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  1. Presidential candidate Justin Casanova-Davis gave a victory speech in Virginia Beach, Virginia, after securing enough delegates to become the Democratic Presidential nominee. The following are his remarks: Thank you, everyone! Thank you. Our time has come! Today is our day! Tonight, I can humbly and proudly stand here and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for President of the United States! I want to thank every American who, throughout this journey, stood with us. They took time away from their families, knocked on doors, conducted phonebanks, and got our message out to the voters. Your hard work and dedication powered this campaign, and I thank you, but our work is not finished yet. It's just beginning! Before I continue, I want to thank my fellow Democratic Presidential candidates. We had a diverse field that strengthened this campaign, and although we were competitors, I feel as if I learned from them as colleagues and as friends. I am proud to call them fellow Democrats and congratulate them on a spirited campaign. They campaigned hard to work towards our collective goal of ensuring that tomorrow is a brighter day for America. And that is what this campaign is all about. It's about tomorrow. It's about the future and ensuring that we have a President focused on the engine of this country, hard-working American families. Our work together to reinvigorate the American Dream begins now because we owe our children and our country a better future. The American family must be our priority over the next four years, implementing policies that enhance opportunity and make their day-to-day lives easier, make life more affordable, and unleash the can-do spirit of this country that makes it the greatest nation the world has known. The American people will hear two starkly different visions for our country in this election. Leah Ross will focus on the past with an extremist MAGA ideology that focuses on trying to divide our nation rather than bring it together. She will parrot the same old talking points and policies we have heard this past decade. Her vision for this country is stale. Her policies are old, and it is time to throw them in the dustbin of history. My vision for this country focuses on our future. It focuses on continuing to build an economy that rewards not just the wealthiest few and the largest multinational corporations but also the work and the workers who power it. It focuses on investing in our infrastructure, improving our schools, and ensuring that we make America the global superpower of clean energy development. It focuses on the understanding that working families are the backbone of our country, and they deserve and need to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets with real middle-class tax relief. It's a vision that says the work on healthcare reform is incomplete, and we need to ensure every American has access to quality, affordable healthcare. It's a vision that says we cannot mortgage our children's future and that we must bring fiscal sanity and responsibility back to Washington, D.C. Every generation has been tasked with leaving our country better, more just, and more prosperous. So it must be for us: this is our moment, this is our duty, and it is time for us to be bold, offer new ideas, and follow an optimistic vision that ensures that our best days are still ahead of us. While my opponent focuses on the past and what divides us as a nation, this campaign will focus on tomorrow. I will bring our nation together with common sense policies that a majority of Americans support. I will focus on the American people and my belief that investing in our families and implementing bold policies that unlock ingenuity and innovation will unleash a new era of robust growth and opportunity and reinvigorate the American Dream. Together, we can do the hard things. Together, we can turn the page on the old and focus our vision on a more prosperous, safe, secure future. A future that our forefathers and our children can be proud of. Join me in this endeavor, and together, we will realize our dreams for this country that we love. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America!
  2. Presidential candidate Justin Casanova-Davis gave a victory speech in Manchester, New Hampshire. The following are his remarks: Thank you, New Hampshire! Thank you! Thank you! Let me first start by saying that while MAGA extremists and radicals deride the democratic process and promulgate this pretense espoused by Donald Trump and his acolytes that elections are rigged, an overwhelming amount of Americans, Republican, Independent, and Democrats celebrate it, we believe in it, and we will protect it. Today is a prime example of democracy in action. It's a cherished opportunity that not everyone worldwide has the liberty of having. I feel blessed to have it in our country, and that is why when we secure victory, we will safeguard it for the generations that follow! I cannot say thank you enough to this great state and the voters in South Carolina and Nevada who voted today. Today is a momentous victory for our campaign and our country. This state and diverse voters from all walks of life throughout the country have joined together for a movement to bring about generational change for our country. This campaign is not my campaign. It is OUR campaign. This victory is not mine, but OURS! Before I go on, I want to congratulate all of my fellow candidates in this race. I genuinely believe we are all in this campaign because we believe in the greatness of our country, and we want to work towards improving it for future generations. All of them are fine people; they are tough competitors, and no matter how contentious it may get or our disagreements, they have my respect. But let me be clear: there are clear differences between many of us. This campaign has eschewed the tactics of the old, seeking to claim every endorsement of every establishment politician possible. Or saying anything and doing anything to win an election. We've built our support organically from day one, getting out on the road, meeting with people, being transparent and sharing our plan and vision for this country, being honest and genuine, and, most importantly, listening. As I have traveled this country, I have listened to you. I have listened to your stories, dreams, and aspirations. I have listened to and heard your desire for real, bold, progressive leadership. And because we are listening, because we are fighting for hard-working families all across this country. I can proudly say that after tonight's results are fully tabulated, and after three diverse contests across our country, this campaign will have the most votes, it will have the most delegates, it will have the most diverse coalition of Americans supporting it, and it will have the momentum to secure this nomination and deliver victory for not only our Party but our country! We've done this without spending the most time in one location or spending the most money. We've done it because the Democratic voters, like the American people, hunger for a leader who isn't going to sell them pipe dreams, who has a bold vision, who won't capitulate on their values, and who has a track record of success and delivering results. We've done it because of the hard work of so many volunteers and everyday hard-working people who have taken valuable time out of their lives to stand for something bigger than an individual but for our collective hope for the country we love. To those who support this campaign, for those who haven't decided which campaign to support yet, and even for those who don't support it, it's time we had a President who stands up for all of you. Not for the establishment, the special interests, or the wealthy elite who can have their voice heard by opening their checkbooks. I intend to be that President, a President who puts you and your families first. I intend to be a President that has a positive difference in your lives. A President who believes in the can-do spirit of this nation and believes that we have the capability to meet any challenge and solve any problem we face. A President who works from day one to ensure that everyone in this country, no matter their background, has the opportunity to live up to their God-given potential. Our campaign will transform this country because we will take on the challenges. We will be bold. We will transform our country and reinvigorate the American Dream together! Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America!
  3. Name: Justin Casanova-Davis Outlet: MSNBC - Meet the Press Reason: Supporting the Unified Aid Bill It's unfortunate to see the zero-sum game approach that some Republicans have adopted. Senator Schumer, along with Asst. Leader Starnes has operated in good faith to craft a bi-partisan piece of legislation to get aid to our allies, Israel & Ukraine. It will work to responsibly bring peace to these regions. It's a common sense, prudent piece of legislation. We've attempted to collaborate, while Republicans have resorted to lambasting their own membership for their positions. One so-called "moderate" Republican group withdrew their endorsement of a Presidential candidate based on their vote. It's a prime example of how radical and extremist the Republican Party has become on this issue and their ideology in general. If Republicans have the courage to allow this vote to pass cloture, it will be evident that it will be the most palatable piece of legislation that will have passed bi-partisanly. This shouldn't be a Democratic or Republican issue but an American issue. You've heard from Senate Leader McConnell and other prominent Republican leaders that this is the right thing to do. I respect my Republican colleague's positions on the matter, although I wholeheartedly disagree with their positions. I encourage them to support cloture and then vote their conscience on a final up or down vote. We've enhanced this legislation with further humanitarian aid and further oversight of funds. Pretty much every concern that has been raised on the Senate floor has been addressed by this legislation. This is truly a bi-partisan effort to stand by our core ideals and not turn our back on our allies. It's time to do the right thing, end the delays and political gamesmanship, and stand by our allies. We must pass this bill.
  4. Presidential candidate Justin Casanova-Davis visited the JFK Library to discuss his Presidential campaign, platform, and 100-day, 10-point plan. Below is a snippet of his remarks. I've come back home to the JFK Library as I believe it's fitting for this campaign and our time. A little-known fact is that my grandmother lived right across from here in Harbor Point for over 60 years. I wanted to return here because this is a fitting location to discuss my vision for this country and outline my 100-day, 10-point plan. Our country wants leadership that can unite us and move our country forward. As I look at the Republican Presidential candidates and the Republican Party in general, it has become clearer than ever it is a Party in dysfunction and has no credible leadership. They have aligned themselves with this radical MAGA ideology and have adopted an if you are not with us, you are against us mentality. You have heard it from prominent Republicans. They have no place in this Party. They don't recognize it anymore. Our country cannot afford four years of this type of Republican leadership in the White House. It cannot afford two years of Republican control of the House or Senate. The stakes are too high, and that is why I am all in on this campaign, all in to retain the Senate and take back the House. Now is the time for bold leadership. It is time for us to challenge our country, as President Kennedy challenged us to go to the moon and do the hard things. At the time, the American people didn't support the endeavor to go to the moon. It was deeply unpopular, with only 33% of Americans supporting the endeavor in 1961. But, President Kennedy stood by his convictions and believed it was right. The rest is history. I believe we're at a similar moment in our history. We are at a crossroads in our nation. Our challenges are many, but we're the greatest nation in the world, and we can do anything we set our minds to. The naysayers and the pessimists say our best days have passed us. They say we can't get beyond the dysfunction of Washington to get things done. They say we can't be bold any longer. They couldn't be further from the truth, and I, along with the Democratic Party, are prepared to show the country and world that our best days are ahead of us. That America remains a beacon of hope, a symbol of freedom, democracy, and the land of opportunity. We owe it to our future generations to tackle the challenges, big and small, that we face. We may have to make difficult decisions. We may have to sacrifice and ask each other what we can do for this nation that we love. But the mission will be worth it. To leave a better country and a better planet behind for the generations that follow. At the core, I believe every American wants that and is prepared to stand by a leader and an agenda that is bold and forward-thinking to accomplish it. My grandmother came to this great country from Puerto Rico through Ellis Island with a 3rd-grade education. Her dream for her unborn daughter, my mother, was to come to this foreign place alone at the age of 21 to give her a chance at a better opportunity. To give her a chance at the American Dream. Her dreams are your dreams. They are my dreams. They are our dreams for our children. That is the reason why I am in this race, I want to make a difference in the lives of everyday working families. I want to reinvigorate the American Dream. We'll start from day one when I am in office – I've outlined my 100-day, 10-point plan. So that the American people know what we're going to work to accomplish the minute we take the oath of office. We'll dream big, challenge the nation, and bring about the change that our country needs and deserves.
  5. 100-Day, 10-Point Plan Introduce legislation to raise the minimum wage and index it to inflation. Introduce comprehensive immigration reform and border security legislation that includes a pathway to citizenship. Introduce legislation to regulate and legalize the sale of marijuana. Introduce comprehensive legislation to reduce healthcare prescription costs, promote transparency in healthcare costs, provide additional funding for Alzheimer's and cancer research, and enhance the child and dependent care tax credit. Introduce legislation to provide for working-class tax relief, make the expanded Child Tax credit permanent, ensure the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, and simplify the tax code to spur economic growth. Pass an executive order requiring all departments and agencies to conduct a review of and identify regulations that inhibit small business growth within the country. Introduce legislation to spur affordable housing development within our country by incentivizing states to remove barriers to affordable rental/housing development and expand first-time homeowner grant funding. Introduce legislation to promote corporate tax fairness, eliminate loopholes that exempt corporations from paying taxes, and encourage job creation here at home. Introduce legislation to address opioid abuse and combat the gross proliferation of opioids. Introduce legislation to establish a committee to develop recommendations and legislation to make entitlement programs solvent for 75 years.
  6. Justin's Vision for America The American people hunger for leadership that is honest, bold, and can move our country forward. We must move away from the divisive politics of former President Trump and usher in a new generation of leadership that can harness the American spirit, reinvigorate the American Dream, and restore the middle class. Over the past four years, we have taken significant steps forward to grow our economy and invest in our country. Yet, the American people are still struggling to make ends meet with real income down, entirely due to inflation. The priority of a Casanova-Davis administration would be to focus on real income growth and to make a substantial investment in American workers and families. As inflation abates, so will the standing of American families. That will be my number one priority from day one. This platform does not encompass all of my policy views or agenda for our country. But highlights key elements of my plan for America. It's a bold, progressive agenda that is forward-thinking and attainable. It's a plan that addresses the issues of today but strategically plans for tomorrow. "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." - Abraham Lincoln Civil, LGBTQ+, & Women's Rights: The rights of all Americans need to be protected and expanded, and a Casanova-Davis administration will remove barriers that hold people back, whether they be discrimination based on race, gender, or gender orientation. The American people deserve a President who stands for all, and a Casanova-Davis administration will make defending and expanding rights a priority of our first-term agenda. I will enact prudent common sense gun safety measures like expanded background checks and closing the gun show loophole to protect the right to life that our citizens have while respecting the 2nd amendment rights of law-abiding citizens I will support legislation that codifies a woman's right to choose and stand against radical attempts to strip women of their rights I will support legislation that expands voting rights for all Americans, making Election Day a national holiday, allowing for vote by mail and same-day voter registration Criminal Justice Reform: The time to pass criminal justice reform has come, and a Casanova-Davis administration will ensure that we pass meaningful reform that makes the system cost-effective, fairer, and focused on keeping our communities safe. The inequity of the criminal justice system is well documented. Now, we must bring all parties to the table to work collaboratively to find common-sense solutions to end mass incarceration, develop use-of-force guidelines, support law enforcement training, promote successful anti-recidivism programs, and, most importantly, keep our communities safe. I will introduce legislation in my first term to regulate and legalize the sale of marijuana, investing new revenue in community-based programming to promote small business entrepreneurship, drug rehabilitation, and other community-based programs in communities that have been disproportionately affected by the "War on Drugs" I will provide matching funds for local agencies to procure body cameras and expand funding for the Collaborative Reform program I will support legislation that provides funding for anti-recidivism and re-entry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals and support legislation that restores voting rights for non-violent drug offenders who have served their sentences Economy: My economic plan works for everyone. It's based on the premise that, too often, the wealthiest among us and the largest multinational corporations play by a different set of rules than the rest of us. I am committed to restoring fairness in our tax code so that the wealthiest Americans and large corporations can't use tax loopholes to pay less than working families. I'll promote economic policies that work for Main Street and not just Wall Street. I'll provide tax relief to working families, enact policies that incentivize the creation of good-paying jobs here at home, and make bold investments that grow our economy today but lay the foundation for a strong economy tomorrow. I will pass working-class and small business tax relief with a tax plan that simplifies the tax code, ensures the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share, and promotes a pro-growth economic policy I will pass legislation that makes it easier for working families to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets and enhance their capability to provide for their families with expanded free pre-k, lower childcare costs, and promote affordable housing development Expand on the historic investments in our infrastructure, encourage public-private partnerships, and ensure that funding is funneled to state and local governments to ensure that we're building a framework for long-term sustainable growth and prosperity that local communities can see and benefit from Education: A quality education is the gateway to success. It is an equalizer and a door to opportunity no matter a person's race or socio-economic status. Children deserve a world-class education, and it's time that we make education the priority that it needs to be in our country. A Casanova-Davis administration will prioritize education reform, educational innovation, and, ultimately, educational excellence at all levels of the education system. I will pass legislation that includes the largest investment of funds for innovative state and local educational programs to increase educational standards I will reform the student loan system to make college affordable, promote public service, and make college affordable once again for students and families with a plan that caps student loan payments based on income, reduces the years required for public service loan forgiveness, and provide student loan relief of up to $20,000 I will pass legislation that provides funding for the rehabilitation and rebuilding of dilapidated schools across America, reinstate the Build America Bonds program, and provide additional funding to invest in the academic technology and learning equipment that will ensure we have world-class schools in all neighborhoods Energy & the Environment: There doesn't need to be an either-or proposition when it comes to being a good steward of our environment and powering our country for generations to come. It takes an understanding that energy costs are some of the crucial bread-and-butter issues and one of the more expensive costs for families. If we want to have an energy policy that works for America, we need to invest in clean energy technology and development of it here in this country. A Casanova-Davis administration will make America the world’s clean energy superpower, create millions of good-paying jobs with prudent policies that lower costs for families, and work to address climate change. We'll adopt good steward conservation policies that promote open space and protect our environment for future generations. I will pass legislation that implements a Clean Energy Challenge to support and incentivize state and local communities to implement clean energy initiatives I will provide tax incentives to make it more affordable for low and middle-income households to adopt clean energy practices, such as purchasing EV vehicles made in America I will work to eliminate wasteful gas and oil subsidies and invest the savings in other cleaner and safer forms of energy in order to responsibly transition to a clean energy economy Fiscal Responsibility: Our country faces numerous economic and fiscal challenges, which include a broken budget process, entitlement programs on a path to insolvency, unsustainable deficits, and rising national debt. A Casanova-Davis administration will take the prudent steps to bring fiscal responsibility back to the forefront of decisions and policymaking in Washington D.C., working bi-partisanly to raise revenue, make prudent spending reductions, and put our country on the path to fiscal solvency. I will enact the Buffett Rule, close the carried interest loophole, and impose a new surcharge tax on multi-millionaires and billionaires I will work to eliminate wasteful spending and modernize how government operates to save money and improve performance via Executive Order and performance measurement of programs I will set a goal of at least $5 trillion in deficit reduction over a 10-year period to responsibly put our country on the path to a balanced budget Foreign Policy & National Security: America cannot and should not be the world's police. But, we should not shirk our duties as a leading beacon and strong advocate for democracy, human rights, global prosperity, and security. Working collaboratively with our allies, a Casanova-Davis administration will utilize all of our tools, focusing on diplomacy and development to address the global challenges that we face. Standing strong against rogue nations, terrorism, and challenges by our competitors, I will utilize soft and hard power, if necessary, to ensure that we are strong at home and abroad. I will responsibly advocate for a humanitarian and just end to the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine, supporting our allies with military, diplomatic, and humanitarian aid I will stand up to the aggression of China, ensuring that China does not operate with developing nation status, and strategically find ways where we can collaborate, understanding that China is a competitor I understand America is stronger abroad when we are safe at home. I will ensure that we support community policing efforts to address rising crime and promote further collaboration with our intelligence agencies to protect our nation from the threat of terrorism Healthcare: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has proven to be one of the most transformative and positive reforms in the past decade. Democratic leadership under President Obama and Democratic majorities significantly transformed health care for the better in this country. Yet, the work and the job are not yet finished. Fearmongering about the Act has been proven to be untrue and is reflected in the high popularity of the legislation by the American people. To truly ensure that every American has quality, affordable health care, we must now finish the job that was begun. A Casanova-Davis administration will lower costs, expand choices, and protect consumers from unscrupulous actions within the healthcare industry. I will defend, protect, and expand the ACA and provide Americans with a public option I will support the expansion of the National Health Service Corps and promote the expansion of community health centers for areas that are underserved or have difficulty accessing quality, affordable healthcare services I will increase investment in research for cancer and diseases such as Alzheimer's Immigration Reform & Border Security: America is a nation of immigrants. Our diversity is our strength. Yet, we must also operate as a nation of laws. Our porous borders are a national security issue that is only exacerbated by a broken immigration system. Immigration reform and border security must be jointly linked together, and a Casanova-Davis administration will ensure that we complete the job of comprehensive immigration reform. I will enact legislation that provides comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants in our country currently I will detain and deport illegals who pose a violent threat to public safety I will provide additional funding for border security measures that include additional Border and Customs agents, drones, and other measures to protect our borders, combat the cartels, and stop the spread of fentanyl and other drugs entering our country
  7. **Thank you @Bolster for the logo!** Casanova-Davis for America 2024 Presidential Campaign
  8. Lambasts Opposition to Omnibus Bill & Veiled Attempt to Strip Funding for Israel Aid "I believe some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are more interested in parroting the talking points they hear than actually doing the jobs they were sent to do. We have heard the call for the oversight of the funds we send to our allies. Submit an amendment. Do your job. We are here to legislate. Unfortunately, Congress has lost the art of working together to improve legislation in recent times. Before the bill was submitted before the Senate, I told members of my caucus that I believe we should increase the amount of humanitarian aid provided, for example. I expect you will see an amendment to do just that, which I will support. Furthermore, if a sensible oversight amendment is offered, I will also support that amendment. There are always opportunities to improve a bill before us. I hope my colleagues will engage in the legislative process on the Senate floor rather than seek to run to X to tweet. What does have me extremely concerned, however, is that my Republican friends say they stand with Israel, yet at the same time, are seeking to cut over $3.5 billion in aid for Israel's defense. Their rhetoric does not align with their actions. They are either demonstrating their blind partisanship to try and scuttle this effort, are outright hypocrites, or haven't even bothered to read what they are considering. Any and all of those are just plain irresponsible, and our country and our allies deserve better. The truth is, despite the efforts of some pure obstructionists, I believe a bi-partisan majority of the Senate, which includes Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Senate Minority Leader McConnell, supports an aid package for Israel and Ukraine. I believe we will have the votes necessary to ensure its passage. I hope that the House will be reasonable and work with Senate leadership to pass a bi-partisan omnibus bill that gives the necessary military, diplomatic, and humanitarian aid that Ukrainians, Palestinians, and Israelis need. So that we can responsibly end these conflicts and secure peace. Let us not delay that effort any longer than necessary and pass this bill."
  9. We Must Stand With Our Allies and Pass a Comprehensive Aid Package for Israel and Ukraine "I believe there is support from members of both parties to pass an aid package for Ukraine and Israel. The difference may be how we do it, and I believe we need to get this job done in one omnibus bill. I will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to do just that. Attempting to piecemeal this effort or pit one country against the other is not prudent, particularly at this critical time in both those countries. Israel nor Ukraine can wait at this critical moment. Trying to stall or separate these critical aid packages is the equivalent of turning our back on our partners. I am one of the first people you will hear say that we have many domestic issues and must invest in our country. But, one of the key tenets of America is that we don't abandon our allies in their time of need. We need to send a strong message bi-partisanly by passing a strong security and humanitarian aid package that gives our allies the support they need. Both countries have humanitarian crises, and we don't have time to delay or play political games with this issue. I hope my colleagues will work with me and other like-minded Senators to pass this critical package swiftly and bi-partisanly in the forthcoming days."
  10. Newsroom of Justin Casanova-Davis Jr. (D-OH) Spin Zone We Must Stand With Our Allies and Pass a Comprehensive Aid Package for Israel and Ukraine Lambasts Opposition to Omnibus Bill & Veiled Attempt to Strip Funding for Israel Aid Press Releases
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