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Local Food Systems and Economic Diversification Act


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Senator Baudin of North Carolina, on behalf of herself, introduces,


A Bill


To support local food systems in coastal and fishing communities.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.

Section 1: Short Title

This Act may be cited as the "Local Food Systems and Economic Diversification Act."

Section 2: Findings

(a) Coastal fishing communities face economic challenges due to fluctuating fish stocks, environmental changes, and market volatility.


(b) Promoting local food systems can provide economic stability, create jobs, and support sustainable practices.


(c) Investments in local food infrastructure, marketing, and education can enhance the resilience and economic diversification of fishing communities.

Section 3: Definitions

(a) "Local Food System" refers to the network of food production, processing, distribution, and consumption within a specific region, prioritizing local resources, community involvement, and the sustainability of the regional ecosystem.


(b) "Fishing Community" refers to coastal areas where a significant portion of the local economy, culture, and livelihoods are based on fishing and related maritime activities.


(c) "Farmers' Market" refers to a physical retail marketplace intended to sell foods directly by farmers to consumers.


(d) "Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA)" refers to a system where consumers purchase shares of a farm's harvest in advance and receive regular deliveries of produce throughout the season.

Section 4: Establishment of the Local Food Systems Grant Program

(a) Grant Program: The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish a grant program to support the development and enhancement of local food systems in coastal fishing communities.


(b) Eligible Entities: Eligible entities include local governments, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, community groups, and small businesses in coastal fishing communities.


(c) Use of Funds: Grants awarded under this section may be used for the following specific activities:


(d) Establishing and Expanding Farmers' Markets

(d1) Construction and Renovation: Funds may be used for the construction of new farmers' market facilities or the renovation of existing ones to improve accessibility, safety, and functionality.

(d2) Marketing and Outreach: Funds may be allocated for promotional campaigns to attract vendors and consumers, including advertising, social media outreach, and community events.


(e) Developing Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Programs

(e1) Startup Costs: Grants may cover initial costs for establishing CSA programs, including purchasing equipment, seeds, and other necessary supplies.

(e2) Subscription Management Systems: Funds may be used to develop and implement systems for managing CSA subscriptions, deliveries, and customer communications.


(f) Developing Local Food Processing and Distribution Facilities

(f1) Facility Construction and Upgrades: Grants can be used for the construction or improvement of food processing facilities, ensuring they meet health and safety standards.

(f2) Equipment Purchase: Funds may be allocated for purchasing processing equipment, such as refrigeration units, packaging machines, and transportation vehicles.

(f3) Distribution Networks: Grants may support the establishment of efficient distribution networks to connect producers with local markets, including logistics and transportation solutions.


(g) Marketing and Promotional Activities

(g1) Brand Development: Funds may be used to create a local food brand that highlights the unique qualities and sustainability of products from fishing communities.

(g2) Publicity Campaigns: Grants may support advertising campaigns, participation in food festivals, and other promotional activities to raise awareness and increase consumer demand for local products.


(h) Providing Education and Training Programs

(h1) Sustainable Practices Training: Grants may fund workshops and training programs on sustainable fishing and farming practices, business management, and marketing strategies.

(h2) Consumer Education: Funds can be used for educational programs that inform consumers about the benefits of local foods and sustainable practices.


(i) Supporting Infrastructure Needs

(i1) Refrigeration and Cold Storage: Grants may support the installation of refrigeration and cold storage facilities to reduce food waste and extend the shelf life of local products.

(i2) Transportation Solutions: Funds may be allocated for the purchase or lease of transportation vehicles to facilitate the efficient movement of goods from producers to markets.


(j) Creating Cooperative Programs

(j1) Resource Pooling: Grants can be used to establish cooperative programs that allow small producers to pool resources for marketing, distribution, and processing.

(j2) Shared Services: Funds may support shared services such as accounting, legal advice, and technical support to help small businesses thrive.

Section 5: Local Food Infrastructure Improvement

(a) Infrastructure Grants: The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture, shall award grants to improve the infrastructure supporting local food systems in fishing communities.


(b) Eligible Projects: Projects eligible for grants include:

(b2)Construction and renovation of local food processing facilities.

(b3)Development of transportation and distribution networks for local foods.

(b4)Installation of refrigeration and storage facilities to reduce food waste and extend product shelf life.

(b5)Improvements to farmers' markets and CSA facilities.

Section 6: Educational and Promotional Programs

(a) Educational Programs: The Secretary of Agriculture shall provide funding for educational programs aimed at:

(a1) Training fishermen and local food producers in sustainable practices and business management.

(a2) Educating consumers about the benefits of local foods and sustainable fishing.


(b) Promotional Campaigns: Funding shall be provided for promotional campaigns to:

(b1) Increase consumer awareness and demand for locally sourced fish and food products.

(b2) Highlight the economic and environmental benefits of supporting local food systems.

Section 7: Reporting and Evaluation

(a) Annual Report: The Secretary of Agriculture shall submit an annual report to Congress detailing the implementation and outcomes of the grant programs established under this Act.

(b) Program Evaluation: The Secretary shall conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs in achieving economic diversification and resilience in fishing communities, with recommendations for improvement.

Section 8: Authorization of Appropriations

(a) Funding: There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.


Section 9: Effective Date


(a) This act shall take effect no later then 180 days after its enactment.


Plain English Summary

Establishes a grant program to support local food systems in coastal fishing communities. It funds projects like farmers' markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, food processing facilities, and distribution networks. The bill also promotes marketing campaigns, education on sustainable practices, and infrastructure improvements such as cold storage and transportation. It aims to create economic stability, job opportunities, and sustainable practices in fishing communities. The Secretary of Agriculture oversees the program and reports annually to Congress on its effectiveness and outcomes.

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