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Old School FairBol

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  • Birthday September 29

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  1. "Pushing Back" With Facts Author: US Senator Dennis Millhouse It looks like the Democrats are on their soapboxes again, as Senator Janice Kamaka has written a guest editorial for the Washington Post. Since it appears to be political calling-out season, allow me to take a moment to address the author's claims. First off, it is correct to say that the recent anti-hate bill proposed in the Senate was pulled from consideration by Republican leadership. Although the bill should’ve passed in a resounding manner, it became apparent that it did not have the votes to do so. As such, leadership chose to postpone the vote, rather than have the bill be killed for the current Congressional session. This was purely a strategic move, not an ideological one as suggested. And who is to blame for the failure of this bill? Let’s talk about that for a minute. It is apparent that the senator from Hawaii holds Republicans in a certain disregard. She speaks of the majority in a contemptible manner, suggesting that we “stoke” a “culture war”. Perhaps the lady has forgotten this, but on several occasions, Democrats have put their own self-interests above the rights of average Americans. After all, it’s not the GOP who says that there is no right to life, or that biological females should “lose gracefully” to males in athletic competition. It wasn't a Republican who endorsed violence against non-like minded individuals, telling her supporters to "create a crowd" and "push back" whenever they saw them (Democrat Maxine Waters, 2018). And it wasn’t Senate Republicans who, regarding the bill in question, submitted several “poison pill” amendments (that is, changes meant to gut the original intent of the bill). No, these were words uttered, and actions taken, by the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party alone. You see, when it comes to violence on college campuses, Democrats have time and again proven that they’re not interested in working towards common sense solutions to the issue. They would rather politicize it, deflect blame on it, and generally condone it. This greatly saddens me. Who has “no discernable backbone” again? Dennis Millhouse is a Republican US Senator from Indiana. --
  2. @SenMillhouse: Senate Democrats can't bring themselves to support S.27, a common sense bill fighting violence and hate. That should tell you where their priorities lie. #shameful
  3. @SenMillhouse: The global HIV/AIDS pandemic has gone on for too long, and claimed too many lives. Let's #end_it. #HIVAIDSawareness #WorldAIDSDay
  4. @SenMillhouse: We're back in business. Expect Senate activity on a flurry of bills soon. #active
  5. @SenMillhouse: Tell the @Democrats to get serious about foreign aid, and end the postering and #scare_tactics today.
  6. @SenMillhouse: I think we have a little more work to do on the issue of aid to Israel and Ukraine. Can't support the motion for cloture. #sorry
  7. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.  Try not to eat too much turkey! ;)

  8. @SenMillhouse: Hoping everyone has a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much! #HappyThanksgiving
  9. @SenMillhouse: Happy to propose Resolution Re: Americans With Disabilities Act. Let's continue the good work that has already been done in this area. #ADA
  10. My Recipe For Economic Recovery Author: US Senator Dennis Millhouse Traditionally, the economy of America has been a strong and prosperous one. Americans have founded more industries, discovered more innovations, and enabled more growth than any other nation ever. Nevertheless, we've recently been on a bit of a losing streak, economically speaking. Under Bidennomics, we have seen an increase in unemployment, failed businesses, and general poverty. Many families are finding it increasingly difficult to make ends meet, and that hurts all of us in one way or another. As such, an important question presents itself; how do we recover from these doldrums, and get the engine of commerce moving again? First of all, we need to address the state of our national finances. Washington seems to be addicted to the idea of throwing money at everything under the sun. Take, for example, our national bill regarding Medicaid and basic healthcare. During the 2023 fiscal year, the federal government spent 550 billion dollars on healthcare insurance alone, says the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. That's about twenty-four percent of our budget, and much more money than we currently spend on things like education and veterans' affairs. Alas, this reckless spending appears to be par for the course with Democrats. They're all too happy to propose government expansion and additional expenditures, even as it has become necessary to cut back. As has been pointed out numerous times, this addiction is unsustainable; it leads to massive inflation, and an economy that works for no one. And we saddle it on the backs of our children, giving them a huge debt that they will never be able to repay. This outrageousness needs to come to a halt. Second, I think it's time that we got serious about taxes. The average American works very hard to make a living. For this, he gets taxed out of prosperity by Democrats who, all too often, abuse the people's money for things like studying the mating rituals of salmon. I guess what they say about pork is true; it really is "what's for dinner". That said, I will quote president Calvin Coolidge; "the business of America is business". Our economy largely runs on the backs of small businesses; their prosperity is our prosperity. And if we want to get it moving again, we need to encourage consumer spending by enacting lower taxes. This will enable people to keep more money in their wallets; money that they can then spend on goods and services. And so, my friends, where do we go from here? Hopefully, to a new Congress that works for you, and helps you to succeed and prosper. Together, we can keep America strong, and financially secure. Dennis Millhouse is a Republican US Senator from Indiana. --
  11. Press Office of Dennis Millhouse Republican United States Senator from Indiana
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