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Press Office of Jason Roy

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Joint Statement on “Draining The Swamp Act” & Opposition To Peter Orszag’s Return To Government Bureaucracy: Ending The Revolving Door of Organized Corruption

An Open Letter from Senator David Stewart of Pennsylvania; Senator Jason Roy of South Carolina; Senator Jim Cambridge of Iowa and Senator Bill Whitaker of Kentucky



“The question of our time is whether or not we will continue to allow our country to be governed by the corrupt political and corporate class. Central to this question is an issue that’s presently before us: the nomination of Peter Orszag to return to the Office of Management and Budget, a job he held previously in the Obama administration before cashing in on his political connections to get a job for the Citigroup bank.


Citigroup, once the nation’s largest bank, played games with Americans' hard-earned money by taking unhinged risks. Using his influence in the White House, Peter Orszag helped Citigroup escape accountability, even after taking billions and billions of dollars from taxpayers to be bailed out. Orszag was an economic power player in Bill Clinton’s administration during the repeal of Glass-Steagal, the regulatory legislation that would’ve prevented Citigroup’s conglomeration of commercial and investment banking, which led to significant risk-taking. After his stint in the Clinton administration, Orszag cashed checks as a corporate consultant, using his experience in government to pad his pockets. Peter Orszag enriched himself on the back of public service before and we have no reason not to believe he will do it again. He cannot become a part of this administration.


President de la Cruz’s nomination of Mr. Orszag to the Office of Management and Budget sends an unmistakable message that while she may have made history as the first woman president, she’s still more of the same. The new President is not a change-maker but is proving instead to continue the status quo, appointing members of her cabinet who are a part of the revolving door between political consultancy, Wall Street money-making, and government bureaucracy. They are all enriching each other, passing our hard-earned tax money around amongst themselves.


That is why we need to ‘Drain The Swamp’. We have unveiled legislation that accomplishes this mission through a host of ethics reforms for members of Congress and the president’s cabinet. This legislation, which has received the support of the Chairman of the Democrat party, would begin the process of ending the revolving door of organized corruption.”


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WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Jason Roy (R-SC) has authored two legislative initiatives tackling "transgender insanity" that is impacting American families. Liberal social and cultural engineering has challenged parental authority in schools and in doctor's offices to promote "gender-affirming" care on minors and promote of biological boys to compete against women in women's sports under the auspices of "transgenderism".


Senator Roy releases the following statement on the release of the "Protecting Minors Act" and "No Trans In Sports Act": 


"The transgender ideology is taking over our kid's education. It's infected our children's classrooms. Parents must stay vigilant and contest the radicalization of our schools and the transgender ideological extremism overtaking of our society. We have to protect our children, mainly our daughters, from transgenderism rendering them irrelevant in women's sports. It's unfair to have boys competing in girl's sports and limiting the opportunities and excellence of our daughters around the country. We also cannot allow taxpayer funding of so-called 'gender-affirming' care that put our children through puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and sex-change surgeries at incredibly young ages. This transgender insanity must end and it's up to the God-fearing parents of this nation to take a stand against it."

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"Hello, Alabama! It's tremendous to be here in Mobile with all of you amazing people. You know, I love Alabama. I love the spirit, I love the energy, and I love the enthusiasm. And let me tell you something, folks: there is light at the end of tunnel. When our Conservative Resistance wins - we are going to win so much, you're going to be sick of winning! We're going to bring back our jobs, we're going to secure our border, and we're going to take our country back! So get ready, Alabama, because together, we are going to achieve unbelievable things! But I need you to join me and join the Conservative Resistance now! Do you see what's happening in Europe?? The terrorists are out for blood and they're flooding every open society they can find to destroy. It's paramount that you get involved! 


You have to be aware that our country is under assault, folks. We have an absolute crisis at the border - a tremendous crisis like you've never seen before. Illegal immigrants are pouring in, bringing crime, bringing drugs, bringing terrible problems that we don't need. These third-world countries are not sending their best and brightest, let me tell you.


You know, they don't like me telling the truth - you know that right?! They want me to lie and beat around the bush. The corporate media, the button-up, fake politicians, expect me to quell the truth and be all rosey when the truth is anything but! It's called the Extreme Political Correctness Regime. They want to silence me and silence you and prevent us from speaking out against their terrible policies and ridiculous lackeys. But I won't back down! I won't lie to you!

I will tell you the truth. And the truth is this, folks. Our southern border is wide open. It's like the doors of heaven opening for innocent angels, except we don't have angels walking in, I'll tell you. Everyone is just walking right through - illegal immigrants, gang members, maybe even terrorists and radical Islamic extremists. Who knows what kind of bad dudes could be strolling across? It's scary!

And what are the Democrat politicians, elitists, and special interests doing about it? Nothing! They're laughing at us while Americans are putting their lives at risk. Our leaders, the Democrat leaders and the leaders that want to play nicey-nice are incompetent clowns who can't negotiate their way out of a baby's playpen. They're all talk and no action. Just pathetic.


But not me! Noo, not me. I'm a man of action. Relentless action. When this terrorist attack happened, I had a bill drafted so quick it will make your head spin. My bill, the American Travel Safety Act, will put a complete and total shutdown on people entering the United States from terrorist-infested Muslim-majority nations where Radical Islamic Jihadists extremism and extremists reside and foster!

If you stick with me, let me tell you, I'm going to build a big, beautiful wall on the southern border. A real wall, not a leaky little fence like the one we have now. This will be an impenetrable wall that criminals and illegals will not be digging tunnels under or climbing over. We'll have it manned by Immigration officers and protected with the latest technology. No one is getting through our wall, you can believe me.

Illegal immigration is straining our schools, hospitals and social safety nets. Americans are losing jobs to illegal workers will to undercut them on wages. Our tax dollars are going to support illegal immigrants instead of our own citizens. Does that make any sense to you? Of course not!

You and me together, we're putting a stop to all of it. We'll triple the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and enable them to do their jobs properly. Any illegal immigrant caught will be swiftly deported - no more catch-and-release nonsense. If they're a criminal, they're gone immediately with no judges or court cases. Out!

We're also ending the disastrous policies of the past that encouraged illegal entry and made a mockery of our laws. No more amnesties that tell the world America doesn't enforces its own rules. In 'Our' America, we have a straightforward policy: When you're in this country illegally, you have to go. It's as simple as that.

This is a crisis, a true crisis threatening the security of every American. But you don't get it fixed by being politically correct and treating illegal immigrants with kid gloves. You get tough, you get smart, and you stop allowing yourselves to be taken for a ride by people who don't have your interests at heart.

If you stick with me, believe me, we're securing that border and removing the illegals who snuck in. It's the first step in putting the national safety and well-being of American citizens first again. We're going to make this country great - safer and stronger than ever before!"

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