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Press Office and Appearances of Senator Diego Everhart (D-PA)

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Max Politics Podcast: Borough President Antonio Reynoso's Vision for  Brooklyn




Before I begin, I want to thank each and every one of you for coming today. 


I am so grateful to be home. To be in the city where I earned my stripes, where I carved my scars, and where I truly learned what it means to be an American.  I am just extremely grateful to call home the toughest city that anyone will know!


Gathered at the iconic Rocky Steps, we honor not just their physical stature, but the profound symbolism they embody for us, as proud Philadelphians. These steps represent the resilience and renewal that define our city, unyielding in the face of adversity. They stand as a testament to our unwavering commitment to justice and equality, echoing the voices of those marginalized by an economic system skewed in favor of the elite.


We need a president that is Pro-labor, pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-democracy  and most importantly Pro-America!


Today, as we stand upon these hallowed stairs, we inaugurate a movement—a movement aimed at reclaiming our government, restoring it to its rightful place as a servant of the people. The Rocky Steps become a beacon of hope, signaling the birth of a campaign dedicated to the principles of democracy, where the voices of the 99% are heard and valued. Together, we embark on a journey to uphold the ideals of liberty and justice for all, ensuring that our city, our nation, remains a bastion of freedom and opportunity for generations to come.


The last 8 years have shown some of the greatest moments of our nation's resilience. Through the leadership of President Barack Obama, we have overcome. From the worst economic recession ever to the longest and strongest economic expansion in American history. There are many people we can thank for this, but first and foremost we must thank our union workers, our blue collar workers, our teachers, our manufacturing workers, our retail workers, our service workers. We must thank our 9-5 workers, our salaried workers. Because without each and every one of you, there is no great American recovery. 


While we are in a stronger and better place than we were 8 years ago or even 12 years ago, if you want to take it there, we still have work to do!


At the heart of our nation's economic foundation lie our middle and low-income Americans. Despite this fundamental truth, there exist voices among the Washington elite who deem a $15 minimum wage radical, who dismiss the concept of a universal healthcare system as radical, and who resist investing in an education system dedicated to nurturing our future generations rather than profiting from them.


But consider this: If advocating for the well-being of everyday Americans is deemed radical, then let it be known—I proudly embrace radicalism each and every day of my life as America does not need anymore lukewarm politicians!! For it is in championing the rights and dignity of all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic status, that we uphold the true spirit of democracy and forge a brighter, more equitable future for generations to come.


I believe that we should protect the jobs of hardworking Americans in the Rustbelt, or that we should be fighting to protect our farmers in the heartland from market manipulation and failed trade deals such as NAFTA


 Americans who can no longer accept the mass inequality that breeds poverty and fuels the pockets of greedy, incompetent elitists.  We can no longer accept a minimum wage that allows you to work 40 hrs a week but yet live under the poverty line. We must pursue an agenda that establishes a life without poverty and the way to do that, must be at the establishment of a living wage, that ensures no American suffers.


Right here in Pennsylvania  and all over the nation, working Americans are being pushed out of jobs they held for years and onto the employment line, due to unprecedented trade deals. It is time for reckoning and it’s time for us to fight for fair trade policies which protects our union workers, blue collar workers, farmers, ranchers and small business owners from Chinese corruption and trade manipulation!


Unlike those in the Republican party we do not need a trade war fueled by nothing other than cheap political taglines and boogeymen. We need a concrete solution. We need record investment into our manufacturing sectors. We need strategic investment into rare earth critical mining and to topple monopolies held by China. We need policies that empower our labor force and trade deals that benefit Americans! 


As a child I I stood in the picket line alongside my parents and hardworking blue collar Americas, and through my entire career I refused to cross the picket line. America needs more elected officials who refuse to cross the picket line and sell out to the whims of lobbyists and their special interests!


Now more than ever is it incredibly important that we seek to overcome the cliche of our politics. That the petty tricks which seek to score cheap political points should never be a political norm in Washington. The only people that lose when congress can’t rise to the challenge, are the American people who depend so much on the leadership of our government.


The job of the President is not to hold an office. The job of the President is to stand side by side with each and every one of you. To build consensus, mold consensus and to show that America can overcome any struggle at home and abroad.


America was a great force in the world,  long before we became a great military power. Each and every American is born with that power and we cannot renounce it, but neither can we afford to forget that the real constructive force in the world comes not from bombs, but from imaginative ideas, warm sympathies, and a generous spirit.


We must band together and remove those who tell us that change cannot be achieved and that we cannot aspire to great heights and move them out of the way!


So I ask each and everyone of you to join me on this journey to the white house. Raise your voices, and your ballot because it’s time we brought our hearts back to Washington!



Edited by Storm
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