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Posts posted by Damien

  1. Sutherland Disappointed Speaker won’t give Bipartisan Compromise a Shot


    (Washington, D.C.)—While in the room attempting to negotiate a compromise amendment to the Constitution regarding the Line Item Veto Amendment, House Minority Leader was disappointed to see Speaker White leave the conversation to require the House to start voting on the amendment as originally written.


    “I support the amendment, many of my colleagues do not. I was happy to receive Speaker White’s letter to try and forge a bipartisan compromise to make a good amendment better,” Sutherland said. “But I’m saddened to think that White was using the negotiations as a stall tactic to give his party cover while his partisan game playing continued.”


    Sutherland offered an amendment in the negotiations that the Speaker acknowledged but wanted to wait for further feedback.


    “The Speaker has a lot of power in how the House is ran and today he wants to run it as a partisan sideshow instead of trying to pass good policy,” Sutherland said. “The amendment as written is bound to fail and yet the Speaker would rather have that happen by calling the vote then trying to find something that can pass.”


    Sutherland hopes that Congressmen Hooper, Anderson and himself can continue to negotiate despite the sudden partisan change of heart from Speaker White.

  2. Fundraiser #2: Mailer

    Mailed Statewide

    Targets: Parents, Democrats, Independents, Teachers, Union Members


    Front Image:


    “Rachel Andrews Fighting for Our Children”




    Back of Mailer:




    My name is Rachel Andrews and I am running to represent the State of Pennsylvania.


    One of the reasons I am running is for my child, John. John is a wily ten-year-old who has seen the blessings of the American Dream just like I have. But unfortunately, his chance at the American Dream is at risk due to the Republican Congress’ failure to work in a bipartisan manner to achieve education reform has led to the worst educational numbers we have seen in a very long time.


    That is part of the reason why I am running. For children like John and your children to be able to achieve whatever their American Dream is. We must have an education system that benefits all children not just those who can afford it. We must invest in our education system so that we never have to realize the proficiency numbers we have witnessed under these Republicans.

    I am running to invest in our teachers. They are the gatekeepers to massive amounts of vital information. But they are restricted by unwise regulations that hurt them from being able to teach our future. But we also must give them the pay they deserve. We must raise teacher’s wages. Investing in our teachers means that we are investing in our children.


    But I need your help. Republicans in Congress want to block real education reform that invests in teachers. They want instead to divest from rural and urban schools throughout Pennsylvania. They want to tell you that our children are not worth investing in. I will invest in our children’s education and I will invest in our teachers.


    With your small bit of support, we will be able to bring about the educational reform and put behind the failures of the Republican Congress.




    Rachel Andrews


    Donation Amount $5 [  ] $10 [  ] $25 [  ] $50 [  ] $100 [  ] Other Amount $____ [  ]

  3. Fundraiser #1: Gala

    Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Targets: Union Members, Union Leaders, Democrats, Blue Collar Workers


    Good Evening, my brothers and sisters of labor.


    When I graduated law school, I went back to my roots right here in Pittsburgh. I knew that the American Dream wasn’t built on some superfluous idea, that it was built here in communities like Pittsburgh and Scranton. It was built by the hands of hardworking men and women trying to find their version of the American Dream. That is why I cam back here to Pittsburgh to continue that fight so that the next generation can continue to realize their American Dream.


    Obviously, people like Ben Rinehart and John Kensley don’t believe that. Instead, they think that we should institute right to work for less throughout this country. They have supported and now run on a Republican platform that is trying to take away your rights as the hardworking middle class. They steal from union fighters and hope we don’t notice. Well this election, its time to say we noticed!


    That’s why I need your help. We are in for a fight. The political elite and the ultra-wealthy want their American Dream at the expense of yours. They want to tell the people who ensured children weren’t dying in factories that you don’t deserve a fair wage. They want to say that you can’t and its time that we tell them we can achieve our dreams and we will, together!


    That is why I am thankful you are all here tonight. With your help, we will start that fight. With your help, I will take our message to Washington that the right of the middle class to achieve the American Dream will occur. It will happen through policies that protect workers, not ones that try to strip them and their families of health insurance. With your help, we will win this fight so thank you for starting that fight with me tonight.


    Thank you very much and enjoy this lovely dinner.

  4. Balance: $98,868



    $300,000 Starting Funds

    $600,000 FR #1

    $650,000 FR #2

    $125,000 post here

    $310,000 returned funds from R1 per Tyler's PM



    $600,000 FR #3

    $600,000 FR #4

    $700,000 FR #5





    Investment Spending Rd 1: $950,000

    Ads Rd 1: $415,000

    Investment Spending Rd 2: $3,310,000

    Ads Rd 2: $900,000




  5. Sutherland Measure Banning Partial Birth Abortions Passes


    (WASHINGTON, D.C.)—The United States House has moved a ban on partial birth abortions one step closer to becoming law. The measure, sponsored by House Minority Leader Andrew Sutherland (D-IL-20) passed with a huge bipartisan supermajority as it head to the Senate where Republican Leadership has failed to pass a ban.

    “We need to protect the lives of every child,” Sutherland said. “I was proud to sponsor this legislation to take this step in the right direction and I was happy Speaker White and House Republicans joined me in this fight.”


    The legislation was brought up on to the floor despite attacks from Senate Republicans regarding the House introduction of the ban.


    “I am glad Speaker White ignored his party members in the other chamber as they attacked me for trying to ban partial-birth abortions,” Sutherland said. “I am ready for the Senate to follow our lead and I hope this doesn’t just become another casualty in this Congress, too many future children are depending on us.”


    Leader Sutherland urges the Senate to pass the Partial Birth Abortion Act of 2000 as soon as possible so that it can be sent to the President as soon as possible.

  6. Sutherland initiative protecting Farmers passes House unanimously


    (Washington, D.C.)— Farmers throughout central Illinois and the United States could soon see more federal protections after the United States House of Representatives unanimously passed the Agricultural Embargoes Act of 1999 sponsored by newly elected House Minority Leader Andrew Sutherland (D-IL-20).


    “This legislation is a huge step in protecting farmers from unwise trade policies,” Sutherland said. “We need to understand that the agriculture industry is the backbone of this country and through this legislation, we can ensure that it stays that way.”


    Sutherland hopes that the Senate quickly concurs with the legislation and sends it to the President’s desk as soon as possible.

    “Farmers need this, and the Senate should listen to Farmer’s in each of their states to protect them,” Sutherland said.


    The legislation was sent to the Senate after passage in the House for further consideration.

  7. Sutherland elected House Minority Leader

    Looks to create environment of progress, not partisanship


    (Washington, D.C.)—After a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus, House Minority Whip Andrew Sutherland (D-IL-20) has been promoted to House Minority Leader after a vote was taken among the caucus.


    “I am deeply humbled by the honor bestowed upon me by the caucus,” Sutherland said after meeting with the caucus. “Through this position I hope to promote getting the possible done. The American people are yearning for positive action and this Congress under the Republican Leadership has only continued to fail them.”


    Sutherland cited the doomed to fail Balanced Budget Amendment as a sign that Congress has come to a stand still on serious issues facing the country because Republicans have let partisanship outweigh passing significant legislation.

    “The Republicans are making the Do-Nothing Congress look like they passed landmark legislation daily,” Sutherland said. “I look forward to working with Speaker White to achieve progress and not more partisanship and gridlock.”


    Sutherland will look to advocate for the middle class and protecting hard working Americans. He hopes in his new position he can bring Central Illinois’ common-sense solutions to Washington D.C.

  8. Jacob Andrews, Chicago-Sun Times


    A couple of follow-ups, I apologize if you thought my question was pointed, but in a release, regarding the introduction of a partial-birth abortion ban in the House, you said and I quote "the Senate Democratic Caucus that has been hijacked by the far-left and remains the hindrance to the passage of cloture." So to confirm you will ignore concerns and objections raised by some Senate Democrats and pass the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban despite those objections? My other question is I want to clear up what you are saying, is your 58 seat majority strong enough to govern or are the Senate Democrats a hindrance to passing significant legislation?


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