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NYT - In Support of Judge Paul Watford for Supreme Court Justice: A Voice for Fairness and Integrity

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In Support of Judge Paul Watford for Supreme Court Justice: A Voice for Fairness and Integrity

Senator Camilo J. deSonido


As the nation contemplates President Xiomara de la Cruz's nominee for the esteemed position of Supreme Court Justice, it's crucial to consider not only legal expertise but also character, integrity, and a dedication to justice. In this regard, Judge Paul Watford stands out as an exceptional candidate, embodying the qualities essential for the highest judicial office in the country.


His commitment to fairness distinguishes Judge Watford's judicial career, depth of legal knowledge, and unwavering dedication to upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution. Serving on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit since 2012, Judge Watford has demonstrated a keen intellect and a profound understanding of the law in a myriad of cases spanning various complex legal issues.


One of the most compelling aspects of Judge Watford's candidacy is his unwavering commitment to fairness and justice. Throughout his career, he has consistently shown a willingness to listen attentively to all sides of an argument, weigh the facts presented meticulously, and render decisions grounded in the law and guided by principles of equity and fairness. It is no wonder Judge Watford has earned praise even among conservatives for his nominations to federal judgeships. Senator Jim Cambridge (R-IA) described Judge Watford as a "stand-up guy," and Republican Study Caucus Chair Senator William Whitaker (R-KY) praised his qualifications as both expressed their intent to vote for him. Jeremy Rosen, a former President of the Los Angeles Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization that emphasizes original intent, spoke favorably of his qualifications and fair-minded approach to applying legal precedent in prior appointments, stating: "I know he has the respect of anyone who has come into contact with him. He is exceptionally bright and well qualified." Rosen further noted: "I also have no doubt that Paul will be fair-minded and will carefully apply the relevant legal precedent to each case he decides. Through his clerking experience and his public and private practice, Paul has always demonstrated high integrity and ethics."


Judge Watford's legal acumen is beyond reproach. His opinions are marked by clarity, depth, and a keen awareness of the broader implications of legal precedent. His thoughtful approach to legal interpretation ensures that the rule of law is upheld and justice is served. "He just embodies the definition of judicial temperament-- very level-headed and even-keeled. . . . I don't think he'll approach the job with any kind of agenda other than to do what is right and consistent with precedent as he understands it," wrote Daniel Collins, former clerk for Justice Antonin Scalia and attorney for Presidents George H.W. and George W. Bush. 


Furthermore, Judge Watford's life story is a testament to the American Dream. Born to parents who were educators in California, he rose to become one of the most respected legal minds in the country through hard work, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. While opponents have desperately tried to make an issue of his race and derogatorily suggest he has only gotten where he is because of affirmative action, nothing could be further from the truth. His record and experience speaks for itself. Even Senate Minority Leader Cliff Fleming (R-AL) correctly came to his defense: "The belief that Judge Watford’s unqualified because of his skin tone or his cultural background is not only unfounded, it’s offensive." Judge Watford has rightfully earned his place among legal scholars through a lifetime of hard work and dedication to the legal profession. His background only enhances his valuable perspective on the bench, reflecting the diversity and richness of the American experience.


In a time when the Supreme Court plays an increasingly pivotal role in shaping our nation's legal landscape, it is crucial to appoint justices who possess impeccable legal credentials and a deep-seated commitment to justice and fairness. Judge Paul Watford embodies these qualities and more. Once again, the American Bar Association has given Judge Watford its highest endorsement for his exceptional qualifications as a nominee to the Supreme Court.


His confirmation to the Supreme Court would not only be a testament to his exceptional qualifications but also a reaffirmation of our nation's commitment to justice, equality, and the rule of law. After nearly a year of delay without a full bench on the Supreme Court, the U.S. Senate should heed this same urgency today and swiftly confirm Judge Watford's nomination. Senator Whitaker wisely agrees: "We insisted on waiting until after the election for the vacancy on SCOTUS to be filled. Now it is time we hold to our word and put Judge Watford through the process." It is time for the Senate to come together in a bipartisan manner to confirm Judge Paul Watford as the next Supreme Court Justice, ensuring that our highest court continues to serve as a beacon of justice for generations to come.


Senator Camilo J. deSonido-Daniel is the senior senator representing California. He is a registered independent but caucuses with the Democratic Party. Senator deSonido ran for President in 2016 and gave the keynote address at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. He is among the youngest senators ever elected to the United States Senate.

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