Elect Jeffrey Weaver and Associate Justice Ginsburg step forward to the lectern)


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Jeffrey Alan Weaver, do solemnly swear..."


    VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT WEAVER: "I, Jeffrey Alan Weaver, do solemnly swear..."


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "...that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."


    VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT WEAVER: "...that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion..."


    VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT WEAVER: "...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion..."


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "...and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."


    VICE PRESIDENT WEAVER: "...and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "Congratulations, Mr. Vice President!"


    (The crowd erupts in cheers as Vice President Weaver and Associate Justice Ginsburg shake hands. The Marine Corps Band plays "Hail Columbia" while the 3rd U.S. Infantry fires off its cannons, saluting the new vice president)



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  4. A16UAJm.jpg




    11:50 A.M: Grammy Award winning artist Beyonce sings "America the Beautiful".


    BEYONCE: "O beautiful for spacious skies,
    For amber waves of grain,
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the fruited plain!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!

    O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
    Whose stern, impassioned stress
    A thoroughfare for freedom beat
    Across the wilderness!
    America! America!
    God mend thine every flaw,
    Confirm thy soul in self-control,
    Thy liberty in law!

    O beautiful for heroes proved
    In liberating strife,
    Who more than self their country loved
    And mercy more than life!
    America! America!
    May God thy gold refine,
    Till all success be nobleness,
    And every gain divine!

    O beautiful for patriot dream
    That sees beyond the years
    Thine alabaster cities gleam
    Undimmed by human tears!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!"

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  5. A16UAJm.jpg




    11:35 A.M: Grammy Award winning artist Harry Connick Jr. sings "The Star-Spangled Banner"



    HARRY CONNICK JR: "Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light
    What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
    Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
    O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
    And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
    Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
    Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"


  6. 7 hours ago, Recks said:


    The ratification procedure calls for UC. So, from my reading, it wouldn't take any seconds.


    Furthermore, my understanding is people aren't really voting in so much as waiving their right to object (with the goal of getting this through in under 24 hours).


    Motions for UC do require seconds. 


    Once there are two seconds, we will proceed to a vote. 

  7. Alright everyone, here is the charter in its present form. I motion to suspend debate and ratify the charter. 



    SECTION 1 - Democratic National Committee

    1. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) shall be comprised of members, and membership shall be provided:

    a. to the President of the United States of America, if he is a Democrat;
    b. to the Vice President of the United States of America, if he is a Democrat;
    c. to each and every cabinet-level official in the United States federal government, if said official is a Democrat;
    d. to each and every United States Senator that is a member of the Democratic Caucus of the United States Senate.

    2. The Democratic National Committee shall be authorized and required to:

    a. support the electoral efforts of each Democratic Nominee for federal office and, to this end, to coordinate the federal electoral efforts of local and state Democratic Committees;
    b. organize the Democratic National Convention in every year when there is a United States Presidential Election;
    c. publish the Democratic Party Platform in every year when there is a United States Presidential Election;
    d. coordinate the operations of Democrats in federal office to advance the policies featured in the Democratic Party Platform; and
    e. raise funds, and to distribute these funds, in such a manner as to effectively accomplish the aims laid out in this section.

    SECTION 2 - DNC Leadership

    2. Following are statutory members of the Democratic National Committee Leadership, in addition to the Chairperson of DNC;

    1. Senate Majority Leader or Senate Minority Leader,

    2. Senate Majority Whip or Senate Minority Whip

    3. President Pro Tempore of the Senate, if he/she is a Democrat

    3. Chairperson of the DNC may appoint one Deputy Chair of DNC, and a number of Deputy Chairs of specific portfolios, such as but not limited to Deputy Chair for the Elections, Deputy Chair for the Media, who are de facto members of the Leadership,

    4. All non-statutory members shall be removed from the Leadership after the Chairperson elections,

    5. Party leadership ranks as follows, in order;

    a. Chairperson of the DNC,

    b. Deputy Chairperson of the DNC,

    c. Senate Majority Leader,

    d. Senate Minority Whip,

    e. PPT

    f. Longest to shortest tenured Deputy Chair with portfolio,


    SECTION 3 - Leadership Elections

    1. Unless otherwise stated, Elections will take place in the Democratic War Room, under a thread, with no polls, and members either voting for a candidate by giving their name, or voting present,

    2. Elections are initiated by the Chairperson of the DNC, and if the position of Chairperson is vacant, highest in the Party Leadership ranking should initiate and preside,

    3. Should the person initiating the elections also be a candidate in the said elections, the the next highest in the Party Leadership ranking should initiate and preside

    4. Nominations for elected Leadership position in Section 2 of this charter should take twenty-four (24) hours,

    5. Each nominee before the nomination phase ends, must confirm that he is accepting the nomination and running for the election, unless they nominated themselves,

    6. Members may nominate themselves, however may not second their nominations,

    7. Voting phase for the elected Leadership positions in Section 2 of this charter should take twenty-four (24) hours with a grace period of 5 minutes following the conclusion of the vote,

    8. If there is only one member running for the elected Leadership position in Section 2, they shall immediately be elected to the position by acclamation,

    9. If there are only two candidates running for a position, then the position shall be elected on a 3/5's majority basis. If multiple candidates are running for a position, then the position shall be elected on a simple plurality basis.


    10. In the case of a tied vote, the presiding officer of the election shall cast a tie breaking vote. If the presiding officer has already cast a vote, then their vote shall be subtracted from the total to determine a winner.


    11. Political independents who are members of the Democratic House Caucus for organizing purposes are permitted only to vote in Leadership elections pertaining directly to the Democratic House Caucuses

    SECTION 4- Votes of No Confidence

             1. If the DNC Chair, SML/SmL, SMW/SmW, or PPT, loses confidence from DNC members, a senator may motion for a vote of no confidence.

             2. For the motion to be recognized, at least two other DNC members must second the VONC

             3. Once the motion is recognized, a 24 hour discussion must be held and an equal chance for the person in the position(s) to adequately defend themselves.

             4. The voting phase shall last for 24 (twenty-four) hours with a grace period of 5 minutes following the conclusion of the vote.

             5. For a VONC to pass, two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members not voting Present, must vote Aye

             6. This procedure shall not be used in the event that a member of leadership shall become inactive. Such motions fall under the rules laid out in Section 5.


    7. Political independents who are members of the Democratic House Caucus for organizing purposes are permitted only to vote in situations pertaining directly to the Democratic House Caucuses

    SECTION 5 - Inactivity Sanctions

            1. Inactivity shall be defined as 120 hours (5 days) where a member has done any of the following without declaring an LOA:

                     a. Not logged into the VGS boards without a declared leave of absence

                     b. Logged in and not posted without a declared leave of absence

            2. In the event the DNC Chair, SML/SmL, SMW/SmW, or PPT are inactive as defined in Section 5-1, a 24 hour Vote of No Confidence with a grace period of 5 minutes following the conclusion of the vote shall immediately commence upon the 5 day mark without the mandated 24 hour debate period.

      3. Should a simple majority vote aye, the member shall be revoked of leadership standing, and new elections shall immediately begin.


    4. Political independents who are members of the Democratic House Caucus for organizing purposes are permitted only to vote in situations pertaining directly to the Democratic House Caucuses


    SECTION 6 - Disciplinary Actions

    1. Any member of the Democratic National Committee, including the Party and Congressional Leadership, may be temporarily or permanently removed from the Democratic National Committee,

    2. Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee may suspend an individual's forum access to the Party for a period no greater than forty-eight (48) hours only after informing the DNC and that member,

    3. Members of the Democratic National Committee may move to suspend or/and remove a member from the Party, who caused undue harm to the Senate Caucus or overall to the Party,

    4. Such motion listed in Section 4, Subsection 3, must have clear evidence presented by the member initiating the motion, length of the suspension if the expulsion is temporary, and documentation that all other avenues such as contacting the leadership or the person in question ended unfruitful,

    5. Such motion listed in the Section 3, Subsection 3, must take twenty-four (24) hours of discussion, and twenty-four (24) hours of voting with a grace period of 5 minutes following the conclusion of the vote followed immediately after the end of discussion phase,

    6. For a member to be temporarily or permanently expelled from the Party as defined in Section 3, Subsection 3, 4, and 5, two-thirds of the members voting for the motion must vote Yes,


    7. Political independents who are members of the Democratic House Caucus for organizing purposes are permitted only to vote in situations pertaining directly to the Democratic House Caucuses

    SECTION 7 - Procedures

    1. Democratic National Committee may take any actions authorized under Section 1 of this Charter, following a twenty-four (24) hour vote,

    2. Section 1 of this Charter notwithstanding, the Democratic National Committee may take any action authorized under Section 1, if a member moves for unanimous consent on such actions, and if no members objects to such motion within the twenty-four (24) hours of its recognition by the Chairperson,

    3. Member may vote in aye, nay and present on any matter provided under this Charter,

    4. Whenever a rule or question cannot be answered by this Charter, the Chair shall make a decision,

    5. Decision of the Chair may be appealed, requires twenty-hours debate and twenty-hours voting, with %50+1 vote required for that decision to be reversed,


    6. Political independents who are members of the Democratic House Caucus for organizing purposes are permitted only to vote in situations pertaining directly to the Democratic House Caucuses

    SECTION 8 - Presidential Primaries

    1. Chairperson, Deputy Chair of the DNC, and Deputy Chairs with portfolios, are restricted from either seeking the nomination for the President, or endorsing a candidate for the Presidential Primaries, unless they first resign from their Leadership position.


    2. Within the time limits established by the Administrative Board, the location of the Presidential nominating convention shall be voted upon by active members of the party after a city is presented by each of the eligible and declared nominees for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.


    3. The winner takes all system is abolished from all Democratic caucuses and primaries.


    4. The 20% threshold is hereby reduced to a 10% threshold


    5. The super-delegate is hereby abolished.

    SECTION 9 - Ratification and Amendments

    1. Prior to ratification of a new Charter, there shall at least be twenty-four (24) hour debate concerning adopting the new Charter, followed by an another twenty-four (24) hours of voting conducted in the DNC War Room, members voting aye or nay,

    2. For ratification of a new Charter, two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting, must vote Aye,

    3. Members of the Democratic National Committee may amend this Charter after a twenty-four (24) hour of discussion, followed by twenty-four (24) hours of voting,

    4. For an amendment to pass, two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting, must vote Aye.


    5. Political independents who are members of the Democratic House Caucus for organizing purposes are permitted only to vote in situations pertaining directly to the Democratic House Caucuses

    • Like 2

    Secretary of State - Raul Estrada

    Defense Secretary - John Hamre

    Treasury Secretary - Laura Tyson

    AG - Michael J. Garcia

    Interior - Ken Salazar

    Agriculture - Tom Vilsack 

    Commerce - Fred Hochberg 

    Labor - Linda Chavez-Thompson 

    Health and Human Services - Nancy-Ann DeParle 

    HUD - Norm Rice 

    Transportation - Ray LaHood 

    Energy - Trudy Coxe 

    Education - Jim Hunt 

    VA - W. Scott Gould

    Homeland Security - Russel L Honore

    Trade Rep - Demetrios Marantis  

    Ambassador to the UN - Michele Flournoy

    Director of Intelligence - Robert Mueller 

    OMB - Peter Orzag

    CIA - Anthony Zinni 

    FBI - Janet Napolitano

    EPA - Katie McGinty 

    Small Business Administration - Maria Contreras-Sweet 

    Drug Control Policy - Alejandro Mayorkas 

    Chair of Econ Advisors - Janet Yellen 


    National Security Advisor - Brooke D. Anderson 

    WH Counsel - Tony West 

    Chief of Staff - Jim Messina

    Deputy Chief of Staff - Mona Sutphen 

    Senior Advisor - Wilder

    Counselor to the President - David Plouffe

    Coms Director - Joe Rospars 

    Press Secretary - Jen Psaki 

  9. xciBeIq.jpg


    Name: Joseph Edward Murphy

    Date of Birth: June 2, 1963 (age: 45) 

    Place of Birth: Boulder, Colorado

    Place of Residence: Red Feather Lakes, Colorado // White House, Washington D.C.

    Party: Democratic

    Avatar: Gavin Newsom

    Religion: Methodist


    Family History:

    Father: Edward Howard Murphy (b: 1931, New York City; d: 2000, Boulder, Colorado)

    Mother: Amelie Charpentier (b: 1933, Montreal, Canada)

    Spouse: Catherine Morneau Murphy (b: 1974, New Orleans, Louisiana, m: 2002)

    Child #1: Joseph Patrick Murphy (b: 2005, Washington D.C.)

    Child #2: Alice Amelie Murphy (b: 2007, Denver, CO)


    Educational History:

    Cherry Creek High School, 1977-1981

    Georgetown University, B.A. in Public Policy, 1981-1985


    Employment History: 

    Intern for United States Senator Gary Hart, 1983-1984

    Volunteer for Gary Hart Presidential Campaign, 1984

    U.S. Marine Corps, 1985-1993 (Veteran of the 1st Persian Gulf War)

    Radio Show Host, 1993-1999

    Deputy Chief of Staff for the Denver City Council, 1993-1999

    Colorado State Senator, 1999-2005

    U.S. Senator from Colorado, 2005-2009

    44th President of the United States of America, 2009-present


    Electoral History: 

    Colorado State Senate Election  (NC-4) - Joseph Murphy (D) 56%, Bill Cobey (R) 44%

    U.S. Senate Election in Colorado, 2004, Joseph E. Murphy (D) 51%, Pete Coors (R) 45%

    United States Presidential Election 2008, Joseph E. Murphy (D) 284 EVs (48% popular vote), Mitt Romney 254 EVs (49% popular vote)

    United States Presidential Election 2012, Joseph E. Murphy (D) 311 EVs (51.59% popular vote), Corey McKnight 227 EVs (46.31% popular vote)


    BIOGRAPHY: Joseph Edward Murphy was born in Boulder, Colorado, on June 2, 1963. His father Edward Howard Murphy was a TV news anchor while his mother Amelie worked as a piano instructor. Edward Murphy was of  Irish and Scottish ancestry while his mother is of predominantly French-Canadien descent. Two years after Joseph was born, the family moved to Denver where a job opportunity had opened up for Edward at KBTV Channel 9, the local CBS affiliate. As a young boy, Joe Murphy would learn how to speak into a camera and deliver engaging monologues by observing his father at work. His mother would force him to learn how to play piano and speak fluent French by the time he entered middle school. Throughout his childhood, Joe was particularly interested in sports as he played baseball and basketball. In high school, he made Cherry Creek High School’s varsity basketball team. Standing six foot two, Joe was somewhat oversized to play point guard. But while he was only a decent scorer at best, Joe earned All-Conference honors his senior year for his excellent playmaking ability and lockdown defense; finishing his final season averaging 9.2 points per game, 4.5 assists per game, and 3.1 steals per game. Off the court, Joe Murphy excelled in the classroom. He was elected class president and competed on the speech and debate team. He graduated from Cherry Creek in 1977 with a 3.9 GPA and was accepted into Georgetown University. 


    Joe Murphy arrived at Georgetown in the fall of 1977 and managed to score an internship with Senator Gary Hart’s office on Capitol Hill. After classes, he would take the nine minute metro ride from Foggy Bottom to Union Station to work on behalf of Senator Hart. While at Georgetown, Joe was heavily involved with the College Democrats. However, he would decline serving as their president in 1983 in order to work as a volunteer for Gary Hart’s 1984 presidential campaign. On weekends, Joe would sit in the small cramped campaign office in Washington D.C. and make phone calls. After Hart’s campaign came up short against Walter Mondale, Joe began to evaluate his plans for after college. He decided to enter the Marines Corps and enlisted after graduating Georgetown in 1985.


    Joining the Marines in September, 1985, Joseph was stationed out of Pendleton, California, with the 1st Marine Division. In 1990, the division was deployed to Saudi Arabia during the leadup to the Persian Gulf War. Joseph would eventually see action in the Battle of Khafji on January 31, 1991. He and the 1st Marine Division would play a role in the liberation of Kuwait and the defeat of the Iraqi Army. Joe retired from the Marines Corps in 1993 as a captain. 


    Returning home to Denver, Colorado, Joseph immediately began to seek out work. Through his father’s connections, he managed to score a local radio show on the weekends in Denver discussing politics and current events. On weekdays, he found work as a Deputy Chief of Staff on the Denver City Council. For six years, Joseph Murphy worked seven days a week at City Hall and at the radio station. On the side, he began working on a book concerning the direction of American foreign policy in the aftermath of the Cold War. In 1996, Murphy published his work Dubiety in the Vacuum with Times Books publishing. His book was critical of the Clinton Administration’s failures in Rwanda and Somalia, highlighting what he considered a glaring inconsistency that damaged American credibility.  Murphy offered up praise to President George H.W. Bush for his diplomatic mastery in the leadup to the liberation of Kuwait, but criticized him for viewing “global peace and harmony as achievable solely through military alliances and rejecting cooperative engagement on the environment.” 

    Murphy argued that the best pathway forward for the United States was to focus its foreign policy on economic, environmental, and political engagement. “The only way to prevent another Soviet Union from emerging is to ensure the circumstances that gave rise to communism are not duplicated. Through economic and political discourse with developing nations, the west can ensure any hostile power is severely handicapped if they should attempt to upset the global order.” The book reached #8 on The New York Times bestseller list and earned Murphy some notoriety. While visiting Washington D.C. to give a speech at his alma mater in 1997 , he met a young woman named Catherine Morneau who was working on her Master’s degree in English at Georgetown. The two struck up a friendship and eventually began dating in early 1999. A year later, Catherine took up a job as an editor at The Denver Post and in 2002, they were married at Denver United Methodist Church.


    In early 1998, members of the Colorado Democratic Party convinced Murphy to run for the state legislature. He won a seat in the Colorado Senate that November and served three terms. During his time as a State Senator, Murphy partnered with the Republican governor Bill Owens on improving infrastructure and transportation for Coloradoans. In late 2003, Democrats approached Murphy again to prod him into running for the U.S. Senate. With the retirement of the incumbent Republican Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Murphy saw a pathway to victory and tossed his hat into the race. Despite beginning the Democratic primary down 21% points to Ken Salazar, Murphy ran an aggressive campaign that highlighted his opposition to the Iraq War and his record of cooperation on domestic issues. Murphy scored a stunning upset over Salazar in the primary and went on to defeat the Republican nominee Pete Coors in the general election. 


    Taking office in January 2005, Senator Murphy focused his efforts on energy and the Iraq War. In a speech on the Senate floor in 2006, Murphy argued that “our insatiable appetite for oil has pulled the United States to an unreasonable extent into conflicts in the Middle East. Even as we seek to detach ourselves of the War in Iraq, our dependence on fossil fuels handicaps that effort.” 

    Murphy opposed the troop surge in 2007 and repeatedly called for a withdrawal from the region. He also proposed legislation offering federal subsidies for homeowners to power their property with renewable energy, ending oil subsidies, and investing in green companies. He also championed immigration reform and cosponsored the bipartisan immigration bill that eventually came up short of passage in 2007. 


    In early 2007, Murphy decided to run for president. After a hotly contested race, he managed secure the nomination. In the general election, he defeated the Republican nominee Mitt Romney despite losing the popular vote. Upon winning the presidency, the Murphys sold their home in Denver and purchased a quiet and secluded property in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, which has come to known as the "Camp David of the West." President Murphy and his family will return every few months to their Colorado property to get away for a weekend from the politics of Washington.  

  10. TITLE I: Economic Incentives

    National Infrastructure Bank

    $150 billion initial endowment for 2009 and 2010, $100 billion for 2011, $75 billion for 2012, $50 billion from there on out


    Tax Rates

    Alternative Middle Class Capital Gains Tax Rate

    $100,000 and less - 0%

    Corporate Bonus Tax

    A 25% additional tax rate is applied to all bonuses exceeding $1 million 


    Corporate Tax Reform

    Income over $30,000,000 - 33.5%

    $20,000,000-$29,999,999 - 27%

    $10,000,000 - $19,999,999 - 25%

    $1,000,000 - $9,999,999 - 20%

    $100,000 - $999,999 - 10%

    $0 - $99,999 - 5%

    Startups w/less than $20,000 in assets - $0


    Tax Cut for Hiring

    Corporation earning over $100,000 may reduce their tax payment by 10% of their assigned rate if a.) their entire workforce is U.S. citizens, b.) increased their workforce by 5% on an annual basis


    Tax Credits

    $2,500 tax deduction for automobile purchases

    $2,500 tax deduction for mortgage payments

    New payroll tax credit -

    $80,000 and under: $500 per worker and $1,000 per couple in 2009 and 2010

    $80,000-$150,000: $250 per worker and $750 per couple in 2009 and 2010


    Energy Initiatives

    $15 billion in renewable energy subsidies.




    TITLE II: Financial Reform


    Banking Reforms

    Separation of savings and investment banks


    Credit Rating

    Establish the American Credit Accountability Agency to oversee the implementation of the following - 

    Credit rating agencies may not receive funding, investment, or connections by those that they rate. Instead, holders of securities that need ratings must have their securities rated through a third party mediator, and not directly from the credit rating agency.

    Establish a comparative rating index for credit rating agencies that would rate the investment safety of loans, bonds, etc relative to others.

    Establish civil penalties for the defaulting of AAA graded loans, bonds, etc



    Housing Finance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act of 2014




  11. R0ctAiL.jpg





















    (Vice President-Elect Jeffrey Weaver and Associate Justice Ginsburg step forward to the lectern)


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Jeffrey Alan Weaver, do solemnly swear..."


    VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT WEAVER: "I, Jeffrey Alan Weaver, do solemnly swear..."


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "...that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."


    VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT WEAVER: "...that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion..."


    VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT WEAVER: "...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion..."


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "...and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."


    VICE PRESIDENT WEAVER: "...and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."


    ASSOCIATE JUSTICE GINSBURG: "Congratulations, Mr. Vice President!"


    (The crowd erupts in cheers as Vice President Weaver and Associate Justice Ginsburg shake hands. The Marine Corps Band plays "Hail Columbia" while the 3rd U.S. Infantry fires off its cannons, saluting the new vice president)







    (After shaking hands with Vice President Weaver, President-Elect Joseph Murphy and Chief Justice John Roberts step forward to the lectern. Mrs. Catherine Murphy holds the Lincoln Bible while standing next to her husband)


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Joseph Edward Murphy, do solemnly swear..."


    PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "I, Joseph Edward Murphy, do solemnly swear..."


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "...that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States..." 


    PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "...that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States..."


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "...and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


    PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "So help you God?"


    PRESIDENT MURPHY: "So help me God." 


    CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "Congratulations, Mr. President!"



    (The crowd erupts in cheers as President Murphy and Chief Justice Roberts shake hands. The Marine Corps Band plays "Hail to the Chief" while the 3rd U.S. Infantry fires off its cannons, saluting the new Commander in Chief)




    (After embracing the new First Lady and his children, President Joseph Edward Murphy shakes hands with former President George W. Bush. He shakes hands with congressional and senate leadership. President Murphy then returns to the lectern and delivers his first inaugural address)






    "My fellow citizens, I come before you today honored by your trust and humbled by the journey ahead. Thank you, President Bush, for your service to our nation and assisting in a smooth and seamless transition between our administrations. My wife and I are grateful for the support you and the First Lady have shown our family. On behalf of a grateful nation, we wish you both the best going forward. 


    Every four years we gather here on these steps and renew the promise of our democracy. It is a tradition we carry on with pride; honored to take part in the peaceful transition of power. But on this day, a sea of voices across this nation call on us to reaffirm more than just our commitment to the Union. This country demands more than just the passing of the baton. For while the foundation of our democracy is strong, the faith in our economy and society has eroded.


    Two hundred years ago, a little boy was born in a little cabin in Kentucky. He was not fortunate enough to inherit any wealth or riches. He possessed no title of nobility or great status in society. But what mattered most to him and guided his steps in life was his integrity and goodwill. That young man was Abraham Lincoln. When he was twenty-eight years old, no one of prominence or stature knew yet of him. He was a simple store clerk in New Salem, Illinois. One day, a woman entered the store and purchased a few goods. After she left, Abe realized that he had overcharged her by six cents. Now, that’s not much, even back then. But after closing the shop, Abe Lincoln walked five miles to return her the money he owed. 


    Abraham Lincoln walked the straight and narrow path for five miles. And the good people of this nation have walked that same path through the good times and bad. Mothers and fathers have held their families together as their college savings and retirement funds dried up. Working class Americans search for whatever work they can find just to pay the bills. Middle-income families do what they can to get by. The character of this nation is determined not by the bottomline but by the strength and resilience of the American people. In these times of great peril and suffering, caused not by their own doing but by the failures of those in leadership, everyday citizens are reminding us of what has always been true of this nation: The soul of America does not lie in the corporate boardroom or the halls of congress. It’s found in the homes of everyday Americans whose perseverance knows no end. It sits at the kitchen table, clipping coupons from the Sunday paper just to help pay the next month’s bills. It stands in the unemployment line, tirelessly searching for both a job and a way out of this nightmare. And it walks five miles on a country road in the dead of night to pay back six cents to a complete stranger.


    The truth is that the soul of this country remains strong in the midst of this present maelstrom. But it is undeniable that the promise of American dream has been defiled and compromised. Last fall, a great sin was exposed in the character of those most privileged in our society. For decades, profit came before progress. Billions of dollars cut from education funding in order to prop up those at the top. Rising healthcare costs left unaddressed so as to profit the insurance companies. A housing industry built on the shifting sands of greed. A government more concerned with bumping up the value of a stock than offering opportunity and a higher standard of living to the people. This economic crisis is the result of the dishonest practices of politicians and profiteers who put K Street ahead of Main Street.   The trust we placed in Wall Street and Pennsylvania Avenue was violated in the most egregious and unjust manner. And the anguish felt by working families finds its source right here in this building behind us. Both lawmakers and stockbrokers alike bear the responsibility for this recession. And it is our responsibility today to find our way back and make good on our word to the American people. 


    The Scriptures declare that ‘Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.’ Any effort to restore the prosperity of this nation will fail  if we do not ensure our institutions are built on the rock of truth. No civilization ever prospered for long through deception and corruption. It is our moral responsibility as public servants and elected representatives of the people to reflect their good character and conduct ourselves accordingly. Across this nation, millions of Americans have lost their jobs and savings as a result of reckless behavior on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. Thousands of dollars wiped out from retirement funds, college savings accounts, and basic income. The American people have been overcharged by far more than six cents of their fortune and dreams. And if Honest Abe would walk five miles to return merely a nickel and a penny to a stranger, what then is our excuse as public servants not to act? 



















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