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Spin Zone: Q1, 2016


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Reason: (Ex. Why I Stand with the Armed Militas) 


[Bullet points/brief outline of talking points during appearance.]


Due by March 7th, at 11:59 PM EST.

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Name: Nolan A. Stokes (D-MD)

Media/Outlet: MSNBC

Reason: The Idea of a DNC Loyalty Pledge Isn't the Right Path Forward. Senator deSonido has been a strong ally of the Democrats. That is why he has my support.

  • Current discussions among Party Leadership regarding creating a loyalty pledge for candidates is not the right path for the Democratic Party. We have always been a party that welcomed anyone and everyone who supports our goals and fights for working-class and middle-class Americans. I believe creating an internal litmus test isn't the right path to go.
  • Senator deSonido has been a strong ally and supporter of numerous initiatives that members of the Democratic Party have put forth. Much of what he is saying now on the campaign trail either aligns or expands on what the Democrats have done under President Obama. He has always been a part of the push forward. He believes in expanding access to healthcare, he believes in raising wages for workers, he believes in making sure that everyone regardless of where they came from, you have a shot at succeeding in our nation.
  • I will also add that Senator deSonido has even committed to signing the loyalty pledge, while I believe we should not have this pledge, his willingness to sign shows that he is here to unify around a common goal. The goal is to support the people of this nation.
  • To ensure we are unified in November, we must cease to float around a Loyalty Pledge and focus on the issues. Senator deSonido has always supported many initiatives by the Democratic Caucus in the Senate and has proven his commitment to working with our party. Throughout his life he has supported and worked with the Democrats, serving at one point within the Young Democrats as the President of the California Young Democrats and before then was a member of the Young Democrats of South Carolina before moving to California. He came into politics as a public servant with the Democrats and has always been there alongside us. That's why, I support him and know that he continue that allyship as President of the United States.
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Name: Andrew Clarke (D-MO) 

Media/Outlet: The Kelly File/Fox News

Reason: In Support of Reinstating Nebraska Death Penalty 

  • I support Nebraska voters reinstating the state’s death penalty. As a former prosecutor and former Attorney General of Missouri, I am intimately familiar with the process that leads to the death penalty being levied against someone. Let me tell you, we aren’t executing some random schmuck who broke into a car at night or stole a pack of gum. We’re talking about hardened, dangerous, violent criminals—serial rapists, brutal murderers, truly depraved individuals. 
  • The death penalty isn’t something we should take lightly, but it is an essential tool of justice. Some people are just so truly depraved and violent, and what they’ve done is so terrible, it is the only adequate means of punishment and prevention available. We are talking about the people who stand out even amongst other violent criminals, after all. 
  • Not only is it pragmatic, but it is also essential for the morality and soul of the nation and trust in the justice system. How can you look the mother and father of a young woman who was kidnapped, brutally assaulted and tortured, before being killed and left in a barrel, in their eyes and tell them their daughter’s killer deserves to live? What kind of justice are they getting? I’ve seen terrible cases come across my desk throughout my many years as a prosecutor, and I know I could never do that. 
  • Justice for the victims of crime and their families isn’t a partisan issue. We should never allow it to become one. That’s why I’m also throwing my support behind the effort to reinstate the death penalty in Nebraska. 
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Name: Sen. Douglas Butcher (R-LA)

Media/Outlet: Glenn Beck Program

Reason: Charleston Shooting & Confederate Symbolism


  • The horrible events in Charleston can’t be diminished, but the idea that we are now taking down statues across the South is genuinely absurd. You can’t make the statues’ existence equal in measure to the dead being mourned.
  • My view on those statues is very simple. I don’t care. If you are a person who wakes up every day and you are guided by the statue of Jebediah Beauregard Farquhar, I will never understand your world. Likewise, if you wake up every day and you believe that all your misfortunes are because that statue you drive by is the source of all evil, I will never understand you either. I just hope we don’t become consumed by nonsense, because doing one statue will lead to the next statue. And it’s just an endless line of nonsense and general bullcrap that ultimately has no meaning.
  • Dylann Roof took a picture with a Confederate flag. Mark David Chapman read Catcher In The Rye. Hinckley loved Taxi Driver. That flag. That book. That movie. None pulled the trigger.
  • I’ve never been one for boycotts. I’m a proud Catholic and I defend religious liberty. But sometimes I look at Bill Donahue trying to pull episodes of South Park and I just hang my head. I know that once you start pulling anything from the public square because enough angry people want something banned, that’s troubling. Being offended is a reaction. Congratulations, you as an adult had a reaction. Bravo.
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Name: Nolan A. Stokes (D-MD)

Media/Outlet: CNN

Reason: Our communities are hurting after the death of Freddie Gray. As we await the verdict we must remain peaceful. 

  • The killing of Freddie Gray has left many across Baltimore and our nation hurt. Many Americans, undesrtand the pain and trauma and many understand the relationship many communities have with our law enforcement. What happened to Freddie Gray is apart of a larger concern around how our communites across the nation interact with police.
  • Following his death many were angery and I undestand that. But lets be clear while I do not condone riots, Dr. King said that 'riots are the voice of the unheard.' What I am saying here is that Baltimore did not erupt for no reason. This is apart of a larger conversation we need to have about how our police and communites across the nation interact.
  • We need to realize that our systems are broken and that we must heal the wounds of our past. From the legacies of divestment from our communities to the harmeful policies that excluded generations of Ameriacans from access to wealth because of their skin color. All this had affects on how our nation is today.
  • Freddie Gray should still be hear. Trayvon Martin should still be here. Sandra Bland should still be here. Eric Garner should still be here. Our communities are hurting after the death of Freddie Gray. As we await the verdict we must remain peaceful. I stand with the people of Baltimore and call for Justice for Freddie Gray.
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Name: Alex Fakhouri (D-MI)

Media/Outlet: Don Lemon Tonight on CNN

Reason: In Defense of TPP

  • Free trade is the bedrock of our modern society. Let's take a look at nations that have historically had restricted, protectionist economies: Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, the Khmer Rouge. These are not free societies. We don't even have to look that far in the past to understand its implications. We can just look at North Korea, Cuba, and Iran. And countries that were very recently closed off, such as Argentina, India, and China, certainly aren't now and there's a reason for it. Trade brings two things to a populace: paying jobs and cheaper goods. It is an inherently democratizing force, and it's something we can capitalize on if we play our cards right.
  • The GOP talks a big game about competitiveness in the free market, but when it comes time to walk the walk, what do they have to show? I'll tell you what. They don't want competition overseas with Hanoi or Kuala Lampur or Mexico City, even though they're happy to have it here in the states where its urban versus rural. Why is that? It's because they understand the current labor model overseas is the same is their own, and that means lower wages and less safe work environments for you. I don't think we need to lower America to Vietnam's standard to compete with Vietnam. We don't need to put up with that. Instead, I have an alternate vision: I think we can raise both to the American worker's standard, and beyond, and that's exactly what TPP does—which will lead to an over-$350 billion kickback to America by 2030.
  • The Pacific is ripe for picking. There are two major powers that could lead the way here: America or China. If we don't capitalize on this, China will. Frankly, I find it shocking the party of "tough on China" would be so willing to surrender such a large and growing trade bloc to Chinese influence, and ensuring another generation dominated by Chinese-made products. Under TPP, we are the only other nation with a manufacturing base that can compete at the standards TPP demands. That means jobs for the Michigan autoworker, for the Ohio steelworker, and for the Pennsylvania packager.
Edited by Sovereign
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Name: Heather James

Media: Meet the Press on NBC

Reason: Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupation


  • "I don't want to overreact to these armed protestors: they may be loud, but they're not very well organized, and they represent the fringes of the fringe. A much bigger threat to natural lands in the West is a different extremist group of gun nuts: the Republican majority in Congress."
  • "Just a few months ago, the Republicans killed a vote on reauthorization for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Congressman Bishop, Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee, and perhaps not coincidentally, one of the largest recipients of oil and gas corporate cash, called it a 'slush fund'. A term he's no doubt familiar with from his own campaign finances, padded by over a quarter of a million dollars of money from the most polluting industries in America, determined to undermine federal protections. The consequences of the slide in LWCF funding since the 1980s have been terrible: look at Tucson, Arizona, where tamarisk root is now a pervasive problem. Invasive species flourish when the rangeland isn't cared for by skilled forest service personnel. Look at Yellowstone and the plight of some of the last remaining bison on the continent after feeding grounds for migrating bison were sold to private ranchers. This kind of problem is going to be repeated across the West if we don't properly fund land conservation."
  • "Conservatives talk about wanting to protect America's heritage. They should start with the greatest heritage America has, its natural environment. Congress should authorize a proper vote, and not on the low levels of funding LWCF has had for the last few years, but fully funded to meet the demands we see all across from the West. Many landowners want to benefit from this program, but if the funds aren't there, they'll have no choice but to turn to private buyers, denying the public, scientists, and forest service access to what should be public lands."
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Name: Doug Murphy

Media/Outlet: CBS This Morning

Reason: Defeating ISIL, Theocratic Fascism, White Supremacy

  • "Deep down, theocratic fascists know their ideas will never win or hold up to scrutiny. No bigot or terrorist has ever triumphed in a war of words. And because they cannot prevail with ballots, they then must resort to bullets and bombs. The reality is that the Jihadi Johns and Dylann Roofs of the world are all different flavors of the same poisonous brew. Though they beg us to think otherwise, in truth their ideas are in league with one another: preying on the innocent through violence and barbarism. And their only hope of success in this ultimate struggle is for people of goodwill to give in to the impulses of fear and bigotry in the face of their terror." 
  • "Those who would make Islam the convenient political scapegoat do nothing more than carry water for the Caliphate. For it is our Muslim allies in the Middle East who are on the frontlines of the ground war against ISIS. They are the ones who are bearing the heaviest burden in standing up to the theocratic fascists. You cannot win a war by spitting on your allies And we cannot win this war on the battlefield or in the hearts and minds of mankind if we debase ourselves and abandon our values."
  • "If we are going to defeat ISIS and stamp out the embers of fanaticism and bigotry, it will take a coordinated strategy at home and abroad. We must coordinate with our Arab partners on the ground through expanded airstrikes, controlling key checkpoints and infrastructure, and utilizing our special forces when necessary. It is imperative we also work to facilitate more political stability within Iraq to avoid a resurgence of ISIS or the government becoming a puppet of Iran. Second, we need to cut off the ISIL recruiting pipeline that has spurred both lone-wolf attacks and young people to join the enemy. That starts by coordinating with social media companies, partnering proactively with religious minorities in America, and expanding outreach to struggling youth. And third, we need to keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists. I will get assault weapons off our streets, fix the broken background check system, and empower the DOJ to place a three-week hold on all firearm and explosive purchases and transfers involving terror suspects."
  • "But let's be clear here too. We can't afford a president who will play footsie with the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters as they use a militia force to defy the law. You give a mouse a cookie, it's going to want a glass of milk. It does not matter where on the map it happens. I'm going to stand up against this escalatory, lawless nonsense and protect the freedoms and rights we hold dear as Americans." 
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Name: Senator Camilo deSonido (I/D-CA)

Media/Outlet: The Lead with Jake Tapper on CNN

Reason: To tell America why Camilo for US is the ticket of the people for 2016

  • Thank you for having me tonight, Jake. It was great to be back in South Carolina, where I grew up and where I feel a deep connection to the people. But let's be honest, folks there are facing some serious challenges. Despite some progress made by Gov. Haley in business development, too many South Carolinians are struggling. We've got over 600,000 folks without health insurance and nearly three-quarters of a million living below the poverty line. That's not right, and it's time for a change.
  • One of my top priorities is raising the minimum wage. Now, some folks say we should only go up a little bit, but I believe in aiming high. I'm talking about gradually raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour by 2025, with adjustments to keep up with the cost of living after that. This isn't just about putting more money in people's pockets; it's about giving them the dignity and respect they deserve for their hard work. And we'll help businesses adapt along the way with tax incentives for investing in their employees and creating good-paying jobs right here at home.

  • When it comes to healthcare, I believe it's a basic human right, not a privilege for the lucky few. That's why I'm fighting for a single-payer healthcare system, like they have in other developed countries. A Medicare for All program that covers everything from check-ups to emergencies, so no one has to choose between paying their medical bills and putting food on the table. By ensuring that every American has access to preventive care, screenings, and treatment for illnesses and injuries, we can catch health issues early and prevent them from becoming more serious and costly down the line. This not only improves individual health outcomes but also reduces the burden on our healthcare system and lowers overall healthcare costs for everyone. Furthermore, access to healthcare is essential for promoting economic stability and opportunity. When people have access to healthcare, they are more likely to be able to work, pursue education and training, and contribute to the economy. Conversely, when individuals are burdened by medical debt or unable to afford necessary care, it can lead to financial insecurity, bankruptcy, and even homelessness.

  • And let's not forget about our infrastructure. It's not just about fixing potholes; it's about building a transportation system that works for everyone and preparing for the challenges of climate change. That's why I'm proposing a $1 trillion investment in infrastructure, creating 13 million good-paying jobs and laying the groundwork for a more sustainable future. Additionally, I'm committed to expanding broadband access to rural and underserved areas, ensuring that every American has access to high-speed internet. We also need to modernize our transportation system by investing in public transit and supporting alternative modes like electric vehicles. And when it comes to weather emergencies, we must prepare our infrastructure to withstand the impacts of climate change, building resilient systems that can weather storms and protect our communities.

  • I'm not afraid to tackle the big issues head-on and fight for real change. Together, we can build a country where everyone has the opportunity to succeed, no matter where they come from or what challenges they face. With America, I'm here to pave the way to a country that works FOR US!

Edited by Camilo deSonido
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Name: Andrew Clarke (D-MO)

Media/Outlet: NBC

Reason: Law and Order/Combatting Gun Violence, Crime, and Disorder 

  • The basic job of the government is to protect the people from crime, disorder, and chaos. But right now, we are failing. There is an epidemic of gun violence and shootings in our cities, and now, we are seeing public land illegally occupied. 
  • Armed occupation of public land undermines the safety of everyone by legitimizing violence as a means of solving problems instead of the justice system. I pray a peaceful and safe resolution is found quickly, but at the end of the day, we can not afford to normalize armed occupation of public land if we want a stable, safe country. 
  • Gun violence is another problem that we must tackle head on because right now, governments across our country are failing to keep their citizens safe. There are meaningful changes and reforms we must pursue—closing loopholes, ensuring background checks are properly performed, keeping violent and abusive people from accessing guns—but we also have to make sure that we are also properly enforcing the laws we currently have. That means adequate funding for the justice system and law enforcement, sound practice and process, good training and education, and a commitment to upholding the rule of law. 
  • Cities like my home of St. Louis are hit particularly hard by the epidemic of gun violence, but it’s a problem everywhere. Minority and underserved communities are disproportionately harmed, but it’s a problem none of us can afford to ignore. In order to have a just, equal country, we must have a country that respects and upholds law and order. That comes with electing responsible leaders on Election Day. 
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Name: Senator Katrina Valdez

Media/Outlet: The Lead w/ Jake Tapper on CNN

Reason: Virginia Governor's Conviction

  • "The recent sentencing of former Governor Bob McDonnell is a stark reminder of the importance of integrity and accountability that must underpin our roles as public servants. It underscores the deep trust placed in us by the public, a trust we must strive tirelessly to uphold."
  • "While I respect the judicial process and the decision reached by the court, this moment is profoundly somber for Virginia. It serves as a crucial lesson on the consequences of failing to adhere to the ethical standards expected of us in public office."
  • "To the people of Virginia, I share in the reflection this verdict prompts about the nature of public service and the responsibilities we bear. I reaffirm my unwavering commitment to serve with the utmost transparency and dedication, ensuring your trust is never misplaced."
  • "Moving forward, this incident reinforces the necessity of vigilance and continuous improvement in our ethical practices as government officials. My focus remains on advocating for robust measures to enhance government transparency and accountability, ensuring such regrettable instances do not recur. Together, we must commit to fostering an environment where ethical governance is not just expected but exemplified."


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Name: Senator Katrina Valdez

Media/Outlet: The Kelly File on Fox

Reason: China Builds Islands in the South China Sea

  • "China's aggressive expansion in the South China Sea through the creation of artificial islands and military installations challenges the principles of international law and maritime sovereignty. This unilateral action escalates tensions and threatens regional stability and the global order."
  • "The United States staunchly supports the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, a critical international waterway. Actions threatening this principle, such as China's assertion of territorial waters around these man-made islands, cannot be accepted under international law."
  • "The freedom of navigation operations conducted by the U.S. Navy are a testament to our commitment to upholding international standards and ensuring that vital trade routes remain open and accessible. Such operations are crucial in challenging excessive maritime claims and preserving the rights of all nations."
  • "The stakes in the South China Sea are not just about territorial disputes; they're about maintaining a balance of power that favors freedom, open access to maritime routes, and adherence to international law. We must continue working with our allies and Southeast Asian partners to deter any actions that threaten regional peace and prosperity."


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Name: Senator Katrina Valdez

Media/Outlet: The Situation Room w/ Wolf Blitzer on CNN

Reason: Russia Intervenes in Syria

  • "Russia's military intervention in Syria, under the guise of fighting the Islamic State, has instead primarily targeted Syrian rebel groups. This uncoordinated action with US and allied efforts not only undermines the fight against ISIS but also significantly destabilizes the region further."
  • "The downing of a Russian fighter jet by Turkish forces is a grave reminder of the potential for unintended confrontation between Russia and NATO members. Moscow's refusal to coordinate with international efforts against ISIS in Syria heightens the risk of such dangerous incidents."
  • "At the heart of the Syrian conflict resolution talks is a stark divergence in objectives: while the international community seeks a future for Syria without Assad, Russia's insistence on propping up its ally only prolongs the suffering and impedes a path to peace."
  • "Moscow's actions in Syria reveal a broader pattern of behavior that disregards international norms and undermines efforts to achieve a stable, peaceful resolution. The international community must stand united in calling out and countering Russia's destabilizing activities."
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Name: Charles Walker 

Media Outlet: The Rush Limbaugh Show 

Reason: National Polls in the Republican Primary 


  • You know, Rush, a lot of people said our campaign was a longshot. A lot of the political consulting class said we'd have a hard time against folks who've already been in Washington, making connections, calling up donors, building up their names. But Americans, Republicans, they see through it. They want someone who hasn't spent their time trying to break in. They don't want a creature of D.C., they want leadership to come in and take a sledgehammer to the old way of doing things and provide some real leadership after the last eight years of failure and empty suits. 
  • I have a lot of respect for Senator David Rollins, I'm sure he's a good family man. I just don't think he'll win. I think he has a good shot of losing this race in November if he's our nominee, because of his policies, which would be detrimental to American seniors.
  • Look, we're virtually tied for first nationally, and in Senator McCord's own home state of South Carolina, we're close to beating her there. If this doesn't tell you our campaign has major momentum heading toward the first four, then you're wearing blinders. 
  • There is an establishment in place that has a lot of interest in trying to stop our momentum. Whether it be the media spreading falsehoods or Democrats attacking my character, just know this: we will not waver, we will not back down, and we're in this fight to win it. 
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Name: Senator Katrina Valdez

Media/Outlet: The Lead w/ Jake Tapper on CNN

Reason: Saudis Intervene in Yemen

  • "The ongoing conflict in Yemen, exacerbated by the Saudi-led intervention, presents a complex humanitarian and geopolitical challenge. While understanding the concerns of Saudi Arabia regarding the rise of the Houthi rebels, the international community must prioritize the pursuit of peace and the reduction of civilian suffering."
  • "The United States finds itself in a difficult position, balancing its strategic interests with the need to advocate for human rights and stability. While supporting our allies is important, we must also ensure that our involvement leads to constructive outcomes, including minimizing civilian casualties and providing humanitarian aid."
  • "The unintended consequences of the conflict, including the strengthening of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIS, highlight the need for a comprehensive strategy that addresses the root causes of instability in Yemen. Our efforts should be military and diplomatic, focusing on fostering dialogue and reconciliation among the Yemeni parties."
  • "The recent ceasefire and initiation of peace talks are steps in the right direction. All parties involved must seize this opportunity to negotiate a lasting peace. The United States should play a proactive role in supporting these talks, helping to mediate where possible and ensuring that any agreement respects the rights and dignity of all Yemeni citizens."
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