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The Senator

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Posts posted by The Senator

  1. In plain english:

    The Department of Agriculture shall buy at least 75% of its commodities through the food purchase and distribution system through domestic suppliers. 

    Exceptions, 150% price increase, lack of budget, or lack of supply. 

    End date: September 30, 2023

  2. Country you'd like to claim: India

    Why? I'd like to improve the poverty that is facing the indian people

    Do you commit to being relatively active if G8/UNSC? N/A

  3. SB. 15


    To prioritize the purchase of agricultural commodities from domestically owned enterprises, and for other purposes.

    IN THE U.S. Senate
    October 20, 2017

    Mr. Meadows introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture

    A BILL

    To prioritize the purchase of agricultural commodities from domestically owned enterprises, and for other purposes.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    This Act may be cited as the “American Agriculture First Act”.




    (a) Prioritization.—

    (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), if the Secretary of Agriculture determines that response to trade damage from retaliation by foreign nations with respect to agricultural commodities is necessary, the Secretary shall, acting through the Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service, purchase at least 75 percent of the agricultural commodities of the Food Purchase and Distribution Program from domestically owned enterprises.


    (2) EXCEPTION.—Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the purchases of agricultural commodities made 30 days after the date on which the Secretary of Agriculture submits to the Committee on Agriculture of the U.S. Senate and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the U.S. Senate a report that explains why meeting the requirements under paragraph (1)—

    (A) is not possible because agricultural commodities available from domestically owned enterprises cannot meet the supply needs of the Agricultural Marketing Service; or


    (B) would result in a greater than 150 percent increase between—

    (i) the amount necessary to purchase such agricultural commodities; and


    (ii) the average cost of such agricultural commodities purchased by the Agricultural Marketing Service in the prior 3 years.


    (3) PUBLICATION OF AWARDS.—In publishing the awards made to vendors under the purchase programs under the Agricultural Marketing Service, the Secretary of Agriculture shall include whether the entity receiving such an award is a domestically owned enterprise.


    (4) WTO OBLIGATIONS.—The Secretary of Agriculture shall carry out this section consistent with World Trade Organization obligations of the United States.


    (b) Report Required.—For each 90-day period in which the Secretary of Agriculture purchases agricultural commodities pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary of Agriculture shall submit to the appropriate committees a report that includes the amount of each such agricultural commodity purchased.


    (c) Sunset.—The authority under this section shall expire on September 30, 2023.


    (d) Definitions.—In this section:

    (1) AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY.—The term “agricultural commodity” has the meaning given the term under section 102(1) of the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 (7 U.S.C. 5602(1)).


    (2) APPROPRIATE COMMITTEES.—The term “appropriate committees” means the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, and the Committee on Finance of the Senate.


    (3) DOMESTICALLY OWNED ENTERPRISE.—The term “domestically owned enterprise” shall have the meaning given the term under section 773.2 of title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act).

  4. What's the house for? Can we be members of the house, too?

    And please please please can we form the committee if we get a republican onboard? It would mean a lot to my power-hungry friend. 

    And finally, thanks for putting up with my incessant questions

  5. I said I was on the subcommittees of defense and special forces, the vice chair of Senate appropriations, and the Senate Armed Services Committee. When I go to the committee page, they aren't there. Can you make those pages?

  6. Name: James McClocklin

    Seat: Class 1

    Party: Democrat

    Avatar: Jon Tester | Montana, Agriculture, Politics | Britannica

    Major Caucus: Blue Dog Coalition

    Gender: Male (0)

    Age: 55 years old (0)

    Sexuality: Straight, Married, with 3 children (0)

    Race: White (0)

    Religion: Roman Catholic (0)

    Education: Doctorate of Juridical Sciences from Harvard (25), Undergraduate, Political Science from Harvard, Graduate in Legal Studies from Harvard

    Socioeconomic History: Middle Class (0)

    Job: Ivy League Professor

    Achievements: Published an Academic book (10), Won the IMEE Medal of Honor for Legal Studies Advancements (25)

    Senate terms: 3 terms(15), Subcommittee Chair of Special Forces(3), Subcommittee chair of Defense(3), Chair of the Senate Committe of Armed Forces (5), Vice Chair of Senate Appropriations (3), Chair of Senate Domestic Affairs and Judiciary (3)

    Key Votes: Nay on FISA (5) Yea on Tax relief and etc... 2010 (0), Yea on American Taxpayer relief 2012 (0), Yea on Bipartisan Spending 2013, Yea on Bipartisan Spending 2015 (0), Yea on Bipartisan Spending 2017 (0), Yea on Bipartisan Spending 2019 (0), Yea on Bipartisan Spending 2021 (0), Nay on Ukraine Aid 2024 (5)


    base (100) + 103 (extra)


    James McClocklin was born to a middle-class family in rural Montana. From a young age, friends and family recall the enthusiasm and dedication that James had to his work, a character trait that would remain prevalent throughout his life. In middle school, James McClocklin won both the Academic Award of Scholorary Distinction and the Presidential Award of Excellence. He swept the student council presidential elections all three years and was called one of the most effective and driven presidents the school had ever seen. Continuing his political career, James McClocklin won the Presidency all 4 years with supermajorities, and was the president of the honor society, debate club, chess club, and was the founder of the College Preparatory Club. In college, John excelled. He graduated with honors and 3 undergraduates, two graduates, and a doctorate. He was nominated for the IMEE Award three times before finally winning it in 2005. In 2007, James McClocklin ran for the State office of Senator of Montana, a position he holds to this day. James McClocklin is most notable for his position as the only Democrat to hold statewide office and for his academic distinctions in the legal sciences. He has 3 kids, Joey (7), John (5), and Brittney (2). He and his wife Monica currently reside in Helena, Montana. 





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