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Nuclear Industrial Base Act

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Senator Chen, for himself and others (and with thanks to Rep. Latta), introduced the following bill: 



To require the Secretary of Energy to establish the Nuclear Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 


This Act may be cited as the “Nuclear Industrial Base Act”.



(a) Establishment.—Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary of Energy shall establish a nuclear industrial base analysis and sustainment program, to be known as the Nuclear Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program.

(b) Duties.—In carrying out the Nuclear Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program, the Secretary shall—

(1) support the monitoring and assessment of the nuclear industrial base and its urgent operational needs;

(2) support efforts to expand the nuclear industrial base by encouraging public-private partnerships and partnerships between individuals and entities that are developing and deploying new nuclear power assets that operate at each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle; and

(3) highlight and formulate recommendations to address supply chain vulnerabilities of the nuclear industrial base.

(c) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) PROGRAM.—The term “Program” means the Nuclear Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program established under subsection (a).

(2) NUCLEAR INDUSTRIAL BASE.—The term “nuclear industrial base” means the persons or organizations within the Federal Government and the private sector that are engaged in designing, producing, maintaining, developing, or integrating nuclear energy systems, components, parts, or other assets.



This bill requires the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish the Nuclear Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program. A nuclear industrial base means the persons or organizations within the federal government and the private sector that are engaged in designing, producing, maintaining, developing, or integrating nuclear energy systems, components, parts, or other assets.


In carrying out the program, DOE must monitor and assess the needs of the nuclear industrial base, support partnerships to develop and deploy new nuclear power assets, and make recommendations to address supply chain vulnerabilities of such base.

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