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Alexander Cathaway (D-NY)

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Name: Alexander Cathaway

Seat Class: III

Party: Democrat

Avatar: image.thumb.jpeg.3d3da1923c5889575fe00056629076d0.jpeg

Major Caucus: Progressive Democrats

Gender: Male - 0 pts

Age: 63 - 0 pts

Sexuality: Straight, married with 2 children - 0 pts

Race: White/Caucasian - 0 pts

Religion: Roman Catholic - 0 pts

Education: Doctoral from Ivy League - 25 pts

Socioeconomic History: Billionaire - 5 pts

Career History: Business executive - 20 pts

Awards and Extras: Published a book - 10 pts

Political Experience: Senator for 6 terms - 30 pts, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee - 10 pts 


Alexander Cathaway is an affluent senior senator from the State of New York. Having doctorates in economics, law, and business administration from Stanford University, he is very well-educated. Alexander has been a loyal citizen of New York for decades. He was the Chief Financial Officer of Aurora International LLC and became a billionaire when his 15% stake was valued at $150,000,000,000. Having left Aurora to pursue a more fulfilling career, he won the senatorship of New York. Having held the seat for 6 terms, he ventures through his Class III 7th term in the Senate. He is the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee and serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Senate Armed Service Committee. Alexander wants to pursue a government that supports all genders, races, and sexes. He hopes that he will be able to change the negative trend of the national debt, and as the Chairman of Senate Appropriations, hopes that this will be achieved within his career. Join Alexander in his vision to dutifully and aptly serve the US. 

Edited by Aurora International LLC
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Hi, welcome! Unfortunately this biography can't be approved, as all characters are created by players. You can follow our character creation guidelines here: 



You can pick a state you want to represent, but all of your character details are up to you, as NPCs aren't playable. 


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1 hour ago, Aurora International LLC said:

I have changed the name. Is it fine now?


As someone who has been playing/adminning games like this for decades, I'd highly recommend going with a character that isn't trying to imitate a RL politician. You'll have the most fun by using your creativity right from the beginning. The game is literally an opportunity to play as anyone you want (who is electable of course lol), so have some fun with it!


Of course, that's just a recommendation. At the very least, let's get a more creative name. I suggest using a name generator. Here is my favorite: American & English names (fantasynamegenerators.com)

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22 hours ago, Aurora International LLC said:

Name: Alexander Cathaway

Seat Class: III

Party: Democrat

Avatar: image.thumb.jpeg.3d3da1923c5889575fe00056629076d0.jpeg

Major Caucus: Progressive Democrats

Gender: Male - 0 pts

Age: 63 - 0 pts

Sexuality: Straight, married with 2 children - 0 pts

Race: White/Caucasian - 0 pts

Religion: Roman Catholic - 0 pts

Education: Doctoral from Ivy League - 25 pts

Socioeconomic History: Billionaire - 5 pts

Career History: Business executive - 20 pts

Awards and Extras: Published a book - 10 pts

Political Experience: Senator for 6 terms - 30 pts, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee - 10 pts 


Alexander Cathaway is an affluent senior senator from the State of New York. Having doctorates in economics, law, and business administration from Stanford University, he is very well-educated. Alexander has been a loyal citizen of New York for decades. He was the Chief Financial Officer of Aurora International LLC and became a billionaire when his 15% stake was valued at $150,000,000,000. Having left Aurora to pursue a more fulfilling career, he won the senatorship of New York. Having held the seat for 6 terms, he ventures through his Class III 7th term in the Senate. He is the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee and serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Senate Armed Service Committee. Alexander wants to pursue a government that supports all genders, races, and sexes. He hopes that he will be able to change the negative trend of the national debt, and as the Chairman of Senate Appropriations, hopes that this will be achieved within his career. Join Alexander in his vision to dutifully and aptly serve the US. 


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