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Posts posted by Tuna

  1. image.thumb.png.3358326c77adadb9cb1ffedfb1a15140.png



    By the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the United States and the laws and statutes therein, I hereby nominate and appoint the following individuals to serve in the executive branch of the United States of America.


    Section 1: Cabinet-Level Appointments.

    Secretary of Defense: David Petraeus


    Section 2: Executive Nominations.

    Director of OMB: Sheila Bair



    The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.


    In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand this Q3 2017, in the year two thousand and seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-first.



  2. 200px-Seal_of_the_President_of_the_United_States.svg.png




    By the authority vested in me by Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.


    The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register.


    In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand this Q2 2017, in the year two thousand and seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-first.



  3. Vice President Doug Murphy




    "Thank you, Atlanta! I am honored to join you all today here in the Peach State. As beautiful as the drive was in today with the magnolias and eastern redbuds blooming, nothing compares to the faces here today. Your warm welcome is a blessing.


    As our plane touched down today in Georgia, I reflected on the last several weeks in Washington D.C. The dysfunction, the ego, and the rancor. And as I weighed these things, the words of this state's own son Jimmy Carter came to mind. As he once said, 'I believe that anyone can be successful in life, regardless of natural talent or the environment within which we live. This is not based on measuring success by human competitiveness for wealth, possessions, influence, and fame, but adhering to God’s standards of truth, justice, humility, service, compassion, forgiveness, and love.'


    My friends, these are the standards we believe. And they are the very banners that can lead us out of the partisan valley and upward to a new high ground of prosperity, freedom, and family for all citizens. What we need in Washington is not more politics as usual. We need the wisdom of the people here in Georgia.


    Over the last year, we have seen what comes when our national virtues are absent: a political opposition so dysfunctionally twisted into nothing more than an obstinate ball of chaos. It is heartbreaking because there are neighbors of ours, good people, who voted for Republicans and deserved a voice in government. It is disheartening that a highly qualified judge who gave his life to learning and practicing the law would have his word and character sacrificed on a political altar of lies and contradictions. And at the end of the day, the people's business has been held hostage.


    This is the price of political immorality. One can traces the line down from the halls of power to the frontdoor of working Americans, you see the consequences. Corporations able to buy off politicians and stack the deck in elections. What gains we make in healthcare are held at bay by insurance company lobbyists. And the dignity of working people treated like an expendable commodity rather than a God-given right to each and every one of you.


    But does that deter us from trying? Should we give up hope? 


    Of course not.


    It is hope and the promise of tomorrow that are the only reasons we carry on. Hope that our children can grow up in a country better than the one we inherited. Hope that America can live up to its creed to every citizen regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Hope that maybe, just maybe, our politicians can look one another in the eye the same way their constituents do and see a fellow American and not a pawn.


    Even in the midst of all the partisan rancor, we are making moves and breaking through the malaise. Thanks to Senator James, we progressives are on the way to guaranteeing lower drug prices under Medicare for all recipients. Thanks to Senator Clarke, medical research and coverage standards are rising. But our work is not done.


    We will not rest until healthcare is a universal right for all.


    We will not stop until corporate monopolies do not enjoy greater power than the working man, nor will we grow wary before the right to collectively bargain is assured. 


    We refuse to give up on the rights of the LGBTQ community, women, and racial minorities. 


    And we will not give in until the culture of Washington reflects the virtues of America.


    That is our mission. That is our goal. For through, truth, justice, humility, service, compassion, forgiveness, and love, we will reach that better tomorrow. We will see a more bright and just sunrise where the light falls on all and not just those at the top. And we will make America whole and free for all. Thank you, God bless you Georgia and God bless the United States!" 



  4. Name: Doug Murphy

    Media/Outlet: Meet the Press

    Reason: Watford Nomination

    • "Some Republicans are trying to make Watford's support for affirmative action a disqualifier. In that case, Ronald Reagan owes them all an apology.  Because in Grutter v. Bollinger, two of the Gipper's own Supreme Court appointments defended affirmative action with Justice Scalia signing on to O'Connor's majority opinion. If Republicans want to use affirmative action as a litmus test, they should know Scalia would have failed. And they might as well cancel the 2020 GOP presidential debate at the Reagan library."
    • "Even the National Review agrees that the Republican cop-killers talking point is crap. They admitted Watford's amicus brief only objected to Kentucky's protocols for performing executions. They have failed to produce even one shred of evidence, one filing, or one sentence that Paul Watford gives even a ha'penny's worth of leniency to co-killers."  
    • "Bringing up Arizona S.B. 1070 is also a bizarre attack. Nevermind the fact that it was a Republican-appointed Justice on the Supreme Court who wrote the majority opinion striking down parts of S.B. 1070, or that both a Reagan and Bush appointee sided with the majority. What a select few Senate Republicans are saying is that they have no idea how to secure the border, other than locking up people who aren't white. Now I know 90% or more of my conservative friends don't believe that crap. So it's beyond me why Senator Stewart is making his colleagues look so bad with an argument so unfounded." 
    • "Paul Watford is a highly qualified judge with an unquestionable commitment to bridgebuilding and working across the aisle. There is a reason the Republicans have spent more than a year and have been able to do nothing but grasp straws: it's because Watford has a pristine record and is the right man for the job. If he were an extremist, he sure hid it well if we haven't found one example of it in over a year's worth of time."
    • "Now it is time to see whether Republicans have the same type of honor and character of Paul Watford. Will they honor their word to let the American people decide? Or are they just going to keep looking for manufactured excuse after excuse to continue playing ponyloaf games with our legal system?" 
    • Like 1
  5. 2560px-The_Logo_of_The_Washington_Post_N

    Confirm Watford: A Respectful Rebuttal to David J. Stewart



    By Doug Murphy

    Q1, 2017


    The Vice Presidency is a unique thing. 


    Safe to say, my daily routine has changed. My days are mostly consumed by attending briefings, offering my advice to the President, and filling the First Pet's bowl with chow when the need arises. Earlier this week over breakfast, I read the op-ed by Senator David J. Stewart titled "What The Mainstream Media Won't Tell You About Paul Watford."


    Having reviewed my former colleague's remarks, I wish to offer the following thoughts and rebuttal as I write while seated in my living room with a pint of Spotted Cow to round out my evening.


    As a former member of the prestigious legislative body, I can say without hesitation that it is the right and responsibility of every member of the United States Senate to duly consider and make their honest appraisal of the qualifications of Supreme Court nominees. Even if colleagues may reach different conclusions, all we can ask is that they reach their opinions in a responsible and consistent manner.


    Our courts are to be bastions of wise judgment, sound reasoning, and firm precedent. But these values are not exclusive to the judicial branch. Especially so, they must be practiced by the U.S. Senate when considering appointments to our highest court.


    With respect to my friend Senator Stewart, his op-ed fails to do so.


    Senator Stewart's criticisms of Paul Watford's nomination to the United States Supreme Court can be boiled down to three categories: affirmative action, cop-killers, and border security.


    Let us start with the first of these, the question of affirmative action.


    In his op-ed, Senator Stewart accuses his colleagues across the aisle of calling him and other Republicans racist for opposing affirmative action. While I personally cannot speak to any personal interactions he has had with my fellow Democrats in the Senate, it also does not take an Einstein-level mind to grasp that Senator Stewart is being disinegenous with his assertion that Democrats are calling his colleagues racist simply for being at odds over affirmative action.


    As Vice President of the United States and a proud progressive Democrat, I unreservedly support affirmative action. But while I believe opponents of affirmative action unintentionally risk undoing years of progress and racial reconciliation, bad policy does not inherently make one a racist or bigot. Any colleague of mine who accuses a fellow American of being a racist simply on the basis of disagreeing about affirmative action needs to unplug from the Internet and interact with people beyond their cutesy social bubble. However, the truth is no one on my side of the aisle in the Senate or the White House has publicly called Republicans racist for disagreeing with Paul Watford on affirmative action.


    It is also equally disingenuous of Senator Stewart and some of his colleagues to assert affirmative action is a historically left-wing idea. It was President Richard Nixon who was primarily responsible for establishing affirmative action throughout the federal government with Executive Order 11478. Archconservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was able to capitalize on his potential thanks in part to affirmative action. Finally, the two most recent Republican Secretaries of State, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, are both supporters of promoting equality in employment opportunities and the like. 


    All this is to say that good people can disagree with one another on these issues and still recognize their immense value to the public's interest. George W. Bush still nominated Powell and Rice to serve as our nation's top diplomat, despite his opposition to affirmative action. Republicans were tripping over themselves in 1996 to try and convince Powell to run as their standard bearer in the presidential election. And Richard Nixon, for all of his enormous errors and sins, still saw the worth of ideas outside right-wing orthodoxy. 


    Senator Stewart also cites Watford's previous work on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union opposing the controversial Arizona S.B. 1070 on the grounds of racial discrimination. Because by his logic, God forbid we judge people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. 


    The fact of the matter is Senator Stewart's attack rests on a thinly veiled insinuation that securing the border is impossible without assuming criminal intent based solely on race or ethnicity. Not only does this demean Hispanic Americans, but Senator Stewart insults the intelligence and character of his own fellow Republicans who are rightly concerned about border security and harbor no racist attitudes or aims against their fellow citizens. 


    Furthermore, even Republican legal scholars agree there is a worthwhile debate to be had about the constitutionality of Arizona S.B. 1070.  When Arizona v. United States was brought before the Supreme Court in 2012, two of the five Republican-appointed justices ruled that sections 3, 5(C), and 6 of the Arizona law were unconstitutional. This nuanced appraisal produced a 5-3 ruling.


    Senator Stewart continued onward to present Watford as a defender of "cop-killing murderous savages."


    Setting aside the fact that is beneath Senator Stewart to shortchange be shortchanging his own intelligence and the reading audience of The Washington Post with vicious ad hominem attacks like this, this accusation completely misrepresents Watford's amicus brief. The 2007 filing by Watford was on behalf of physicians in Kentucky alarmed with the lack of proper supervision and standards for lethal injections. In no briefing did Watford ever challenge the guilty verdict or need for the harshest just punishment possible for cop-killers. His amicus brief on behalf of the Bluegrass doctors rested solely on concerns of poor protocol. Even the National Review has admitted this to be fact.


    Let us do a thought experiment for a moment. In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, a young rising attorney in the Ford Administration pushed the new President to veto the Freedom of Information Act. Despite the lingering aftermath of Richard Nixon's abuses and the rising public distrust of their government, this newly confirmed Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel urged Gerald Ford to reject FOIA because it would weaken the executive branch. That man's name was Antonin Scalia.


    While I and many other Democrats strongly disagree with Scalia's opinion, it is undeniable that his concerns were rooted in legitimate, albeit subjectively flawed, reasoning. And even though most Americans would agree with my colleagues and I that need for an honest and transparent government outweighed the concerns Scalia raised about the executive branch's authority, no one then or today can deny that differing ideas were not inherently illegitimate or disqualifying. Scalia's time in the Ford Administration did not stop Senate from unanimously confirming him 98-0. And neither Paul Watford's service with the ACLU to oppose a thorny and controversial state law deny him his due confirmation.


    That ultimately leads to the final two questions facing Senate Republicans. Do you still believe in the Supreme Court as an institution free of political litmus tests and favoritism? And does your word as a public servant matter? 


    If Senate Republicans were to reject Watford's nomination, it would tear down the constitutional ramparts essential for an independent and functioning judiciary branch. Prospective Supreme Court candidates in the future would no longer rely on sound judgment but rather on political pandering and theatrics to advance their careers. A sacred body of legal giants would instead be reduced to a coterie of political cronies, nine hacky stooges with little capacity for anything beyond returning favors and cashing government checks.


    What's more, it would destroy public faith and trust in the Republican Party. And as much as it pains this lifelong Democrat from Wisconsin to admit (and at this point of the night it may be the beer talking), we need a strong and contributive Republican Party. 


    During the 2016 presidential campaign, the current Republican Senate Minority Leader Cliff Fleming declared, "Senate Republicans have said repeatedly that we want to give the American people a say" in regard to who picks the next Supreme Court justice.


    Well, the American people have spoken. After more than a year of campaigning and intensive scrutiny of Paul Watford's record, voters elected Xiomara de la Cruz to the presidency and flipped the Senate to the Democrats. My colleagues and I respected the Senator Fleming's demands and left it to the voters to decide. And President de la Cruz honored the trust of the electorate by carrying on the Watford nomination.


    Now, the ball is in the Republican Party's court. Does their word mean anything? Or does only one party in Washington still have ears to hear and listen to the will of the American people? And is there still a will and desire in both parties for a wise and impartial Supreme Court? We will have to wait and see. 

    • Like 2
  6. Name: Vice President Doug Murphy (D-WI)

    Media/Outlet: CNN

    Reason: Watford Nomination

    • "Remember where we were last year. A vacancy opened on the Supreme Court. The Senate Republican majority established a new precedent out of thin air that the winning party should decide the next Supreme Court nominee to fill that vacancy. Let the people decide, they said. And we Democrats agreed to play by their rules. Well, the American people did decide. And their choice was President Xiomara de la Cruz and a Democratic Senate."
    • "Paul Watford is a highly qualified, fair-minded judge. He is not an ideologue, he will hear all sides, and he will serve the Constitution over any fringe interests. The proof is in the pudding. Look at the dilemma it has placed Senate Republicans in. Good government Republicans, the ones who actually won and cause trouble for us Democrats come November, they're coming out in support of Watford. Meanwhile, you have chaos cronies like Cliff Fleming, the same guys who lost their party's control of the Senate, opposing Watford's nomination and grasping at straws to find any half-baked reason."
    • "The American people are watching. They made their choice clear last November. And they see who in each party is honoring their vote versus who continues to ignore and marginalize their voice. Losers will continue lose, continue to whine, continue to dig themselves into a deeper hole. Meanwhile, Americans will continue to support winning and forward-minded candidates in both parties, the type of leaders who understand and will affirm that Paul Watford deserves to be on the Supreme Court." 
    • Like 1
  7. Name: Doug Murphy
    Media: Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN

    Reason: Supreme Court vacancy

    • "Set aside all the drama and derived talking points, Anderson. These chickenloaf games McConnell is playing with the Supreme Court, he's doing it for reasons that neither he nor any of the Republican presidential candidates will publicly admit: they're gunning for Roe, Obergefell, and Windsor. They view this not as an opportunity to confirm a highly qualified justice who will serve the people. Rather it's a tawdry attempt by them to legislate from the bench what they could never get done at the ballot box or in Congress. Why? Because the American people would never stand for it."
    • "And let's not get it twisted. This low-brow dumpster politicking is exactly how Kat McCord, Rollins, and Kuykendall will govern. Ignore the norms of our democracy, shirk the other side, split us apart and undermine our legal system to satisfy the corporate donors and fringes. By hook or by crook, they will find any excuse imaginable to avoid engaging across the aisle or fulfilling their responsibilities as elected officials, as long as it means more power in their pockets. If McCord, Rollins, and Kuykendall want the American people to believe they are serious about uniting the country, they will stand up to Mitch McConnell and prove their merit as good government conservatives." 
    • "If Senate Republicans going to force the rest of the country through nine months of this nonsense, if they're going to say let the people decide the next president decide, then the American people are well within their right to expect a swift confirmation of whoever the next President nominates and puts forward. If they're going to set this standard, they better abide by it."
    • Check 1
  8. s8lR9uM.png





    Campaign Budget

    Starting: $46,000,000.00

    This Round Expenditures:

    Infrastructure: $34,000,000.00

    Ads: $11,000,000

    Balance: $1,000,000


    APs Budget 40/40






    Offices and GOTV:

    Virginia (T3): 


    GOTV: $1,500,000



    Michigan (T3): 





    Georgia (T3): 





    Massachusetts (T3):

    Office $1,500,000




    North Carolina (T3):

    Office $1,500,000




    California (T4): 





    Texas (T4): 





    Alabama (T2): 





    Tennessee (T2)

    Office: $1,000,000




    Minnesota (T2):





    Colorado (T1):

    Office: $1,000,000




    Arkansas (T1):

    Office: $500,000



    Total: 32,000,000 


    GOTV Only:

    Arkansas (T1): $500,000

    American Samoa (T1): $500,000

    Puerto Rico (T1): $500,000

    Vermont (T1): $500,000

    Total amount: $2,000,000

    Grand Total:$34,000,000




    Stump Speech #1


    Locations: Los Angeles County, San Diego County

    Targets: deSonido voters, Working Class Democrats, Hispanic voters

    APs Used: 8


    Thank you California, I am honored to be here today with you all. My wife and whole family are humbled by your support. We are headed down the homestretch of a primary race, the general election may lie ahead of us. But there is a bigger challenge facing our nation that has brought us here today.


    Two years ago, I visited the National Chavez Center up in Keene. To learn of the legacy of Cesar Chavez, a man whose immense integrity was only surpassed by his love for his fellow man, is to learn of the best of America. His life, from the Delano Grape Strike to the public fasts joined by Senator Kennedy, is more than just hallowed pages in a history book. Though gone from us, Cesar Chavez's memory and impact lives on today as the lighthouse a nation in need of hope.  If there is one thing that I have learned from his example, it is that progress and hope for tomorrow begins with bold leadership that fearlessly rejects preconceptions of what cannot be.


    Eight years ago, America elected a young senator from Illinois to lead us out of the turmoil and disgrace of the Bush-Cheney years. The mountains ahead were daunting. The doubters and naysayers were many. But President Barack Obama proved more than just his mettle. He demonstrated the unmistakable truth of America: that through courage, character, and devotion to the promise of this land, yes we can overcome the obstacles before us.


    We now stand here today in 2016 with another range to climb. Whether it be income inequality, the deficit of education and healthcare, ISIS, or climate change, we have our work cut out for us. But make no mistake. We stand here today in a much better place and on much steadier ground to scale the mountains before us than we were four years ago. Our economy is growing. Unemployment is down. Our troops are beginning to return from Afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands of young people are protected from the threat of deportation thanks to DACA. And for the first time in generations, the number of uninsured Americans President Obama did not put his political career on the line to pass the Affordable Care Act, only for us to now rest on his laurels and do nothing. He did not pull the economy back from the brink of a Great Depression, only for us to to shrug and walk away while challenges new and old await. He did not take a stand for marriage equality for us to now pack up our tents and retreat to comfort zones of political convenience. And President Obama did not save General Motors and Chrysler from bankruptcy only for us to sit on the sidelines while working people struggle for hope and a future.


    The chants of 'Yes We Can' will echo forever as a testament to the leadership of President Barack Obama. And it is our duty today to make sure that message and call to action never fades away or fails to inspire to tackle the real and present problems facing America. Great work has been done. And now it is on us to step up and carry on the task. 


    This election is a fight for the future of working and middle-class Americans. Though much progress has been made, the road ahead is long and demands a quickened pace. The American dream is slipping away. We have done a lot to keep it within reach. But we are still miles from where we need to be. The urgency of this moment is felt in every middle-class, single garage home, in every small apartment and public housing unit, from the biggest of cities to the quietest of small towns. 


    So when you have Katherine McCord declaring war on public school teachers, pledging to kick millions of Americans off their health insurance, and backed by the guy whose big plan was to give hedge managers and trust fund kids immunity from taxation, don't tell me there's a new and improved GOP coming to the table this election. When everyday Americans are paying more for their medical bills than any other country on earth, and then Republicans like Rollins Folks call for Medicare and Medicaid benefit growth to be slashed by as much as 75% (see page 6 of Rollins platform), miss me with that baloney about your vote not mattering. it is no longer just trickle-down they're selling. It's gratuitous bloodletting of our blue-collar communities masquerading as populist medicine. The Republican slate can wear Levis all they want and stop at every last bar until they're stumbling down the stairs of their luxury campaign motorcoaches. But anyone who grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood like mine can tell the frauds from the true friends by who has callouses on their hands, a plan in their pocket, and the people in their heart. We know how to get the job done. And it takes bold action


    In the face of this unparalleled assault on our working class, we cannot be complacent. We cannot afford a nominee who refuses to support a public option while millions continue to go uncovered, won't negotiate fair prices on healthcare costs for everyone as mothers and fathers tap into their savings just to keep their sons and daughters healthy, and offers not a penny of student loan forgiveness for the hundreds of thousands of young people in this state living under the yolk of predatory lending. Sitting on our hands and merely playing defense over the progress of the last eight years is not a blueprint for success. It's a white flag of failure. We will not win a better tomorrow, much less protect what we have built, if we as Democrats are unwilling to diagnose the ills of both the economy and our society and then aggressively invest in working families as the solution. 


    That is why I am in this race. Because the people who have been forgotten in this country, the working men and women are the best of us. The Americans who work the assembly and the checkout lines, who sit in the cubicle and the forklift, who steer the big rig and teach our young people. The folks who I know on a first name basis. It's time we invested in them again, restoring the American dream to every household and making it a reality for everyone. 


    I will put the working people of California first again instead of the upper crustaceans of Wall Street. I will deliver to every family here in this state and across this country an additional $3,000 of tax relief per child every year with the Child Tax Credit. Just like Social Security, we will invest and protect our young people and working families from the scourge of poverty through a tried and true method. For the average family of four here in Iowa, we're talking about a minimum of $6,000 more per year to work with. We'll make healthcare and education a reality and human right for our sons and daughters rather than a luxury. Not only will we close the coverage cap in the Affordable Care Act, but we will lower costs by opening up Medicare for everyone who wants a better and safer option, bargain fair prices for Americans young and old, and expand rural health clinics and telehealth so you don't have to drive to an emergency room just to get your annual physical. Finally, we have to take care of the tens of thousands of young people who are going to college, want to go to college, or simply want to find a steady line of work that pays well. Not only will I forgive $25,000 from all undergraduate student loans, but I will hold the feet of university administrators to the fire. If they don't start cutting costs, we'll begin redirecting PELL Grants and financial aid elsewhere to colleges who actually give a damn about their students' financial futures. I will guarantee universal community college, double PELL Grant funding, raise the minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie it to the cost of living index, and provide reemployment insurance and job training to everyone so no citizen is ever unable to find a good line of income. 

    Finally, we must stand up against those who seek to pit working people against immigrants. Some on the far-right are trying to break our collective power for change by tapping into the worse impulses, stoking the fires of xenophobia, trying to milk any last votes they can out of fear and anger. To them, I say this. If you truly care for the working citizen and the future of this country, consider the words of Cesar Chavez. 'Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.' 


    We have room in America for all those who are here and all those of good faith who seek a new horizon of possibilities at our shores. Therefore, to ensure that room is not wasted, I will pass and sign into law the DREAM Code and codify President Obama's DACA program. I will work with Congress to pass legislation granting legal status and work permits for undocumented couples with children who have lived here in the United States for more than five years. My Administration will secure our border in a humane way that protects human rights, shelters refugees and young children, and honors the right of all to build a better future for them and their families. 


    This election is the fight for the country we know and believe in. It is a struggle passed onto us by those who came before us, who paved the way for our moment, and we must not let down their sacrifice. The progress we have made over the last eight years gives us hope, determination, and fervency to build anew. Let us not abandon that hope out of fear, let us not allow determination to slip away into subjugation, and dare we not give up and surrender the chance to restore the American dream for all of God's children. 


    California, stand with me today. Join us. Work with us. And together, we will turn the golden horizon into a better today for all. God bless you, God bless your family, and God bless the United States of America!" 


    Stump Speech #2


    Locations: Harris County, Dallas County

    Targets: deSonido voters, Working Class Democrats, Hispanic voters

    APs Used: 8


    "Thank you! I am honored to join you all here today. A famous author once said that ‘Texas’ is not just a place but a state of mind. What others call swagger, Texans simply consider it walking. Your warm welcome has been a blessing to my family and me. As soon as we got here, I turned to my wife and quoted from the great Vince Gill. ‘Honey, I'll take Texas every time.’


    My friends we all know why we are here today. It doesn’t take a Ph.D. to see there is a deficit of hope and trust in America. You look around this state and you see how elected officials have turned away. The highest uninsured rate in America with one in five citizens going without access to the healthcare and medicine they need. The second worst poverty rate with more than four million people living without the means to an earnest living. And a Governor more interested in taking away the rights of women and immigrants than giving back the promise of this land for working people.


    What makes the contrast even greater is that we know that is not the true heart and soul of Texas. Just down the road from here is the LBJ Ranch. In a small dusty corner of your state, a mighty man of compassion and leadership arose. Yes, he was a flawed giant as Robert Caro put it. But that giant lifted up millions of our fellow citizens and placed them on his broad shoulders to carry them to a better tomorrow. Through his strength and dedication, we now have Medicare and Medicaid, civil rights and the Voting Rights Act, Head Start, school breakfasts, and an immigration system that welcomes all regardless of origin or race.


    That is the spirit of Texas. To build, to progress, to care for our fellow citizen. And to continue moving the ball forward.


    Eight years ago, America elected a young senator from Illinois to lead us out of the turmoil and disgrace of the Bush-Cheney years. The mountains ahead were daunting. The doubters and naysayers were many. But President Barack Obama proved more than just his mettle. He demonstrated the unmistakable truth of America: that through courage, character, and devotion to the promise of this land, yes we can overcome the obstacles before us.


    We now stand here today in 2016 with another range to climb. Whether it be income inequality, the deficit of education and healthcare, ISIS, or climate change, we have our work cut out for us. But make no mistake. We stand here today in a much better place and on much steadier ground to scale the mountains before us than we were four years ago. Our economy is growing. Unemployment is down. Our troops are beginning to return from Afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands of young people are protected from the threat of deportation thanks to DACA. And for the first time in generations, the number of uninsured Americans President Obama did not put his political career on the line to pass the Affordable Care Act, only for us to now rest on his laurels and do nothing. He did not pull the economy back from the brink of a Great Depression, only for us to to shrug and walk away while challenges new and old await. He did not take a stand for marriage equality for us to now pack up our tents and retreat to comfort zones of political convenience. And President Obama did not save General Motors and Chrysler from bankruptcy only for us to sit on the sidelines while working people struggle for hope and a future.


    The chants of 'Yes We Can' will echo forever as a testament to the leadership of President Barack Obama. And it is our duty today to make sure that message and call to action never fades away or fails to inspire to tackle the real and present problems facing America. Great work has been done. And now it is on us to step up and carry on the task. 


    This election is a fight for the future of working and middle-class Americans. Though much progress has been made, the road ahead is long and demands a quickened pace. The American dream is slipping away. We have done a lot to keep it within reach. But we are still miles from where we need to be. The urgency of this moment is felt in every middle-class, single garage home, in every small apartment and public housing unit, from the biggest of cities to the quietest of small towns. 


    So when you have Katherine McCord declaring war on public school teachers, pledging to kick millions of Americans off their health insurance, and backed by the guy whose big plan was to give hedge managers and trust fund kids immunity from taxation, don't tell me there's a new and improved GOP coming to the table this election. When everyday Americans are paying more for their medical bills than any other country on earth, and then Republicans like Rollins Folks call for Medicare and Medicaid benefit growth to be slashed by as much as 75% (see page 6 of Rollins platform), miss me with that baloney about your vote not mattering. it is no longer just trickle-down they're selling. It's gratuitous bloodletting of our blue-collar communities masquerading as populist medicine. The Republican slate can wear Levis all they want and stop at every last bar until they're stumbling down the stairs of their luxury campaign motorcoaches. But anyone who grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood like mine can tell the frauds from the true friends by who has callouses on their hands, a plan in their pocket, and the people in their heart. We know how to get the job done. And it takes bold action


    In the face of this unparalleled assault on our working class, we cannot be complacent. We cannot afford a nominee who refuses to support a public option while millions continue to go uncovered, won't negotiate fair prices on healthcare costs for everyone as mothers and fathers tap into their savings just to keep their sons and daughters healthy, and offers not a penny of student loan forgiveness for the hundreds of thousands of young people in this state living under the yolk of predatory lending. Sitting on our hands and merely playing defense over the progress of the last eight years is not a blueprint for success. It's a white flag of failure. We will not win a better tomorrow, much less protect what we have built, if we as Democrats are unwilling to diagnose the ills of both the economy and our society and then aggressively invest in working families as the solution. 


    That is why I am in this race. Because the people who have been forgotten in this country, the working men and women are the best of us. The Americans who work the assembly and the checkout lines, who sit in the cubicle and the forklift, who steer the big rig and teach our young people. The folks who I know on a first-name basis. It's time we invested in them again, restoring the American dream to every household and making it a reality for everyone. 


    I will put the working Texans first again instead of the upper crustaceans of Wall Street. I will deliver to every family here in this state and across this country an additional $3,000 of tax relief per child every year with the Child Tax Credit. Just like Social Security, we will invest and protect our young people and working families from the scourge of poverty through a tried and true method. For the average family of four here in Iowa, we're talking about a minimum of $6,000 more per year to work with. We'll make healthcare and education a reality and human right for our sons and daughters rather than a luxury. Not only will we close the coverage cap in the Affordable Care Act, but we will lower costs by opening up Medicare for everyone who wants a better and safer option, bargain fair prices for Americans young and old, and expand rural health clinics and telehealth so you don't have to drive to an emergency room just to get your annual physical. Finally, we have to take care of the tens of thousands of young people who are going to college, want to go to college, or simply want to find a steady line of work that pays well. Not only will I forgive $25,000 from all undergraduate student loans, but I will hold the feet of university administrators to the fire. If they don't start cutting costs, we'll begin redirecting PELL Grants and financial aid elsewhere to colleges who actually give a damn about their students' financial futures. I will guarantee universal community college, double PELL Grant funding, raise the minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie it to the cost of living index, and provide reemployment insurance and job training to everyone so no citizen is ever unable to find a good line of income. 

    Finally, we must stand up against those who seek to pit working people against immigrants. Some on the far-right are trying to break our collective power for change by tapping into the worse impulses, stoking the fires of xenophobia, trying to milk any last votes they can out of fear and anger. The truth is we have room in America for all those who are here and all those of good faith who seek a new horizon of possibilities at our shores. Therefore, to ensure that room is not wasted, I will pass and sign into law the DREAM Code and codify President Obama's DACA program. I will work with Congress to pass legislation granting legal status and work permits for undocumented couples with children who have lived here in the United States for more than five years. My Administration will secure our border in a humane way that protects human rights, shelters refugees and young children, and honors the right of all to build a better future for them and their families. 


    This election is the fight for the country we know and believe in. It is a struggle passed onto us by those who came before us, who paved the way for our moment, and we must not let down their sacrifice. The progress we have made over the last eight years gives us hope, determination, and fervency to build anew. Let us not abandon that hope out of fear, let us not allow determination to slip away into subjugation, and dare we not give up and surrender the chance to restore the American dream for all of God's children. 


    Texas, stand with me today. Join us. Work with us. And together, we will make this country the country it was meant to be. God bless you, God bless America! And God bless the great state of Texas!" 


    Stump Speech #3


    Locations: Wayne County

    Targets: deSonido voters, Union Voters, Working Class Democrats

    APs Used: 4


    "Thank you, Detroit! It is my pleasure to join you all today here in the Motor City. My friends, every so often, fate has it that a group of people are blessed with the chance to rise and build a better tomorrow. And this election, fate has found us and extended its blessing. 


    It was here in this city in 1935 that the United Autoworkers were formed. Amidst the Great Depression, ravaged by the scourge of poverty and corporate abuse, the working men and women of this state stood up for their fair share in the economy. And standing right beside them, fighting for them, was their President. For the first time, they had their man Franklin D. Roosevelt who did not bow to the demands of the intransigient few. He stood for the aspirational many, for the rights of the good, salt of the earth American. 


    That is the spirit of this state. And that is our legacy as proud Democrats. It is a legacy that was honored by our current President, Barack Obama, who saved General Motors and Ford Motor Company. Without him, both your state and mine would have been decimated. The mountains ahead were daunting. The doubters and naysayers were many. But President Barack Obama proved more than just his mettle. He demonstrated the unmistakable truth of America: that through courage, character, and devotion to the promise of this land, yes we can overcome the obstacles before us.


    We now stand here today in 2016 with another range to climb. Whether it be income inequality, the deficit of education and healthcare, ISIS, or climate change, we have our work cut out for us. But make no mistake. We stand here today in a much better place and on much steadier ground to scale the mountains before us than we were four years ago. Our economy is growing. Unemployment is down. Our troops are beginning to return from Afghanistan. Hundreds of thousands of young people are protected from the threat of deportation thanks to DACA. And for the first time in generations, the number of uninsured Americans President Obama did not put his political career on the line to pass the Affordable Care Act, only for us to now rest on his laurels and do nothing. He did not pull the economy back from the brink of a Great Depression, only for us to to shrug and walk away while challenges new and old await. He did not take a stand for marriage equality for us to now pack up our tents and retreat to comfort zones of political convenience. And President Obama did not save General Motors and Chrysler from bankruptcy only for us to sit on the sidelines while working people struggle for hope and a future.


    The chants of 'Yes We Can' will echo forever as a testament to the leadership of President Barack Obama. And it is our duty today to make sure that message and call to action never fades away or fails to inspire to tackle the real and present problems facing America. Great work has been done. And now it is on us to step up and carry on the task. 


    This election is a fight for the future of working and middle-class Americans. Though much progress has been made, the road ahead is long and demands a quickened pace. The American dream is slipping away. We have done a lot to keep it within reach. But we are still miles from where we need to be. The urgency of this moment is felt in every middle-class, single-garage home, in every small apartment and public housing unit, from the biggest of cities to the quietest of small towns. 


    And above all, it is felt in the kitchens and bathrooms of every home in Flint forced to drink the poisoned, toxic drinking water because a corrupt Governor put corporations before the people. A Governor and his cronies who should be under federal investigation and prosecution.


    So when you have Katherine McCord declaring war on public school teachers, pledging to kick millions of Americans off their health insurance, and backed by the guy whose big plan was to give hedge managers and trust fund kids immunity from taxation, don't tell me there's a new and improved GOP coming to the table this election. When everyday Americans are paying more for their medical bills than any other country on earth, and then Republicans like Rollins Folks call for Medicare and Medicaid benefit growth to be slashed by as much as 75% (see page 6 of Rollins platform), miss me with that baloney about your vote not mattering. it is no longer just trickle-down they're selling. It's gratuitous bloodletting of our blue-collar communities masquerading as populist medicine. The Republican slate can wear Levis all they want and stop at every last bar until they're stumbling down the stairs of their luxury campaign motorcoaches. But anyone who grew up in a blue-collar neighborhood like mine can tell the frauds from the true friends by who has callouses on their hands, a plan in their pocket, and the people in their heart. We know how to get the job done. And it takes bold action.


    In the face of this unparalleled assault on our working class, we cannot be complacent. Complacency means lead pipes and American children poisoned by their own politicians.


    We cannot afford a nominee who refuses to support a public option while millions continue to go uncovered, won't stand up against corrupt trade deals like TPP or NAFTA, and won't negotiate fair prices on healthcare costs for everyone as mothers and fathers tap into their savings just to keep their sons and daughters healthy.


    Sitting on our hands and merely playing defense over the progress of the last eight years is not a blueprint for success. It's a white flag of failure. We will not win a better tomorrow, much less protect what we have built, if we as Democrats are unwilling to diagnose the ills of both the economy and our society and then aggressively invest in working families as the solution. 


    That is why I am in this race. Because the people who have been forgotten in this country, the working men and women are the best of us. The Americans who work the assembly and the checkout lines, who sit in the cubicle and the forklift, who steer the big rig and teach our young people. The folks who I know on a first name basis. It's time we invested in them again, restoring the American dream to every household and making it a reality for everyone. 


    That starts with restoring collective bargaining and taking on the anti-union politicians in Lansing and Washington. We will pass the Employee Free Choice, force a renegotiation of NAFTA and the TPP with labor representatives at the table, and end forced arbitration that forces workers and employees to waive their right to sue during disputes with corporations. I will bring back good paying union jobs by letting factory construction costs be written off on taxes.  More collective bargaining, more jobs, more automobiles and auto parts produced right here in the United States starting with Michigan.


    I will put the working Michiganders first again instead of the upper crustaceans of Wall Street. I will deliver to every family here in this state and across this country an additional $3,000 of tax relief per child every year with the Child Tax Credit. Just like Social Security, we will invest and protect our young people and working families from the scourge of poverty through a tried and true method. For the average family of four here in Iowa, we're talking about a minimum of $6,000 more per year to work with. We'll make healthcare and education a reality and human right for our sons and daughters rather than a luxury. Not only will we close the coverage cap in the Affordable Care Act, but we will lower costs by opening up Medicare for everyone who wants a better and safer option, bargain fair prices for Americans young and old, and expand rural health clinics and telehealth so you don't have to drive to an emergency room just to get your annual physical. Finally, we have to take care of the tens of thousands of young people who are going to college, want to go to college, or simply want to find a steady line of work that pays well. Not only will I forgive $25,000 from all undergraduate student loans, but I will hold the feet of university administrators to the fire. If they don't start cutting costs, we'll begin redirecting PELL Grants and financial aid elsewhere to colleges who actually give a damn about their students' financial futures. I will guarantee universal community college, double PELL Grant funding, raise the minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie it to the cost of living index, and provide reemployment insurance and job training to everyone so no citizen is ever unable to find a good line of income.


    And finally, I will rebuild this state's crumbling infrastructure. It isn't just the water pipelines. It's time to fix the damn potholes. As President, I will pass the largest infrastructure bill since the Eisenhower Administration. We will mend every last bridge, fix every pothole, and above all save the children of Flint. I will send in the Army Corps of Engineers and waive every last stupid bureaucratic rule to get the water running again through the pipes instead of poison. And you can be damned sure I'll appoint an Attorney General who will investigate the Governor and all guilty parties for the crime against humanity that occurred in Flint. 


    This election is the fight for the country we know and believe in. It is a struggle passed onto us by those who came before us, who paved the way for our moment, and we must not let down their sacrifice. The progress we have made over the last eight years gives us hope, determination, and fervency to build anew. Let us not abandon that hope out of fear, let us not allow determination to slip away into subjugation, and dare we not give up and surrender the chance to restore the American dream for all of God's children. 


    Michigan, stand with me today. Join us. Work with us. And together, we will make this country the country it was meant to be. God bless you, God bless the working people of Michigan, and God bless America!"



    Surrogate Speech #1

    Surrogate: Senator Katrina Valdez (D-VA)

    Location: Arlington, VA

    Target: Suburban Democrats, Female Voters, Working Democrats

    APs Used: 2


    "Ladies and Gentlemen, friends, and families of Virginia, I'm honored to stand before you today, not just as a voice for change but as a passionate advocate for a man whose vision for our future resonates with our shared values. That man is Doug Murphy, and he's running to represent us, champion our shared values, and ignite a revolution of prosperity and care that our communities so desperately need.


    Imagine, just for a moment, a world where every child's potential is nurtured from the start, where families thrive under the umbrella of support that only a true community can provide. Doug Murphy doesn't just imagine this world; he's laying the blueprint to build it. His plan to expand the Child Tax Credit to $4,000 per child, with an additional $1,000 for our youngest ones, is more than a policy; it's a promise. A promise that in Doug Murphy's America, we lift each other up, reducing child poverty by an astonishing 75%, and putting working and middle-class families first with the most significant tax break in our history.


    But Doug knows our dreams don't stop at financial support. He envisions a Virginia where universal childcare, daycare, and Pre-K are not luxuries but rights for every family, empowering parents and setting our children on a path to success from day one. This vision is about creating a future where our children play in safe streets, where their education starts early, and their opportunities are endless.


    Doug Murphy stands with every worker in times of need, promising two months of paid family and medical leave. In Doug's Virginia, no one should choose between caring for a loved one and their livelihood. This isn't just policy; it's empathy in action, funded by ensuring that those at the top contribute their fair share to the society that's given them so much.


    Let's talk about dignity; Doug Murphy believes in the dignity of work, so he's fighting to raise the minimum wage to $13 an hour, ensuring that no job is a dead-end but a stepping stone to a brighter future.


    Tonight, let's unite behind Doug Murphy. Let's bring this vision to life. Together, we can write the next great chapter in our story, a chapter filled with hope, prosperity, and care for every family. With Doug Murphy, our best days are not behind us; they're just over the horizon. Let's embark on this journey together. Thank you!"


    Surrogate Speech #2

    Surrogate: Senator Diego Everhart (D-PA)

    Location: Atlanta, Georgia

    Target: deSonido voters, Union Voters, Working Class Democrats

    APs Used: 2

    "Over the last eight years, America has done the unthinkable. We took the greatest economic disaster since the Great Recession and turned it into the greatest economic expansion ever. While the Republican party said the nation go under, we said invest and believe in America! Today, these same Republicans still bet against our nation. They threaten to cut Social Security, threaten to weaken our unions and threaten to turn the American dream into a nightmare. But Under a Murphy Administration, we will continue to seize change and bet on our nation. We hav achieved so much but yet we still have ways to go. Change is realizing the Americans aren’t asking for a handout, but they’re asking for a hand up. A hand up into a workforce democracy, that will protect your rights to collective bargaining and put an end to corporate exploitation A hand up into a fair and livable wage, that  will protect the American family and ensure that no family should have to work two jobs to make ends meet Americans want a change from never ending wars which puts American lives at risk and wastes trillions of taxpayer dollars, to instead invest into our infrastructure and to create jobs that and an education system to help prepare our children find the solve the problems of tomorrow. Americans want a nation that i tightly knit as our red, white and blue, which is why this campaign will always for those who has been left out, counted out and knocked down, Because when America wins, we all win."


    Surrogate Speech #3

    Surrogate: Senator Diego Everhart (D-PA)

    Location: Flint, Michigan

    Target: deSonido voters, Union Voters, Working Class Democrats

    APs Used: 2

    "We must get back to the crux of our issues, and push an agenda that supports blue collar workers, unions and Americans everywhere. And it's time for us to fix the damn waterpipes here in Flint. While some Republican's yell and rave about being isolationist, Doug Murphy understands that America does better when we work with our allies and not against. As President, Doug Murphy will correct the wrong of the TPP and NAFTA and secure a fair trade deal that  benefits all Americans while cementing our values in free trade. As President, he will work the WTO, to place international pressure on China with our allies to force them to the negotiating table. We will renegotiate our trade deals with China to place more protections on the American worker, protect the intellectual property of our entrepreneurs and fight for a fair trading system for the American farmer. And he will fix the waterpiplines. We must realize that America hold great influence and power, and that power is greatly  yielded when American is working in tandem with its allies and not alone."


    Surrogate Speech #4

    Surrogate: Former Vice President Al Gore (D-TN)

    Location: Nashville, Tennessee

    Target: Traditional Democratic voters, deSonido Voters, Lower-Income Voters

    APs Used: 2


    • "The Murphy Administration will expand the Child Tax Credit to $4,000 per child with an additional $1,000 annually for newborns, infants, and toddlers (0-2 years old) for Americans earning up to $150,000 per year. It will also conver the CTC into a tax rebate guaranteed to reach every American household.  It will guarantee all workers and their families two months of paid family and medical leave with a minimum benefit of $580 per month, a maximum benefit of $3,000, and a baseline benefit of 50% of the highest earning year of the last year.
    • "President Murphy will establish universal paid family and medical leave, pass universal childcare, daycare, and Pre-K, and raise the federal minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie to the cost of living index."
      "Healthcare is a human right. President Murphy will expand the ACA by closing the coverage gap, opening Medicare up for all Americans, and bargaining fair prices for all citizens on their medical bills."


    Surrogate Speech #5

    Surrogate: Governor Mark Dayton (D-MN)

    Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Target: deSonido voters, Union Voters, Working Class Democrats

    APs Used: 2

    • President Murphy will expand collective bargaining through the Employee Free Choice Act, go back to the bargaining table on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and NAFTA, and end forced arbitration that forces workers and employees to waive their right to sue during disputes with corporations.
    • President Murphy will establish universal paid family and medical leave, pass universal childcare, daycare, and Pre-K, and raise the federal minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie to the cost of living index.
    • President Murphy will bring back good-paying union jobs with benefits by letting businesses that build factories and mining operations here in Minnesota to write off half the cost on their taxes.


    Surrogate Speech #6

    Surrogate: former Governor Deval Patrick (D-MA)

    Location: Boston, Massachusetts

    APs Used: 2 

    "Amidst the cynics who claim our nation is lost, I stand as living proof that investing in a brighter future and our people is possible. As Massachusetts' first African American Governor, I embody the realization of the American dream. Despite doubters, leaders like Doug Murphy recognize America's strength and untapped potential. We'll unite with women nationwide for economic rights and bodily autonomy, alongside paid parental leave. Empowering entrepreneurs will drive us into the 21st century, as we fight for a livable wage like we've done in Massachusetts. Under a Doug Murphy Administration, quality healthcare will be accessible to all, while confronting inflated prices from big pharma. Together, we'll unleash America's true potential through unity, innovation, and unwavering progress, ensuring every citizen thrives and the American dream is attainable for all."





    Type: Internet Ad

    Targeting Methods: Algorithm will favor users who frequently search the following terms: (deSonido, Camilo, minimum wage, progressive,  Nolan Stokes, Stokes, Marianne, Marianne Williamson, Kulinski, Sam Seder, Turks, Young Turks, TYT, Cenk) and users who favor the following sites: (Daily Kos, Mother Jones, The American Prospect, MSNBC, The Majority Report, The Young Turks, The Daily Show)

    Total Money Invested: $11,000,000


    Ad Details



    HEADER: "Vote Progressive this Tuesday"

    ROLLING IMAGE MONTAGE: (Images roll through including pictures of Murphy shaking hands with young people on a college campus, talking with members of student government, meeting with union workers at a precinct) 

    SUBHEADER: "Doug Murphy is the only candidate who"


    "- believes in Medicare should be available for EVERYONE

    - believes in Student Loan forgiveness

    - will raise the minimum wage in two years

    - will bring back good-paying union jobs by taking on corrupt trade deals

    - will negotiate fair medical prices for EVERYONE."

    BOTTOM TEXT: "Stand Up for What You Believe! Vote Murphy!" 




    Hispanic Voters (2 APs)


    California: Los Angeles County

    Texas: Harris County

    • “My administration will deliver the DREAM Act and codify Preisident Obama's DACA program. I will also grant legal status and work permits for undocumented couples with children who have lived here in the United States for more than five, provided they have committed no other crimes and pay any back taxes."
    • "America is built on a foundation of working class family ethics. I will expand the Child Tax Credit to $4,000 per child with an additional $1,000 annually for newborns, infants, and toddlers (0-2 years old) for Americans earning up to $150,000 per year. I will also conver the CTC into a tax rebate guaranteed to reach every American household.  I will guarantee all workers and their families two months of paid family and medical leave with a minimum benefit of $580 per month, a maximum benefit of $3,000, and a baseline benefit of 50% of the highest earning year of the last year. Finally, family economics means family time. I will establish universal paid family and medical leave, pass universal childcare, daycare, and Pre-K, and raise the federal minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie to the cost of living index."


    deSonido Voters (6 APs)


    California: Los Angeles County, San Diego County

    Texas: Harris County, Dallas County

    Michigan: Wayne County

    Georgia: Fulton County

    • “I am the only candidate in this race who is a true progressive and can deliver on the policy agenda that deSonido championed. For young people, I am the only candidate in either party who will erase $25,000 of student loans. I will also double PELL grants, take on high tuition costs, and guarantee universal housing for everyone."
    • "I am the only candidate in this race who believes it is a responsibility of society and our government to provide universal healthcare for everyone. I support making Medicare open for everyone. And I alone support bargaining fair price ranges for everyone on their medical bills."
    • "I am the only Democratic candidate who supports doubling the minimum wage over the next two years and tying it to the cost of living index. I will also provide universal childcare, daycare, Pre-K, and community college so the United States finally joins the modern age." 




    Fundraising Targets: Civil Rights organizations, Construction industry, Unions

    Fundraising Methods: Emailing List, High Dollar Galas

    Fundraising Focus: 

    Civil Rights organizations

    • I pledge to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights, end racist gerrymandering, ending the era of mass incarceration, taking on discriminatory Voter ID laws, and true police reform.
    • I will protect Americans from mass deportation by passing the DREAM Act and establishing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
    • I will crack down on discriminatory financial practices by requiring positive rent payments to be included in credit scores and directing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to focus on redlining and unfair lending practices for minorities.

    Construction Industry

    • My administration will also authorize federal funding of $4 billion for distribution to participating states and cities at a 1:2 ratio. I will also lift the Faircloth Amendment to make new public housing plans a reality again. I will also provide an additional $5 billion to builders per year to expedite worker training and navigation of complicated state and local laws. 
    • I plan to provide $100 billion of infrastructure spending annually and an additional community development bank of $10 billion with a 10 to 1 loan-to-capital ratio. This will generate $2 trillion worth of infrastructure development over the next decade with tens of thousands of working-class jobs created in the process. 
    • I will establish a 50% tax writeoff for the construction and development of new factories and facilities in the United States. This means more demand for builders like you from top businesses located here in America. 


    • I will pass the Employee Free Choice Act, raise the minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie it to inflation, and guarantee universal paid family and medical sick leave to all workers in the United States.
    • I will require a representative from the National Labor Relations Board to present and involved in all trade talks and disputes. This representative will have a history with a union and will have final say on any trade deal before it is submitted before Congress. And I will  end forced arbitration that forces workers and employees to waive their right to sue during disputes with corporations.
  9. s8lR9uM.png






    Campaign Budget

    Starting: $30,000,000.00

    This Round Expenditures:

    Infrastructure: $20,000,000.00

    Ads: $8,000,000

    Balance: $2,000,000


    APs Budget 40/40







    Critical Infrastructure
    Iowa - Level II ($2,000,000)
    New Hampshire - Level II ($1,000,000)
    South Carolina - Level II ($2,000,000)

    Nevada - Level II ($2,000,000)


    Iowa - Level III ($4,000,000)
    New Hampshire - Level II ($1,000,000)
    South Carolina - Level III ($4,000,000)

    Nevada - Level III ($4,000,000)

    Total Infrastructure Spending: $20,000,000




    Stump Speech #1


    Locations: Polk County, Linn County

    APs Used: 8


    "Thank you ______, Iowa! It's great to be here with you all today. On the way in, my family and I stopped in at Happy Joe's for some Taco Pizza. I know to some it may sound crazy, but take it from us that right there is called good Midwestern dining. 


    I am honored by your warm welcome and enthusiasm. Your passion is the fire of this nation's soul awakening.You deserve a president who understands that a good education and quality healthcare are not rights that ebb and wane based on where you live in this country or how much your parents earned. It's a travesty that rural Americans pay 6% more out-of-pocket on healthcare expenses, lack access to broadband internet, and have to go to an emergency room instead of a clinic because the nearest doctor's office is 100 miles away. It's a national embarrassment that America's children, the young people right here in ________, have to take out tens of thousands of dollars in student loans each year just to earn a chance at the middle class. And it's a sign of how far we've fallen away from working-class values that the expectation now in America is that you must get a college degree to have dignity and a stable income. 


    Finally, and I never thought I'd have to say this but alas here we are, Iowa deserves a president who at least has a plan for farmers and small-town Americans. Some folks got into this race without one. The people who work from dusk til dawn to feed our country and the world should matter enough to our next president that he or she brings at least some proposals to the table in their platform. If you're able to wake up before dawn to make sure the John Deere has enough gas in the tank before loading the seed, then you should expect whoever you vote for to have come to this state ready and with a plan to help you achieve your American dream. 

    No one's ever had to tell me how essential working families are to our future. Do you know why? Because I was raised in one. My name is Doug Murphy, your neighbor just up the road in Wisconsin, and I am here today because I'm the product of blue-collar parents who taught me there is virtue and dignity in the common man and woman. Through their quiet hard work and love of country, they taught me that the strength of this country takes root right here in the heartland. And it's time this nation invested its future again in the stable hands of working people to rebuild an economy that benefits all.


    To do this, we are going to restore the New Deal approach to families and farms. Put the real salt of the earth Americans first again instead of the upper crustaceans of Wall Street. I will deliver to every family here in this state and across this country an additional $3,000 of tax relief per child every year with the Child Tax Credit. Just like Social Security, we will invest and protect our young people and working families from the scourge of poverty through a tried and true method. For the average family of four here in Iowa, we're talking about a minimum of $6,000 more per year to work with. We'll make healthcare and education a reality and human right for our sons and daughters rather than a luxury. Not only will we close the coverage cap in the Affordable Care Act, but we will lower costs by opening up Medicare for everyone who wants a better and safer option, bargain fair prices for Americans young and old, and expand rural health clinics and telehealth so you don't have to drive to an emergency room just to get your annual physical. Finally, we have to take care of the tens of thousands of young people who are going to college, want to go to college, or simply want to find a steady line of work that pays well. Not only will I forgive $25,000 from all undergraduate student loans, but I will hold the feet of university administrators to the fire. If they don't start cutting costs, we'll begin redirecting PELL Grants and financial aid elsewhere to colleges who actually give a damn about their students' financial futures. I will guarantee universal community college, double PELL Grant funding, raise the minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie it to the cost of living index, and provide reemployment insurance and job training to everyone so no citizen is ever unable to find a good line of income. 


    Second, we must create an economy built for working people. It starts with our farmers. I come to you today, unlike some in this race, with a plan for revitalizing American agriculture through the earnest sweat and integrity of the Iowa farmer. First, you and I both know the only thing invasive plants drain away faster than water is your hard-earned money. We've got to restore our farmland in a way that doesn't place a burden on family-owned businesses and small towns. I will deliver zero-interest loans and financial assistance to all farmers who need help removing non-native plant species that worsen droughts and eat into profitable yields. On top of that, I will further establish the Family Farms Investment program to deliver up to $10 grand worth of relief via grants and zero-interest loans to small-scale agriculture and family-owned enterprises here in ______. Third, let's expand crop insurance to protect individual yields from catastrophic costs. And finally, let's modernize America's infrastructure so your goods and produce can reach a wider market. Not only will we guarantee universal broadband internet from coast to coast, but we will expand our freight shipping capacity via the railways like the ones that cross the Mississippi River and bring your goods to markets like Chicago, St. Louis, and beyond. 


    This is how we build an economy where working families are the cornerstone. I'm putting my faith in you, not the stuffy old clowns on Wall Street who can push paper all day long and pass out bribes but whose hands are softer than Corinthian leather. I prefer my handshakes with callouses, working together with the everyday citizens who built this great country. And I believe in my economy built on the rock of the working citizen. Join my campaign. Together we can be one another's cause. And as one, we will restore the promise of America! God bless you, God bless your family, and God bless the United States of America!" 



    Stump Speech #2

    South Carolina

    Location: Charleston County

    APs Used: 4


    "Thank you, ________. It is my distinct honor and privilege to join you this morning. How are you all doing? (smiles) I am humbled by your warm welcome. Whenever you come to South Carolina, you are reminded that the well of goodwill runs deep among the good people of this state. 


    I sometimes chuckle at how often the late great Dr. Martin Luther King's name is invoked in today's politics by both sides. Though the respect of his name has never been held higher, his words and message continue to fall on willfully deaf ears. Far too many try to conveniently forget that his very last sermon was delivered at a sanitation workers strike in Memphis, the next before his death. They try to distract us away from his last great campaign: the economic and social dignity of all. To end the scourge of poverty. To ensure dignity and a secure living for every son and daughter of this world. And to see this nation rise up and out of the thistles of greed and bigotry and walk together toward that mountaintop.


    Dr. King's call to action is for all of us, as both Americans and children of God. I come here today not simply to seek the honor of the presidency alone. I am here also to ask your blessing to march with you, to work alongside you, and to build together an America worthy of its creed. Though I have never personally faced the evils of racism that so many in America have been forced to overcome, I've never needed convincing that it is real. I saw it with my own two eyes as a kid. Growing up in Milwaukee, I lived within the lingering stains of systemic racism with white families and Black families separated by the north and south sides of town. I saw the busing, the backlash, and a city trying to come to terms with its history of injustice. And I knew then as I know now that America can do better.


    So if you do me the honor of working together to carry on the struggle, know for certain that I will not quit or run away from the struggle. I'm not going to say one thing today and then trip over the 'great stumbling blocks' of faux moderation. I will not grow weary when they throw their barbs. I welcome them. I am in this race because I believe in America where we honor the giants of civil rights, justice, and equality by picking up the baton and marching onward together. No one has ever needed to remind me of just how far we've come or how far we need to go. No one ever had to tell me where to start on the road ahead. And no one has ever needed to remind me to honor and defend the legacies of the women who built America: Phyllis Wheatley, Jo Ann Robinson, Harriet Tubman, Coretta Scott King, Diane Nash, and Michelle Obama. I came into this race from day one understanding that no future is worth building if it cheapens the sacrifices of the mothers, daughters, and sisters of America who fought and marched for the equal rights we enjoy today. We stand today on higher shoulders because of their courage. And that is what inspired us today to continue their pursuit of equality, rights, and dignity of all in this country.


    We must begin by raising the floor of our economy and lifting up the working citizens of this country out of poverty with a focus on our youth. There is already a model for this and it's called Social Security. I believe eliminating childhood poverty is an achievable goal and one that can do more than any to erase the lingering symptoms of systemic racism and economic injustice. To do this, we will deliver to every mother and father in America an additional $3,000 of tax relief per child every year with the Child Tax Credit. For the average household with two kids, we're talking about a minimum of $6,000 more per year to work with. And if you have a newborn or toddler, you get an additional thousand dollars to help with the early years. That's not chump change or simply moving around decimals on a tax bracket. From the time they're born to their graduation from high school, my Child Tax Credit plan will provide moms and dads more than $54,000 of direct investment per child. My Administration will further guarantee universal Pre-K, childcare, and daycare plus paid family and medical leave. And finally, we will build upon the great leap forward of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. He did not sacrifice so much for us to rest on his laurels. Together, we will take the next step by closing coverage gap, open Medicare to all Americans who want it, and bargaining fair prices for all Americans young and old so no pricetag ever stands between you and your health. I will establish a new 32.5 billion fund under the Department of Education to assist historically black universities and colleges. And finally, we must make home ownership a right and not merely a far off dream for every citizen. I will repeal the Faircloth Amendment, provide first-time homebuyers a $5,000 down payment grant, and make sure no credit card company or big corporation denies you your good FICO score because of arcane rules regarding rent payments. 


    We must carry on the struggle for civil rights and justice. The Supreme Court decision with Shelby County v. Holder was a warning shot across the bow from those who would fray and wither the branches of liberty to hang onto power. It cannot be ignored and we must get to marching again. I will first appoint Supreme Court justices who will reverse the Shelby decision, protect the rights of women to make decisions about their health, get the corporate money out of our politics, and defend the progress we've made. But we cannot merely stand on our present ground. We must advance the cause of freedom forward. My Administration will expand the Voting Rights Act to cover all violations of federal law that prohibit discrimination in voting based on race, color, or ethnicity. We will reinstate the federal pre-clearance requirement for new election procedures, bring an end to racially motivated gerrymandering, require adequate equipment, staff, and legal services for all polling stations, and require federal pre-clearance for any state voter I.D. programs. Next, I will end the era of mass incarceration by both the executive pen and the docket. I will commute down all sentencing disparities for powdered versus crack cocaine, decriminalize marijuana through rescheduling, and work to expand community policing.


    And finally, we must unite together in stamping out the simmering embers of racism and gun violence. Just a few blocs away from here stands Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. If more of our leaders had stood up to rather than stirred up this sort of bigotry, maybe Dylan Roof would have never been lured in by the serpent of white supremacy. And maybe if America's leaders cared more about people than they do firearms, that evil would have never visited this town. We cannot undo the tragedies of the past, but we can honor and do right by the fallen. And I am ready to work with you to heal this city and this country with more than just sentiments. We will rebuild and renew with action. From the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters to the lone wolves stirred up by the far-right sites, my Administration will utilize all facets available from deradicalization and rehabilitation to prosecution and RICO to clean the festering wounds of ignorance and anger. I will expand hate crime law protections and enforcement. My Administration will restore the assault weapons bans and universal background checks. And I will make sure that never again will the Dylann Roofs of the world get their hands on firearms because the FBI and law enforcement didn't prioritize doing their jobs or care enough about protecting Black lives from modern Klansmen. 


    It is time for us as Americans to be our brother's keeper again and do what is right. South Carolina, I am asking for more than just the privilege of serving as your voice in Washington. I am asking for honor of marking with you to reignite the spirit of this land. Join me in bringing hope to the hopeless, rest to the weary, and justice for the broken. Today marks the beginning of our next great march. And with your support and God's blessing, I know we will overcome. Thank you, God bless you all, and God bless America!" 


    Stump Speech #3


    Locations: Clark County (Location #1: Henderson, Location #2: Las Vegas)

    APs Used: 8


    Thank you, ____! I am honored to be here in Clark County with you all. My wife and I cannot express enough to you our gratefulness for your warm welcome. 


    You know, some come here as tourists seeking out the glitz and the glam of Las Vegas. Maybe they’ll catch a show with a prominent performer or high-flying act. But if you are searching for the answer to restore America, then leave the Vegas strip and go instead to the neighborhoods of this city. Find the forgotten communities behind the fountains and flashing lights and see what the hard-working people of Nevada have built. Many big names hail from the state. But for every Howard Hughes and Wayne Newton, there stands a million working-class Americans, the good people of this state and beyond, whose blood, sweat, and faith forged the steel, welded together the beams, and built this nation into what it could be. They are the ones who work in the mines here in the Silver State, who earn less than they deserve and put up with more than was bargained for in the service industry, yet who go home every night and still find time to love their children. That is what is great about America. They say what happens in Vegas, what happens in Nevada, needs to stay here. But I say we need more of the good, earnest, and devoted workmanship of Nevadan families in our economy.


    The sad reality is that the big names who get top billing have forgotten who made it all possible. From Wall Street to West Flamingo Drive, too many bigwigs are being driven around in limos that they pretend they built themselves. Our economy once to us all has been bought out and placed solely into the hands of the money changers at the top. I know people go to Nevada to forget themselves, but don't tell me they've forgotten who works the 9 to 5 and then some just to keep our country moving. 


    I'll them who it is: it's you. It's the hardworking families of this state, the believers and the dreamers, the Americans who refuse to give in, you are the ones who keep America the shining beacon on a hill that is is to the rest of the world. And it's high time that we had an economy that worked again for people like you. 


    Some on the right may call me crazy. But I am a proud progressive who believes working families deserve more faith and investment than Wall Street tycoons. And as a person of faith, I believe that we are our brother's keeper. I believe we must the floor of our economy and lift up the working citizens of this country out of poverty with a focus on our youth. There is already a model for this and it's called Social Security. Therefore, we will deliver to every mother and father in America an additional $3,000 of tax relief per child every year with the Child Tax Credit. For the average household with two kids, we're talking about a minimum of $6,000 more per year to work with. And if you have a newborn or toddler, you get an additional thousand dollars to help with the early years. That's not chump change or simply moving around decimals on a tax bracket. From the time they're born to their graduation from high school, my Child Tax Credit plan will provide moms and dads more than $54,000 of direct investment per child. 


    Second, we must bring back good-paying union jobs in blue-collar industries of the future. If we want a renewable economy, it starts with putting the tools back in the hands of working people and bringing back jobs. Let's harvest the rare earth and natural resources necessary for developing solar panels, electric car batteries, and semiconductors, right here in the Silver State. I will reduce permitting and construction time for new rare earth mines by 50% and provide $2.5 billion per year for coal mine retrofitting and job training. I will also allow businesses to write off half the construction costs of new mines and refineries on their taxes. This means mining towns back up and running with good-paying jobs. With that, however, we must expand and enshrine collective bargaining rights for all. From the Culinary Union to the Nevada Mining Association, all unions need to be at the negotiating table and have real power to secure fair wages and real benefits. It doesn't matter whether your union leadership supports me or not because I will always fight for your right to a dignified living. I will pass the Employee Free Choice Act. We will ban companies from freezing benefits and wage growth during negotiations. Unlike some in this race, I actually know how much I'm going to raise the minimum wage by, to $13 an hour. I will expand unemployment benefits and SNAP eligibility for striking workers, establish reemployment insurance and universal community college for job training, guarantee universal paid and sick leave, daycare, and childcare to help working parents and allow union members to deduct membership fees from their taxes. And finally, I will finish the work President Obama started on healthcare by closing the coverage gap, opening Medicare to everyone, and negotiating lower and fairer prices for all citizens young and old. 


    Third and finally, we must stand together against the far-right onslaught of hatred to defend the promise of this land for all who seek a better life. There are some individuals on the other side of the aisle running for president who seek to pit working people against immigrants. They try to split our collective power for change by tapping into our worse impulses, stoking the fires of xenophobia, trying to milk any last votes they can out of fear and anger. To them, I say this. If you truly care for the working citizen and the future of this country, consider the words of Cesar Chavez. 'Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.' 

    We have room in America for all those who are here and all those of good faith who seek a new horizon of possibilities at our shores. Therefore, to ensure that room is not wasted, I will pass and sign into law the DREAM Code and codify President Obama's DACA program. I will work with Congress to pass legislation granting legal status and work permits for undocumented couples with children who have lived here in the United States for more than five years. My Administration will secure our border in a humane way that protects human rights, shelters refugees and young children, and honors the right of all to build a better future for them and their families. 


    This my friends is our answer to restore America. I come here to Nevada not to shoot the breeze and leave, but to join you and build. Build a country with open arms strong enough to lift up the fallen and craft the engines of tomorrow's economy. To create a fairer and more just society. Join me here, Nevada. Work with me. And I promise together we will win! Thank you, God bless you all, and God bless the United States!" 



    Surrogate Speech #1

    Surrogate: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)

    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

    APs Used: 2

    • "Doug Murphy is the champion of working Nevadans because he doesn't sell us baloney. While some in this race want to force our essential mines to close under the guise of a labor "transition", he's going to bring back good paying mining jobs for the Nevada Mining Association members by cutting permitting times, investing in development, and expanding capital for new projects."
    • "While one candidate refuses to offer a public option and the other wants to force everyone into a single-payer plan of his own design, Doug Murphy offers us the next step forward for healthcare. Open Medicare to those who want it, close the coverage gap on the Affordable Care Act, and bargain down healthcare costs for everyone. if you want us to build on the triumph of ObamaCare in 2010, Murphy is the only candidate with a serious plan that takes a bold step forward."
    • "The two leading candidates are asking for the support of our unions. But only one of them took the time to actually propose a plan in his platform. Doug Murphy will strengthen collective bargaining for all workers with the Employee Free Choice Act. He actually has a number he wants to raise the minimum wage to, $13 an hour and tied to the cost of living index, and he will deliver universal childcare, paid family and medical leave, and Pre-K for everyone."


    Surrogate Speech #2

    Surrogate: Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-IA's 2nd)

    Location: Iowa City, Iowa

    APs Used: 2

    • "Doug Murphy truly cares about working people in eastern Iowa. He knows the hardships we run into. He will establish the Conservation and Drought Management Agency to guarantee zero-interest loans and financial assistance to farmers for drought-inducing plant removal, establish the Family Farms Investment program, and expand the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program."
    • "The Murphy Administration will expand the Child Tax Credit to $4,000 per child with an additional $1,000 annually for newborns, infants, and toddlers (0-2 years old) for Americans earning up to $150,000 per year. It will also conver the CTC into a tax rebate guaranteed to reach every American household.  It will guarantee all workers and their families two months of paid family and medical leave with a minimum benefit of $580 per month, a maximum benefit of $3,000, and a baseline benefit of 50% of the highest earning year of the last year.
    • "President Murphy will establish universal paid family and medical leave, pass universal childcare, daycare, and Pre-K, and raise the federal minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie to the cost of living index."
      "Healthcare is a human right. President Murphy will expand the ACA by closing the coverage gap, opening Medicare up for all Americans, and bargaining fair prices for all citizens on their medical bills."


    Surrogate Speech #3

    Surrogate:Senator Diego Everhart (D-PA)

    Location: (1) Las Vegas, Nevada, (2) Henderson, Nevada

    APs Used: 4


    “As the rich gets richer, the poor and working class continues to get poorer. The elite wants to keep us divided. They use phrases such as "class warfare", but when the average American goes to cash out their groceries, they're noticing the cost increase, they're noticing the cost increases when they pay rent or they cannot fathom just how they'll be able to keep up. My friends the auspices desire if the Republican Party to divide our nation is great. They threaten to repeal the affordable care act. They threaten to bring us back into the Great Recession by selling us out to wall street, and they threaten to create a generation of Americans with less rights than their predecessor. We cannot allow them to undo the progress of the Obama administration. We must move forward and we must move forward together. With President Douglas Murphy we are going to expand collective bargaining for unions, progress healthcare reform to tackle high prescription drug pricing and ensure that no American falls into the depth of poverty by allowing medical debt negotiation. The winds of change are continuing to blow, and we must ride along with it”


    Surrogate Speech #4

    Surrogate: Senator Diego Everhart (D-PA) 

    Locations: (1) Richland County, South Carolina, (2) Charleston County, South Carolina

    APs Used: 4


    “My friends the drums of change are beating. Over the course of the last 8 years, we have watched the graduation and degree attainment rates for African Americans increase. The unemployment rate for African Americans are at historic lows and we’re watching an unprecedented rate of new small business owners awakening within the African American community. Change was promised and change has been achieved. But we cannot take our foot off the gas. We must move forward. We must fight harder. We are at risk of having a new generation being born with less rights than the previous if we give the Republican Party an attempt to get another Supreme Court seat or to give them power to weaken the civil rights act. With President Douglas Murphy, we can bring their attempts to halt and break all arrows which may harm us. Together we will strengthen the Small business Administration to provide more opportunities for us to expand black business entrepreneurship. We will bring an end to war on drugs and reform our criminal justice system to never again allow black Americans to fall victim to a justice system that disproportionately targets and incarcerates them. We will advocate for fair policies that prioritize rehabilitation and community support, ensuring equal treatment and opportunity for all citizens, regardless of race. We’ll finally put the stake into Jim Crow and pass legislation that will end red lining, ban gerrymandering and allow Black Americans to be given the same economic chances entitled to them by the United state constitution. We need a leader who can get things done here in South Carolina and that leader is Douglas Murphy!”



    “Hawkeye Pride”

    Location + Cost: Iowa Evening TV Ad, $4,000,000

    Location + Cost: Nevada Evening Ad, $4,000,000

    (ad opens with Doug Murphy standing outside his childhood home in Milwaukee)

    Doug Murphy: "Our country was built by working-class citizens. And I think it's time to put working families first again in our economy."

    (screen changes to an image of a family smiling standing outside their farm, a miner smiling with his hard hat on)

    Doug Murphy Voice-Over: "I'm running for president to put you first again."

    (screen changes to parents having dinner at the kitchen table with their children)

    Doug Murphy Voice-Over: "I will cut taxes for working families by $3,000 per child with universal paid family and medical leave, daycare, and pre-K for everyone."

    (screen changes to a mom and her child at the pediatrician. The doctor checks the child's heartbeat with his stethoscope)

    Doug Murphy Voice-Over: "I will close the coverage gap, open Medicare for all Americans, and bargain fair prices for everyone's medical bills."

    (Screen changes to an uplifting montage of ribbon cuttings, construction, and American factories at work)

    Doug Murphy Voice-Over: "And I will bring back good paying union jobs in manufacturing, farming, energy, and beyond by restoring collective bargaining, raising the minimum wage to $13 an hour, and investing in companies that bring jobs back to America instead of outsourcing."

    (Screen returns to Murphy in front of his childhood home)

    Doug Murphy Voice-Over: "This election and this country belongs to working people. Let's restore the spirit of our country together!"





    College Students (2 APs)

    Locations: (1) Story County/(Iowa State University in Ames, (2) Johnson County/Iowa University in Iowa City)

    • "Young people deserve a real shot and chance without carrying around generational debt. I will forgive $25,000 of student loan debt in my first year in office. I will double PELL Grants and tie the eligibility of universities for such students to a strict list of administrative cost-cutting and tuition cost reductions. It is ridiculous that school admins can get paid seven figures while students wallow in debt."
    • "College should not be the only way to earn a good living. I will establish universal community college, job training and apprenticeships, and reemployment insurance."


    Rural Working Class Democrats (2 APs)

    Locations: (1) Johnson County, (2) Linn County

    • "I will establish the Conservation and Drought Management Agency to guarantee zero-interest loans and financial assistance to farmers for drought-inducing plant removal, establish the Family Farms Investment program, and expand the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program."
    • "America is built on a foundation of working class family ethics. I will expand the Child Tax Credit to $4,000 per child with an additional $1,000 annually for newborns, infants, and toddlers (0-2 years old) for Americans earning up to $150,000 per year. I will also conver the CTC into a tax rebate guaranteed to reach every American household.  I will guarantee all workers and their families two months of paid family and medical leave with a minimum benefit of $580 per month, a maximum benefit of $3,000, and a baseline benefit of 50% of the highest earning year of the last year.
    • "Family economics means family time. I will establish universal paid family and medical leave, pass universal childcare, daycare, and Pre-K, and raise the federal minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie to the cost of living index."
    • "Healthcare is a human right. I will expand the ACA by closing the coverage gap, opening Medicare up for all Americans, and bargaining fair prices for all citizens on their medical bills. And i will take the corrupt pharmaceutical companies to task for their role in the opioid crisis. I will prosecute the Sackler family, expand rehabilitation services, and break the cycle of addiction in this state."


    New Hampshire

    Working and Middle-Class Voters (2 APs)

    Locations: (1) Hillsborough County, (2) Rockingham County

    • "America is built on a foundation of working class family ethics. I will expand the Child Tax Credit to $4,000 per child with an additional $1,000 annually for newborns, infants, and toddlers (0-2 years old) for Americans earning up to $150,000 per year. I will also conver the CTC into a tax rebate guaranteed to reach every American household.  I will guarantee all workers and their families two months of paid family and medical leave with a minimum benefit of $580 per month, a maximum benefit of $3,000, and a baseline benefit of 50% of the highest earning year of the last year.
    • "Family economics means family time. I will establish universal paid family and medical leave, pass universal childcare, daycare, and Pre-K, and raise the federal minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie to the cost of living index."
    • "Healthcare is a human right. I will expand the ACA by closing the coverage gap, opening Medicare up for all Americans, and bargaining fair prices for all citizens on their medical bills. And i will take the corrupt pharmaceutical companies to task for their role in the opioid crisis. I will prosecute the Sackler family, expand rehabilitation services, and break the cycle of addiction in this state."



    Hispanic Voters (1 AP)

    Locations: (1) Clark County


    • “You and I both know that we need to solve the border crisis and protect immigrant families. But unlike Republicans who just want to pull the fire alarm, I actually have a plan to secure the home. My administration will deliver the DREAM Act and codify Preisident Obama's DACA program. I will also grant legal status and work permits for undocumented couples with children who have lived here in the United States for more than five, provided they have committed no other crimes and pay any back taxes."
    • "America is built on a foundation of working class family ethics. I will expand the Child Tax Credit to $4,000 per child with an additional $1,000 annually for newborns, infants, and toddlers (0-2 years old) for Americans earning up to $150,000 per year. I will also conver the CTC into a tax rebate guaranteed to reach every American household.  I will guarantee all workers and their families two months of paid family and medical leave with a minimum benefit of $580 per month, a maximum benefit of $3,000, and a baseline benefit of 50% of the highest earning year of the last year. Finally, family economics means family time. I will establish universal paid family and medical leave, pass universal childcare, daycare, and Pre-K, and raise the federal minimum wage to $13 an hour and tie to the cost of living index."


    Working Class Democrats (1 AP)

    Locations: (1) Clark County

    • “When I’m president, my administration will enact the national Employee Free Choice Act. For the tens of thousands of members of the Culinary Union here in Nevada, I will sign legislation to protect employees from the cumbersome workloads, steep cleaning quotas, and shore up legal protections from on the job harassment.”
    • “Right under our feet in Nevada are the metals and minerals needed to produce the solar panels, E.V.s, and semiconductors of a modern, energy efficient economy. As President, I will slash the permitting time, build the refineries necessary, and get these mines up and running with the proud union members of the Nevada Mining Association.”
    • “You and I both know that we need to solve the border crisis and protect immigrant families. But unlike Republicans who just want to pull the fire alarm, I actually have a plan to secure the home. My administration will deliver the DREAM Act and guarantee citizenship for all undocumented individuals without a criminal record who have lived here for more than a decade.” 
    • “I will defend the right of unions here in Nevada to provide their members with their own quality health plans. Every citizen has the freedom to enroll in Medicare, pick a private option, or stick with their union plan. We will also establish a national commission to bargain fair prices on everything from premiums to hospital visits and medication."
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