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American-Israeli Joint Military Research and Development Program Act


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Mr. Mofaz for himself introduced the following bill:


Joint Military Research and Development Program Act


Section 1: Short Title This Act may be cited as the "American-Israeli Joint Military Research and Development Program Act."


Section 2: Findings and Purposes (a) Findings: Congress finds that:

The United States and Israel share common security interests and a commitment to advancing military technology.

Collaboration between American and Israeli universities and companies in military research and development (R&D) can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of defence capabilities.

A joint military R&D program will strengthen the strategic partnership between the United States and Israel. (b) Purposes: The purposes of this Act are to:

Establish a joint military R&D program between American and Israeli universities and companies.

Foster collaboration and innovation in military technology between the two countries.

Enhance the defence capabilities of both countries.


Section 3: Establishment of the Joint Military Research and Development Program

(a) Program Established: A joint military R&D program (the "Program") between American and Israeli universities and companies is established as a result of this.

(b) Partnership: The Program shall be administered jointly by the Department of Defense (DoD) of the United States and the Ministry of Defense of Israel in collaboration with relevant academic and industry stakeholders from both countries.

(c) Focus Areas: The Program shall focus on research and development in areas of mutual interest and benefit to both countries, including but not limited to:

Cybersecurity and information warfare.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous systems.

Missile defence and anti-drone technologies.

Advanced materials and manufacturing processes.

Command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. (d) Funding: The Program shall be funded through government grants, private sector investments, and in-kind contributions from participating universities and companies.


Section 4: Collaboration and Coordination

(a) Collaborative Projects: The Program shall facilitate collaborative R&D projects between American and Israeli researchers, students, and industry partners.

(b) Technology Transfer: The Program shall promote technology and knowledge transfer between the two countries while protecting intellectual property rights and national security interests.

(c) Joint Workshops and Conferences: The Program shall organize joint workshops, conferences, and exchanges to foster collaboration and exchange of ideas among participants.


Section 5: Reporting and Evaluation

(a) Annual Reports: The DoD and the Ministry of Defense shall submit annual reports to Congress and the Israeli Knesset, respectively, detailing the Program's activities, outcomes, and expenditures.

(b) Evaluation: An independent program evaluation shall be conducted every five years to assess its effectiveness, impact, and future direction.

Section 6: Sunset Provision This Act shall remain in effect for ten years from the date of enactment unless reauthorized by Congress and the Israeli Knesset.

Section 7: Authorization of Appropriations: Such sums as may be necessary to carry out this Act's provisions are now authorized to be appropriated.

Section 8: Effective Date This Act shall take effect immediately upon enactment.


PES: This legislation aims to establish a joint military R&D program between American and Israeli universities and companies, focusing on collaboration and innovation in areas of mutual interest and benefit to both countries.

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