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The Inauguration of Xiomara de la Cruz and Doug Murphy

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O Almighty and Everlasting God, who presides over the destiny of nations and who calls us to justice and mercy, we gather today in a spirit of gratitude and hope as we witness the inauguration of President Xiomara de la Cruz and Vice President Doug Murphy.


In the words of the prophet Micah, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8). May these timeless words guide our leaders in their service to this great nation.


Lord, bless President de la Cruz and Vice President Murphy with wisdom and courage, with compassion and integrity. As they embark on their noble journey of leadership, let them be vessels of Your peace and justice, embodying the love that casts out fear, and the truth that sets us free.


We remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who taught us that “Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'” May our leaders be champions for the least among us – for the poor, the marginalized, the voiceless – and may their actions reflect a deep commitment to lifting up every citizen, regardless of their station in life.


Let this administration rekindle a moral movement that awakens the hearts and minds of people to the common good, a movement that binds us in our shared humanity and our common destiny.


May they lead with the courage of Esther, who spoke truth to power; with the wisdom of Solomon, who sought understanding above all else; and with the heart of David, who shepherded his people with integrity and passion.


As they guide our nation forward, let them be led by Your divine providence, fostering a strong unity, promoting unwavering justice, and manifesting Your unconditional love in every policy, every decision, every act of governance.


In Your holy and enduring name, we pray. Amen.


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12:00 PM: [Vice President-elect Doug Murphy and Associate Justice Stephen Breyer step to the lectern to begin the oath of office. Mrs. Murphy holds a Bible, opened to Isaiah 1:18, while standing next to her husband.]


ASSOCIATE JUSTICE BREYER: "Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Douglas Glenn Murphy, do solemnly swear..."


VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "I, Douglas Glenn Murphy, do solemnly swear..."


ASSOCIATE JUSTICE BREYER: "...that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."


VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "...that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."


ASSOCIATE JUSTICE BREYER: "...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion..."


VICE PRESIDENT-ELECT MURPHY: "...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion..."


ASSOCIATE JUSTICE BREYER: "...and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."


VICE PRESIDENT MURPHY: "...and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."


ASSOCIATE JUSTICE BREYER: "Congratulations, Mister Vice President!"


[The crowd erupts in cheers as Vice President Murphy shakes Justice Breyer's hand and hugs his wife. The Marine Band plays "Hail Columbia" while the 3rd U.S. Infantry fires off its cannons, saluting the new vice president.]


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12:03 PM: [After shaking hands with Vice President Murphy and President Obama, President-elect Xiomara de la Cruz, and Chief Justice John Roberts step forward to the lectern. The president-elect's husband holds a closed Bible, standing next to their daughter.]


CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Xiomara de la Cruz, do solemnly swear..."


PRESIDENT-ELECT DE LA CRUZ: "I, Xiomara de la Cruz, do solemnly swear..."


CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "...that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States..."


PRESIDENT-ELECT DE LA CRUZ: "...that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States..."


CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "...and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


PRESIDENT-ELECT DE LA CRUZ: "...and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."




PRESIDENT DE LA CRUZ: "So help me God."


CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: "Congratulations, Madam President!"


[The crowd erupts in cheers as President de la Cruz shakes Chief Justice Roberts' hands and hugs her husband and daughter. The Marine Corps Band plays "Hail to the Chief" while the 3rd U.S. Infantry fires off its cannons, saluting the new Commander in Chief.]


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[President de la Cruz turns to the podium and begins her address:]


Vice President Murphy, Mr. Chief Justice, members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and my fellow Americans,


First, I want to thank our brave servicemen and women who continue to defend American ideals around the world and here at home, even as we gather here today. Thank you to President Obama and Vice President Biden for your assistance in our time honored peaceful transfer of leadership and your service to our nation over the past eight years. I also want to thank Senator McCord and the Leadership of both parties, and Houses of Congress, for their commitment to our shared values that unite us before the challenges and opportunities we face in the days and years ahead. 


Today, we stand on the threshold of a new era, a moment of hope and promise for our great nation. As I take the oath of office, I am mindful of the profound responsibility that comes with leading this country, and I am filled with a sense of duty to all Americans, from every corner of our land. While I am humbled and honored to stand before you, today is not about me. It is about all those who sacrificed to make today possible and look upon us with more optimism and hope for the future today than they may have yesterday. And for all those who still hold out hope for more but may have yet further to climb; we hear you and shall commit to you all that we can to give voice to your cause and ensure that you too can participate in the pursuit of happiness.


We gather not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans, bound by the belief that our diversity is our greatest strength and that together, we can overcome any challenge that lies ahead. This is the promise of our democracy, the promise that has guided us through our darkest days and propelled us toward a brighter future. On this day, we come together as one nation, united by our shared dreams and aspirations, to mark a new chapter in our country's history. As I stand before you, humbled by the trust you have placed in me, I am reminded of the extraordinary journey that has led us to this moment. 


Exactly 100 years ago, Jeannette Rankin of Montana became the first woman elected to federal office in the United States. That same year, she introduced a bill which would become the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution and guarantee all women the right to vote. I am humbled and honored to recognize the significance of my taking this sacred oath to protect and defend that Constitution for millions of Americans today who have had to fight throughout our history to ensure that we live up to our creed: that all people are created equal. What we accomplish in this generation will not be the result of any one man or woman, but our collective efforts to empower the hard working American people to do what they do best and continue to strive for a more perfect union.


In that same year, dark forces conspired to undermine the values of liberty and democracy that we hold dear. The United States entered the ‘war to end all wars,’ and the Russian Empire fell to something that would become even more autocratic and harmful to its own people. Nevertheless, a reunified Federal Republic of Germany today is among our closest friends and allies and the Soviet Union is no more. The vanguards of fascism and communism have both been defeated by the strength of the American arsenal of democracy and its people’s commitment to its ideals of liberty and free markets. Empires have risen and fallen, but our Constitution has endured throughout, and our founding values only strengthened over time. We are strengthened by our diversity. And we are stronger together.


We again find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history, where the challenges we face are great, but the opportunities before us are even greater. Though times have changed and the obstacles we must overcome vary from days past, It is again a time for bold action and decisive leadership, and to reaffirm our commitment to the values that have always defined us as a people. Together, we must confront the pressing issues of our time – from an imbalance of opportunity to economic prosperity to the threat of terrorism – with courage and resolve. We must stand firm in defense of democracy and human rights, both at home and abroad, and we must never waver in our pursuit of justice and equality for all.


Yes – empires have fallen, and justice has been rendered to terrorists who have threatened our homeland, but new threats have emerged in their wake. Autocracy, terrorism, and war have taken new forms and pose asymmetric threats to the safety of not just our families and communities at home, but our allies and fellow champions of Democracy and human rights around the world. There are some among us who may seek now to withdraw the United States from our leadership on the world stage. But America is safer with its eyes and ears open. America is stronger not only when it is at the table with other nations, but when it continues to lead that conversation into the future and demonstrate the strength of its leadership by example. 


"We the People” is an idea that has transcended tyranny and served as a model for free people and their governments around the globe. And the ingenuity of our Constitution to evolve to meet the challenges and demands of a generation of Americans over two and half centuries removed from its inception is a testament to the strength of our shared American values. Despite what our politics may sometimes suggest, we are far more united today than in the past and our Constitution has endured from Civil War to World Wars to remain the longest enduring charter of government in the world. There are more people living in democratic societies where human rights are protected and free markets thrive today than ever before precisely because of America’s moral leadership in the world, and because of its partnerships in security, and in commerce. We must never surrender the advancement of these ideals of liberty, equality, and justice for all here at home or around the world. 


To those who would threaten the safety and security of America and her allies through the proliferation of arms and sponsorship of terrorism, we will defeat you. To those who seek to align with us in the defense of liberty and human rights, we welcome your partnership in that cause. To those who seek to compete with us economically and technologically in the global marketplace, we welcome the challenge. American workers and businesses remain the most innovative and entrepreneurial among the world and we are ready to redouble our investment in the power of the American workforce. We can ensure free and fair trade that protects our workers and industries and still strengthens and grows our partnerships around the world – it is not a zero-sum game – American workers and industries’ skills and ingenuity are the very strengths that make ours the most vibrant economy the world has ever known. We can strengthen our workers and their families’ well-being while continuing to compete around the globe precisely because of the skills and the determination of the American worker. Today, the American Dream is alive and well in the hearts of more Americans than ever before and we will see to it that all Americans can earn their dignity and fair share of that promise. 


As your President, I pledge to be a leader for all Americans, to listen to your concerns, and to work tirelessly on your behalf. We have come a long way since the Great Recession, but we have further to go to reach our full potential and ensure broadly shared prosperity for all Americans. We will fight for economic opportunity for every person, regardless of their background or circumstance. We will work to ensure that every child has access to a quality education and that every family has access to affordable healthcare. And we will strive to build a future where no one is left behind, where everyone has the chance to succeed and thrive.


But let us also remember that our journey does not end here. We face many challenges as a nation but let us also remember that ours is a nation of boundless possibilities, where each generation has the power to shape its own destiny. As we chart a course for the future, let us draw inspiration from the millions of American heroes in uniform or in the fields who built this country into the shining beacon of hope for millions who seek liberty around the world. I am confident that if we work together, if we summon the courage and determination that has always defined America, there is no obstacle we cannot overcome.


So let us march forward together, guided by the principles of justice, equality, and opportunity for all. Together, let us embark on this journey with renewed determination and unwavering faith in the American spirit. Let us dare to dream of a better world and work tirelessly to make that dream a reality. Let us embrace the strength of our diverse perspectives in the marketplace of ideas and the power of our democracy. And let us never forget that here in America, more today than ever before, anything is possible.


Thank you, my fellow Americans. May God bless each and every one of you and your families, and may God continue to bless the United States of America!

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