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  1. Name: Janice Kamaka (D-HI) Media/Outlet: Noticias Telemundo (Telemundo) Reason: GOP DACA Shenanigans & FAIR Act "To hold a fancy Rose Garden affair to gleefully throw 600,000 people into legal limbo at the stroke of a pen is nothing short of disgraceful from President Ross and this administration. Spare me the nonsense coming out of the White House and by some Congressional Republicans that they still stand for DACA. The same Congressional Republicans that voted unanimously to block DACA protections. This President pretending to care about Dreamers before her actions and astonishingly after shows just how disingenuous this President truly is. Her own Vice President was tweeting about the White House's support for DACA hours before they eliminated it for God's sake!" "This stunt pulled by the President, while malicious enough, was also grossly incompetent. She actually had to run back from Congress to the White House just to sign a EO fixing her own executive order killing DACA. Hoping to bank on claiming they've maintained protections for DACA recipients, the President has attempted to create a scenario where a DACA student, upon graduation, or a recipient who's work authorization expires, will be deported back to a country they haven't been to since their childhood. The cruelty is unimaginable and this President knows that, because cruelty was the point." "As a former journalist, I gotta say that I wouldn't blame a single member of the White House Press Corp for taking everything Press Secretary Dana White says with a grain of salt. She absolutely lied and misconstrued the position of President Ross, no matter how much the White House denies it. You genuinely cannot trust any of the words coming out of this White House. The President and Vice President both had the gaul to claim that this executive order did not repeal DACA despite the second section of the order being titled 'Repeal of DACA' in the most telling instance yet of what has become a White House obsessed with alternative facts, misinformation, and outright denials of reality." "The FAIR Act is the only real immigration reform on the table. If you want a bill that protects our country and our border, protects Dreamers, establishes a pathway to citizenship, and maintains humanity within our immigration system. This is a bill that I am proud to co-sponsor because the time is now to end the never-ending nonsense coming from Senate Republicans who waffle and waiver at every opportunity on immigration. Can anyone actually tell me where the President or Congressional Republicans actually stand on immigration? I feel like the nation is collectively feeling whiplash from this administration and Congressional Republicans constant backtracking on DACA alone, let alone various other aspects of their bill like their lack of consensus on how extreme they want to make the E-Verify mandate they hope to pass." I remain hopeful that the FAIR Act will pass through Congress. I am already aware that Speaker Jeffries intends to place the FAIR Act on the floor of the House and get it to the Senate. It was Democrats who acted decisively earlier in this session to place an actual plan to address human trafficking on the border after the initial Republican bill did nothing to do so, despite them claiming otherwise, because Democrats are committed to addressing the challenges in our immigration system. Democrats are unified behind the FAIR Act and Democrats will deliver results as we always do by passing the FAIR Act."
  2. PR #10 - Senator Kamaka Criticizes President Ross for Lack of Clarity on Troop Movement in the Caribbean - Q2, 2025 Washington D.C. - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) criticized President Ross at a recent foreign policy conversation held at American University in Washington D.C. over her lack of clarity with the American People regarding the severity of a potential crisis in Venezuela. Senator Kamaka reaffirmed Guyana's right to the Essequibo Region, a territory Venezuela is seeking to dispute while calling on Venezuela to give up its claim. She has been a vocal critic of the President's decision to move a carrier strike force into the Caribbean Sea without informing Congress or the nation beforehand. Senator Kamaka criticized the President's continued inability to speak candidly with the American People on the potential danger. "I've been vocal for some time now on the need for the President to speak clarity to the American People about the developments in Venezuela. We've heard tough posturing, like the reaffirmation of the Monroe Doctrine, and yet we've been told little about the decision to move a carrier strike force into the Caribbean Sea. We aren't talking about some country in a far away land, we're talking about our own backyard. The continued inability by this President to address the nation on the threat we face in Latin America or the possibility of direct military engagement in our hemisphere with American lives at risk is unacceptable. The decision to make thus unilateral move without consulting Congress was equally concerning when compared to every previous President. To learn the President's own thoughts on a major move for the first time via a podcast designed for her vanity is nothing short of a dereliction of duty. We've been clear, Guyana has every right to the Essequibo Region. We will maintain that rightful claim and reject efforts by Venezuela to say otherwise. The heart of our contention with the White House is the simple fact that we are slow walking towards a potential major crisis without any clarity from our Commander-in-Chief. The world is watching what the United States does. We need a Commander-in-Chief who goes beyond what they think is 'legally' required of them and actually speaks to the people, engages with the nation in this trying time. The President must address the American People. Full stop."
  3. Name: Janice Kamaka (D-HI) Media/Outlet: Meet the Press (NBC) Reason: Dissolving of the WH Gender Policy Council "I said it on Twitter and I'll say it here, the decision to dissolve the White House Gender Policy Council is one squarely situated in the President's desire to stoke the culture war as a distraction from her own administration's failures. The rollout of this administration has broken the record for the most times an administration can put their foot in their mouth. Whether it was the botched rollout of a cabinet historically unpopular with the American People, the President's decision to leave Medicare and Social Security on the table for possible cuts, or the collective failure of the GOP to adequately protect Americans by pulling their anti-discrimination bill because it protected too many people, this is an administration and Republican Party that is rudderless and incapable of meeting the moment." "For the President to so blatantly claim that she is stopping the "promotion of abortion, radical sex education & gender ideology in minors" by dissolving the White House Gender Policy Council is simply an insult to her own voters that care about those issues, on top of the vast majority of Americans who don't want the right-wing hellscape this President salivates at the idea at. The White House Gender Policy Council had nothing to do with sexual education and President Ross knows this. She's pushing a bold-faced lie because she knows it's the only way to distract from a bungled administration." "I think it's a damn shame that the first female President has consistently worked throughout her brief time in office to undermine the rights of women and girls nationwide. Her firm embrace of the right-wing anti-choice agenda, her mockery of women's rights, and her disregard for seeking the uplifting of women across this country is a record she alone is cultivating. The President cares more about appeasing an extremist element of her base that the vast majority of Americans do not agree with then she is actually governing responsibly." "Democrats remain the only party committed to fight for the rights of women and girls in this country and it isn't even close. Turn off Fox and Friends for five minutes and you'll see a party that is actively pushing for reproductive right codification in the House, paid family leave, and actually calling the President out on her bluff of supporting women by calling on this administration to back paycheck fairness legislation. Democrats have delivered for women time and time again and we will stand as a bulwark against the extreme and frankly pathetic culture war pandering by this President and her party that places their rights and freedom in their crosshairs for political gain."
  4. Name: Janice Kamaka (D-HI) Media/Outlet: Fareed Zakaria GPS (CNN) Reason: State of Israel/Hamas Conflict & Caribbean Sea Deployment "To be frank with you Fareed, I remain very concerned about the administration's lack of a concrete plan for how our government intends to respond to the growing humanitarian crisis in Egypt as a result of the War in Gaza. We've heard a lot of vague platitudes from this administration but no plan. We haven't actually heard that much from this administration on the current conflict between Israel and Hamas as of late. I made my concerns about Prime Minister Regev's post-war plan, as has much of the international community, clear in the past. The President must outline our longterm goal for Israel, Palestine, and the region." "I supported the Biden Administration when they called for Mahmoud Abbas to either show leadership in Palestine or step aside. It is clear now that Abbas must step aside. He has lost the mandate of the people and the legitimacy needed to be a stable partner. The White House must work with legitimate government in Palestine in order to end this conflict longterm. Mohammed Dahlan and the Palestinian Future Movement show promise but we must remain vigilant to insure positive progress in Palestine." "Fareed I also have significant concerns regarding the actions undertaken by the administration with regards to South America. I share the sentiment of many that recent moves by Venezuela are of great concern, and have myself made vocal my belief in Guyana's territorial claim. To move a carrier strike force into the Caribbean Sea, with the possibility of direct military action, and not inform Congress or the American People of it until after the fact is dangerous. The White House can scream until they're blue in the face that they fulfilled their legal obligation, it says little of their moral obligation or basic procedure established by past Presidents." "The American People and Congress are in the dark. The threat Venezuela poses to Guyana should it not back down is significant but the American People deserve to know to what lengths this President is willing to go. You don't just shrug at moving a carrier strike force into our own backyard with the potential for conflict and not inform the nation. What we're talking about is the potential for an armed conflict with direct American intervention in our own hemisphere. The President must address the nation."
  5. PR #9 - Senator Kamaka Rallies Progressives at Netroots Nation 2025 - Q1, 2025 Washington D.C. - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) rallied progressives at Netroots Nation 2025 in a speech calling on Americans to stand up for a bold progressive future. Senator Kamaka spoke of her own background to make the case that perseverance is possible even in spite of significant odds. She called out the Ross Administration and President Ross directly on their failed leadership and embrace of extremist right-wing politics. "Good afternoon Netroots Nation! My name is Janice Kamaka and it is truly an honor and a privilege to speak before a gathering of likeminded patriots dedicated to fighting for the issues that matter to the American People at every level! I am proud to represent my home state of Hawaii in the United States Senate since 2015 and am proud to serve my fellow Democrats as Senate Minority Whip. As we stand here today, we stand on the backs of all those who have come before in our universal march towards living out the true meaning of this nation, becoming the perfect union we were meant to be! I am a direct product of that long but fruitful march. Decades ago, if you had asked me that I would be able to openly love who I love unapologetically, I wouldn't have believed you. I watched as my Aloha State voted to reject my right to love who I wanted to back in 1998 with over 70% of the vote. I was on the frontlines of that brutal reality through my work as a political journalist for the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. I documented the campaign for Hawaii Amendment 2, getting up close and personal with the likes of Mike Gabbard who openly stated that my right to love who I loved was invalid, that it was wrong. It was a difficult time, but it was also my inspiration to enter the political arena. I rejected the notion that my love was wrong. I rejected the idea that progress would meet an impenetrable wall incapable of breaking through. As I campaigned for the Hawaii House, I found myself embracing other progressive causes like the need to protect our communities from the scourge of gun violence or the call for paid leave for all. I leaned on my roots, on the experiences of my childhood, that were defined by embracing community and embracing diversity. As I worked through the ranks of the Hawaii House of Representatives, I found myself entering the highest level of leadership through my time as Speaker of the Hawaii House of Representatives. By this time, the nation was beginning to come to the conclusion I had reached for as long as I could remember: love is love. The attitudes in my Aloha State had changed, as had attitudes across the United States. As Speaker of the Hawaii House of Representatives, we worked to make Hawaii a leader in the fight against climate change, raising wages for Hawaiians, and putting into action progressive policy. Despite all of that progress, the greatest honor of my lifetime was to shepherd the Hawaii Marriage Equality Act of 2013 through the chamber and officially establish the right to same-sex marriage! I proudly said I do to my longtime partner, Deidre, two weeks later and have been happily married with our two sons since. I say this story to you all now because I recognize this moment that we are in calls for us to be bold, even in the face of fear and trepidation. We look at a White House and a President who is beholden to a right-wing agenda rooted in fear and otherizing those it disagrees with. We have seen their wanton disregard for the rights of women to have any say over their own bodily autonomy, the rolling back of reproductive rights, and the ostracizing of communities that have long been the target of the conservative movement. They demonize our educators, our workers, our elders, our youth, and all others who oppose their agenda. They cling to power in the hopes that their policy positions, as historically unpopular as they are, can be forced on the American People and that we simply will be silent and accept the reality they wish to impose on us. The politics of rage that politicians like Leah Ross have cultivated thrives in darkness. It truly is never more alive than when we are asleep. They hope and pray every day that we will simply accept their right-wing agenda imposed upon us by a President who lacks a mandate and a party that lacks vision beyond turning back the clock of progress to a time where women have no control over their bodies, LGBTQ+ Americans suffer in silence, and the rich get richer at the expense of working people! They uplift woefully unqualified sycophants to the highest levels of government and toss convention by the wayside in favor of chaos and appeasement of the powers that have dominated our politics for decades. This is not a serious party nor is this a serious presidency. It is a charade being pulled on the American People by a deeply unpopular establishment hell-bent on maintaining the concentration of power within the select few! We here at Netroots Nation and across the country boldly declare that we will not sit idle by and watch as our American story is turned into an American nightmare! We reject the notion that the politics of rage and bigotry are what defines our tomorrow! We condemn the efforts of craven politicians like Leah Ross who bend their knee at the alter of special interests and the military industrial complex! We stand tall, as progressives and concerned Americans, and we stand together as we continue on our universal march to make this country better for all! I've often spoken of the need for Democrats to embrace a quality of life agenda. A bold and progressive platform that fights for the issues that matter to the American People. Never has there been a stronger contrast in priorities than what we all saw as the first dockets of House Democrats and Senate Republicans. It was the House, under Democratic leadership, that laid out affordable housing, paid family leave, and the right to reproductive access as priorities that have tangible impacts on the lives of Americans from Honolulu, Hawaii to Augusta, Maine! It is Democrats who are actively advocating for paycheck fairness for all, the right to unionize for all, the right to quality education, and the right to love who you love, free from discrimination and harassment in the workplace! The results of the 2024 Presidential election was discouraging, I make no qualms about that. We watched as the darling of the military industrial complex ascended to the highest office in the land, unrepentant in their embrace of the very worst of the politics of rage we've come to know. What we recognize is that the American People do not want rage, they want results! What the American People want is leaders who fight for the issues that matter to them, not the special interests and political elite! What the American People want is good wages, good education, good benefits, and the right to dignity in their workplace! The time is now Netroots Nation to stand up and stand strong as we march towards that perfect union we know is possible. I've seen firsthand that the march is long and difficult, but it is a necessary struggle. The struggle is righteous in the face of odds oftentimes not in our favor. We choose to get up every day and fight to make a better and brighter tomorrow, today! We must organize! We must rally! We must canvass! We must engage in this process! If we wish to see a bold progressive agenda rooted in supporting working Americans come to fruition, we must fight here and now! Thank you Netroots!"
  6. Senate Minority Whip Janice Kamaka (D-HI) "Good afternoon Netroots Nation! My name is Janice Kamaka and it is truly an honor and a privilege to speak before a gathering of likeminded patriots dedicated to fighting for the issues that matter to the American People at every level! I am proud to represent my home state of Hawaii in the United States Senate since 2015 and am proud to serve my fellow Democrats as Senate Minority Whip. As we stand here today, we stand on the backs of all those who have come before in our universal march towards living out the true meaning of this nation, becoming the perfect union we were meant to be! I am a direct product of that long but fruitful march. Decades ago, if you had asked me that I would be able to openly love who I love unapologetically, I wouldn't have believed you. I watched as my Aloha State voted to reject my right to love who I wanted to back in 1998 with over 70% of the vote. I was on the frontlines of that brutal reality through my work as a political journalist for the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. I documented the campaign for Hawaii Amendment 2, getting up close and personal with the likes of Mike Gabbard who openly stated that my right to love who I loved was invalid, that it was wrong. It was a difficult time, but it was also my inspiration to enter the political arena. I rejected the notion that my love was wrong. I rejected the idea that progress would meet an impenetrable wall incapable of breaking through. As I campaigned for the Hawaii House, I found myself embracing other progressive causes like the need to protect our communities from the scourge of gun violence or the call for paid leave for all. I leaned on my roots, on the experiences of my childhood, that were defined by embracing community and embracing diversity. As I worked through the ranks of the Hawaii House of Representatives, I found myself entering the highest level of leadership through my time as Speaker of the Hawaii House of Representatives. By this time, the nation was beginning to come to the conclusion I had reached for as long as I could remember: love is love. The attitudes in my Aloha State had changed, as had attitudes across the United States. As Speaker of the Hawaii House of Representatives, we worked to make Hawaii a leader in the fight against climate change, raising wages for Hawaiians, and putting into action progressive policy. Despite all of that progress, the greatest honor of my lifetime was to shepherd the Hawaii Marriage Equality Act of 2013 through the chamber and officially establish the right to same-sex marriage! I proudly said I do to my longtime partner, Deidre, two weeks later and have been happily married with our two sons since. I say this story to you all now because I recognize this moment that we are in calls for us to be bold, even in the face of fear and trepidation. We look at a White House and a President who is beholden to a right-wing agenda rooted in fear and otherizing those it disagrees with. We have seen their wanton disregard for the rights of women to have any say over their own bodily autonomy, the rolling back of reproductive rights, and the ostracizing of communities that have long been the target of the conservative movement. They demonize our educators, our workers, our elders, our youth, and all others who oppose their agenda. They cling to power in the hopes that their policy positions, as historically unpopular as they are, can be forced on the American People and that we simply will be silent and accept the reality they wish to impose on us. The politics of rage that politicians like Leah Ross have cultivated thrives in darkness. It truly is never more alive than when we are asleep. They hope and pray every day that we will simply accept their right-wing agenda imposed upon us by a President who lacks a mandate and a party that lacks vision beyond turning back the clock of progress to a time where women have no control over their bodies, LGBTQ+ Americans suffer in silence, and the rich get richer at the expense of working people! They uplift woefully unqualified sycophants to the highest levels of government and toss convention by the wayside in favor of chaos and appeasement of the powers that have dominated our politics for decades. This is not a serious party nor is this a serious presidency. It is a charade being pulled on the American People by a deeply unpopular establishment hell-bent on maintaining the concentration of power within the select few! We here at Netroots Nation and across the country boldly declare that we will not sit idle by and watch as our American story is turned into an American nightmare! We reject the notion that the politics of rage and bigotry are what defines our tomorrow! We condemn the efforts of craven politicians like Leah Ross who bend their knee at the alter of special interests and the military industrial complex! We stand tall, as progressives and concerned Americans, and we stand together as we continue on our universal march to make this country better for all! I've often spoken of the need for Democrats to embrace a quality of life agenda. A bold and progressive platform that fights for the issues that matter to the American People. Never has there been a stronger contrast in priorities than what we all saw as the first dockets of House Democrats and Senate Republicans. It was the House, under Democratic leadership, that laid out affordable housing, paid family leave, and the right to reproductive access as priorities that have tangible impacts on the lives of Americans from Honolulu, Hawaii to Augusta, Maine! It is Democrats who are actively advocating for paycheck fairness for all, the right to unionize for all, the right to quality education, and the right to love who you love, free from discrimination and harassment in the workplace! The results of the 2024 Presidential election was discouraging, I make no qualms about that. We watched as the darling of the military industrial complex ascended to the highest office in the land, unrepentant in their embrace of the very worst of the politics of rage we've come to know. What we recognize is that the American People do not want rage, they want results! What the American People want is leaders who fight for the issues that matter to them, not the special interests and political elite! What the American People want is good wages, good education, good benefits, and the right to dignity in their workplace! The time is now Netroots Nation to stand up and stand strong as we march towards that perfect union we know is possible. I've seen firsthand that the march is long and difficult, but it is a necessary struggle. The struggle is righteous in the face of odds oftentimes not in our favor. We choose to get up every day and fight to make a better and brighter tomorrow, today! We must organize! We must rally! We must canvass! We must engage in this process! If we wish to see a bold progressive agenda rooted in supporting working Americans come to fruition, we must fight here and now! Thank you Netroots!"
  7. Name: Janice Kamaka (D-HI) Media/Outlet: ¡Despierta América! (Univision) Reason: Fighting for Dreamers "I believe that any conversation about reform to the immigration system must include codified protection of Dreamers. Congress has kicked the can down the road time and time again on DACA, putting the lives of hundreds of thousands across the country in limbo. Even in Hawai'i, over 300 DACA recipients have had their lives thrown in limbo by the federal government failing to codify protections for them. It's cruel." "Supporting Dreamers is bipartisan. The media continues to paint DACA codification as a 'Democrat' issue but a majority of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents in this country decisively back the program. This action should not be partisan so long as Republicans in Congress listen to their own voters. Any sort of immigration deal must build a framework for comprehensive immigration reform and it must contain DACA codification. It's as simple as that." "I am glad to see President Ross' do another u-turn from her campaign by publicly expressing support for DACA codification. Though, it is disappointing that rather than seeing codification as a win for America, she views it as a means to an end to getting what Republicans want. A shocking confession on its own from the President but a continued highlighting of the fact that many Republican politicians don't care about what happens to Dreamers. Their opposition to DACA is rooted in cynical politics, nothing else, and I think it's shameful." "Dreamers deserve our protection and deserve to know that they have the right to be here. I hope that some Republicans in Congress will see to reason and listen to their voters to put this provision into practice. These are children with families, these are our neighbors and our friends. Dreamers deserve the ease of knowing that their status in America is no longer in doubt. All it takes is courage from some to make codification a reality."
  8. Name: Janice Kamaka (D-HI) Media/Outlet: Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN) Reason: Republican U-Turn on Ukraine "Republicans like Butch Elroy want you to think they deserve brownie points for finally seeing the plight of the Ukrainian people, despite a constant stream of warnings since the beginning of the conflict about the stakes Ukraine faces. Democrats have been the only party consistent in our belief that the Ukrainian People deserve our support and have acted accordingly. Republicans, too scared to upset a right-wing element of their base, waffled and wavered at every opportunity to stand strong with us in support of our ally and I think it's shameful." "Republicans must think the entire world, not just the American People, are suffering from collective amnesia about the antics they pulled last session to harm the Ukrainian war effort. Leah Ross led the pack in stalling support for Ukraine, playing cynical politics with the lives of 43 million people facing a relentless giant in a fight for their continued existence. I am appreciative to the select few, like Senator Kellner of Ohio and Mitt Romney, who spoke truth to power even when it was not politically convenient to do so within their party. They had more courage in their pinkies on Ukraine than Leah Ross had in her entire body." "Based off the obvious u-turn this President and her administration just took on Ukraine, it's clear her previous opposition was primarily due to her own personal electoral ambitions and not any legitimate view of the conflict. She understood the stakes our ally in Eastern Europe faced and chose her own ambition over their lives. The American People know where she stood, the Ukrainian People know where she stood, and the world knows where she stood." "Democrats welcome Republicans finally seeing the light on the simple fact that Vladimir Putin is waging a war for the very future of the Ukrainian nation and that our ally needs our support. I do find it ironic that Republicans like Butch Elroy have attempted to claim they never were against Ukraine aid but rather just wanted more accountability for our aid. I join him in that call and despite the fact that it was Democrats who added accountability measures to the Unified Aid Bill last session, it is worrying that the Republican view of accountability is a commission entirely appointed by the President with little oversight." "I am hopeful that the newfound courage of Republicans to join Democrats in standing with Ukraine will lead to fruitful development. The Ukrainian People deserve our support against unwarranted aggression and we have it within us to provide that support. It really is as simple as that. Let's deliver for Ukraine, as we've called for since this conflict began, and make clear that this nation stands for democracy, the rule of law, and freedom."
  9. PR #8 - Senator Kamaka and Senator Sharpe Introduce Farm Worker Reform Legislation - Q1, 2025 Stockton, CA - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) joined her fellow Democratic Senate colleague, Senator Aaron Sharpe (D-CA), at an event in Stockton, California to champion their new proposed bill aimed at supporting farm workers nationwide. Situated at the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, cities like Stockton have benefits from the economic development produced by the agricultural industry. Highlighting the need to support farm workers and provide dignity in their workplaces has been a priority of both Senators in Congress. The Farm Workers Support and Reform Act would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide increased labor law protections for agricultural workers and reestablish the position of Farmworker Coordinator under the Department of Agriculture Reorganization Act of 1994. The legislation will work to end exploitation of farm workers nationwide and give them a voice. Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI): “It’s great to be here with my good friend Senator Sharpe in proposing our Farm Workers Support and Reform Act right here in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley. The hospitality I've received from the Golden State has been nothing but gracious. This is a region that produces over 12% of California’s entire agricultural output to the tune of billions. A breadbasket in every sense of the word for the state and the nation. The farm workers that work these fields everyday deserve fair treatment under the law and this bill would accomplish just that. Farm workers in Hawaii, in California, and across this country deserve dignity and that begins by treating workers with the fairness they deserve. This bill will finally ensure that they get a fair wage, fair treatment, and the kind of federal support necessary to support their way of life. The current climate has created an atmosphere of fear and exploitation of workers who do not have a voice. The Farm Workers Support and Reform Act gives them the voice and tools necessary to be legitimate partners and beneficiaries in the wealth cultivated by their hard work and labor. Let’s get it over the finish line.” Senator Aaron Sharpe (D-CA): "Hello thank you, Stockon. I am very happy to be here with my colleague and friend Senator Janice Kamaka. I stand resolute alongside Senator Kamaka to introduce a groundbreaking legislative initiative—the "Farm Workers Support and Reform Act." This comprehensive bill stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to rectifying the historic disparities and labor injustices faced by the industrious individuals who tirelessly cultivate our nation's fields. With roots embedded in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, our proposed amendments herald a new era of protections for agricultural workers. By progressively reducing maximum weekly work hours and eliminating select exemptions, we endeavor to dismantle discriminatory practices that have long hindered the well-being and livelihoods of those working in our vital agricultural sector. Moreover, the reintroduction of the Farmworker Coordinator position within the Department of Agriculture is a strategic move to enhance our capacity to understand, coordinate, and elevate outreach programs and services essential to the welfare of our farm labor force. This visionary role will empower us to bridge existing gaps, fostering better communication between federal agencies and the agricultural community. The "Farm Workers Support and Reform Act" is not merely a legislative proposal; it is a rallying cry for justice, a resounding affirmation of our shared responsibility to uplift and dignify the lives of those who toil in our fields, cultivating the prosperity of our great nation. As we navigate the legislative process, let us be guided by the principles of compassion and equity, ensuring that this monumental legislation becomes a cornerstone in our collective pursuit of a fair and just society."
  10. PR #7 - Senator Kamaka Announces Major Affordable Housing Initiative - Q1, 2025 Honolulu, HI - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) unveiled a major affordable housing initiative spearheaded by her office at a community event in Honolulu that will directly take on the challenges of affordable housing nationwide. The Affordable Housing Growth and Accountability Act would expand affordable housing opportunities nationwide and deliver meaningful accountability to insure Americans are receiving quality homes and are protected from discrimination. The proposed bill would directly address various challenges facing the affordable housing crisis in the United States. Initiatives within the proposed bill include fairness in housing, reconnecting communities oftentimes neglected through a new pilot program, establishing policies around building co-location housing and child care, improving physical conditions and management of affordable housing units, collegiate housing infrastructure grants, constructing more humans for service members, and expanding the housing choice voucher program. All of these programs would work to address challenges facing working Americans nationwide. "The Affordable Housing Growth and Accountability Act would finally allow Congress to take a direct look at the affordable housing crisis and create meaningful change. We have a crisis in this country that is devastating communities and families alike. Congress must act boldly and decisively to expand affordable housing capabilities while also insuring quality through accountability. We've seen too many Americans get the short end of the stick with units that are not up to the standards we should expect. This bill hits various angles of this crisis, from helping our service members and college students, to making sure communities often forgotten receive the support they need. Democrats remain laser-focused on delivering meaningful change for Americans and I believe this bill is just one step in a wider agenda of making sure that working Americans have their needs met, and then some."
  11. PR #6 - Senator Kamaka Speaks at the 2025 Women's March in Wake of Ross Inauguration - Q1, 2025 Washington D.C. - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) spoke to a gathering of thousands of activists and leaders at the 2025 Women's March held in Washington D.C. in the wake of President Leah Ross (R-FL) being inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States. Senator Kamaka called on activists to continue to fight against the encroachment of far-right extremism and demanded accountability of the incoming administration. She touched on reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and her belief in a bold progressive agenda in response to the President's agenda. “We must not lose sight of the simple fact that Leah Ross has nominated the most anti-choice cabinet in American history. She is no friend of reproductive rights nor is she an ally in the fight for an equitable society for all. While she profits off of conflict overseas, she has made clear her intention to do the bidding of the most extreme anti-choice elements of the Republican Party right here at home and enact their agenda. We must be unapologetic in our fight for reproductive justice for all, steadfast in our demand that Roe v. Wade be codified into law, and resolved to reject all proposals that would criminalize patients or doctors from getting the essential care they need! The time is now for a bold progressive agenda in the face of the right-wing onslaught Leah Ross will unleash on our society. She can hide behind her gilded mansions down in Florida all she wants but she cannot hide from the demands of the American People! Leah Ross and Republicans will not control who I love or what I do with my own damn body! We will continue to fight for reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ rights, the rights of immigrants, the right to organize, and the right to have dignity in your workplace! We will not rest until this country makes good on its promise to become the perfect union we know it can be!”
  12. PR #5 - Senator Kamaka Fights for Elders By Strengthening Age Discrimination Protections - Q1, 2025 Hilo, HI - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) spoke to a senior citizen townhall in Hilo where she spoke on her new legislation that would strengthen age discrimination protections for older Americans. The Protecting Older Workers from Discrimination Act would amend the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and other laws to clarify appropriate standards for Federal employment discrimination and retaliation claims. The bill returns the legal standard for age discrimination claims to the pre-2009 evidentiary threshold, supporting older workers in their claims of discrimination. "In Hawaii, we protect our elders. There is little denial that older workers face discrimination in the workplace and often find themselves without a voice to properly advocate for them. The Protecting Older Workers from Discrimination Act would amend existing law to support older workers filing discrimination and retaliation claims. All workers deserve dignity in their workplace and age should not be a distinguishing factor. We must work to better protect our elders in every aspect of public life, and it begins by giving older workers the tools they need to have dignity in their workplace. I hope members of both sides can join me in this bipartisan endeavor."
  13. Senate Minority Whip Janice Kamaka (D-HI) “We must not lose sight of the simple fact that Leah Ross has nominated the most anti-choice cabinet in American history. She is no friend of reproductive rights nor is she an ally in the fight for an equitable society for all. While she profits off of conflict overseas, she has made clear her intention to do the bidding of the most extreme anti-choice elements of the Republican Party right here at home and enact their agenda. We must be unapologetic in our fight for reproductive justice for all, steadfast in our demand that Roe v. Wade be codified into law, and resolved to reject all proposals that would criminalize patients or doctors from getting the essential care they need! The time is now for a bold progressive agenda in the face of the right-wing onslaught Leah Ross will unleash on our society. She can hide behind her gilded mansions down in Florida all she wants but she cannot hide from the demands of the American People! Leah Ross and Republicans will not control who I love or what I do with my own damn body! We will continue to fight for reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ rights, the rights of immigrants, the right to organize, and the right to have dignity in your workplace! We will not rest until this country makes good on its promise to become the perfect union we know it can be!”
  14. Name: Janice Kamaka (D-HI) Media/Outlet: Face the Nation - CBS Reason: 2024 Election Results "I had hoped for a different result at the Presidential and Senate level but it ultimately is up to the voters to make their determination. While some on the other side may happily take a victory lap, they do so willfully ignoring just what exactly the American People have said yes to. Leah Ross campaigned on an expansion to the Child Tax Credit, something Congressional Republicans killed last session, along with investing into mental health and our education system. They'd better put their money where their mouth is come January to make good on the promises made to the American People. I'll believe it when I see it." "Americans rejected the unmitigated disaster that was the House Republican Conference on Election Day because they were fed up with the constant failure to achieve even one tangible thing on behalf of the American People. House Democrats will elect Hakeem Jeffries, a good friend and a good man, as the first African American Speaker of the House on the first ballot, and that'll be the end of that. Childish games will come to an end with 'MAGA' Mike Johnson and his friends out of power." "Americans also resoundingly rejected extremism across the board from the Republican Party in 2024. Arizonans said 'hell no' to right-wing nut job Kari Lake in her Senate race, Pennsylvanians threw another carpetbagger to the side in favor of real Democratic representation, and Coloradans retired MAGA darling Lauren Boebert in an upset victory for Democrats and common-sense. Republicans would do well to analyze just how toxic this extreme brand has become." "Democrats, regardless of outcome, remain committed to providing a quality of life agenda that lowers housing costs, protects healthcare, makes college more affordable, and provides dignity for the American Worker. We will continue to fight for working Americans at every level and remain focused on delivering results."
  15. PR #4 - Senator Kamaka Appointed Senate Minority Whip for 119th Congress - Q1, 2025 Washington D.C. - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) has been appointed to serve as the Senate Minority Whip for the 119th Congress. A leader in Congress since her election in 2014, Senator Kamaka has represented the Aloha State as an unapologetic progressive and remains committed to fighting for working Americans nationwide. “I’m honored to have been selected to serve as the next Senate Minority Whip for the 119th Congress. Our Democratic Conference remains laser-focused on fighting for a robust quality of life agenda that protects the rights of Americans and invests in policies that have a direct and tangible impact on their lives. We need strong and stable leadership, and I am thankful to Minority Leader Starnes for this opportunity to serve. Democrats will not simply rubber stamp the agenda of this incoming President. The American People made clear that they want a Congress that works for them. I remain very concerned about the direction the incoming Ross Administration intends to take our country, as well as the concerning reports around the implementation of the so-called ‘Project 2025’ that would seek to actively reshape our federal government. This is a plan that includes rolling back LGBTQ+ protections, rejecting the scientific consensus on climate change, and further eroding reproductive rights, along with the typical far-right nonsense we’ve come to expect. The fact that this proposed plan is even being considered by the incoming administration should tell you enough about their priorities. The cabinet put forward by President-elect Ross is a clear indication that this President is more beholden to Steve Bannon and Alex Jones than she is to the American People who elected her. It's a damn shame, though unsurprising, but one that makes this job all the more important. We will remain vigilant and hold this administration accountable, just as the American People would expect of us.”
  16. PR #3 - Senator Kamaka Opposes Israeli Post-War Gaza Plan - Q4, 2024 Washington D.C. - At a foreign policy forum hosted by George Washington University, Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) outlined her opposition to the proposed post-war plan for Gaza by the Israeli Government. She was particularly critical of the establishment of a security zone that could lead to the expulsion of thousands of Palestinians. Senator Kamaka called for continued restraint from the IDF to minimize civilian casualties, open additional routes for refugees to get out of the Gaza Strip, and implored Israel to engage with the Palestinian Authority. "We all watched the speech given by Prime Minister Regev and the outlined plan is simply unacceptable. The international community, as the United States ought to be, is opposed to the proposed plan that could lead to the expulsion of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. This is a plan that will only escalate tensions and exacerbate this conflict. The loss of innocent lives on both sides of this conflict is simply unacceptable. Escalating tensions will lead to more death and more families with nowhere to go. The Israeli Government is fully aware of the implications of this plan and their decision to move forward with a plan they know is unfeasible is simply unfathomable given the scale of this conflict as it stands today. America must continue to advocate for restraint by the IDF to minimize civilian casualties. The death count in Gaza is simply staggering. Civilians need a way to escape this conflict which is why we must work with Israel and our bordering Arab allies to create paths for refugees to leave the combat zone. I also believe its clear that Israel must return to the table and engage with the Palestinian Authority to bring a long-term end to this conflict. I will not apologize for calling for the preservation of human rights on all sides of this conflict nor will I apologize for my belief that this conflict must end. I am concerned about the direction the Ross Administration may take us on this issue but it is one that we must be vocal in calling for a measured response that keeps people alive."
  17. PR #2 - Senator Kamaka Announces Legislative Staff for 119th Session of Congress - Q4, 2024 Washington D.C. - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) announced her legislative staff for the 119th Session of Congress at a staff event in Washington D.C. Kamaka has assembled a team of experts and trusted advisors who will assist her in fighting for the people of Hawaii and running the day-to-day operations of her office. Senator Kamaka also announced that her office will be conducting a robust internship program for college students and young professionals at her state offices and Washington D.C. office. The program hopes to offer opportunities for young people across Hawaii over the coming years. Below are the key members announced by Senator Kamaka: Chief of Staff: Kaleo Kahale - Senator Kamaka's longest service staff member, Kaleo Kahale has been with Senator Kamaka since her first campaign for the Hawaii State House in 2002. A close confidant of the Senator, Kahale has risen through the ranks from the office scheduler to Chief of Staff by the time Senator Kamaka became Speaker of the Hawaii House of Representatives in 2011. Kahale has served as Chief of Staff for Senator Kamaka from 2015 to 2021 before taking a job as campaign manager for Hawaii Lieutenant Governor Josh Green's successful 2022 gubernatorial campaign. He returned to the role of Chief of Staff in January of 2023. Press Secretary: Viliame Vunidilo - The son of Fijian immigrants, Viliame Vunidilo has served as Press Secretary to Senator Janice Kamaka since 2021. Vunidilo previously served as deputy campaign press secretary during Senator Kamaka's successful 2014 senate campaign. He also served as press secretary for the Hawaii Democratic Party from 2015 to 2019 before rejoining Senator Kamaka's 2020 reelection campaign as press secretary. Vunidilo has been known for his generally friendly demeanor with reporters. Legislative Director: Alexandria Monroe - As the previous legislative Ddrector from 2001 to 2012 for the late-Daniel Inouye, a titan of Hawaiian politics, Alexandria Monroe brings a bevy of experience to the role. Serving as Legislative Director for Senator Kamaka since 2017, Monroe left the private sector to bring her experience and knowledge to Senator Kamaka's staff. She has build many relationships over the years with various powerbroker in Washington D.C. Constituent Services Director: Kendrick Wallace - As a transplant from Pennsylvania, Kendrick Wallace's entry into Hawaii politics began with serving as a constituent services liaison for Governor Neil Abercrombie from 2011 to 2013. He next took a job as a deputy constituent services director for former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from 2014 to 2019. Wallace began his role as Constituent Services Director for Senator Kamaka in 2019 and has become a go-to person for various issues Hawaiian citizens face with federal services. State Director: David Grady - Senator Kamaka selected David Grady to serve as her State Director in 2023 following a successful tenure as data director for the Hawaii Democratic Party from 2019 to 2023. Regarded as an up-in-coming young political operative, his decision to move to Senator Kamaka's governmental office was viewed by some as unexpected. Grady has worked to expand the technological capacity of Senator Kamaka's offices since his role began. Internship Coordinator: Isabel Alves - As the former Hawaii College Democrats President for the 2021 to 2022 school year, Isabel Alves is a more recent hire as Internship Coordinator for Senator Kamaka beginning in 2023. Alves has served on various statewide youth panels throughout her collegiate career and has worked concurrently as a constituent services liaison for Congressman Ed Case since her freshman year of college. She has worked to expand internship opportunities within Senator Kamaka's office with success stateside and in Washington D.C.
  18. PR #1 - Senator Kamaka Rallies Voters at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa on Election Day - Q4, 2024 Honolulu, HI - Senator Janice Kamaka (D-HI) rallied student and voters alike at a GOTV event hosted on the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa campus in the lead up to the 2024 elections. The Senator highlighted the stakes of the 2024 election and called for a bold progressive agenda led by a Democratic White House and Congress. Read Senator Kamaka's remarks below: “Aloha awakea, Aloha Auinalā! It is always a joy to be here at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa to encourage you all to get out the vote! Participation in the great experiment of American democracy is the highest calling of civic duty and it is on all of us to help shape a future that is brighter for all! I wanted to come to UH Mānoa because you all, the students of UH Mānoa, are the future of our Aloha State and the nation. You all will chart the future of our state and our nation for generations to come with the decisions you make right here in 2024 and beyond. The spirit of America is never more alive than right here, in the hearts and minds of those who will inherit the legacy of our nation. I speak to you all as the stakes of this election could not be greater. We have an opportunity to build on the progress of the last four years or revert back to the days of yesteryear. Justin Casanova-Davis is the only candidate in this race dedicated to fighting for a future for all Americans. He doesn’t engage in the politics of exclusion and otherizing. He understands that all Americans should be able to be who they are, love who they love, and believe what they want. Justice Casanova-Davis is the only candidate in this race dedicated to protecting and expanding the ACA, bringing down the cost of rent, and providing dignity in the workplace for all people. The stakes are high in this election. We all know who Leah Ross is. She will say anything to anyone at any time in order to get a leg up. Heck, she even called her own running mate a ‘commie’ just to get ahead of him. She has embraced every aspect of the toxic Washington culture that has made Congress less popular than traffic jams! She waffles and waivers at every turn, working overtime to enrich her family business on the backs of the American Worker. As the darling of the military industrial complex, Leah Ross has committed to a military buildup that will blow through billions upon billions that could be used to invest right here at home while enriching her family to boot! The conflict of interest between Leah Ross and the Ross Group would make Dick Cheney and Halliburton blush! America can’t afford Leah Ross, and we can send her packing back to Florida by voting resoundingly for Justin Casanova-Davis! We have an opportunity today to elect a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate that can deliver the transformative change we desperately need. The map was challenging, no doubt about that, but I believe the strength and resolve of our movement is great and our determination to deliver a progressive future is greater. We will codify Roe v. Wade into law! We will deliver federal student debt relief! We will protect LGBTQ+ Americans in their workplace! We will raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour! We will invest in Main Street USA! And you can bet we will stand, hand in hand, with organized labor! The time to make your voice heard is now! The time to vote for a better and brighter future for all is now! We can make the difference, in this moment, that will shape our country for decades to come! I am proud to fight for Hawai’i every day in the Senate, and with a Democratic White House and Congress, we will deliver a bold progressive agenda that lifts up all Americans!”
  19. Press Office of Senator Janice Kamaka Democrat Representing the State of Hawaii ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ PRESS RELEASES | ABOUT ME | VOTING RECORD Office Locations: Honolulu | Kailua | Hilo | Kahului | Kapaa | Washington D.C. STAFF Chief of Staff: Kaleo Kahale Press Secretary: Viliame Vunidilo Legislative Director: Alexandria Monroe Constituent Services Director: Kendrick Wallace State Director: David Grady Internship Coordinator: Isabel Alves Q4, 2024 PR #1 - Senator Kamaka Rallies Voters at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa on Election Day PR #2 - Senator Kamaka Announces Legislative Staff for 119th Session of Congress PR #3 - Senator Kamaka Opposes Israeli Post-War Gaza Plan Q1, 2025 PR #4 - Senator Kamaka Appointed Senate Minority Whip for 119th Congress PR #5 - Senator Kamaka Fights for Elders By Strengthening Age Discrimination Protections PR #6 - Senator Kamaka Speaks at the 2025 Women's March in Wake of Ross Inauguration PR #7 - Senator Kamaka Announces Major Affordable Housing Initiative PR #8 - Senator Kamaka and Senator Sharpe Introduce Farm Worker Reform Legislation PR #9 - Senator Kamaka Rallies Progressives at Netroots Nation 2025 Q2, 2025 PR #10 - Senator Kamaka Criticizes President Ross for Lack of Clarity on Troop Movement in the Caribbean PR #11 - Senator Kamaka Champions Bipartisan Rail Safety Legislation PR #12 - Senator Kamaka Condemns President's Call for Potential Mass Deportations PR #13 - Kamaka, deSonido, Sharpe, and Frisch Roll Out HBCU/MSI Legislation PR #14 - Senator Kamaka Pans PROSPER Act and Champions MSI/HBCU Empowerment on CNN Q3, 2025 PR #15 - Senator Kamaka Honors Late-Senator Daniel Inouye With Respiratory Disease Legislation
  20. PR #2 - Mayor Applegate Celebrates Formation of Modern "Rainbow Coalition" - Q1, 2024 USA - Las Vegas Mayor Wayne Applegate (D-NV) celebrated the formation of what he claims is the modern "Rainbow Coalition" in a opinion column for the New York Times. In the op-ed, Mayor Applegate spoke about the Rainbow Coalition envisioned by Reverend Jesse Jackson during his 1984 and 1988 campaigns, two campaigns Mayor Applegate himself supported at the time, and how the growing field of Senate candidates nationwide reflected a diverse bench of top talent within the Democratic Party the likes of which no previous election cycle has seen. Democrats are poised to elect more women of color, people of color, and progressives to the U.S. Senate than at any other time in U.S. history. Mayor Applegate lent his support for the various campaigns and celebrated the growing chorus of progressive calls to action. You can read Mayor Applegate's op-ed in the New York Times here: LINK
  21. PR #1 - Mayor Applegate Launches "Brewskis with Wayne" Barnstorming Tour of Early Primary States - Q1, 2024 Manchester, NH - Las Vegas Mayor Wayne Applegate (D-NV) has launched a barnstorming tour of the early primary states following the launch of his 2024 presidential campaign. The "Brewskis with Wayne" barnstorming tour will see Mayor Applegate visit various locations across the early primary states to speak to issues impacting average Americans. Held at multiple craft breweries, participants will be able to indulge in beer tasting while asking Mayor Applegate questions about where he stands on the issues. "I wanted to start the 'Brewskis with Wayne' barnstorming tour right here in Manchester because I believe the American People deserve the kind of leader who is willing to meet them where they are and address the challenges they face head on. We're gonna have a heck of a lot of fun but we're also gonna talk about the issues that matter from affordable housing to the price of healthcare. While on the subject of the tour, you can bet when I'm in office that we're gonna work to support craft breweries across the United States. This growing industry is one that brings jobs, wages, and economic growth to communities of all stripes and you can bet we're gonna cultivate that. I'm looking forward to talking to the American People about the issues we face and hearing directly from them about the issues that keep them up at night. Cheers!"
  22. VIVA AMERICA! | WAYNE APPLEGATE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCEMENT (Arrives on stage to "Viva Las Vegas" by Elvis Presley) "Good afternoon America! My name is Wayne Applegate and it’s truly an honor to be here with so many like-minded patriots and fellow citizens of the greatest country on earth in the greatest city on earth! I am joined today by my beautiful partner, Lucia, as well as my three children and their families as they see me off on the start of a new journey for me. I am also proud to be joined by the many friends and supporters I have gained over the years, from my days fighting for the little guy as a personal injury attorney to serving the great people of Las Vegas as their Mayor. We are gathered here today because America needs a new vision of leadership and boldness as we move into a critical juncture for our nation. We have seen in recent years, the degradation of our public institutions. We’ve seen Congress too feckless to pass the laws needed to protect and defend the rights of immigrants, the rights of voters, the rights of LGBTQ+ people, the rights of working people, and the rights of our youth. We’ve seen archaic procedures of yesteryear prevent the implementation of necessary safeguards that would strengthen and secure our democracy. We have also seen the growth of a sickness in America that has infected our politics and our very foundations. We’ve seen the politics of hate and the placation of those who would seek to harm our foundations grow at an exponential rate. Hate is never more alive then when we sleep, and we have been in a deep sleep in this country my friends. Our political class, those entrusted to combat the hate we see permeate, have been unable to meet the moment because they fail to have the wherewithal to call it out and repudiate it in a meaningful way. Their fecklessness has left our democracy at risk and the vultures are circling. Good people of sound judgment have tried their best, like President Biden and Vice President Harris, but I believe we can build on their record! When good faith dialogue can be had, let’s have it! But we cannot pretend as though the challenges that we face have elicited a genuine desire to fight for the American People from those who seek to exploit those challenges for cheap political gain. Continuing the legacy of President Biden means a continued commitment to working with those who are genuine in their desire to fight for Americans and repudiating those who are simply in it for themselves! I believe the Democratic Party now needs a leader who can win in 2024 and deliver on the bold change necessary to protect our democratic institutions. The very soul and character of our nation is on the ballot in 2024. Every two-to-four years, politicians come to you folks and tell you that it’s the most important election of your lifetime. I am of the opinion that 2024 truly is. The folks running to carry the mantle of the GOP into November have done nothing to repudiate the extremism within their ranks, heck they’ve embraced it! While those spineless sycophants trip over themselves to see who can out-MAGA the rest, we Democrats must be bold in the pursuit of victory and must give Americans a reason to vote for us! We cannot simply rely on hoping people see that the other side is full of wackadoodles, we must present a vision of the future that makes people proud to vote Democrat! We need a leader with executive experience, while always keeping their ear to the ground and fighting for the little guy. We need someone who is unafraid to stand for progressive principles and both make the case of the dangers the other side poses to our democracy, while also presenting a vision that embraces the best this country has to offer! We need someone who knows how to fight for workers, attract businesses, cultivate economic growth, and defend the liberties of everyday citizens. We need a leader who will tell it like it is and be unashamed to fight for a better tomorrow, right here and right now! That is why I am announcing here today that I will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States! In Las Vegas, we’ve shown that good governance at the local level can yield significant benefits for all people, regardless of background. When I entered office in 2011, the Las Vegas Sun reported that our city’s economy was among the worst in the world as a result of the Great Recession. I saw firsthand the greed and disdain for the common folk in Las Vegas from the fatcats more concerned about how many figures they could add to their income instead of fighting for the people! Since I took office, our population has grown by hundreds of thousands with steady economic growth. The UNLV Center for Business and Economic Research Projects has projected that we will have a population of over 3 million by 2035 due in part to our strong economic and business climate. We are in the process of developing new housing programs and affordable rates in partnership with the public and private sector. We have attracted multiple professional-level sports teams to play in our metropolitan area, bringing in significant boosts to our revenue for the purposes of development and support for our various communities. We’ve seen growth in our suburbs and our city alike as families from across the country are coming here to raise their kids and get quality jobs. Las Vegas has become one of the fastest growing cities in the nation and that’s something that I’m damn proud to see! We achieved these milestones in growth by working with our community. Myself and the members of the Las Vegas City Council, have worked tirelessly to create an environment that fosters growth, stability, and access to opportunity. The successes in Las Vegas have been a team effort and will continue to be, just as I believe the effort at the national level must be. We engaged with our various communities of all walks of life to address their needs and to hear from them. Instead of speaking for them, we gave space for the lived experiences of our proud communities to guide the conversation around issues like education, healthcare, reproductive rights, worker’s rights, and the list goes on. We’ve created a blueprint for the nation that I believe we can take with us all the way to Washington! Our challenges are great but our resolve to meet them head-on is stronger. When coming up with a message that I want my campaign to embrace, I settled on a simple phrase that I believe truly captures the spirit and essence of our party and our nation. As I sat and pondered what message I would like to give to you, the people of this nation, I found myself putting on a record from the King of Las Vegas residencies himself and it paved the way for me. Viva America is a rallying cry for all those who believe that we live in the greatest experiment in democracy the world has ever seen! Viva America is a celebration of all that this nation has accomplished, is accomplishing, and will accomplish for years to come! Viva America is a salute to the contributions of millions of Americans who have come and gone from all walks of life who have worked to make this union a little more perfect than it was when they entered it! Viva America is the call to action to continue to pursue our American experience with the same boldness and determination that we always have! We don’t need to make this country great again because it always has been great as a direct result of the determination of like-minded people to show the world that democracy, the rule of law, integrity, justice, and human rights can win the day over tyranny and the encroachment of authoritarianism. We keep America great by embracing what makes us unique and embracing our fellow brothers and sisters at every level, not othering and excluding those simply trying to make a life for themselves. My partner Lucia said it best that when we say Viva America, we choose to live and go forward into a new dawn, undaunted by the challenges we face! A strong, progressive agenda focused on uplifting all Americans is the key to 2024 and beyond. Politicians on both sides talk the talk but I ask the simple question, where’s the beef? Why embrace half-measures when we can embrace bold policy that tangibly impacts the lives of Americans? Why are we simply defending the progress made under President Biden through great policy like the CHPS Act or the Inflation Reduction Act instead of fighting for more? The American People want to see a Democratic Party that stands on its two feet and demands the change we desperately need. That means finally giving the American People a baseline $15 minimum wage and daring Republicans to vote it down! That means expanding the rights of organized labor and cracking down on the massive corporations gauging the American People at every turn! That means expanding the Child Tax Credit, the EITC, and passing family leave! That means fighting relentlessly for affordable housing, ending junk fees, and bringing down the cost of rent across this country! That means passing a meaningful middle class tax cut and demanding the rich pay their damn fair share! That means supporting small farmers and regulating the dangerous pesticides that harm us! That means embracing a pro-environmental policy that keeps our lakes and air clean while pursuing an energy policy that embraces green energy! That means finally repairing our roads and bridges and continuing the bipartisan legacy of President Biden on infrastructure. That means enforcing our antitrust policies to break up big business and create an actual business-friendly environment that allows for companies to break through the monopolistic control of industries! We are going to finish what President Biden started and forgive student debt! We are going to work to expand the Pell Grant program and you can bet your ass we are going to make college free for all! We are also going to finally invest in our public schools, putting more money in the pockets of teachers and state-of-the-art technology in the classroom. We’re going to get lead piping out of our schools once and for all! We’re going to invest in vocational and technical education, giving folks the tools they need to embrace the trades. We are going to implement universal pre-k and I will not rest until no child in America is forced to go hungry because of school lunch debt! We will strive to protect the individual rights of Americans everywhere. Government has no business getting into the business of the personal lives of the American People! We will protect and defend reproductive rights at every level of government and codify protections for women across this country to get access to reproductive services! We will protect and defend the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans to exist in this country, contribute to this country, and thrive in this country through common-sense policy like the Equality Act and workplace protections on the basis of sexual orientation and identity! We are going to face the homophobic bigots head on and make clear that LGBTQ+ Americans will continue to have an ally in the White House. We will fight for our vets every single day and deliver them the aid and support they need to thrive when they return from our Armed Forces. We will work to expand civil liberties and curb the excesses of the security state! We will fight for criminal justice reform that is centered on reform and ending recidivism! An issue near to my heart that I will be an unabashed champion of is comprehensive immigration reform. We’ve seen firsthand the kinds of nightmarish policy that Republicans have conjured up, from rounding up undocumented immigrants who have been here for years to putting them in make-shift camps to process their deportation. The threat is real and the threat is here folks. We will forge a pathway to citizenship and pass humane policy to protect our border that prioritizes the rule of law and the acknowledgement of humanity. Undocumented people are not numbers in a statistic, they are men, women, and children with dreams and aspirations and they ought to be treated as such! We will codify DACA into law and build the groundwork for DAPA! We will end the use of for-profit detainment centers and we will work to invest in our immigration courts. We will put money into new technology along the Southern border that will keep Americans and migrants alike safe from harm. This can be done, but it requires a Democratic Party willing to center itself around this goal. You can also bet that you will have a candidate in me who is committed to taking on the drug epidemic in this country. I have been very candid throughout my career in public life about my own struggle with opioids. Through the love of my family and the resources I had available to me, I was able to overcome my addiction and continue to do so to this day. I also recognize that I am one of the fortunate ones to have the support of loved ones and access to resources that I credit with saving my life. I’ve spoken to many parents and children alike who have lost loved ones because they couldn’t get the treatment they needed and it is simply unacceptable in a nation like ours that this is possible. The War on Drugs has been an unmitigated failure at every level. We ought to be treating drug abuse for what it is, a sickness that requires medicine. Criminalizing those suffering from drug abuse is sheer madness and has only exacerbated the problems we face. We will legalize marijuana recreationally nationwide and we will expunge the records of those convicted of nonviolent possession! We will develop a national strategy to finally tackle the opioid epidemic in earnest! We will expand access to care and support caregivers financially! Under my potential administration, we will pass a single-payer healthcare plan that finally ensures that all Americans can receive the best quality care in the world! We are going to invest in our doctors and nurses and expand access to healthcare in urban and rural communities alike! We will protect entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security for generations to come! We will work to continue the efforts of the Biden Administration to curb the cost of prescription drugs! I do not believe in continuing the endless wars and the never ending cycle of young Americans being killed overseas because of Washington! As your President, I will work to shift our foreign policy towards one that doesn’t jump towards intervention at every opportunity while maintaining our standing as a global leader. You can bet that I will do what every President before me has failed to do and finally audit the Pentagon! We will stand with our allies in the face of aggression but I will not risk the lives of our service members in the pursuit of endless wars! We need a Commander-in-Chief that pursues peace, pursues economic cooperation, and brings an end to the culture of war that permeates Washington! The time is now for an outsider with a record of accomplishment and I believe I am the candidate that best embodies that. I make this pledge to you all now, this campaign will be one waged on the issues and identifying the threat posed by those who would turn back the clock on our progress. I respect my fellow Democrats too much to get bogged down in shameless and self-serving attacks on their character. This is a campaign with a message of celebration and determination to keep our experiment in democracy alive! I call on my fellow Democratic candidates to take the pledge just as I have and focus on their own visions, along with the dangers posed by the crop of Republicans tripping over themselves for a slice of the MAGA pie! We will travel the country in the coming weeks and months, bringing the message of Viva America directly to the people! A celebration of all this country has accomplished and will accomplish, with a warning of the dangers of turning back the clock on progress! Viva America and God bless you all!" (Waves to crowd with his partner and family by his side while "Ramblin' Man" by the Allman Brothers Band plays)
  23. PR #1 - Mayor Applegate Releases Statement on Passing of Former President Donald J. Trump - Q1, 2024 Las Vegas, NV - Las Vegas Mayor Wayne Applegate (D-NV) released the following statement following the passing of former President Donald J. Trump at the age of 77 in Palm Beach, Florida from a heart attack: "I believe the loss of life, regardless of who it may be, is a tragedy and one that I join many in mourning. One can mourn the loss of Donald J. Trump without mourning or whitewashing the legacy he has left in his wake defined by an unyielding adherence to the degradation of our democratic institutions, a persistent drive to seek harm for black and brown communities through dangerous policy and rhetoric, and a consistent track record of hate and bigotry towards immigrants of all stripes. The people of Las Vegas, as do the American People, understand that too many of our fellow brothers and sisters have suffered for years as a result of the cruelty Donald Trump has unleashed on our politics for anyone to ignore. My prayers are with the former First Lady and their family in their time of loss, but I will not shed a tear when reflecting on the legacy of the 45th President of the United States."
  24. Press Office of Wayne Applegate Democratic Mayor of Las Vegas Since 2011 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ LAS VEGAS | PRESS RELEASES | ABOUT ME STAFF Chief of Staff: Andrea Jackson Press Secretary: Hector Balderos Constituent Services Director: Mark Mathieson
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