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Press Office of Diane Delorean (R-NE)

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Delorean Slams TPP, Calls for Withdrawal from NAFTA


Back in the early 90s, our politicians made us a promise. They promised that NAFTA would be a boom for the American worker. The thinking is that with lower tariffs, were are just another tax, that goods would be made where it was most efficient, making them cheaper for everyone and therefor raise our standard of living. Sounds good on a paper. The problem is, it just hasn’t worked. What we have seen is a exodus of good paying manufacturing jobs leave for Mexico. Saving a few dollars here and there when you go shopping does not make up for the loss of a good paying manufacturing job. As a result, big wigs have done well as profit soars, and if you rely on investments as a big part of your income, you are doing fine. But if you are like me and millions of others, who rely on wages, there has been very little benefit. The reason is NAFTA has zero requirements that increased profits turn into more jobs and higher wages. Quite the opposite in fact.

I am not against free trade agreements. Among developed nations, it makes a lot of sense because when there are relatively equal wages, you don’t have to worry about businesses just using trade agreements to race to the bottom. In fact, I even supported a free trade agreement with Colombia and that is working out well, you don’t hear about factories closing and companies setting up their manufacturing in Bogota. The key is that it is a bilateral trade agreement, where we can address our specific concerns and we won’t have to water down our priorities to get buy in from multiple countries. That is why I think we should negotiate bilateral trade agreements with Canada, and Mexico separately and dismantle NAFTA. Unfortunately, I seem to be in the minority and Obama and others now want The Trans Pacific Partnership which dials NAFTA up to 10.

Congress will be debating TPP and I intend to be a strong opponent. The reasons are many, but let me for now focus on the auto industry. When it comes to cars, America and Japan are the big players but to get buy in from all proposed members of TPP, Obama and company agreed to provisions that we would or should if it was an agreement with just the United States and Japan. Right now, if you are going to assemble a car in the US, you need to procure 60% of your components domestically. Under TPP that number drops to 40%, meaning US made parts will be replaced by in all likelihood, cheap and inferior Chinese parts. That means more profits but worse cars and fewer jobs. This is the economic issue of our time and we must stand up for the working class before it is too late.

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Delorean Announces White House Bid


Speech from Omaha


It is an honor to be here today with my family, my friends, my colleagues, my neighbors and anyone else that wants a President with conviction. After 8 years of a rudderless president who lectures us for hours and hours with actually making point, it is time for a change. I am not a lawyer, I am not a college professor. I am not going to bore anyone into supporting me. Rising 5 children, I just don’t have time for that. I believe in being clear, being strong and just getting the job done. That is why I am proud to announce my candidacy for President of the United States. Why am I running? I am going to keep it simple; Enact a flat tax that makes the burden low and easy to follow, end NAFTA and renegotiate bilateral deals, create an actual industrial plan to grow jobs and end the Bureaucratic Industrial Complex.

Next time you go to the grocery store, imagine it was your job to add up everything in your cart, tell the store what you owe and if you are wrong, they add a fee to it. And you may need to pay someone else just to figure out what you owe! That sounds crazy because it is, but that is exactly what the federal government is doing to us. I will enact a flat tax where if you are single or even if you have a family, if your primary source of income is wages, you can file your taxes on a post card. It will be that easy. If you are of working age, the first $30,000 will be tax free, and a little more than that with if you are supporting children. After that it will be a low, easy to understand rate without a million carve outs. This low, flat tax will mean more money each paycheck, and less time and money to file taxes.

On trade, how many more manufacturing jobs do we need to lose before we wake and say that it just isn’t working? As President, I will withdraw from NAFTA and renegotiate bilateral trade deals with Canada and Mexico. With Canada, we can have free trade as they have similar values, similar regulations and similar wages. But we can’t do that with Mexico, as we have seen millions of jobs cross the border. And don’t get me started on TPP, that is NAFTA on steroids and gives China a backdoor into our markets. With TPP they can use labor just as cheap as theirs in Vietnam and Malaysia and export their cheap crap into the US without any tariffs. No way on TPP.

It is not enough must to end NAFTA, we need to pair that with an industrial plan, one that we haven’t had in generations. My proposal would first radically change the tax code. If you are a business that manufacturers goods, your taxes will be cut in half. That added savings will mean more money to invest in new products, new facilities and new jobs. Secondly, for businesses that make money over seas, you should be able to bring that money back to America tax free, but if you invest in back into America. With these reforms, American manufacturing will have an renaissance. We will also take aim an excessive regulations which brings me back to my final point, we will end the Bureaucratic Industrial Complex.

When look around our country, we can see why America’s economy is still number 1, despite of Obama’s best efforts. In New York we see the financial sector dominate, Houston fuels America, California builds the technology that the rest of the world envies and American farmers remain the most productive in the world. But do you what area is then wealthiest? Its actually Washington DC. Years of the political establishment has turned government into a lucrative venture. It is an abomination that people living paycheck to paycheck are being forced to pay for a government that keeps growing and growing just to enrich itself. Under my administration, the EPA, Department of Education and the IRS will be history!  Now is the time my friends, join my campaign lets take back America!"

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Delorean Announces Her Campaign Hires


Senator Delorean believes that to change Washington, you cannot count on Washington consultants to make good. After meeting Theo Epstein at the College World Series in Omaha, Diane decided to think outside of the box and hire non political, proven hands.


Campaign Chair

Benjamin Buick. (Avatar Ed Rendell) A long time player in the financial services industry, Benjamin has run everything from call centers to risk teams, to oversight to the derivatives desk. Most recently Ben was VP of Operations for Berkshire Hathaway. Ben was an early supporter of Diane’s first congressional run and it was chosen in part because of his ability to organize and bring in non traditional political operations, a hallmark of the Delorean Campaign

Finance Director

Rhonda Reatta. (avatar Sue Johansen) Former Mary Kay CEO and long time board member of Susan B Anthony Pro Life America, is a long time friend and mentor to Diane. Her vast network of self starting and conservative women will serve to the backbone of the Delorean Campaign.

Foreign Policy Advisor

Lorenzo Lancia.  (avatar Gianne Russo) This Jersey native got cut his teeth as an M&A wunderkind on Wall Street. He later become a well known hired gun for companies looking to expand overseas. His charisma and ability to read the negotiating table became legendary, and made him fabulously wealthy. His ability to turn those negotiations into long term relationships is well known and was once describe as “if Henry Kissinger and Warren Beaty had a child”.

Domestic Advisor

Reginald Rambler.   (avatar Alphonso Riberio) This Alabama native is a well respected labor attorney. He has often been called in to serve as an arbitrator for some very high profile labor disputes.


Iowa Director

Linda Lebaron. (Avatar Bonnie Hunt) A long time friend of Diane, Linda was also a Mary Kay regional director; for Des Moines. Additionally, she was a founding member of the Iowa Tea Party, though this is the first campaign she is formally joining.


New Hampshire Director

Mary McLaren.  (Avatar Margaret Court) A long time educator, Mary was Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Manchester NH before retiring in 2014. Since then she has been active in conservative causes.

South Carolina Director

Denise Datsun (Elaine Chal).  Denise made her name in marketing and advertising. She had worked for Dillards from 1994 to 2014 until she became a consultant. Her record of selling to working and middle class women is nearly unassailable, this is her first political job.





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Delorean Ends Campaign, Endorses Senator Kuykendall


Statement from the senator:


We started this campaign with high hopes. We thought our message of limited government and conservative values would win the day. Ultimately the numbers just don't paint a clear path to the nomination. There is no shame in any of this, I am proud that we got as far as we did. One of the obstacles this campaign faced is that there are many strong voices for conservative values. We truly are blessed with great options. When I look at all the other great candidates though, Senator Kuykendall I think will make the best president.


When it comes to healthcare, Senator Kuykendall and I know that Obamacare has been a disaster. It stole from Medicare to give to private insurers. It represents the largest tax increase in world history. Most importantly, it imposes just another thing the government is forcing people into. From the day it launched, and the website crashed, it has been a disaster. We need a President that will repeal Obamacare and enact a market base system. Senator Kuykendall will be that President. Senator Kuykendall will also have a laser like focus on creating jobs for all Americans, with a special focus on rural America. For far too long in rural America, the path to prosperity meant leaving your home town. That will be history under a President Kuykendall and that is why I support his for President.



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