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Kemal Bora

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Posts posted by Kemal Bora

  1. Madam President, 


    Point of order. An amendment from the Gentleman from Ohio was seconded, recognized, and voted on. The presiding officer has failed to tally up the votes and announce whether the Roberts I amendment passed or failed. Further, while the Holocaust Museum part was stricken off -- Corporation for Public Broadcasting part wasn't. I ask the presiding officer to announce the final tally of the votes on Roberts I, and if it succeeded, I ask the Presiding Officer to update the bill accordingly. 


    I yield. 

  2. ** Office of the Sen. Dowdell would reach out to the following people to see if they would be interested in joining Sen. Dowdell in the White House for the signing ceremony of the S.150 Chimney Rock National Monument Establishment Act. **

    • Mayor of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. 
    • Members of the Archuleta County Board of Commissioners. 
    • Tribal leaders from the Southern Ute and Zuni Pueblo tribes. 

    The signing ceremony will be held in the White House, by the POTUS. Sen. Dowdells' office reached out to the WH Chief of Staff, and through him, the President - to confirm their willingness to hold the ceremony. 


    (( Reference for their interest: https://www.bennet.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2012/9/bennet-celebrates-chimney-rock-national-monument ))

  3. Q3-2015 Fundraiser

    TARGET: Recreational and Medicinal Cannabis Lobbies, Financial Institutions

    TYPE: Gala


    • Cannabis Industry will continue to grow exponentially in the next 5 years, and legalization of cannabis (both for medical and recreational uses) will happen through ballot and legislative initiatives, 
    • As-is, and until the necessary federal law changes are made, Cannabis Industry is in a legal limbo with conflicting State and Federal laws, including; production, procurement, distribution, and use of cannabis. 
    • Financial Institutions that work with Cannabis Industry for investment, banking, and insurance are also in a legal limbo where the federal government may take legal action against them. 
    • Senator Dowdell has introduced the STATES Act to bring the federal law in line with the respective state law; decriminalizing and legalizing the cannabis industry, as long as the State law permits it. 
    • Senator Dowdell worked hard to bring eleven Governors from Democratic and Republican parties to the table to offer their endorsement to the STATES Act, and Senator Dowdell will continue to work to get the STATES Act passed in United States Congress. 
    • Senator Dowdell will also continue to work with both State and Federal lawmakers and administrations to create further legal framework to ensure the Cannabis Industry and Financial Institutions can continue to work and create further revenue from their businesses.
    • Senator Dowdell will continue to advocate for you. 


  4. @williamdowdell

    Eleven Governors from all around our country endorsed the STATES Act incl. Republican, Democrat, and Independent Governors from east coast to west coast. Reach out to your U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative and ask them to support this bill! 

  5. JYFlv7m.png



    Washington D.C.  Senator William Dowdell introduced STATES Act to the United States Senate earlier this week to ensure each State has the right to determine the best approach for Cannabis legislation, without any interference from the Federal Government. Also extending these protection to our nations capital, U.S. Territories, and federally recognized tribal nations; STATES Act will bring the federal cannabis law in line with the state laws - strengthening the states sovereignty and supremacy on matters that are not delegated to the federal government. 


    As of 2015, five states have completely legalized both recreational and medicinal cannabis production, distribution, and consumption; while seventeen other states have legalized the medicinal use of cannabis with differing laws.


    An excerpt from Senator Dowdell speaking at a local drivetime radio in Colorado; 


    " While the Great State of Colorado legalized cannabis through a referendum, and created both the legal framework and the apparatus to regulate the legal cannabis industry; the draconian federal overreach resulted Colorado being at odds with the United States Government. But this is not just a 'Colorado-issue'. Whether it is for recreational use, or for medicinal purposes, the state laws and initiatives are at odds with the federal government. This commonsense act will make sure that the federal government respects the will of the people, and it will end the problem at hand by taking the states' right approach. This bill will protect individuals, businesses, banking and insurance sector. "


    Governor Jay Inslee (D) of Washington, Governor John Hickenlooper (D) of Colorado, Governor Kate Brown (D) of Oregon, Governor Peter Shumlin (D) of Vermont, Governor Bill Walker (I) of Alaska, Governor Jerry Brown (D) of California, Governor David Ige (D) of Hawaii, Governor Brian Sandoval (R) of Nevada, Governor Susana Martinez (R) of New Mexico, Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) of New York, and Governor Gina Raimondo (D) of Rhode Island also signed a letter of support, endorsing the STATES Act as the Governor of their respective states - showing bipartisan support to the bill. 

  6. ** Governors who voiced their support for the aforementioned legislation would receive a handwritten thank you note with the following bullet points detailed in it. **

    • Senator Dowdell thanks the Governor for reviewing the legislation in detail, and considering its benefits for their State and their citizenry, 
    • Senator Dowdell appreciates their support in signing on to endorse this legislation in the United States Congress, 
    • Senator Dowdell would remind the Governor that he will assist them in issues pertaining their State and the Federal Government, should they fail to get assistance from their state U.S. Senators. 
    • A courtesy open ended invite to the Governor and her family to a dinner party should they visit Washington D.C. would also be offered. 


    ** Governors who declined to endorse would receive a handwritten note with the following bullet points. **

    • Senator Dowdell appreciates the candor of the Governor for declining to support the legislation, 
    • A courtesy open ended invite to the Governor and her family to a dinner party should they visit Washington D.C. would also be offered. 


    (( Edit: No response needed. Thanks for sorting this out. Much appreciated. ))

  7. Is it possible for me to get a similar 'letter' from the Dolores County Board of Commissioners, and a similar letter from the Forest Service - supporting an act like this, not yet posted. 


    Reference: https://www.bennet.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/2/a/2a28ce59-5996-4d3b-b9e7-672ef2a4d708/C734546466423481AE7E9C3F2AD99363.367005399-dolores-county-commissioners-letter-in-support-of-west-fork-fire-station.pdf

    Act: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/2218/text


    (No custom letter needs to be written or anything. Just an 'okay' to their support would be fine for PR and whatnot.


    Thanks in advance. 

  8. JYFlv7m.png



    Washington D.C.  Chimney Rock National Monument Establishment Act introduced by Senator William Dowdell receives bipartisan co-sponsors to establish the Chimney Rock Archeological Area as a National Monument. Senator Evans of Texas, Senator Lawrence of Idaho, and Senator Baxter of Montana showed their support by adding their names into the co-sponsors list. A significant historic site in Colorado, study conducted by the National Trust of Historic Preservation in 2011 found that the national monument status would bring an additional $1.2 million to the local economy, every year. 


    The act introduced by the Senator would bring much needed protection and much deserved recognition to the Chimney Rock Archeological Area through designating the 4,726 acres as a National Monument. Nationally significant archeological, cultural, scientific, and scenic resources would be preserved, protected, restored, and be better presented to the public through this Act. 


    Senator Dowdell stated; 


    " Both culturally and historically significant, this magnificent area lacks a designation equal to its stature. It is our goal, through the United States Congress, to ensure the Chimney Rock area is designated as a National Monument, as that is what our constituencies demand back home. I am certain our local counties, municipalities, and tribes will offer their support in our effort to give the Chimney Rock the status it deserves. "


    Letters of support can be sent to the Senator Dowdells' offices in Washington D.C. or Colorado. 

    • Like 1
  9. @williamdowdell

    Obergefell v. Hodges: We must continue to work to ensure all of our laws are free from discrimination. But today, we get to celebrate because our country is a little bit more equal. Read more.

  10. JYFlv7m.png



    Washington D.C.  Senator Dowdell made the following remarks following the Supreme Court ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges. 


    Marriage is a fundamental right under the law, and the historic decision by the Supreme Court today reaffirmed that all Americans are equal under the law, deserving the same treatment regardless of sex, race, or sexual orientation. While the road ahead for true equality in all our aspects of life is a long and arduous one, I am happy that we took several steps forward in the right direction today. 


    We must continue to work to ensure all of our laws are free from discrimination. Momentum of this decision must carry us forward, and we must never waiver in our willingness to fight for total equality under the law. 


    But today, we get to celebrate because our country is a little bit more equal. 


    Thank you.

  11. JYFlv7m.png



    Washington D.C.  Remarks from Senator Dowdell on the bombing campaign of ISIL Targets In Libya are below. 


    " I first would like to start with my personal commendation of the President and his administration in their coalition building effort, including the recent conference with the Canadian Prime Minister, French President, and German Chancellor in the White House. We have stood together as allies, as the President put it, and we will continue to defend the ideals of liberty, democracy, and humanity. 


    Aerial bombardment campaign is the key to ensure the ISIL threat is weakened, carried out through the coalition of American, Canadian, British, French, German, Danish, Italian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Greek, and Spanish Air Forces. It allows the coalition to destroy or seriously hinder the strategic capabilities of the ISIL Forces. It mitigates the risk of further ISIL expansion, and provides a morale boost to our allies fighting on the ground. 


    It is however vital to remember that a job half done is as good as job not done. Aerial bombardment campaign alone can not achieve the total destruction of the ISIL, and the total destruction of ISIL is the goal of the United States and her allies. We must continue to arm our regional partners in this fight against ISIL, and we must also bring more regional and international partners to continue to fight on the ground -- in taking back the villages, towns, and cities. One at a time.


    It is also vital to ensure that the ISIL does not mutate from an attempted dream of a failed terrorist state to a terrorist cell -- and aerial bombardment alone can not achieve this goal. 


    I would like to finish my remarks with thanking those serviceman and woman who have taken part in this bombing campaign in Libya, and all other servicemember who are fighting for our great country. Be safe, and god bless you.


    Thank you. "

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