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  1. Name: Senate Minority Leader Cliff Fleming (R-AL) Media/Outlet: CNN Reason: Democrats Aren't Present and They Aren't Serious Americans have been hearing since January about how Republicans are blocking this and how partisanship has ruined that. Democrats are correct on the latter half, but the part they always leave out is that it's been Democratic partisanship that has ground everything to a halt. Paul Watford was rejected in a bipartisan fashion, their efforts to remove the filibuster was rejected in a bipartisan fashion, although I think it was a stunt you still saw a bipartisan effort to get this conversation moving on after Senate Democrats refused to give up. You take a look at the minimum wage bill, there was bipartisan support for my amendment that would've raised the minimum wage by almost 50% over what it is now, would've protected small businesses and ensured that businesses weren't trying to take advantage of honest Americans by employed undocumented workers. But Senate Democrats killed it because they didn't like the fact that Republicans stepped up to pitch in and get the job done. Now they've raised the bar even higher, to something even about half of their own caucus won't support, because they care less about raising your wages and more about getting your vote. Look I'm not going to pretend that the Republican Party hasn't generated news, not all of it great, that we brought upon ourselves. But there was one thing going on during that that is a drastic departure from this Administration (in both iterations) and from the Senate Majority. We were showing up to work, we were present and we were trying to get things done. President de la Cruz, may God bring her health, was a silent President. Then Vice President Murphy seemed more inclined to drink beer in the Senate office buildings and Tweet like a teenager than he did trying to step up and get the other half of his ticket active and in front of the press. And how do I know they're not serious? Look at what happened in England. One of this nation's longest and strongest allies was attacked by a cowardly radical Islamic terrorist. What was the President's response, beyond all the formalities? He said we needed to pass amnesty. He started railing off against liberal campaign talking points about tearing families apart and treating them like they were animals when nobody had said a word about that. It's telling that when the President was asked about how he wanted to secure our borders the only thing he could do is fall back on campaign talking points.
  2. Name: Cliff Fleming Media: State of the Union on CNN Reason: Democrats Abandoned Working America Democrats, in their eternal willingness to be working towards the next campaign, have completely abandoned working Americans. We heard them say ad nauseum about how they wanted working Americans to have better wages, to have better jobs and to provide a better future for their children. You know, provide them with the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. As they tipped their hand during the failed attempt to eliminate the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, Democrats aren't interested in our democratic processes or in doing the right thing for America. No, they believe that they should be able to rule by fiat and damn the country if that means something bipartisan gets done. They brought up a bill on women's health that got bipartisan amendments, then they pulled it. Now, Americans had the opportunity to get an almost 50% raise on the minimum wage, and then they pulled it. It's becoming a trend, if something would have even a single Republican supporter, they pull it. This is because the Senate Democrats are not interesting in governing or doing what's right for America. They're only interested in their big city donors and having strongly worded messaging in campaign ads. You don't believe me? Look at their nominee in Wisconsin, this is a man who had Doctors, probably the least political profession in this nation, coming out to say that they had to donate to him to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars, just to be able to speak with him. It's no wonder that Democrats don't actually care about working Americans, they know that with their policies they'll never be able to afford those donations.
  3. My Agenda Moving Forward: Advancing American Priorities 1. National Security and Foreign Policy: Combatting Terrorism: Strengthen our resolve to eliminate ISIS and other extremist threats by investing in our military capabilities and working closely with our allies in the Middle East. Support for Allies: Continue to stand firmly with our closest allies, particularly Israel, in their fight against terrorism and regional threats. Iran Deal: Oppose and withdraw from flawed agreements like the Iran deal, while taking decisive actions to prevent Iran's nuclear ambitions and sponsorship of terrorism. 2. Immigration and Border Security: Border Security: Implement comprehensive measures to secure our borders, including the construction of physical barriers, enhanced technological surveillance, and increased funding for border enforcement agencies like ICE. Merit-Based Immigration: Reform our immigration system to prioritize skilled workers and streamline deportation procedures for illegal immigrants, while also investing in efficient immigration courts to address backlog issues. E-Verify: Mandate the use of E-Verify by all American companies to ensure a legal workforce and prevent exploitation of undocumented labor. 3. Economic Prosperity: Tax Reform: Pursue tax cuts for individuals and businesses, simplify the tax code, and incentivize domestic investment to stimulate economic growth and job creation. Regulatory Reform: Roll back burdensome regulations on businesses and entrepreneurs, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship while ensuring environmental protections. Infrastructure Investment: Allocate significant funds to revitalize and modernize our infrastructure, creating jobs and improving transportation networks across the country. 4. Healthcare Reform: Obamacare Repeal: Repeal and replace Obamacare with market-driven solutions that empower individuals, reduce costs, and protect access for those with pre-existing conditions. FDA Reform: Streamline the FDA approval process for drugs and medical devices, promoting innovation and reducing healthcare costs. Medicare and Social Security Protection: Defend Medicare and Social Security from cuts or trust fund raiding to pay for pricey Democrat social experiments, ensuring the security of these vital programs for current and future generations. 5. Energy Independence: Energy Exploration: Expand domestic energy production through responsible exploration of oil, natural gas, and other resources, reducing dependence on foreign sources. Investment in Innovation: Promote research and development in clean energy technologies, while also supporting traditional energy sectors like coal and nuclear power. Export Opportunities: Open new markets for American energy exports, bolstering our economy and strengthening our geopolitical influence. 6. Government Accountability: Corruption Reform: Crack down on government corruption and special interest influence, implementing strict ethics reforms and ending the influence of Deep State electeds. Transparency: Increase transparency in campaign finance and lobbying activities, ensuring accountability and integrity in our political system from the predations of the Left through agencies such as the IRS. Judicial Oversight: Nominate and confirm judges who uphold the Constitution and respect the rule of law, safeguarding our fundamental freedoms and liberties. 7. Education and Family Values: School Choice: Support initiatives that empower parents with educational options, including charter schools, vouchers, and homeschooling. Family Support: Invest in childcare programs and after-school activities to support working families and strengthen communities, preventing the need for the use of medical alternatives for pregnancies to bring unborn lives to an end. Pro-Life Policies: Protect the sanctity of life by opposing taxpayer funding for abortion and promoting alternatives like adoption and foster care. This agenda reflects a commitment to conservative principles such as limited government, free-market economics, national security, and traditional values, while also addressing pressing issues facing the nation.
  4. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Republican Senate Minority Leader Cliff Fleming Condemns Democrats' Attempt to Invoke Nuclear Option on Supreme Court Nominations Washington D.C. - Today, as Senate Minority Leader representing the the tens of millions of Americans who are Conservatives, I stand before you to express my profound dismay at the reckless actions of Senate Democrats in their attempt to invoke the nuclear option on Supreme Court nominations. In the wake of the failure of cloture for Judge Paul Watford's nomination not once, but twice, Senate Democrats have chosen to abandon the longstanding tradition of bipartisanship and cooperation in favor of a partisan power grab. Their proposal to change the Senate rules to eliminate the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations is a blatant disregard for the principles of our democracy and the checks and balances that are essential to its functioning. The filibuster has long served as a crucial safeguard against the tyranny of the majority, ensuring that nominees to our nation's highest court receive thorough and deliberate consideration. By attempting to dismantle this longstanding tradition, Senate Democrats are setting a dangerous precedent that threatens the integrity of our judicial system and undermines the will of the American people. Even Democratic President Xiomara de la Cruz herself pledged to be a leader for all Americans, to listen to their concerns, and to work tirelessly on their behalf. Yet, her party's push for the nuclear option on Supreme Court nominations flies in the face of these promises. Instead of fostering unity and cooperation, Senate Democrats are choosing to pursue a path of division and partisanship that will only further erode trust in our institutions. I urge moderate Democrats to stand firm to their principles and reject this reckless attempt being spearheaded by the radical progressives in the Democrat Party. Now is the time for Democrats and Republicans alike to come together in defense of our democratic institutions and the rule of law. Let us work together in good faith to find a solution that respects the traditions of the Senate and ensures that qualified nominees to the Supreme Court receive the fair consideration they deserve.
  5. Name: Cliff Fleming Media/Outlet: Anderson Cooper Reason: Watford Nomination/Nuclear Option "Anderson, in her inaugural address the President said that she would work on behalf of all Americans and would listen to their concerns. Right now, Senate Democrats seem to be trying to engage in a little bit of revisionist history by saying that this really only meant that they will work on behalf of only the people who voted for Democrats in the last election. President de la Cruz made the decision to re-nominate Paul Watford and Republicans exercised our Constitutional obligation to advise her on that nomination, and each time the Democrats forced a cloture vote, it lost support." "I've suspected from the beginning of this process that the path that the Senate Majority Leader wanted to take was this one. Remember he's the one who ended talks prematurely about finding a consensus candidate, something the President and President Pro Tempore both seemed to indicate they supported, and threw me unceremoniously out of his office. Why? Because he didn't like the names I offered to start...sounds a little hypocritical when the only argument that the Democrats have given for Judge Watford was that they picked him and therefore he has to be confirmed don't you think?" "This is now the second time that the Senate Democrats have attempted to change the rules of the game because they didn't like the results. Harry Reid did it under Obama and now Alex Fakhouri is trying to do it under this current Administration. We know that the Vice President wanted this to happen, but I think the President has a responsibility and a duty to come out in front of the American people, rebuke this affront and assault on democracy and work with my office to do what the Senate Majority Leader can't do, find a candidate that we can all support." "I'm personally tired of hearing about partisan policies and polls being the only reasons that Democrats want to force this twice-failed nomination through. We evaluate potential Justices off of their judicial philosophy, something that Paul Watford has failed utterly and they can't defend. Democrats evaluate potential Justices off of what policies they think they can get them to implement from the bench, that's why it's only been Democrats listing out the litany of causes and unpopular positions that they think the Supreme Court can pass for them. Why? Because the Democrat Party refuses to respect democracy."
  6. Jim Moran is untouchable. DENIED
  7. Name: Senate Minority Leader Cliff Fleming Media/Outlet: Fox News Reason: Watford Nomination The Supreme Court plays a pivotal role in interpreting the law and safeguarding the Constitution. With the death of Justice Scalia, there is a need to preserve the operative stability of the Court. However, this nomination of Paul J. Watford, with his known liberal judicial philosophy, threatens to tilt the Court further to the left. To ensure a balanced Court that represents the diverse viewpoints of all of the American people, President de la Cruz should consider withdrawing Watford's nomination and seeking a compromise nominee who can garner broad bipartisan support. Paul J. Watford's judicial record raises concerns about his propensity for judicial activism. His past decisions indicate a willingness to legislate from the bench and to impose his personal beliefs on matters of law. This is someone who supported cop killers and illegal immigrants, this isn't some attempt by those of us on the right to overinflate an issue, this is an objective fact. We've already heard the Vice President say how they want to target more and more issues that the American people just don't agree with them on. That's why they want to skip the ballot box and go straight to the courts for their legislating. The Supreme Court should not be a partisan battleground but rather a forum for reasoned debate and impartial decision-making. By withdrawing Paul J. Watford's nomination and engaging in genuine dialogue with members of both parties, President de la Cruz can demonstrate a commitment to keeping her word. A compromise nominee who can garner bipartisan support would not only strengthen the legitimacy of the Court but also show that the moderate Democrat who the American people put into the White House isn't just another Obama in moderate's clothing.
  8. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Legislation Introduced to Revolutionize Infrastructure Funding: The Infrastructure Bank for America Act Washington, D.C. - Senator Fleming has introduced landmark legislation aimed at transforming infrastructure funding and driving economic growth across the nation. Titled the Infrastructure Bank for America Act, this comprehensive bill establishes the Infrastructure Bank Holding Company (IBHC) and the Infrastructure Bank for America to provide crucial financing for infrastructure projects. The Infrastructure Bank for America Act addresses the pressing need for innovative solutions to fund infrastructure development, which is vital for maintaining and enhancing the nation's economic competitiveness and quality of life. Key provisions of the bill include: Establishment of the Infrastructure Bank Holding Company (IBHC) and the Infrastructure Bank for America: These entities will provide direct loans and loan guarantees for revenue-producing infrastructure projects, with a specific allocation of at least 7% for projects in rural areas. Oversight and Supervisory Authority: The Federal Reserve System will provide oversight and supervisory authority over the IBHC and the bank, ensuring accountability and sound financial management. The Department of the Treasury will oversee the issuance of bonds by the IBHC and the bank. Infrastructure Guarantee Fund: The bill mandates the establishment of an Infrastructure Guarantee Fund to cover loans and loan guarantees in the event of nonpayment, providing added security for investors and lenders. Tax Incentives and Credits: Amendments to the Internal Revenue Code will incentivize investment in holding company bonds and provide a new infrastructure bank holding company credit, encouraging private sector participation in infrastructure financing. Sale of Distressed Notes by the Department of Agriculture: The bill directs the Department of Agriculture to sell certain distressed notes, with proceeds allocated for infrastructure projects in low-income communities and deficit reduction. Expedited Federal Permitting for Appalachian Regional Energy Hub Projects: The Department of Energy and the Department of Commerce are authorized to designate Appalachian regional energy hub projects as critical infrastructure, eligible for expedited federal permitting. Outcome-Based Performance Standards: The Department of Transportation will identify and replace prescriptive requirements with outcome-based performance standards, streamlining regulations and promoting efficiency. Senator Fleming emphasized the importance of public-private cooperation in addressing the nation's infrastructure needs, stating, "The Infrastructure Bank for America Act represents a bold step towards revitalizing our infrastructure and fueling economic growth. By leveraging public and private sector resources, we can modernize our infrastructure networks and create jobs while ensuring a brighter future for all Americans."
  9. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Healthcare Legislation Introduced in Senate: The COMPASSION Act Washington, D.C. - Senator Fleming has introduced groundbreaking legislation aimed at reforming the American healthcare system. Titled the "Changing Obamacare and Medicare to Make Premiums Affordable and Save States by Investing in Our Nation" or the COMPASSION Act, this comprehensive bill seeks to address the pressing need for true, conservative, free-market reforms to ensure access to affordable healthcare for all Americans. The COMPASSION Act reflects a commitment to empowering individuals and states while promoting choice, affordability, and innovation in healthcare. The bill comprises five key titles, each addressing critical aspects of the current healthcare landscape: Title I: Repeal of the Affordable Care Act This title focuses on repealing provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) related to federal mandates and requirements, redirecting associated funding to a general fund while preserving states' ability to implement their own healthcare solutions. Title II: Health Insurance Portability The COMPASSION Act rescinds burdensome mandates on employers and restores pre-ACA protections for individuals switching healthcare plans, promoting greater flexibility and choice in the healthcare marketplace. Title III: Guaranteed Coverage Pools (GCP) This title aims to reorganize ACA subsidies into bloc grants for states, enabling them to establish Guaranteed Coverage Pools with greater flexibility and tailored solutions to address the needs of their populations. Title IV: Expanded Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) The COMPASSION Act expands access to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), making contributions and interest non-taxable, removing restrictions, and raising contribution limits to empower individuals to take control of their healthcare expenses. Title V: Medicaid for the 21st Century In response to evolving healthcare needs, this title institutes reforms to Medicaid, including a phase-out of Medicaid expansion, implementation of per-capita grants, and provision of "Compassionate Grants" to states to supplement low-income healthcare needs. Senator Fleming expressed optimism about the COMPASSION Act, stating, "This legislation represents a bold step towards a more patient-centered, affordable healthcare system that prioritizes individual choice and state flexibility. By harnessing the power of free-market principles and innovation, we can ensure that all Americans have access to quality healthcare that meets their needs." The introduction of the COMPASSION Act marks a significant milestone in the evolving debate over healthcare reform, signaling the first attempt at providing market-driven solutions to address the challenges facing the American healthcare system.
  10. Name: Cliff Fleming (R-AL) Media/Outlet: CNN - Anderson Cooper 360 Reason: Election of SCOTUS Justices Anderson, you can imagine how shocked we were to hear that as they promised that the nomination of Judge Watford was partisan or political, leading Democrats introduced the boondoggle of an idea to just switch to partisan elections for all Supreme Court Justices. Electing Supreme Court justices would subject them to the same partisan pressures and dynamics that affect elected officials. How could you expect them to be impartial or independent when they'd be forced to cater to the interests of their party, remember Democrats flirted with a loyalty pledge, that nominated them rather than interpreting the law objectively. Supreme Court Justices elected through a political process might be more likely to make decisions based on short-term political considerations rather than the long-term implications of legal principles and constitutional interpretations. Everyone knows a story about an elected official who did something thinking more about their next election rather than what was right or good, now imagine that same situation on the scale of something like the Supreme Court. Would we have gotten Brown v Board if they were elected? Loving v Virginia? Right now, typically, justices are seasoned legal professionals with extensive experience. But could you imagine what an elected system might allow? Chief Justice Beyonce? Justice Timberlake? Do we want someone with a bigger social media presence to be the person who's on the Court, rather than the person with the bigger legal mind?
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