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Posts posted by Avner

  1. 27 minutes ago, Anthony said:


    Thank you Senator.


    Immigrant workers have always played a key role in the U.S. labor movement. While I was at AFL-CIO, many of our union affiliates undertook promising organizing efforts involving industries and work sites with predominantly immigrant workforce. Furthermore, workers are workers no matter what their immigration status is. I don't believe in discriminating against workers because of their national origin or their immigration status. All workers deserve a safe workplace, a living wage, adequate health insurance and pension plans, and respect for their basic rights as workers and as human beings. I do not believe in tolerating any form of discrimination against immigrant workers, and believe that they should be treated with dignity and respect. Social benefits pertained to the workplace and as such with the Department of Labor should not be restricted and should be eligible for various social programs of those kinds.


    Ms Chavez-Thompson, 


    There is a clear difference between legal and illegal immigrant workers. Just so I can confirm are you saying that illegal immigrants should be able to access social benefits and other benefits granted under the Department of Labor?

    • Like 1
  2. Mr.Chairman,


    As my friend the senator from Kansas pointed out, the cost of living is different in every state. Here in Nebraska the minimum wage is $7.25, raising it would increase the cost of living for Nebraskans. Why not leave this to the states on their own rather than trying to force this down the throats of states that don't want it?


    I yield

  3. @AriGoodman: If lower and middle class Americans are not included in this apparent bipartisan economic deal, I will vote against it.

    @AriGoodman: Big banks and automakers that can't keep their financial house in order, don't deserve American  taxpayer money.

  4. Press Release 03#


    American Energy Independence Act ensures American security

    Arnold Schwarzenegger attacked from behind while at an event in ... 


    Washington, D.C: Speaking to congressional reporters, Senator Ari Goodman announced his introduction of the American Energy Independence Act alongside his friend Senator McKnight. The bill would reduce regulations on oil well hiring procedures, alters HUD regulations on storage of "hazardous material," reduces regulations on oil production and leasing.  Provide avenue for leasing and reducing regulations on leasing of oil sites for the Secretary of Interior, begins production of new leases in the Gulf of Mexico, repeals regulation on leasing in Alaska Arctic Refuge.Reduce EPA regulations and amends the Clean Air Act on greenhouse gases, reforms enforcement of EPA regulation. And finally provide states with authority in regards to regulating fracturing of fluid and provides the Secretary of Interior with guidance on fracturing.


    "Energy is the life bone of America, without we have to rely on regimes such as Saudi Arabia to provide our fuel needs. Id rather an America free from states that mean us harm and that is why we must reduce oil regulations and opening up the Alaska Arctic refuge to drilling. We can no longer be complacent and that is why I presented that bill. This bill will provide jobs at a time where our economy is facing ruin, this will help develop rural communities who are suffering the full brunt of this economic crisis, and finally we can restrict the evils of the EPA who have done everything in their power to torture oil and gas and farmers from doing their jobs. I urge the president to adopt this as his energy plan moving forward." 

  5. Mr. President,


    I am conflicted on the amendment to limit felons from applying for funds from this bill. On the one hand as my colleagues have pointed out, felons who commit crimes should not be obtaining funds from the federal government. However the other side of the argument is these criminals with no direction or course of action may ultimately end back on a criminal path if they are blocked by said amendment. Not to mention the amendment is too broad, how many people of colour have been imprisoned due to simply using marijuana or found with said substance...in many cases those are felony charges. Shouldn't those people also deserve second chances?


    I yield  

    • Like 1
  6. @AriGoodman: Can the administration explain the appointment for Janet Napolitano as FBI director? She represented lawmaker accused of taking bribes in the 1990s and then appointed him as her Chief of Staff.

    @AriGoodman: Is that the type of FBI director we want for America? Mr. President, #you'rejustnotready.

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