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Spin Zone: Q3, 2016


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Reason: (Ex. Why I Love Election Season) 


[Bullet points/brief outline of talking points during appearance.]


Due by March 23rd, at 11:59 PM EST.

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Name: Cliff Fleming (R-AL)

Media/Outlet: CNN - Anderson Cooper 360

Reason: Election of SCOTUS Justices


  • Anderson, you can imagine how shocked we were to hear that as they promised that the nomination of Judge Watford was partisan or political, leading Democrats introduced the boondoggle of an idea to just switch to partisan elections for all Supreme Court Justices.
  • Electing Supreme Court justices would subject them to the same partisan pressures and dynamics that affect elected officials. How could you expect them to be impartial or independent when they'd be forced to cater to the interests of their party, remember Democrats flirted with a loyalty pledge, that nominated them rather than interpreting the law objectively.
  • Supreme Court Justices elected through a political process might be more likely to make decisions based on short-term political considerations rather than the long-term implications of legal principles and constitutional interpretations. Everyone knows a story about an elected official who did something thinking more about their next election rather than what was right or good, now imagine that same situation on the scale of something like the Supreme Court. Would we have gotten Brown v Board if they were elected? Loving v Virginia?
  • Right now, typically, justices are seasoned legal professionals with extensive experience. But could you imagine what an elected system might allow? Chief Justice Beyonce? Justice Timberlake? Do we want someone with a bigger social media presence to be the person who's on the Court, rather than the person with the bigger legal mind?
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Name: Sen. Douglas Butcher (R-LA)

Media/Outlet: Fox News Sunday

Reason: Nomination of Paul Watford, SCOTUS Issues


  • I think it speaks volumes to the thought process of this president that we get a Paul Watford. President Obama looked to the California 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. That is essentially the Mad Hatter’s tea party of judicial review. Even if he stands out as moderate in that group – he’s not – it’s like being the best-looking guy at a Klingon bachelor party.
  • Paul Watford has filed amicus briefs that boggle the mind. He worked for cop killers in 2007, filing an amicus brief through the ACLU’s involvement with Baez vs. Kentucky DOC. In that same vein, he worked on behalf of a man who killed a family including a two-year-old child. What kind of priority is that in how you choose to practice your craft as a legal mind.
  • Paul Watford is the kind of legal animal that looks to the worst of us as if they are the best of us and fights for people who violate our social contract to such an egregious extent that it speaks to a broken sense of values gussied up to present as justice and righteousness. Strip away the clown makeup and it’s still just broken values.
  • I know there is a proposal now to turn the Supreme Court into an elected office. Amend the constitution. Ok, whatever. I’ve seen judicial elections in Louisiana that would curl your hair in how destructive they can be. Let’s do that nationally. That being said, I would encourage Senator deSonido to put down the Disarronno and not write constitutional amendments when he’s drunk.
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Name: Senator Katrina Valdez (D-VA)

Media/Outlet: The Lead w/ Jake Tapper - CNN

Reason: Watford Nomination; Senate Republican Obstruction

  • "Thank you, Jake, for the opportunity to discuss this vital issue. Judge Paul Watford's nomination to the Supreme Court is a momentous occasion that underscores the strength of our judicial system and the importance of upholding the rule of law in our nation."
  • "Judge Watford's extensive experience and principled approach to the law during his tenure on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals have prepared him well for the responsibilities of a Supreme Court Justice. His legal acumen and dedication to justice are exactly what we need on the highest court in the land."
  • "Regrettably, we're encountering a roadblock with Senate Republicans' unprecedented decision to block Judge Watford's nomination. This isn't just about a difference in judicial philosophy; it's a direct attack on the norms and traditions that have guided our nation's appointment process for centuries."
  • "Our role as senators is to assess and respond to judicial nominations based on the nominee's qualifications and ability to uphold the Constitution. It's deeply concerning to see such a blatant disregard for this duty, as Senate Republicans deny Judge Watford the consideration he deserves."
  • "The implications of this obstruction extend far beyond Judge Watford's nomination. It sets a dangerous precedent that threatens the very fabric of our democratic institutions and the impartiality of our judicial system. We must not allow partisanship to undermine our constitutional responsibilities."
  • "I urge my colleagues in the Senate to return to the principles of fairness, integrity, and due process. Let us evaluate Judge Watford on his merits, conduct a fair hearing, and proceed to a vote. The American public expects and deserves no less, as does Judge Watford, whose impeccable record stands as a testament to his qualifications for the Supreme Court."


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Name: Andrew Clarke (D-MO) 

Media/Outlet: Fox News - The Kelly File 

Reason: 2016 Missouri Elections 

  • The Missouri GOP nominated Catherine Hanaway to be our next Governor in the Show Me State. Catherine Hanaway and her political allies bullied former State Auditor Tom Schweich, also a Republican, into committing suicide with nasty public smears and a gross behind-the-scenes whisper campaign. Don’t just take it from me, take it from former Republican US Senator John Danforth—he’s saying the same thing. This is not the kind of gross behavior we need in the Governor’s Mansion, and I know that Republicans, Democrats, and Independents can agree on that. 
  • Missouri is a potentially competitive state this year. All eyes are on Missouri. We need to loudly proclaim what our values are, independent of party labels. In Missouri, we value life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We value smart, capable leadership that knows not to overstep. We value leaders who stand up for the working man. We value good, honest work supporting happy families. We value our faith in God and the community of believers around us. Chris Koster supports common sense like this. He’s a Missourian first, and he’ll put our state and the people’s values above all else, even party labels. That’s what we need—not another corrupt political bully bought by corporations. 
  • I know I speak for all Missouri Democratic candidates on the ticket when I say we are not running on radical changes at the federal level to the Supreme Court, to the Senate, none of that. We are running to protect schools and boost education. We are running to ensure capable governance. We are running to raise wages and bring back jobs that support everyday families, all across the state from Cape Girardeau to St. Joseph, Kirskville to Mountain View, Joplin to Hannibal, and St. Louis to Kansas City. We are focused on the values and interests of Missouri, and that will always come first. 
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Name: Senator Camilo deSonido (I/D-CA)

Media/Outlet: Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN

Reason: Supreme Court, 2016 Election

  • Senator Cliff Fleming, a regular purveyor of deceit on national TV and social media, is a man whose words should not be trusted. His outlandish Twitter posts are a testament to this. Yet, he hails from Alabama, a state that elects its Supreme Court in a partisan manner. This is the very system I propose to change. Is the Senator implying no issues with Alabama's Supreme Court? My recommendation is for non-partisan, direct elections, a solution that could address these concerns.
  • The crux of the matter is that every argument they present can be turned on its head when we consider how we currently elect justices. The problem lies in one person making a selection while 100 individuals with their partisan interests make decisions for the entire nation. They argue that non-partisan elections would make the court more partisan, but the Senate is no less partisan. This is why Senator Fakhouri and myself propose a different approach. Who should have the power to choose? The Senate or the people themselves?
  • I believe a decision made by the voters is inherently fairer than one made by the Senate, which is often more partisan than the nation it represents. This may not have been viable in 1960, but it's 2016. We've come a long way, and I have faith in the American people to make informed decisions on issues like civil rights, abortion, and gay rights. Perhaps I have more faith in the American people than some of my Senate colleagues. Ultimately, if the American public isn't for it, I'm okay with it not seeing the floor. If Republicans want to take partisanship out of the Supreme Court process, there is a duly nominated jurist who deserves to be heard. Give Judge Watford a hearing and a vote. If you object to him because of his qualifications, vote him down. But if your objection is who is picking him, I think my point is proven.
  • Republicans are trying to distract the public with this matter because they don't have anything better to talk about. They don't have a plan for America. They don't have jobs. They don't plan to raise the wage or fix our roads. They want to cut access to healthcare by reversing Obamacare. They are more interested in stirring the pot and getting into Twitter arguments than addressing the issues. Xio and Doug are running for the people. You see, the polls are going our way right now. The message is spreading in Florida, Texas, and New Hampshire that Democrats have a plan for American prosperity. Xio has a united party behind her focused on lifting workers and the middle class by cutting taxes for the middle class, not the rich, and removing barriers to home ownership. Xio is working for the people.
  • I highly encourage young people all over the country to go and vote in this election. Of course, I hope that they vote for Xio, but ultimately, and more importantly, I want them to vote. Make their voices heard! Our issues are essential. Xio and I are going to work together to enact things that I ran on, like increasing the minimum wage, making tuition more affordable, and legalizing marijuana. Still, we need the Senate, we need the House to deliver on these things. Young people need to make their opinions heard at the polls. I hope we'll see young people show up in a big way, and I'll be touring the country over the next few weeks to make that happen.
Edited by Camilo deSonido
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Name: Senator Chuck Goodell

Media/Outlet: State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bush

Reason: Supreme Court, 2016 Election, and Agenda for next Congress


  • "My concerns primarily revolve around the politicization of the judicial nomination process. The Supreme Court should remain independent and impartial, even though in recent years, we've seen nominees selected based more on their perceived political leanings rather than their qualifications and commitment to justice. It's crucial that we keep the constitution in tact and fail this resolution.
  • "The 2016 election was certainly a tumultuous time for our country. de la Cruz is an exceptional candidate, and I stand by my support for her. However, the divisiveness and polarization that characterizes this election are concerning, It's imperative that we work to bridge the political divide and focus on what unites us as Americans rather than what divides us."
  • "In the upcoming Congress, my priorities will center around addressing the pressing issues facing our nation. This includes tackling climate change, expanding access to affordable healthcare, and promoting economic opportunity for all Americans. Additionally, I will continue to advocate for bipartisan cooperation and civility in our political discourse. It's only by working together that we can achieve meaningful progress on these important issues.."
Edited by micgat23
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Name: Nolan A. Stokes

Media/Outlet: CNN Tonight with Don Lemon

Reason: Republicans are politicizing the Supreme Court. Justice Watford should get a fair hearing.

  • The reason why Republicans are obstructing Judge Watford's nomination is simple. It's all about politics Don. Republicans are more worried about win the 2016 elections and tipping the influence on the Court and are less concern with doing their constitutional duty of confirming a new justice. The GOP has no real legitimate reason to not hold a hearing on the nomination. They just want to win the election and use the courts as their own political payground.
  • The legitimacy of the courts are at stack here. What the Republicans have done is politicized a branch of the US Government that is not suppose to be political in the  first place. President Obama was elected by the American people - twice I might add - and it is my understanding that until 12:00 noon on January 20, 2017, he is still President.
  • Judge Watford is more then qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. With his impecable background and committment to interprating the constitution in an impartial and fairminded way is who we want to sevrve as a Justice. I have met with Judge Watford, and I hold him to high regard and he has earned alot of respect from me. I do believe he deserves a fair hearing and I belive he is qualified to serve on the Supreme Court.
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