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Founded by E.A. Davenport in 2012, The Report has been leading voice of the American Left. Founded to provide a voice on national politics through a left leaning perspective, The Report has continued to provide cratiques and insight into the belly of Washington.

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All Eyes on Wisconsin: A Turning Point for Both Parties

by E.A. Davenport


Milwaukee, WI - On a long and drawn out evening, volunteers, supporters, media and onlookers waited. Some were waiting nervously, while others mosied around chatting with others as counties across the state began to coming in with results. This was the scene at the Russ Feingold Watch Party. For Feingold, this was huge. In an attempt to help the Democrats regain the Senate, Russ Feingold took on the challenge for his former Senate seat against incumbent Ron Johnson, who narrowly defeated Feingold in the 2010 Elections.


This time, in 2016 ,Feingold ultimately came out the victor, reclaiming his seat and leading adding an additional seat to the roster for Democrats leading to a 51-49 slim Democrats Majority. However, this could all change and make the margin even more slim for Democrats. With the election of Senator Doug Murphy as the incoming Vice President, Wisconsinites will have a second change to elect a new senator following Murphy's assentions to the White House with President-elect Xiomara de la Cruz.


The special election to replace the Vice President Elect will be help on March 7, 2017 and may not be a simple win for Democrats. Because Wisconsin state law requires a special election, luckly for Democrats they aren't subject a gubenatorial appointment. However, because the election is an off year and a special election, turn out could be low and affect Demcorat's chances of holding Murphy's seat and ultimatly dividing the Senate down the Middle. Looking at who may throw their hat in the ring, here are a few people we thing are Republicans that may run for the open seat:



  1. Governor Scott Walker: While it may be more likely that Governor Walker may not seek to run for the Senate seat and focus on his govenrorship. Serving as the highest ranking elected Republican, he already has name recognitition. The only downside is, do Republicans want to risk the Governorship beofre the 2018 election, with Walkers legacy with teachers, it could mean an uphil battle for him, especially if the Democrats put up the right challenger. 
  2. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos: Everything seems to come down to the 2011 Budget Fights doesn't it/ Well Vos was a strong supporter of the bill. He might also get alot of flack from teachers and unions but depending on how Republicans narrate his role with Walker, his actions could be more of a crutch in the general.
  3. State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald: Serving in the State Senate since 1995, Fitzgerald is a major powerhouse in Wisconsin. Some say he has been a bit of a naysayer to Walker. Being critical of the budget rapair bill in 2011. He here is the establishment and could likely float to the general.


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ALT TEXT: The Military At Home. America must take a hard look at it's relationship with the expansion of weapons of war within our local law enforcement agencies. By E.A. Davenport


It has been almost just two years following the deaths of Freddie Gray and Michael Brown. These two men, both killed in the hands of law enforcement were two instances in a growing frustration around misconduct and the lack of accountability within local law enforcement agencies. When we look at the scene of both Baltimore and Ferguson. Protests and uprisings rose as people took to the streets to air out their frustration with a system, they feel has been against them. Many joined in the streets with their hands raised and shouting chats calling for justice. In response local law enforcement met protestors with military paraphernalia and SWAT gear. A response that seems disproportionate to the actions of the protester. Big military style MRAP trucks with snipers perched on the roof of the truck. 


Pause, one must think this sounds like a scene from a military battle oversees but, no this is right here on American soil. We must take a hard look at our relationship to military style weapons on our streets. What makes it even more worrisome is that these are in the hands of those who are sworn to protect us. The reason for this is because of the 1033 program. This program was implemented in 1997 under US Department of Defense appropriations. This granted the Department of Defence to give state, local and federal law enforcement agencies military style hardware. Some of this includes Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) trucks, rifles, military helmets and much more. This program was an addition to the failed war on drugs and has created s sense of strong military presence in our cities as response to peaceful assembly by American citizens. 




In 2015 Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced legislation that would halt this rapid and continuously growing overreach by law enforcement. This bill titled the Stop Militarizing Our Law Enforcement Act of 2015 would “prohibit the federal transfer of militarized equipment to state and local law enforcement agencies including, MRAP vehicles, drones and armored vehicles transferred through the U.S. Department of Defense’s 1033, U.S. Department of Justice’s Byrne Justice Assistance Grant, and U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Grant programs.”


As a response to President Obama's 2015 Executive Order which only limited some aquisition of military equipment but was criticized for being only a band-aid on the issue. Paul stated "As a nation, we were shocked by images of police responding to protests in Ferguson, Missouri, outfitted as if going to war. As we rebuild the trust between communities and the police, we have to address the role that the federal government has played in supplying law enforcement with battlefield equipment."


Right now, Republicans are trying to continue the expansion of the police state. Hiding behind the age old Nixonian rhetoric of “tough on crime”. But who are they really trying to crack down on? Looking at the protests across our nation, we see innocent Americans expressing their opinions met by snipers and military trucks. While we must understand that law enforcement is a part of the conversation around reform, we must not create a culture of fear but a culture of community. The future in understanding this relationship can go either way. It is our choice to let it turn the right way and that way is to stop the overreach. 

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