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Some Hoosier Republicans reluctant to support Todd Young

U.S. Senator William Whitaker

United States Senator for Kentucky


"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow defenders of liberty, As we gather here today at the Conservative Political Action Conference, we are reminded of the timeless values that have shaped our nation and propelled humanity forward. We stand on the shoulders of giants—men and women who fought tirelessly to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and future generations.


Yet, as we look around us, we see a nation at a crossroads. The principles of limited government, individual freedom, and free markets are under assault like never before. Big government intrudes into every aspect of our lives, stifling innovation, strangling entrepreneurship, and eroding the very fabric of our society.

But fear not, for we are the torchbearers of freedom. We are the heirs to a legacy of resistance against tyranny in all its forms. We are Republicans, and we refuse to cower before the leviathan of government.


The essence of Republicanism is simple yet profound: individuals should be free to live their lives as they see fit, so long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. This principle is the bedrock of a just society—a society where government exists not to control or coerce, but to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens.


Yet, our government has strayed far from this noble purpose. It has become bloated and bureaucratic, wielding its power to enrich the well-connected and trample upon the rights of the individual. It regulates what we can say, what we can do, and even what we can put into our own bodies. This is not freedom—it is tyranny disguised as benevolence.


But friends, the tide is turning. Across this great nation, a grassroots movement is rising up to reclaim our liberties and restore limited government. We are seeing the resurgence of individual responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit, and voluntary cooperation. From the halls of Congress to the streets of our cities, the call for freedom grows louder every day.


We must seize this moment and stand united in defense of liberty. We must demand an end to the endless expansion of government power and a return to the principles that made America the greatest nation on earth. We must champion policies that promote economic freedom, personal responsibility, and respect for the rule of law.


Let us never forget that the power of government is derived from the consent of the governed. It is not our master, but our servant—a servant that must be kept on a short leash to prevent it from trampling upon our rights. We must hold our elected officials accountable and demand that they serve the interests of the people, not the special interests.


In closing, let us reaffirm our commitment to the timeless principles of liberty. Let us stand firm against the forces of tyranny and oppression. And let us never waver in our pursuit of a freer, more prosperous future for ourselves and our children.


Thank you, and may God bless America."


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"Hello to CPAC! I want to thank the entire CPAC staff for their hard work in putting this event together and extending an invite to Pennsylvania's finest. I was never supposed to be in politics, I was content being in my hometown, working hard with my best friends and coaching little league and picking up my daughter from her recitals. Jennifer and I had an amazing life back home, until the financial elite on Wall Street and the crooked politicians in Washington colluded with the globalists and the special interests to ruin our lives. They've colluded to ruin the lives of most small town Americans. 


So I had to run. As my mom used to say 'if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself', and boy wasn't she right. In the short time I've been in Washington, I've begun the work to redefine the Republican party from the party of protecting upper-class bourgeois interests to that of protecting the interests of the everyday man, the small town family, and the traditional American family! The fact is, since I've been in Washington, it's very clear that our political establishment are all-talk, no-action. They say they work for you but they're really in Washington to serve themselves. When I show up, though, they start acting! I've made the political establishment address the outsourcing of our jobs. I've embraced efforts to fix Obamacare, not just try to repeal it, and made the Democrats embrace it too! They tried to tell me Obamacare is fine, no need to tweak it. I said, people in my hometown are being killed by Obamacare, don't tell me that. After my pressure campaign, the Democrats have given in, admitting Obamacare's failure and they all voted with my proposal to give state's more control and to lower people's premiums. My conservative friends, we're gathered here today to send a message that we're here, we see you elitist snobs and self-righteous liberals, and we're not going to backdown!


We won't back down on lowering taxes for American families! We won't back down from upholding our gun rights and protecting our communities from street crimes and gang violence flooding our suburban towns! We won't back down from holding the financial elite accountable when they risk our pension funds and ship our jobs overseas! We won't back down from 'Draining the Swamp' in Washington and preventing the establishment and elitists from selling us down the river! We won't back down from taking a sledgehammer to the Democrat-led revolving door of political corruption! We won't back down from the political establishment of both parties, by the way. We won't back down from sending a clear message to the political establishment in our own party that losing the White House to Obama and de la Cruz, three times in a row, is unacceptable! 


The liberal America de la Cruz sees is one invaded by illegal immigrants, flooding our streets with crime and chaos. In de la Cruz's America, the poor and middle class are taxed and nickel-and-dimed into oblivion, while the rich people in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street get by well and tell us what to do and what to say. In her radical feminist America, de la Cruz wants to strip men of our dignity, our manhood, and our power. de la Cruz is on the side of the rioters and criminals who bash our police officers and tear up our communities. 


If this is not the kind of America you want to live in, I want you to join this new conservative movement to redefine the Republican party and reject the Democrat political and corrupt machine! Thank you, CPAC, and get home safe!"

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Senator Kyle Van Horn (R-KY)


It’s an honor to be here today at CPAC in front of so many great American patriots. Thank you for that welcome. I wish I was speaking to you under better circumstances. Unfortunately, the last presidential election did not go our way. And while President de la Cruz was supposed to govern as a centrist, it looks like we’re getting four more years of managed decline under Obama 2.0. The same people that bailed out big corporations and big government while you got almost nothing are here to stay for a while. 

Don’t believe me? Just look at the nominations the President has made for her cabinet and for the Supreme Court. Personnel is policy, and the President’s personnel decisions speak for themselves. It's like Obama never even left the White House. For example, at Secretary of Defense, we got Michelle Flournoy – the mastermind behind President Obama’s disaster in Libya. We got Peter Orszag, one of the masterminds behind the Obama economic policy that left so many Americans behind. And for the Supreme Court, we literally got the same person that President Obama nominated. The same nominee who tried to prevent cop-killers back home in Kentucky from getting the death penalty. The same nominee who tried to protect sanctuary cities. And Democrats wonder why most of us don’t want him. 


The question now is, where do we go from here? What is America’s road map to get out of this mess? What policies need to be enacted? Well first, we need to close the border and enforce America’s immigration laws. That is why I introduced the SAFE Act to properly screen refugees before they are allowed into our country and prevent a European-style refugee crisis from happening here in America. We must also build walls, hire more border patrol agents, and diligently enforce our immigration laws to get the situation on our southern border under control. No more sanctuary cities, and certainly no Supreme Court judges who support them. 

Second, we must look out for the American worker. That is why I introduced the Fair Trade Act to authorize the use of tariffs on countries like China that are manipulating their currency and killing millions of American jobs. It’s also why I introduced the Legal Workforce Act to require that all companies use the e-verify system to ensure that their employees are here legally. We need a trade policy that protects American jobs, and we need an immigration policy that ensures that those American jobs are going to American workers. 

We must also tackle the greatest national security threat facing America today, and that’s radical Islamic extremism. Make no mistake about it, Islamic extremist groups like ISIS are an existential threat to Western civilization. They have attacked us on American soil, and they must be destroyed. It’s non-negotiable. The entire civilized world – even countries that may disagree with each other – need to come together to defeat this threat. America should set the example to make sure that happens. 

Finally, we must deal with one of the worst healthcare epidemics in American history – and that’s the opioid crisis. Pharmaceutical companies flooded Appalachia with painkillers, and the results have been catastrophic. Families and communities are being ripped apart. Places like my hometown of Louisa, Kentucky are in the epicenter of this crisis. This is personal for me, and that’s why I introduced the Opioid Crisis Accountability Act right before I arrived here today. I’ll be talking about this bill and this issue in more detail soon, but simply put this bill will hold the pharmaceutical companies accountable for the damage they’ve caused and prevent something like this from ever happening again. What the drug companies did to us is not capitalism – it’s criminal. 

I entered politics in the first place because like many of you, I served my country overseas and put way too much on the line to let things get out of hand. I was the only Republican willing to run in a State Senate District in Eastern Kentucky that hadn’t been represented by a Republican since the 60’s. I’m here to do a job, and I will do that job the best I can. There’s a lot of drama here in DC. I’m not perfect, but I’ll do my best to focus on what’s important – the American people. Thank you for your support, and God bless America. 

Edited by TexAgRepublican
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The nomination of Paul Watford is a stark reminder of why we need to say in this fight, and for the battles that lie ahead. His record speaks volumes. He advocates for sanctuary cities, undermining the rule of law and jeopardizing the safety and security of American families. He has even gone so far as to defend a cop killer against the death penalty out in Kentucky, aligning himself with extreme positions that fly in the face of justice. This is not a man we want replacing Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court!


But our fight is not merely against one individual; it is a fight for the soul of our nation. It is a fight for the right to life, for the protection of the unborn who cannot speak for themselves. It is a fight for our second amendment rights, which are enshrined in the Constitution and must be fiercely defended against any encroachment. And it is a fight for religious liberty, the bedrock of our society, which must never be eroded by the forces of secularism and intolerance.

We cannot afford to sit idly by while our values are under attack.


We must stand up and speak out, rallying our fellow Americans, our neighbors, people who care about their values, and say enough is enough. We must hold our elected officials accountable, demanding that they uphold the principles on which this nation was founded. And we must never lose sight of the fact that the future of our country hangs in the balance.


President de La Cruz claimed she was a moderate and spoke for the average American. We're not seeing the puppet strings be slowly revealed in real time. This is should worry everyone in this room, because it's clear now more than ever: de la Cruz is not who she claimed to be. 


Despite the challenges we face, I am confident that we will prevail. We are a resilient and resourceful people, guided by the enduring principles of freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. And with your support and dedication, we will overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

Conservatives united in the cause to defend our scared values are the strongest force on this earth, second only to the might of our military. We have the influence. We have the power... so let us stand together, united, and say no to Watford and extremist left wing judges. 


Let us go forth from this gathering with renewed determination and unwavering resolve. Let us redouble our efforts to defend the values that define us as Americans. And let us never forget that, in the end, it is our faith, our courage, and our unity that will carry us through to victory.


Thank you, and God bless America.

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Thank you CPAC! Thank you very much. I'm proud to be Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Despite what you might hear in the media, despite what some of the establishment may try and tell you, this is a strong party, with a deep bench of talent, and a motivated and talented group of activists leading the way on the ground. I know many of you are here tonight, so let me tell you, from the bottom of my heart: thank you. It is because of folks like you that the assault on our religious liberty as Americans is being talked about. It is because of people like you that Republicans across this country understand what an important fight it is in the Senate against the nomination of Paul Watford, a man who defended two cop killers out in Kentucky, and a man who believes in unfettered mass migration in the United States, with a sanctuary for illegal immigrants in every other town over. That isn't the America we want! That isn't what de la Cruz promised blue collar Americans during the election. That's not what she claimed her record would be. 


Democrats lied their way to the White House. They lied to the American people and they deceived voters to get their way. Now that they are in power, they are trying to ram through a Supreme Court nominee who is on the very fringe of the far left. And what about ISIS? What about the terrorists who've been targeting our cities, killing journalists abroad, and planning more terrorist attacks in our country? Not a peep from this administration on any kind of change in policy in Iraq, in Syria, or anywhere else in the Middle East. This President has been absent in defending this country from terrorism. She's been absent from giving us any kind of update on what she's doing to better protect us from what we see on the news every single day -- Islamic extremist terrorists hellbent on destroying our way of life. Want to know why? Because it was never truly a priority for them. The way the Democrat Party sees it, ISIS deserves to exist, because in their eyes, Islamic extremist terrorism isn't even real. This is the kind of backward world view we are dealing with. 


But guess what -- we can hold them accountable, and we have an opportunity to do so coming up in Wisconsin. Doug Murphy, the man ashamed of Wisconsin, left for Washington. We now have an opportunity to hold his feet to the fire and the President's feet to the fire. We have an opportunity to make the Senate 50-50. And every time they want to pass an extremist left wing piece of legislation, when we win in Wisconsin, they'll have to cart old Doug Murphy out of his house and bring him into the Senate, to put the White House stamp of approval on it. Because we're not going to let this President, this White House, pretend they are representative of the average American anymore when the truth is they are representative of the very far left, the extremists, the socialists, and those who wish to see our country become something completely unrecognizable. 


Now, we rely on people like you, to organize, to register voters, to raise funds. The battleground moves to Wisconsin this week, my friends. Join us in this fight. And join us in holding de la Cruz and Democrats accountable for their actions. Thank you all so much, God bless you, and God bless America. 

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Youngkin voices support for Trump after grand jury indictment | WRIC ABC  8News



Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and fellow conservatives, as we convene at the Conservative Political Action Conference in this pivotal year of 2017, I am deeply honored to address you at this critical juncture in our nation's history. As we embark upon this journey together, let us reflect upon the rich tapestry of American values that have defined our identity as a people and propelled our nation to greatness.


At the core of our conservative philosophy lies a steadfast commitment to the timeless principles enshrined in our Constitution: limited government, individual liberty, and the rule of law. These principles serve as the guiding light that illuminates the path towards a more prosperous and free society, where every citizen is afforded the opportunity to pursue their dreams and aspirations without undue interference from the heavy hand of government.


Throughout our nation's history, conservatives, especially conservative Republicans, have been at the forefront of defending these cherished principles against the encroachment of tyranny and oppression, both at home and abroad. From the battlefields of the American Revolution, to the battlefields of the Civil War and even in the halls of Congress, we have stood as the guardians of liberty; unwavering in our commitment to preserving the freedoms that are the birthright of each and every American.


Yet, in recent years, we have witnessed a troubling trend towards the expansion of government power at the expense of individual liberty. Under the guise of progressivism, politicians and bureaucrats alike have sought to amass ever greater authority, wielding it as a cudgel to impose their will upon the American people. From onerous regulations that stifle economic growth to executive orders that circumvent the legislative process, to sweeping healthcare changes that drive up costs and stifle options, we have seen firsthand the dangers of an unchecked government apparatus.


But let us be clear: our movement is not defined solely by what we oppose, but by what we stand for. We are the party of ideas, of innovation, and of optimism. We believe in the power of free enterprise to unleash human potential and drive economic prosperity. We believe in the sanctity of life, from conception to natural death, and the inherent dignity of every human being. We believe in the importance of strong families, vibrant communities, and the enduring values of faith and patriotism.


As we confront the challenges of our time, let us draw inspiration from the indomitable spirit of the American people, who have time and again risen to meet the challenges of their day with courage and resolve. Let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers, who laid down their lives to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and for future generations. Let us honor the men and women of our armed forces, who stand as sentinels of freedom, defending our nation from all who would seek to do us harm.


In the face of adversity, let us be guided by the words of President Ronald Reagan, who reminded us that "freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." Let us rise to the challenge with courage and conviction, knowing that the cause for which we fight is just and noble. Let us go forth from this conference with a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to reclaim the promise of America for ourselves and for future generations.


Nowhere is our commitment to these principles more evident than in the battle to prevent the confirmation of Judge Paul Watford to the Supreme Court. With the recent passing of the esteemed Justice Antonin Scalia, we find ourselves at a crossroads, with the balance of the highest court in the land hanging in the balance.

At stake is not merely the appointment of a single individual, but the very future of our Constitution and the principles for which it stands. The vacancy left by Justice Scalia's passing represents an opportunity for our adversaries to shift the ideological composition of the Court, tilting it in favor of activist judges who would seek to legislate from the bench and undermine the rule of law.


Make no mistake: Judge Watford's record speaks for itself, revealing a jurist who has repeatedly demonstrated a disregard for the Constitution and a willingness to impose his own policy preferences from the bench. His judicial activism knows no bounds, as evidenced by his rulings in cases ranging from Second Amendment rights to immigration policy.


The confirmation of Judge Watford would represent a clear and present danger to the principles of limited government, individual liberty, and the rule of law. His elevation to the Supreme Court would tip the scales in favor of those who seek to erode our constitutional rights and expand the power of the federal government at the expense of the states and the people.


But let us be clear: we will not stand idly by as our Constitution is trampled upon and our liberties are eroded. We will fight tooth and nail to prevent the confirmation of Judge Watford and any other nominee who threatens to undermine the principles for which Justice Scalia stood. We will mobilize our grassroots network, engage our elected representatives, and hold them accountable for their votes on this critical issue.


We must never forget that it is the Constitution that serves us, not we the Constitution. It is up to us, the defenders of liberty and champions of the rule of law, to ensure that the Constitution remains a bulwark against tyranny and a beacon of freedom for generations to come.


Furthermore, we must remain vigilant in protecting traditional American values from the radical elements within the Democrat Party who seek to undermine our nation's heritage and cultural identity. Their relentless assault on our founding principles, from attacks on the sanctity of life to efforts to erode religious freedom, poses a grave threat to the fabric of our society. We must stand firm against their radical agenda and preserve the values that have made America the greatest nation on Earth.


The radical left, emboldened by their newfound influence, seeks to dismantle the foundations of our republic and erect in its place a socialist utopia governed by an ever-expanding state apparatus. They advocate for policies that would strip away our individual liberties, infringe upon our God-given rights, and erode the institutions that have sustained our nation for centuries.


At the forefront of this radical agenda is the assault on the sanctity of life, as proponents of abortion-on-demand seek to enshrine the practice as a fundamental right. They cloak their advocacy in the language of choice and autonomy, but make no mistake: their goal is to normalize the destruction of innocent human life and undermine the moral fabric of our society.


Furthermore, the radical left seeks to undermine the foundational principles of religious freedom and freedom of speech, seeking to silence dissenting voices and impose a strict orthodoxy of political correctness upon the public square. They seek to erase our nation's Judeo-Christian heritage from the public sphere, relegating faith to the confines of private worship and marginalizing those who dare to speak out against their agenda.


But perhaps most alarming is the radical left's embrace of identity politics, which seeks to divide us along lines of race, gender, and class, pitting American against American in a never-ending struggle for power and privilege. They peddle in grievance and victimhood, sowing discord and resentment in their quest for political dominance.


Make no mistake: the radical elements within the Democrat Party pose a clear and present danger to the future of our nation. Their agenda threatens to unravel the social fabric that binds us together as a people and undermine the very foundations of our republic. We cannot afford to underestimate the threat they pose or to remain complacent in the face of their relentless assault on our values and institutions.


As we leave this conference hall today, let us rededicate ourselves to the cause of liberty and justice for all. Let us stand united in opposition to the confirmation of Judge Paul Watford and in defense of the principles that have made America the greatest nation on Earth. And let us never forget the words of our Founding Fathers, who entrusted us with the solemn duty of preserving the blessings of liberty for ourselves and for posterity.


May God bless you all, and may God bless the United States of America. Thank you.



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Linda Lawler Delivers Addresses CPAC


"Ladies and gentlemen, patriots of America, it is an honour to stand before you today at CPAC, the bastion of conservative values and the frontline in the battle against the radical left's agenda. I am Senator Linda Lawler from the great state of Tennessee, and I am here to speak to you about the two most dangerous issues facing our nation: illegal immigration and the extreme liberal ideology of the Democratic Party.


First and foremost, let us address the issue of illegal immigration. Our borders are not just lines on a map; they are the guardians of our sovereignty and the protectors of our way of life. Yet, for too long, we have allowed unchecked illegal immigration to undermine our security and strain our resources.As a senator from a state that understands the importance of upholding the rule of law, I am committed to securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws. We must increase border security and crack down on sanctuary cities that harbor criminals and defy federal immigration authorities.


But our fight does not end at the border. We must also reform our broken immigration system to prioritize the needs of American citizens and legal immigrants. This means ending chain migration, implementing a merit-based immigration system, and ensuring that those who come to our country do so legally and contribute to our society.


Now, let us turn to the broader threat posed by the extreme liberal ideology of the Democratic Party. The Democrats seek to fundamentally transform America into a socialist dystopia, where the government controls every aspect of our lives and freedom is sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.They want to open our borders, abolish ICE, and provide amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, all while burdening hardworking American taxpayers with the cost. They want to defund the police, disarm law-abiding citizens, and coddle criminals, leaving our communities vulnerable to crime and chaos.But we will not let them succeed. 


We will stand firm in defense of America's founding principles of liberty, opportunity, and individual responsibility. We will reject the radical agenda of the left and fight tirelessly to preserve the values that have made our nation the greatest force for good in the history of the world.In conclusion, my fellow Americans, let us join together in this critical moment in our nation's history. Let us stand united against the tide of illegal immigration and the onslaught of liberal extremism from the democratic party. 


Let us defend America, not just for ourselves, but for future generations. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America. Thank you."

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Senator Tom Donelson (R-TX) speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in February of 2017 in National Harbor, Maryland


Thank you all for such a lovely, great crowd here. Thank you all for coming to this amazing, amazing event here in Maryland. It is so great to meet with people from around our country, and our world too. To the millions of you watching from across both, thank you for tuning in. I'm Tom Donelson, the Junior U.S. Senator from Texas. I know I'm a long way from Texas, and a short bit of a way from D.C., but alas, it is amazing and an honor to be here with you all.


During my time in the Senate, I have fought for our lord, our nation, our party in that order. Our party, our beliefs are what have made this country great and prosperous for long. We must never forget the works of people like Paine, Lincoln, Grant, Coolidge, Goldwater, Reagan and beyond in forging this nation and her beliefs. America is a conservative country, and conservatism has made this nation strong.


Yet, for many in this room, I know it doesn't feel like that. It feels as if the nation slips away from us, turns against the ideals that we know have made our nation great. When I worked at Exxon, especially after that awful, awful, 1989 spill, it was brutal. Our bosses told us to stick straight to the truth and the fact of the situation; when I worked for President Bush, he emphasized that putting a tiara on a tarantula still made it a tarantula. When facing our current situation, it is dire. We've lost three straight races for the White House. Two years after winning the Senate, we resoundingly gave it back. Our youth seems more and more liberal, bought into the Democratic Party. Our court, as we saw in Obergefell, ignores our rights, our constitution, our history. For some commentators, well, it's time to write an obituary for our party: we'll never win another election, some say.


In 1936, when Alf Landon only carried two states out of 48, Gallup was so convinced that the Republican Party had died that they did poll after poll asking the American people if our party had died (majority said it had). The pundits said that Eisenhower was going to be the last Republican for thirty years in 1964. And of course, in 2008, a William Warren cartoon likened the party to the Wooly Mammoth. The prediction of the death of the Republican Party is as old as time. Yet, after every landslide defeat and every "banishing to the basement", we get stronger and stronger. It took 16 years after 1936, but we came back roaring. In 1968 and 1980, we came back from landslide defeat and scandal in the latter example to lead our nation to unprecedented heights, the Reagan Revolution shows exactly how you win when your opponent has a trifecta and your party still must fight the taintedness of Watergate.


What do all of these examples have in common? Each showcases a tale of two parties: a party that had forgotten its values and what it stood for, and a party that of course corrected itself. After 1936 and FDR, we realized that what America needed was stability, a post war and post Depression world, a world of total and ultimate challenge against Communism and the Soviet Union, and a world where we put our families first. After 1974 and 1976, we realized America wanted the truth again; they wanted to trust their governments, they wanted their world safe from global threat and tyranny, rising energy costs. They wanted their communities and families safe from drugs and crime. They wanted to preserve and strengthen the Nuclear family, with an emphasis on bigger earnings, better schools, and the sanctity of marriage.


When we look at the current state of the Republican Party we see that exact same problem. This party has not only forgotten its voters and values, but it has forgotten its country. We don't cater to the folks in real America, places like Ohio and Pennsylvania, in Appalachia, the people that helped us end and crush the New Deal Coalition. We got used to the unprecedented success of our party in the 1980s and got comfortable with that. We catered Wall Street instead of Main Street. Now, I know what you all must be thinking: Is this Mr. Exxon saying the GOP needs to do a better job at catering to our working class? Yes, yes I am. I'm saying that because I've seen the best of both worlds. I worked for everything I have and became an American success story. And then I was able to work and thrive in the economic world and the political world. And through jumping in that new world, I saw exactly why our party has faced this low form crumble. We took the American people for granted. In 1994, we were given an unprecedented majority. We proceeded to let Bill Clinton evade us for 6 more years. After 9/11, people trusted our party, our President, with over 80% support. We lets the next 8 years be marked by indecision and failure in the War on Terror due to bureaucratic elites debating each other into quagmire. Our post Cold War economy popped. We then proceeded to have one of the greatest demonstrations and expressions of displeasure with the new liberal order with the Tea Party movement, a movement I supported from day one. What did we do? In 2012 and 2016, we nominated "safe", uninspiring and frankly unqualified leaders who could rise to the challenge. And we now wonder why we will be locked out of 2 out of 3 branches of Government for the foreseeable future.


It's time we remember why we do what we do, and not only that, remember that the American people agree with us. Americans do not want the southern border to be attacked and broken day after day by illegal immigrants from Latin America who are dangerous, unvetted and seeking to create chaos, lawlessness and disorder as they're attracted by sanctuary cities. The American people want lower taxes and regulations on our families, especially those in industry and labor, so that they can work harder and keep more of what they own, to provide not only a life of stability for themselves and their families, but outstanding comfort for their families. The American people believe in marriage between one man and one woman, in across the board gun rights for all, and for a strong America which sees the values of freedom and liberty spread throughout the world as dictators and despots cower to their own dark places of the world. Go to Long Island, New York, or Orange County, Los Angeles, or Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: I encourage you to ask anyone out there if they want this America, or the America of Planned Parenthood on demand, amnesty for all, the repeal of the second amendment and the death of the nuclear family. It was that contrast that got us 1972, 1984 and 1988, and it will get us a Republican Revolution in 2020.


It is time for a redefinition and reassessing of what it means to be a Republican in 2017 and beyond. The Republican will not die, nothing like it. We all know that if there is one thing that people in this country love, it is choice. If the party does not advance and reassess how it plans to achieve conservative goals, agendas, and projects, we will lose the voters en masse. Not only would our party look and feel radically different, but our party would as well. The conservative dream would die. It is time for our leaders to say what they do and lead, to innovate, change and adapt; I have incredible faith that they will. When that happens, the Vice President, a man ashamed to be from Wisconsin not because of its values or any serious matter but simply because of who they voted for, will wake up this spring horrified as his party of elitists, of radicals and pure partisans loses another Senate seat. That horror will continue into 2018 as we mobilize, come together and take back the Senate and the House, and certainly into 2020 as we take back the White House from this occupant. The Republican Revolution begins now. Success always begins in struggle, Revolution in times of ruin. Barry Goldwater once said that “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.” Well, the conservative movement, no matter how beat, broken or battered, will always be big enough and inspired enough to take back our country and return it to the values that led our heroes to the moon, to the beaches of Normandy, and to cross the Delaware. Thank you, god bless you, and god bless our country.

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Senator Jason Roy (R-SC) Speech at 2017 CPAC Convention




"What a crowd here at CPAC, eh! What a crowd, indeed. I'm Jason Roy representing the great state of South Carolina. Let me just say, right off the bat, isn't it amazing? We have an anchor baby as president of the United States, can you believe it?! I'm shocked. But you know what, this is what we can expect with poor leadership and the collusion of the political establishment with the special interests and power brokers biting off more than you and I can chew. I know what it's like to be in the elite, I come from a family that has done very well for ourselves. I helped build a tremendous company, creating so many jobs. But you know what, CPAC, you can't do that anymore. Our small businesses are over-taxed, over-regulated. You can't rise up anymore. I'll tell you why? I used to be a big guy in business and when they get to that point, they want to squeeze the little guy. They forget where they came from and they collude with corrupt politicians to shuffle the deck and shut out the competition. Sorry to say it, but that's how it works. That's why we need to drain the swamp, folks! Drain the swamp! 


Another one of the major plans from these globalists want to do is give mass amnesty to these illegal aliens. How can we trust President Xi on immigration? Do they think we're stupid? We know who you want to let in. We let your mother in, she got over here and dropped you out on American soil, but it wasn't enough I guess. It wasn't enough, people. Now she wants to let in her cousins; her nieces and nephews, her MS13 gang-member friends. It's unbelievable, really, it's unbelievable. We're full! Shut the border down, we're at capacity. No more! Close the border and let's get every single one of these illegal criminals and invaders out of this country. Go back! We need one of the largest domestic deportation efforts in history! 


We let this president in and now radical islam is taking over like never before. That's why we need a Muslim ban folks, we need a ban! We cannot sustain what's happening, we truly cannot! We're being invaded and we don't even know who these people are. They killed so many over the years. Look how many they killed in San Bernardino! You remember that? This president never talks about it anymore. They get elected and have amnesia, they ignore the problems. Can you believe we have a president who is an anchor baby and a Senate Majority Leader who is a Sunni Muslim, the same religion of Osama bin Laden. How can we trust these two people to protect our border? Give me a break! 


We need to protect our border and we need to start working for real Americans again. We have to lower your taxes and protect your gun rights. They want to raise your taxes and take away your guns. We cannot let that happen! We can't! Take your guns, allow the invaders to come in and kill, and, oh by the way, I'm going to need an extra 5% so we can give to the illegals. We can't let this scheme go on. Can't let it happen. We need to protect your religious liberties, because now they want to take that away from you too. They fight more for the trans community than the traditional family. We've got to say 'no'! If we don't fight, they will run all over us. We've got to fight. Keep doing what you're doing, the great American Conservative Union. Great people. Let's keep the faith and keep the fight! I'm Jason Roy, good night my friends!"

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