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Everything posted by alaskancrabpuffs21

  1. Name: Anney Iyal (D-WA) Media/Outlet: Young Turks Reason: Democratic Leadership "The Democratic Party is in the drivers seat right now truly leading America. The Republicans despite their best efforts to persuade otherwise. We are the ones who are submitting bills that actually work. The Republicans pipe dreams, travel bans, and border walls are not the answers for the American people. The Murphy Administration has been paramount in getting good deals for Americans. President Murphy despite critism set forward probably the most progressive agenda of any President and there is a good chance it will pass through Congress. Truly an exciting time!" "The President's and the Democratic Party's plan for America is one that includes very bold decisions including a $15 minimum wage and yet Republicans are busy trying to libel and slander the words of my friend Heather James all the time. It is clear that the Republicans are spineless, rudderless and have forgotten how to lead. There is a very real reason why they haven't been in the White House since 2008 and its because they are not providing Americans with what they want and need". "The Republican Party of 2017 is the political version of a Magic 8 ball. You never know what the hell is going to come out from them on any given day. You have Senators, voting like they have no central political ideology or just voting against it because it comes from the party opposite. These guys are as un-serious as politicians can be". "The Democratic Party is united more than ever right now and the Progressive caucus is firmly leading the charge. We have an amazing opportunity to get things done that we as progressives have dreamed about for many years. With our current leadership, I finally feel like this is going to happen".
  2. [Opening Theme Music Fades In] A Family Affair: The Corruption of RoyCo Bernard : "Good evening, listeners, from around the world we come to you from the middle of scenic America, where the unexplained and the mysterious go hand and hand the great plateau of Nevada. This is your host the one the only, Bernard Ribbon. and Welcome to another great episode of The Platoon Radio AM which is heard on many great radio stations across the United States, Canada and around the World on our website! The show that dives deep into the mysterious and unexplained. Tonight, we investigate the claim that United States Senator, Jason Roy is using his families company for his re-election campaign. We will be discussing this with our resident media expert Hippolyte Bouchard. Bouchard began his political career as a political activist in the 1994 Quebec referendum where he worked with the Bloc Québécois to potentially make Quebec its own country. He now studies American and Canadian politics. Mr. Bouchard, Welcome to the Program! Bouchard: "Thank You Bernard, it is a pleasure for me to come on tonight!" Bernard: "So you have been following the strange history and present of probably the most controversial Senator in American History, Jason Roy. As we know he is known for his outlandish statements that those on the left have called "Racist" and those on the far right have become supportive of. His presence on Capital Hill is both large and very boisterous, clearly something that makes lots of people both idolize or hate him. Bouchard: "Yes Bernard, he is very much a polarizing figure. There are many in the Republican Party who cannot stand him, just look at his polls in South Carolina. However one cannot ignore the National Popularity he has in the United States, especially among the far-right. Bernard: "Yes, now he was once the CEO of Royco, is that correct?" Bouchard: "Yes, he was CEO of Royco from 2003 to 2006 before he abruptly left to focus on politics. Bernard: "Now could you please tell the audience what you have uncovered?" Bouchard: "Well I cannot say for certain but I believe that it can be assumed that Jason Roy is heavily involved still in his family's company which has seemingly been trying to prop up his political campaign in the Press and vocally attack critics. The ATN or the American Television Network has been one of the most heavily biased media outlets in the country which has been not even exactly Pro-Republican, but in lockstep with Jason Roy and the Freedom Caucus. Anyone not named Jason Roy or his close confidants, has been criticized or attacked by that media outlet. The same is true with Veracious, which has done so, but to a greater degree". Bernard: "Now Right Wing leaning media is nothing new. How are you so certain that it is focused closely on Senator Roy"? Bouchard: "Well it is pretty obvious that Jason Roy is not exactly in agreement with the rest of the GOP all the time, but it appears that this media empire is in lockstep with Jason Roy. Bernard, it is clear that the coincidences, are not just that but it is clear that Jason either helps run things, as the media branch of his campaign or it is morals that are believed inside the entire Roy clan. This is a danger to the public who are being indoctrinated by opinions that run so contrary to even the beliefs of his own party. Fox News, and most Conservative commentators are not even agreeing to many of the things that the ATN and RoyCo are putting out. The corruption runs deep inside of that company. It is clear that Jason Roy, never gave up his position of power and merely transferred it to someone whom he could trust fully... The Gang of Eight leaks came from only a few sources, and it was clear that Jason Roy had alot to do with that. They have been pushing Senator Stewart and Roy as the next "populists" of America comparing them to the likes of Marine La Pen and others. It is clear that this company not only agrees with Jason Roy, but is used by the Senator as a arm of his campaign. This is just clearly dishonest and wrong in every way"... Bernard: "So you are saying that Jason Roy could very well be still the acting CEO of RoyCo? Bouchard: "I don't only think it, I believe it fully" Bernard: "Wow, Thank You for this report, it has been eye-opening" Bouchard: "Thank You Bernard, it's been a pleasure". Bernard: Next Up, we will be discussing the ongoing UFO phenomena and the Governemnts attempts to cover it up, next on Platoon AM..." [Bumper Music: Dirty Laundry By: Don Henley]
  3. Anney Iyal Visits Spokane Indian Reservation to Support Fellow Senator Heather James's new Bills that look to Tackle Centuries of Injustice Washington Senator Anney Iyal visited the Spokane Reservation today to show solidarity as well as support her fellow Senator Heather James, in ensuring that the Spokane Tribe, gets compensated for the tremendous loss of land, resources and fishing grounds that took place when the upper Columbia River basin was dammed in the early 20th century. Iyal called the event "a great tragedy" and said that it is "the least we can do to fix the wrongs of the past". She also said "I understand this problem deeply and personally. My tribe had to fight the Fish Wars to ensure that our rights were protected, but in many cases the voices that cried out were silenced either by force or by those who simply ignored. However today it is imperative that we do what we can to fix the wrongs of days gone by and ensure that the injustice faced by the Tribes of North America and especially those in the Pacific Northwest who continue to suffer. I have seen the photos of the 100+ pound Chinook Salmon that used used to return to these waters. Some called these fish "June Hogs" but to the Spokane People they were so much more. These fish which today we can only dream about, were blocked by the creation of the Grand Coulee Dam, which blocked access to the upper Columbia for returning salmon. This loss of some of the greatest fisheries on planet earth is what the Spokane People have had to deal with for 80 years. This was out of their control, your understanding, your wisdom, your advice was not asked for, it was not acknowledged" She continued saying "It must come down to federal action to ensure that the Spokane People finally get the reparations they deserve. That is why I am very proud to support Senator James's bill to ensure that this happens". She also mentioned her own bill which would see the Chinook Nation of the lower Columbia River, finally federally recognized, something that they have fought for for many decades. She is planning on visiting the Chinook Nation soon to rally support for her bill.
  4. Name: Senator Anney Iyal (D-WA) Media/Outlet: PBS Newshour with Amna Nawaz Reason: American Family Pact Affordable Housing has become nothing more than a dream and a prayer for many young Americans or those trying to live and work in urban environments. This is detrimental to young families and those who cannot afford to pay a mortgage so they resort to paying higher and higher rent. The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act will make an actual impact in the lives of millions of Americans who will now have the opportunity to get out of a rent situation and make steps toward owning their own home. This is a tremendous opportunity to impact and better the lives of millions. This next part of the Family Pact is something I have been fighting for in the Senate for months now, and I am glad it is once again in the national spotlight and that is the minimum wage. Everyone knows that $7.25 and hour is not a wage. You cannot live off of $7.25 an hour when the National Average is over $15. Across the aisle they would rather ignore and bury this issue but Democrats are once again fighting for a livable wage. A $15 an hour minimum wage is a fare wage that will ensure that people regardless of state, get the right compensation for their labor. This plan is will put more money into the pockets of Americans while ensuring that your efforts are paid fairly and appropriately. Like everything else, starting a family is also more expensive now than it ever has been. Gone are the days when one income can support a household and in this day and age both sides of a married couple are more than likely working full time jobs. This is why the Invest in Families Act is so important. Finally we will be able to provide 12 weeks of paid medical or family leave. We have all had that tough decision of going to work or seeing a loved one in the Hospital. Anyone who has had a child like me, knows the pain of having take a large hit to their wages, just to have a baby? It is high time we provide medical as well as paid family leave insurance for Americans! Finally Protecting the Right to Organize is a key part of modern society. Companies cannot always be trusted to have the best interest in working class Americans, it is a sad truth to our world today. However with this act we are putting the right to negotiate one's wages in a Democratic and free process that will ensure that both companies and workers share a more healthy relationship with each other on a fair playing field. These four bills are apart of our plan to revitalize America. The Democratic Party is united from Blue Dogs to Progressives in ensuring that America strives for better. With the American Family Pact, we are not only striving for better, we are laying a great foundation for future growth of this country!
  5. Anney Iyal Visits Longbeach Washington and Praises the United States Senate on Firmly Defeating Proposition to Allow Drilling of Oil off the Washington Coast Anney Iyal Visited the City of Longbeach today to share her relief that the Amendment proposed by Senator Stewart of Pennsylvania, that would have severely and negatively impacted the Washington Coastline, by the means of expanding oil and gas drilling, was defeated. In her meeting with the Longview Mayor about Tsunami prepardness and the actions taken under the new Tsunami Readiness Bill, Iyal said the following "It has been a resounding victory for environmental protection and the preservation of our coastlines, I stand here today to commend the Senate for firmly rejecting the shortsighted amendment proposed by the less than esteemed senator from Pennsylvania himself far removed from the West Coast and our everyday issues. Senators from across the continent tried to give our coastline away as free real estate to big oil companies, but their amendment failed big time. I like many Washingtonians love to come to Long Beach and stare out at the grand, wild and beautiful Pacific Ocean. I would have hated to see what our coastline would look like dotted with oil rigs and oil extraction equipment. We have learned our lessons from the Valdez Oil spill and BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We do not want that happening here! The West Coast of the United States is not merely a stretch of land; it is a treasure trove of natural beauty, biodiversity, and ecological significance. Allowing access for oil drilling would not only endanger delicate marine ecosystems but also jeopardize the livelihoods of countless communities dependent on these pristine shores. This decision sends a clear message that we prioritize sustainability over short-term gains, and we recognize the imperative to safeguard our environment for generations to come. The proposal by Senator Stewart was a slap in the face to all of these truths that we know too well. It underscores our commitment to charting a course towards a cleaner, greener future—one that embraces renewable energy sources and fosters responsible stewardship of our planet. I also stand with our commercial and recreational fisherman who understand these waters better than any money hungry oil executive. The impacts of this type of work off our coasts would severely impact local salmon populations as well as the many other species of fish that call the West Coast home. Many of these same fisherman have to work harder than most people do in their lifetimes, every day just to feed themselves and their families. These same fisherman, many of them I have met personally, understand the importance of sustainable catch and the protection of our environment. The GOP says they support working class Americans but they instead prove that they are willing to sell off our coasts and many people's livelihoods to oil tycoons... When I took this job as Senator I said I would represent all Washingtonians, and I will not forget anyone. The GOP and the Freedom Caucus especially forgot about us but I promise you, the Democratic Party will not forget about you! I extend my gratitude to my colleagues in the Senate who stood on the right side of history, and I urge us all to continue championing policies that protect our natural heritage and uphold our collective duty to preserve the wonders of our coast. In this case cooler heads prevailed, but I will stand guard to make sure that more amendments such as this one do not make it through the Senate".
  6. Welcome to the Dark Side! We have Cookies!
  7. [Opening Theme Music Fades In] Its in the Water: Uncovering the DC Water Crisis and the Links to the Recent Craziness on Capital Hill Bernard : "Good evening, listeners, from around the world we come to you from the middle of scenic America, where the unexplained and the mysterious go hand and hand the great plateau of Nevada. This is your host the one the only, Bernard Ribbon. and Welcome to another great episode of The Platoon Radio AM which is heard on many great radio stations across the United States, Canada and around the World on our website! The show that dives deep into the mysterious and unexplained. Tonight, we have a topic that is frankly devolving and one that could explain the strangeness that has become now commonplace on Capital Hill. Joining us today is Independent Researcher and former Staffer for the White House under the George W. Bush Administration, Bonnie Mackensen. Bonnie welcome to Platoon Radio! How are you doing this evening? Bonnie Mackensen: "I am doing great Bernard how are you doing?" Bernard: "Well Bonnie, thanks for asking, I had a great weekend with my wife and family in Southern California. We went to Long beach and visited the boardwalk down there. There was a light sprinkle which kept most everyone away so it wasn't as crowded as we expected. Anyways Bonny back to the topic at hand, you have over 10 years of experience working for members of the Clinton and Bush administrations and during your time in Washington D.C. I understand that after this you did some research into the affects of water contamination and the things that may be contributing to the strangeness on Capital Hill as of late. Now Capital Hill as we all know is not any stranger to strange behavior or colorful characters but you say that it could be the water which is causing much of our divided Government we see today?" Bonnie Mackensen: "Absolutely Bernard and what is scarier is this is all public knowledge". Bernard: "Could you go into some of your findings?" Bonnie Mackensen: "Certainly, I moved to Washington D.C. in 1994 and was there up until 2006. So almost 12 years of living in D.C. When I came to Washington there was division sure but nothing like what we see today. I came right when the "Republican Revolution" happened and first served in the newly elected Representative Spencer Abraham. Now there is nothing much to note until 2001 when a stunning discovery was made. Levels of lead inside of many homes and buildings in DC were above the legal limit including the apartment I was staying in. I had to be under a boil water notice for several weeks due to this. Nearly half of the homes and buildings in DC that were tested were above safe national averages. At the time many of us were very concerned but there was media silence and crickets from the major networks. Bernard: Now did this continue? How long were you told to boil water? Bonnie Mackensen: "Well Bernard, they "officially" listed that the pipes were safe after some adjustments, but the landowners of my apartments never changed anything nor did the city in my case. In 2002 the Washington City Paper reported a story which received local outcry when a resident in American University Park had lead in their water which was 18 times the national average. 18 times Bernard and this was taking place in our nation's capital. Bernard: "That is truly terrifying" Bonnie Mackensen: "Yes and the national news still failed to pick it up. Researcher by the name of Marc Edwards, who was also a Civic Engineering professor found that the water was contaminated after a change in the water chemistry. He did his own measurements and found at his water meter that it would be considered hazardous waste in many areas. After this finding the Water Quality manager for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority or WASA, Seema Bhat was fired but it was later reported that Bhat was the one when told her superiors about it and they simply ignored. What Marc Edwards found was that at the water meter it was reading 83 time the acceptable limit and this stuff was flowing throughout D.C. Now this all was brought to national attention when the Washington Post made an article about it exposing the city for what they did. WASA finally warned the public at large recommending that residents let the tap run for 30 seconds to one minute before using it to reduce the risk. Bernard: "Truly scary stuff" Bonnie Mackensen: Later the CDC and the US House or Representatives investigated which led to more lead being found in houses across the District. The investigation was later deemed " wildly incomplete" by Representative Brad Miller of North Carolina. Now the House found that the investigation carried out was shoty and frankly misled the House on the true extent of the disaster. Get this Bernard, last year during the congressional testimony for the Flint Water Crisis Marc Edwards said and I quote "20 to 30 times worse" than the Flint Water Crisis... What is even scarier Bernard is the problem is still not fixed. Bernard: Not fixed? Bonnie Mackensen: "Yes due to the District of Columbia's water grid and blatant coverups and corruption the water in Washington D.C. cannot be trusted". Bernard: "Now you theorize that a part of the extreme politicization and extreme partisanship of modern day American politics which is clear as day to anyone" chuckles to himself is in part due to unknowing lead poisoning? Bonnie Mackensen: "The trend of hyper politicization and increased radicalism in Washington D.C. has only gotten worse since the beginning of the D.C Water crisis. In 2001 it was a different time but from then up until now we have seen some crazy things go on in D.C. Just take for example the extreme example of the Republican Party leadership in the past few weeks. Many of the symptoms shown by members of the Republicans and Democrats can be attributed to elevated amounts of lead in the drinking water. According to the CDC lead causes a number of health problems including, Madness, Low IQ, Kidney, Brain and Lung Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Reproductive Problems, Bernard the list of terrible affects is endless! My hypothesis is that lead is back in the water and that the City Government and the Feds want to hide it from the people! If you want proof, just look at the geriatrics that have been ongoing on the Senate Floor in relation to the funding of HBCU's... I truly believe that we can trace much of our problems in government to the water!" Bernard: "That would certainly answer some of the questionable things going on Capital Hill as of late wouldn't it chuckles again Bonnie Mackensen: "I always filtered my water when I was in D.C. that and I left in 2006 to seek a new life in the country of Wyoming where I am today. I live on a small ranch, away from toxic water and away from the madness of Capital Hill. I also have a website called spirtualwaterwyoming.net where you can find tips and tricks on how to keep lead and other toxins out of your water and the soothing affects of natural unprocessed, clean water. My glacier water Bernard that I got in Wyoming has changed my life!" Bernard: "So your recommend listeners go to your site, is there anywhere else you would like them to go?" Bonnie Mackensen: "Make sure to check me out on Twitter and Facebook, I will be posting water factoids and off the grid tips as I have been for several years now! It has been a pleasure Bernard Thanks for having me on! Bernard: "Well thank you Bonnie! Remember you can see her work at spirtualwaterwyoming.net and on her Facebook and Twitter pages. Next up we will have Cylde Lexington on to discuss the ongoing UFO phenomena on Skinwalker Ranch and we will have open lines with Mr. Lexington! This is The Platoon AM, Thanks for Listening!" [Bumper Music: Once in a Lifetime By: Talking Heads]
  8. Name: Anney Iyal Media/Outlet: CBS This Morning with Norah O' Donnell Reason: Republicans: Lost and Divided "Recently we have seen the Republicans trying to get a coherent message out to the media through bombardments of wave after wave of complaining but, behind that mask they are as divided as ever. For example the Republican Party despite voting for the confirmation of soon to be Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. First we had the then majority leader say that he supports the Judge but then the rest of the party back stabbed him. Now we have seen the musical chairs of leaders as Republican after Republican try to create a narrative and try to steer politics when they cannot even steer themselves". "Lately they have been going to the media talking about the border, badgering the airwaves, trying to turn their sinking midterm campaign around, but do they really care about solving problems for Americans? They have shot down many key initiatives that actually are going to help people. They shot down the minimum wage, they are trying to gut the Tsunami bill which would greatly help those of us living out on the West Coast. They tried to block the I5 bill calling it "handouts". I can go on and on and on... There are now blatant unapologetic racists in the Republican Party that are voting down funding of HBCU's even with the Minority leader coming out and saying that he fully supports them". "We Democrats cannot trust the Republicans to work with us on any piece of legislation no matter how apparently bipartisan it may be. With Senators, Roy, Atkins and Cambridge being loose cannons on a daily basis and the Republican Party held together with duck tape and string, it is clear that they have no vision, no plan or no solution for America's problems. The Democrats are united behind President Murphy and we will continue to be here trying to make this country a better, more just place.
  9. [Opening Theme Music Fades In] The Hidden and the Missing, What the National Park Service Doesn't Want You to Know! Bernard : "Good evening, listeners, from around the world we come to you from the middle of scenic America, where the unexplained and the mysterious go hand and hand the great plateau of Nevada. This is your host the one the only, Bernard Ribbon. and welcome back to The Platoon AM, the show that dives deep into the mysterious and unexplained. Tonight, we have a fascinating topic that's been shrouded in secrecy and controversy: the mysterious disappearances of people inside US National Parks and the alleged cover-up by the government. Joining us tonight is Josiah Muldridge, a researcher who has dedicated his life to uncovering the truth behind these unsettling disappearances. Josiah, welcome to the show." Josiah: "Thank you for having me, it's a pleasure to be here." Bernard Ribbon: "Josiah, let's jump right into it. You've been investigating these disappearances for quite some time now. Can you give our listeners some background on the scope of this phenomenon?" Josiah: "Absolutely. Over the years, there have been thousands of cases of individuals who have vanished without a trace while visiting national parks across the United States. These disappearances often occur under strange circumstances, with no logical explanation for how or why the person went missing. What's even more alarming is the lack of official investigation and the veil of silence surrounding these cases." Bernard Ribbon: "That's truly unsettling. What led you to start investigating these disappearances in the first place?" Josiah: "Well, it all started when a close friend of mine went missing under mysterious circumstances while hiking in one of these national parks. The lack of answers from authorities and the strange inconsistencies in the official reports sparked my curiosity. I began delving deeper into the matter, and what I uncovered was both chilling and eye-opening." Bernard Ribbon: "And what have you discovered in your research?" Josiah: "I've uncovered a pattern of suppression and cover-up by government agencies, particularly the National Park Service and the FBI. There's evidence to suggest that they've been actively concealing information about these disappearances, often labeling them as accidents or animal attacks without conducting thorough investigations. There are also reports of strange occurrences in these parks, such as sightings of unidentified flying objects and unexplained phenomena, which further add to the mystery." Bernard Ribbon: "Now you have stated that you believe the Government has covered this problem up? Why do you say that and do you believe it it is malicious? Josiah: "Well look at the facts, I am not the only one scouring this problem. David Paulides has been working with Can AM Missing for years now and he and I know and are investigating many of the same cases. For example look at the disappearance of Aaron Hedges in 2014. Aaron was a skilled outdoorsman who was hunting in the Crazy Mountains in Montana. He separated from his group of friends to go up to a stash and he vanished. Searchers and blood hounds went for days to try and find him but only his shoes and a few personal belongings were found. Who leaves their shoes when they are going through the mountains? let me ask you that Bernard Ribbbon: "That is strange" Josiah: Many months later once the snow had thawed his body was found many miles away at a neighboring ranch he was found along with his bow and a few other items. The whole case is just puzzling, strange and frankly disturbing Bernard. These cases are not happening every year and the Federal Government doesn't even have a national database on missing persons in National Parks. It frankly seems like at best a whole mess up by the National Park Service and at worst, straight up illegal behavior... Bernard Ribbon: "Fascinating. So, what do you believe is behind these disappearances?" Josiah: "While I can't say for certain, there are several theories that I've explored in my research. Some believe that there may be underground bases or secret facilities hidden within these parks, where individuals are taken for unknown purposes. Others speculate that there could be supernatural forces at play, such as portals or dimensional rifts that swallow people whole. I know there are many that believe that Sasquatch or Bigfoot is involved. However with the Federal Government's radio silence, it is clear that nobody want to discuss or talk about this. Whatever the explanation may be, it's clear that there's more to these disappearances than meets the eye." Bernard Ribbon: "You talk extensively about National Parks, can you possibly give us a few cases that are the kind of thing that you research?" Josiah: "Most certainly. Let me first start with the sad story of Stacey Ann Arras. Stacey was your average 14 year old. She had golden blond hair, loved horses and was going to go for an exhilarating ride through Yosemite National Park with 6 other people on horseback. The year was 1981. Stacey was last seen with a 72 year old friend. This man sat down and let Stacey go ahead and he would catch up, however she was never seen again. Witnesses testified to this and saw Stacey walk off when this man sat down, which has cleared him of any wrongdoing in the case. The search for Stacey seemed at the time to be easy. She was only wearing sandals. The only trace of her ever found was the lens cap on her camera. After hundreds of hours of searching by hundreds of searchers, she was never found, not a trace. Now except for the initial news reports we know nothing else about this case. David Paulides has requested to see the details of this case several times using the Freedom of Information Act but he has been denied with authorities saying "you will never see this case". The Government is ashamed and hiding this case, it is clear to me! Stacey Ann Arras has not been seen since that fateful day in 1981 The second case I would like to talk about is the disappearance of Timothy Joseph Lynch. Lynch lived in Indiana and was 44 years old at the time of his disappearance. He went hiking and taking pictures in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park at the end of of Chain of Craters Road in Hawaii National Park, Hawaii on June 6, 2003, and never returned. Searchers a week later found his car along with his plane ticket he was supposed to use that very same day. He has never been found. Finally the last case I will talk about today is the case of Steven Nakagawa. Nakagawa came was 26 years old at the time of his disappearance He lived in Reedley California a few miles outside of Fresno. He had four siblings and he came from a family that did not go hiking or do much in the outdoors. He was described as a likeable young man who loved the outdoors He decided to take a special trip. He never told anybody exactly where he was going but he mentioned he was going up to the Lake Edison area. He was going to go with his nephew but his nephew had the flu, so he went alone. He went out on October 26th and said he would go home on the 30th. The Nakagawa's began the search by themelves and found his truck on the 31st with the keys in the ignition and doors unlocked. They reported the case instantly to authorities. After a few days of searching snow storms postponed the search. Steven Nakagawa has never been seen again... The cases I cover have seen these people vanish and either 1. Not be found ever again or 2. found in a spot searched by searchers many, many times. These are not your average missing persons cases, these have serious consequences to families and to those who are connected with those who are at a loss. Our Government is not doing anything to stop this, they don't want to research it, they don't want to even keep a list. If the Government is so scared of it, then you know it must be serious. Bernard Ribbon: "It's certainly a chilling thought. Josiah, where can our listeners go to learn more about your work and the research you've conducted?" Josiah: "I've compiled all of my findings and investigations into a book titled 'Vanishing Point: The Truth Behind the National Park Disappearances,' which is available online and in select bookstores. I also have a website where I regularly update my research and connect with others who have experienced similar phenomena." Bernard Ribbon: "Do you have any tips for those enjoying the back country on how not to get lost?" Josiah: "Yes thank you for asking this question. Please, please, please do not go alone into the wilderness. A vast majority of these cases happen to lone individuals. Use the buddy system it saves lives! Also do not go unarmed into the wilds. Even a small knife can save your life! Also please invest in getting a personal locator beacon and please be prepared for changing weather systems. Authorities cannot always find you and from what we have seen with out federal and state governments dropping the ball, you must rely on yourself! Be prepared, stay alert and make smart decisions!" Bernard Ribbon: "Thank you so much for joining us tonight, Josiah. It's been an enlightening discussion, and I'm sure our listeners will want to learn more about this mysterious phenomenon. That's all the time we have for tonight, folks. Join us again next time for another thrilling episode of Coast to Coast AM. Until then, stay curious and keep your eyes peeled for the unexplained." Josiah: Thanks Bernard is has been a pleasure! Bernard: "On the next hour we will be discussing the paranormal secrets of Siddhartha Gautama also known as Buddha! Was he connected to aliens? Find out next on The Platoon AM" [Bumper Music Missing You By: John Waite]
  10. The Winnemucca Platoon was created on April 4th 1994 in Las Vegas Nevada, its creator Bernard Ribbon started as a Amateur Radio operator and before that working in the US Air Force in radio communications. He would move to the tiny Las Vegas community of Ruth Nevada and start what some would consider the across state rival to Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM. The show dives into all kinds of topics especially into conspiracy theories and politics. Ribbon identifies with neither party instead being highly skeptical of both parties. He support Ross Perot's Presidential Campaign however and has ties with the Reform Party. He frequently has UFO and Bigfoot researchers as well as Government conspiracy theorists and also has open lines on the weekends. His radio show and news outlet is still considered fringe however his Radio persona is world renown. Host: Bernard Ribbon Partner & Occasional Host: Larry Gopnik a Cryptologist from British Columbia Producer & Occasional Host: Jim Baldwin Weekend Host: Susan Johansen
  11. Fixing a Mistake, this will be used eventually.....
  12. Anney Iyal Reacts to Bipartisan Overruling of the Judicial Filibuster on Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson Speaking to the press outside of the Capital Building today, after the vote to overrule the chair. The Senator from the Great State of Washington Anney Iyal made a statement discussing the need to take this action and the bipartisan support Jackson received in this vote. "Well finally after 2 years of turmoil, the Supreme Court will be finally full once again. The Justice we are getting is someone who is more than qualified, is extremely diligent and extremely capable to serve out this oh so important role. The results came in and frankly both sides are tired of this Supreme Court musical chair charade. The move to overrule the chair was one that I wish we did not have to make but is a nessisary move in light of the Republicans grand attempt to use the Supreme Court as a means to hijacking the Government and keeping deadlock throughout as many aspects of Government as they can. The Republican soap opera continued as Minority Leader came and went, and radicals like Jason Roy spread their far right rhetoric across the GOP. Now for the meantime we have seen a glimpse of stability in the Republican Party, enough to get Ketanji Brown Jackson into the Supreme Court. The support for Ketanji was bipartisan and is a major win for Bipartisanship in DC. It has become more and more disheartening on Capital Hill lately to focus on the constant divide. Finally we have seen Senators on both sides of the aisle come together and finally fulfill their Constitutional responsibility and fill the Supreme Court. I hope and pray that this is the beginning of more normalcy on Capital Hill because frankly we are tired of the political Mickey Mouse games that have been going on in the Republican Party for months now. The Democrats have shown once again that we bring stability and leadership to the table while Republicans bring chaos and disorder. Thank You"
  13. Anney Iyal Urges the House to Pass the Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2017 I stand before you today to urge the House to Pass the Tsunami Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2017 Scientists first discovered evidence of tsunami's hitting the Pacific Northwest. Evidence of ghost forests" as well as major land slippage due to fault lines slipping under the ocean caused great curiosity amongst the Scientific Community in Oregon and Washington as to what would cause this. The results were objectively terrifying... What scientists found was that a massive mega thrust Tsunami had hit the Juan de Fuca plate and sent a wave comparable to the Japanese 2011 Tsunami wave. The earthquake that created this was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake which is similar to the 2011 Japan Earthquake and the 2001 Indian Ocean Earthquake. Growth rings on trees showed that they stopped at the year 1699 meaning that this event was catastrophic to the Pacific Northwest. What solidified this Tsunami was Japanese records of a What Scientists also found was that these quakes hit approximately every 500 years as the plate needs to reset itself. These events according to Oregon State University researchers have taken place "41 times during the past 10,000 years. Those earthquakes were thought to generally occur every 500 years" and that the possibility of a Earthquake striking the Pacific Northwest in the next 50 years is 1 in 3. The chance of a mega thrust earthquake hitting the coast from Seaside Oregon to Vancouver Island British Columbia is 10 to 15 percent [1]. The risk of this taking place in Oregon and Washington and the entire Pacific Northwest is very great and it would pose a significant risk. There are legends of the Indigenous Communities, these stories my elders and my family taught me as a young girl. When the Oceans recede you must head for higher ground or be flooded. Listen to the lessons of my people, listen to the science, the time to take action is now! The lives of millions are in our hands! Sources https://web.archive.org/web/20100527090117/http://oregonstate.edu/ua/ncs/node/13426
  14. Anney Iyal Addresses Minimum Wage Battle In a Short Statement to the media on capital hill Anney Iyal talked about the ongoing battle to raise the minimum wage saying "Everybody knows that 7 dollars an hour is not a livable wage at all. It is imperative that we raise the minimum wage. The Republicans however have just not negotiated in any good faith at all as they are too obsessed, too self absorbed in their own drama to help even care about the American people in any capacity. For too long hard working women and men have been barely making ends meet or not at all. Inflation, and prices are rising but wages in this country are lagging behind. People and families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Americans deserve better and it should be our job to ensure that people's lives are easier. Minimum wage is not only a political tool. Not just an abstract concept, it is very real and very important to the lives of a vast majority of Americans. Let us not mince words: the current federal minimum wage is a relic of a bygone era, a paltry sum that fails to reflect the realities of the modern economy. While the cost of living continues to skyrocket, wages have stagnated, leaving countless individuals and families trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and despair. We cannot, in good conscience, turn a blind eye to the suffering endured by so many of our fellow citizens. We cannot, in good conscience, allow the gap between the haves and the have-nots to continue to widen unchecked. We cannot, in good conscience, claim to be a nation of opportunity and equality while millions are denied a fair and livable wage. The time for action is now. The time to raise the minimum wage to a level that reflects the dignity and worth of every worker is long overdue. We must heed the calls of those who labor tirelessly day in and day out, often in thankless jobs that form the backbone of our economy. We must stand in solidarity with the working women and men who keep our nation running, who put food on our tables, who care for our loved ones, and who deserve nothing less than a fair wage for their labor"
  15. Netroots 2017 Speech of Washington Senator Anney Iyal Hello Netroots!!! My name is Anney Iyal and I am proud to serve as the Senator of the Great State of Washington. In 2016 we had a truly historic election. It was truly surreal watching the glass ceiling being shattered as not only was Xiomara de la Cruz elected President but many women such as myself were elected into the United States Senate. Xiomara's story begins humbly before she rose through politics to the Mayor of Houston and now President of the United States. Her background is someone who has lots of experience not with the geriatrics of Washington DC but with the rest of America. In my personal experience I grew up on the Nisqually Reservation. If you had told me that I would take a career in politics as a child or as a teenager I would have told you that you were crazy. However as I became active in Fisheries and protection of the environment it became clear to me that I could fight for environmentism through politics both local and in Washington DC. Despite facing many obstacles on my way to being here today, I was able to overcome and help be apart of a new movement of women who have taken the initiative and who have scattered the glass ceiling for good. My message is simple and it is to all the young girls and women that watch my speech tonight l. Do not be afraid to follow your dreams to pursue a career in STEM, and to be the change you want to see in your community and your world. Go out there and fight for what you believe in. Fight for social justice, fight for women's rights, fight for environmental equity and make your voiced heard! When we make the voices of the voiceless heard, we can change the world for good! Thank You!
  16. Anney Iyal Announces Election Day Holiday Bill in Seattle Rally Hello Everyone! It truly is a beautiful day here in Seattle. I am here today because I truly believe we are on the the verge of a major breakthrough in equal access for Americans to be able to vote and do their constitutional duty as Americans. Right now too many people have to balance their work and livelihoods with their constitutional rights of voting, this should not be an either or decision but a decision that can be made with the peace of mind of Election Day becoming a Holiday I am here today to shed light as a passionate advocate for the fundamental principles of democracy. Our nation's democracy is the cornerstone of our freedom, our voice, and our ability to shape our collective future. However, for too long, we have seen barriers preventing citizens from fully participating in the electoral process. Today, I am proud to announce a pivotal step towards strengthening our democracy - the introduction of the "Election Day Holiday Act." This legislation seeks to address a fundamental issue that has plagued our electoral system for far too long: the challenge of accessibility and time constraints on Election Day. Under this proposed legislation, Election Day will be declared a federal holiday. This means that every citizen will have the opportunity to exercise their right to vote without the burden of work obligations, school commitments, or other daily responsibilities. By making Election Day a holiday, we are sending a clear message: voting is not just a right, but a cherished duty that deserves our full attention and commitment. Furthermore, declaring Election Day a federal holiday is a crucial step towards promoting inclusively and equity in our electoral process. It acknowledges the diverse needs of our citizens, including those who may face obstacles such as long working hours, lack of transportation, or care giving responsibilities. By providing a designated day off, we are leveling the playing field and ensuring that every voice can be heard, regardless of background or circumstance. Some may argue that making Election Day a holiday is an unnecessary expense or inconvenience. However, I firmly believe that the cost of inaction far outweighs the investment required to safeguard our democracy. The ability to participate in free and fair elections is not just a privilege, but a fundamental right that must be protected at all costs. It is my hope that my colleagues in the Senate and in DC quickly docket and pass this bill. We must strive for making Election Day as approachable for all Americans and as Senator I will ensure that these priorities are implemented.
  17. Anney Iyal's Reaction to the Nomination of Paul T. Watford to the Supreme Court of the United States I stand in support of the nomination of Judge Paul J. Watford to the Supreme Court. His exemplary qualifications and distinguished service on the Ninth Circuit Court speak volumes about his commitment to justice and the rule of law. Judge Watford's extensive experience and keen legal mind have earned him respect across the political spectrum. Throughout his career, he has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the law and a steadfast dedication to upholding the principles enshrined in our Constitution. Throughout his career people from all sides of the legal spectrum have shown nothing but praise for the work Judge Watford has done. His legal impartiality and his devotion to upholding the constitution make him the definition of a qualified Supreme Court judge. In recent days we have seen lots of attacks from Republicans saying many things that range from untrue to outlandish. However his legal career from being a clerk of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to his work on the Ninth Circuit Court have shown that Watford is ready and highly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. The Republicans seem to be grasping at any argument they can, even if is Racist, untrue or complete lunacy because they have no real argument to make against his appointment. Now I ask my colleges to put down your shovels, stop digging and join me in supporting the nomination of Judge Paul J. Watford to the United States Supreme Court.
  18. Anney Iyal's Statement on the Inauguration of President Xiomara de la Cruz Today, America has reached a monumental milestone in its journey toward equality and progress. With the election of Xiomara de la Cruz as the 45th President of the United States, our nation has shattered one of its most enduring glass ceilings. As a fellow Democrat and a proud representative of the people of Washington, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to President de la Cruz on this historic achievement. President de la Cruz's victory is not only a triumph for herself and for the Democratic Party, but also a triumph for every American who believes in the promise of equality and opportunity. By becoming the first woman to hold the highest office in the land, President-elect de la Cruz has inspired millions of women and girls across the country to pursue their dreams and aspirations without limitations. The hateful prejudges and lingering hate in this country is coming crashing down, and we have a President who I cannot be more happy and excited for. I know for a fact my daughter was thoroughly watching Election Day by my side last November, we are seeing the beginning of a new generation of activists and politicians who are looking at the future when they see the President. Throughout her distinguished career as a public servant, President-elect de la Cruz has exemplified the values of integrity, compassion, and perseverance. From her humble beginnings to her tenure as a senator, she has always been a tireless advocate for the most vulnerable among us. Now, as she prepares to assume the presidency, I am confident that she will continue to lead with the same dedication and passion that have defined her remarkable journey thus far. As we celebrate this historic moment, let us also reflect on the progress we have made as a nation and the work that lies ahead. Let us come together as one nation, united in our commitment to building a brighter future for all Americans. And let us never forget the significance of this moment—a moment that reminds us of the boundless potential of America and the enduring strength of all of us Americans. Its not about Republicans or Democrats. Its not about Red and Blue states, its about being united as one, united in making America a better place for future generations. I am extremely confident that Xiomara de la Cruz will do great things for this country and I will fully support the de la Cruz administration in this endeavor. Once again, congratulations, President-elect de la Cruz. May your presidency be marked by unity, progress, and prosperity for all Americans.
  19. Basic Information Character Name: Anney Iyall (nee: Ellings) Avatar: Paulette Jordan Seat: Washington (Class 3) Party: Democratic Faction: Progressive Caucus Gender: Female Age: 39 years or younger (b. 1978) Sexuality: Straight, married with < 3 children: Race/Ethnicity: Indigenous (Nisqually Tribe) Religious Affiliation: Mainland Protestant Date of Birth: March 1st 1978 Place of Birth: Tacoma Washington Place of Residence: Lacey Washington Family Information Parents: Bill Ellings: (Harvest Program Manager for the Nisqually Tribe) Sara Ellings: School Teacher for Nisqually Tribe Siblings: Mark Ellings (b. 1965) Liliana Ellings (b. 1975) Spouse: Lewis Iyal (b. 1973) (m. 2003) Children: Emily Iyal (b. 2005) Lee Iyal (b. 2008) Educational History Evergreen College - Bachelor of Environmental Studies Master's Degree University of Washington: Master Of Science (Aquatic And Fishery Sciences) Occupational History Career Information: Intern Working for Fisheries in the Nisqually Tribe 1997-2001 (Her job while in College Fisheries Scientist Working for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (2001-2004) Mayor of Lacey Washington (2004-2016) Points Gender: Female (5 points) Age: 39 years or younger (20 points) Sexuality: Straight, married with < 3 children (0 Points) Race: Native American (Nisqually Tribe) (20 points) Religion: Mainland Protestant (0 points) Education: Masters Degree - 20 points (Top of her Class) Bachelors Degree - 5 points Family History: Middle Class (5 Points) Career Information: Intern Working for Fisheries in the Nisqually Tribe (15 points) Fisheries Scientist Working for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Political Experience: Mayor of Lacey Washington (2000-2004) Mayor (population >50,000: 3 terms (2004-2016) (9 points) 1 Senate Term (5 points) GRAND TOTAL - 91 Points 112th Congress 2011-2013 Democrats: United States–Colombia Free Trade Agreement AYE 113th Congress 2013-2015 Both: Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization AYE Both: Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 AYE 114th Congress 2015-2017 Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 AYE Biography: Anney Iyal was born on March 1st 1978 at Tacoma General Hospital in Tacoma Washington. Her parents were both full blooded members of the Nisqually Tribe and lived and grew up with her community in the town of Lacey Washington. She was taught from a young age to respect the environment and that humans are a member of the environment, not a conqueror of the environment. Her father was in charge of Salmon management of the Nisqually River for the tribe so that both the fisheries for the tribe stayed healthy. Her passion for environmentalism and salmon started from this age. She would work as an intern for the tribe in monitoring and helping clear the river for Chinook salmon runs to better spawn and survive starting at the age of 18. She would also go to Evergreen College majoring in Environmental Science. She would work for the tribe during the summers, working on projects and such to protect the Riparian zones along the Nisqually River and protecting stream beds along with counting fish that spawn during the Fall. She would continue her education going to Washington State University studying Fisheries Science and at the same time She would next go to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife as a Fisheries Scientist. She would work on several rivers including helping to rehabilitate spawning grounds on the Skykomish River and the Skagit River. However she would be constantly stopped by bureaucracy or political motives in many of the project areas she was working in. Just trying to help the local environment from this level seemed fruitless and so she decided to do something about it. She returned to her community where she had grown up and ran for Mayor of Lacey Washington. She became the first Indigenous Mayor of the city and one of the youngest mayors in the state at the same time. She ran on the environment and her outsider experience as a scientist. She won a majority of the vote easily and would become Mayor in 2000. She would serve in that capacity for four years. During her tenure she would help Lacey solidify itself as an Arbor Day Foundation Tree City. She also would work to help the the city run on more renewable energy. The town was heavily influenced by the nearby Fort Lewis-McChord and when the United States went to war in 2001 she would support the local veterans but not mention support for the overall war. She would serve until 2004 overseeing the rapid growth of the city and making sure that the environment was protected while the city experienced massive growth. She also advocated for Lacey to be prepared for the impending Cascadia earthquake and to make buildings in the city Earthquake resistant and to help Lacey deal with a potential eruption of Mt. Rainier. She would serve until 2016 when she would run for United States Senate to replace Patty Murray who retired. By running as an outsider and a supporter of the Presidential run of Xiomara de la Cruz to the Presidency she would be seen as the new face of the progressive caucus and a newcomer and outsider in the Democratic Party, someone who will shake things up and be a devoted member of the Progressive caucus. Total Points: 89
  20. Jennifer Stohl Condemns "Illegal" actions by Maduro Regime in their Invasion and War Crimes Against American Pilots Montana Senator Jennifer Stohl made a passionate speech to supporters about the illegal invasion of Guyana by the Maduro regime in Venezuela she said in a statement "The phony election and now illegal invasion of Guyana is unprecedented and an attack of the sovereignty, security and freedom of South America and especially the people of Guyana. Maduro and his regime have failed their own citizens so much like the Argentinian Government in 1982 are trying to rally their people around an unnecessary war. Looking back at history this only brought about the end of the dictatorship in Argentina and I believe in my heart that this will be the end of the dictatorship in Venezuela". She continued "The actions from the Maduro regime should be condemned internationally. Guyana is a sovereign state that does not want to be in Maduro's failed state that is ruled by Communists. I cannot express enough my disappointment and my anger at these decisions made by the Government in Caracas. The International community MUST condemn these actions as much as they have with the invasion of Ukraine and Israel, we cannot let a insane Dictator have his way and expand his territory into a country that does not want any part of his failed regime. China and those who are aiding Maduro must stop their actions immediately and condemn these horrible actions". In reaction to the shooting down of two US pilots Stohl said The most distressing thing about all of this is the shooting down of United States servicemen who have been drug through the streets of Caracas and paraded around like war trophies. This clearly violates the Geneva Convention. I urge everyone in Government to work like you have never worked before to get Captain Luis Ricardo and Lt. Adam Humphries home. We must be working harder to ensure they are safely on American soil once again and no longer in danger. To those who are mistreating these men, we will make sure you face the justice that you so deserve and that these actions will not be forgotten, or gotten away with. Maduro and his government are committing war crimes against Americans and we must do everything in our power to ensure that his regime is thrown out and that justice is served".
  21. Senator Stohl Reacts to the Leaking of Classified Information from White House Staffer Nathaniel Miller In a press release, Senator Jennifer Stohl of Montana expressed deep concern over the recent leaking of classified information by White House staffer Nathaniel Miller. The Senator emphasized the importance of safeguarding national security and called for a thorough investigation into the matter. Senator Stohl stated, "The unauthorized disclosure of classified information poses a serious threat to our nation's security. We must ensure that our government operates with transparency, but we also must prioritize the protection of sensitive information that could compromise our safety and interests." She further urged the relevant authorities to swiftly investigate the leak and take appropriate actions. "We cannot tolerate breaches of trust that undermine the integrity of our government institutions. I call on the responsible agencies to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation to identify the source of the leak and hold those accountable for their actions." The Senator reassured the public that she will closely monitor the developments and work with her colleagues to address any legislative measures necessary to strengthen security protocols and prevent future leaks. In closing Stohl called for bipartisan support to pass legislation to help ensure this sort of thing does not happen again "We need Congress to come together regardless of party affiliation and political leaning to make sure this does not happen again!"
  22. Jennifer Stohl Blasts Minority Leaders Repeated Blocking Negotiations of Key Legislation Today I am profoundly disappointed. The ongoing situation we face demands not just bipartisan cooperation, but a commitment to the safety and security of our nation and our allies. I stand here to address the unfortunate and unnecessary obstruction from the Democratic Senate Minority Leader in our efforts to secure our borders and support critical funding for Ukraine and Israel. The urgency of these matters cannot be overstated. Our nation's borders are not merely lines on a map; they are the guardians of our sovereignty, the protectors of our citizens, and the first line of defense against threats. Yet, in the face of this reality, negotiations on crucial border security measures have been consistently stonewalled. The situation in Ukraine demands our immediate attention and unwavering support. We must stand in solidarity with our allies against aggression and tyranny. However, our efforts to provide the necessary aid and resources have been impeded by partisan posturing. Similarly, our commitment to ensuring Israel's security should transcend political differences. The funding required to maintain this alliance and support our ally has been needlessly delayed and politicized. Republicans in the Senate have time and time again shown our willingness to work on solving these issues and yet repeatedly we got blocked and stopped for no reason by the Senate Minority Leader John Starnes. Starnes is all talk and no action. He may whine and complain on twitter but he does jack shit when it comes to actually securing our country. The buck stops with Senate Minority Leader Starnes. I implore my colleagues across the aisle to recognize the severity of these issues. This is not a time for political gamesmanship; it is a time for decisive action. The safety and stability of our nation and our allies are at stake. It's imperative that we set aside our differences and come together in the spirit of unity to address these critical matters. The American people and our allies around the world are counting on us to uphold our responsibilities and stand as a beacon of strength and support. I urge the Democratic Senate Minority Leader to reconsider their stance and join us in prioritizing the safety and security of our borders, our allies, and our nation. It's time to put the interests of our country above partisan agendas and work towards solutions that serve the American people and not political action committee's first.
  23. Name: Jennifer Stohl Media: Fox News Reason: Senate Minority Leader Dropping the Ball on Negotiations "The Senate Minority Leader has been proving time and time again that he cannot negotiate or he refuses to. We have come to the table time after time and tried to work with the Democrats in good faith but we keep getting blasted by the Senate Minority Leader. We are ready, willing and united in our resolve to help Americans and solve the problems our country is facing. Senate Minority Leader Starnes doesn't care and will delay and put off these things for seemingly weird reasons. It is just strange". "The Democrats are refusing to get a deal in place to secure our wide open border. They are refusing to get a deal to help fund Ukraine and Israel and they are frankly just delaying because they feel like it. There is no reason for this. Why are they not working with us on this? Why are they delaying? The buck stops with the minority leader and his inaction. We are committed to securing Democracy across the world not only in Israel and Ukraine but on our Southern Border too. The Democrats seemingly think we should just sit back and do nothing?" "We've seen Democrats like Senator Kamaka engaging in positive dialogue but they seem to be being shut down by Minority Leader Starnes. We are ready and willing to work with Democrats to secure our border and our allies but the Minority Leader seemingly is not. Repeatedly he has shut down negotiations which is extremely frustrating not only to Republicans but to the members of his party that actually care. Minority Leader Starnes does not care and his attitude will hurt not only this country but our allies. It is time for him to resign!"
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