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Posts posted by Prescott

  1. Name: Mike Prescott

    Date of Birth: February 6th, 1950

    Place of Birth: Huntsville, Alabama

    Current Place of Residence: Huntsville, Alabama

    Political Party: Republican

    State and Seat: Alabama, Class 3


    Avatar: Mike Huckabee


    Family History:

    Wife: Janet (b. 1952)

    Children: Laura (b. 1972) Benjamin (b. 1974) Robert (b. 1974) Anna (b. 1978)


    Educational History:

    BD in Biological Science (University of Alabama) graduated in 1972

    MD in Optometry (University of Alabama) graduated in 1974

    PhD in Optometry (University of Alabama) graduated in 1976


    Occupational History:

    Store clerk (1968-1972)

    Doctor's assistant (1972-1976)

    US Navy (1976-1980)

    Optometrist (1980-1992)

    State Representative (1992-1996)

    State Senator (1996-2000)

    US Representative (2000-2010)

    US Senator (2010-present)


  2. Senator Prescott:


    "I am excited about us finally getting this important defense of the Second Amendment through the Senate. Americans have the right to keep and bear arms, and individual states have no right to put restrictions on it. I hope that my friends in the conservative wing of the Democratic caucus in the House acknowledge that this is something their constituents wants and vote to get it passed." 






    During the first weeks of President Grayson's first weeks in office he, and the Democratic Party, have been pushing hard for socialist policies. They want to force people to pay union dues, even in cases where they are not members of one. In his inaugural address the President spoke fondly of how much he wanted bipartisanship. It is therefore difficult to understand why he uses his political capital to fight for a bill that is nothing less than pure socialism. The Republican Party will not stand for this, and the American people will not stand for this. Senator Prescott pledges to fight with everything she's got in order to defeat this horrible piece of legislation. She will not allow the United States to turn into something that looks an awful lot like a European socialist country.


    Senator Prescott also went to the Senate Floor to stand up for the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. Some Democrats claimed that they did not understand why the Republicans were fighting to prevent states from passing laws prohibiting people from exercising their Second Amendment rights when the Rebulican Party, correctly, is the party that usually stands for states' rights. The Senator made it clear that it is a clear distinction between the states' right to decide how they want to run themselves, as she is a clear defender of, and their right to take away their citizens Constitutional Rights. The Second Amendment is a right given to every American in every state, and just like with the freedom of religion and free speech Senator Prescott will not let anyone put any forms of boundaries on it. 



  4. Senator Prescott:


    "I was surprised that he showed up at all. I was starting to get worried. We haven't seen much from him since the election."






    Senator Prescott went to the Senate Floor today in order to voice her support for the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2001. During her campaign for Senate she pledged that if she was elected she would do everything in her power to end abortions nation wide, and she is of the belief that passing this ban would make a good first step. The Senator noted that "An abortion is nothing less than the termination of a human life that has a unique DNA and, if the life is given the chance to be born, would grow up to be a unique human being" and that the bill was "not about eliminating a woman's right to make the decisions regarding her own body" but "about defending the life growing in the womb who does not have the ability to defend itself."


    Many of the Senators from the Democratic Party are time and time again making false accusations about the intentions of the proponents of the bill, and Senator Prescott is tired of having the same argument over and over again. The American people are overwhelmingly pro-life, and they have elected people to Congress who support their belief. One of the unique values that make the United States the greatest country on earth is that we value and treasure life at every stage, even when it is in a womb. Mrs. Prescott will fight to pass the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, and she will fight to end the practice of abortion once and for all.

  6. Press Release

    From the office of Congressman Prescott

    To be released immediately



    (Eagle, Idaho) - Having watched the results as they came in from his ranch outside Eagle, Idaho, being re-elected to his seat in the House of Representatives, Congressman Prescott met local press outside his office building to answer some questions. Below follows a short summary of what the Congressman had to say.


    "Of course I was surprised by the results in the Presidential election. I really thought Congressman Fong would come out on top. In my opinion he had the best tax plan, the most comprehensive foreign policy strategy and overall the best policy for how to create new jobs both here in Idaho and in the rest of the country. This is however how things are done in a democracy. We may disagree on the issues, but when the votes have been cast and the results are in it is our duty to accept the results and to move on. That is what I intend to do. The people of this district has re-elected me to be their congressman for the next two years, and I intend to fulfill my end of the bargain and fight for a stronger military, lower taxes, smaller federal government and less bureaucracy. When Congress opens in January I will head to Washington and fight for what I was elected to do, and I hope that I on some issues might agree with the President-elect, but that remains to be seen. Thank you."


    Congressman Prescott will celebrate Christmas with his family at the Prescott Ranch. He looks forward to be spending some quality time with his wife and children before heading off to Washington.

  7. Fundraiser #5


    Target: Wealthy Republican Donors




    Thank you. Thank you all for being here. With the elections approaching fast it is more important than every that likeminded republicans to come together and gather strength to be able to strike a final blow to the Democratic agenda of big government and high taxes. As you all know I am running for Senate in this great state, but to be able to compete against the Democratic money machine and the liberal special interest groups I need your support.


    This election is not just a choice of which candidate you want to represent you in the Senate. It is a choice of what kind of a nation we want to be in the 21st century. As a proud Republican I believe in the vision of our Presidential candidate, Congressman Charles Fong, who has run a great campaign based on the conservative principles of limited government, strong national defense and lower taxes. I strongly believe that he in November will win against the other guy, but then the real challenge begins. Once he is in the White House he needs people in the Senate who can confirm his cabinet nominees and give him the support he needs on the platform he’s promised to pass.


    I am running on supporting the Fong tax plan. Unlike his opponent’s plan it makes sense. Unlike his opponent’s plan it would not require raising billions of dollars off new taxes, taxes the hard-working men and women of Missouri do not need or deserve. The Democratic tax plan will wreak havoc on businesses around Missouri and the United States in general, and that is not what this country needs right now. We need to cut taxes so that businesses across Missouri can get a chance to create thousands of new high-paying jobs for the 21st century, and we need strong Republicans in the Senate to make sure that it can happen.


    During the next four-year period we might also get a vacancy at the Supreme Court, and I do not have to tell you how important it will be to have conservative Republicans in the Senate if that happens. As your Senator I will fight to approve conservative judges that will uphold the Constitution and defend individual rights.


    My friends, in this last stretch of the campaign it is more important than every that we stand united against the liberal agenda of the Democratic Party. It is going to be tough and it is going to require hard work from all of us. The Democrats have raised millions of dollars off their Hollywood friends and their liberal associates, but we will not let them succeed in deciding the outcome of this election. Join me on my campaign to protect the conservative ideals of limited government, lower taxes, strong national defense and more individual freedom. Let us together defend this Senate seat from the liberal ambush and give Charles Fong the backing he needs and deserves when we in January next year can call him Mr. President. Thank you, God bless you and God bless the United States of America!

  8. Fundraiser #4


    Target: farmers


    Front of mailer:



    Back of mailer:


    Dear <name>,


    Missouri has always been a leading agricultural state. We have a long history of farming the land to provide our citizens with excellent quality products, but for too long Washington has not appreciated your work. I am running for Senate because I believe it is time we once again acknowledge the men and women who work the fields to give us the opportunity to put Missouri grown products on our kitchen tables.


    As your Senator I will:

    -          Fight to eliminate the death tax that makes it close to impossible to let the younger generations inherit the farms you have built.

    -          Fight to eliminate the estate tax that punishes farms that have turned ordinary fields into productive ones.

    -          Make sure we keep vital subsidies in place to support farmers who struggle.

    -          Make sure we expand crop insurance to guarantee that you can stay afloat through tough times.


    I believe that if we cannot grow enough food to feed ourselves, we are not truly a free and secure people. Join me in my fight to protect the hard-working farmers of Missouri against the bureaucrats in Washington who do not understand how important you are for our freedom and national security.


    Congresswoman Elizabeth Prescott

    Donation amount: __________

  9. Fundraiser #3


    Target: pro-life voters


    Front of mailer:



    Back of mailer:

    Dear <name>,

    The upcoming senatorial election is an important one not only for Missouri, but also for the country. Being a proud pro-life conservative with a strong record of protecting life I will fight to protect it from the moment of conception. My Democratic opponent does not even care enough about the issue to explain what he believes in his own policy platform.


    As your Senator I will:

    -          Vote against any Supreme Court nominee who does not guarantee that he or she will fight to overturn Roe v. Wade.

    -          Fight to end partial birth abortions.

    -          Fight to end taxpayer funding of abortions in this country.

    -          Make sure that the tax dollars we send in aid overseas does not go towards funding abortions.


    Supporting me in my run for Senate you can be sure to support someone who believes in the sanctity of life and will fight to protect it!


    Congresswoman Elizabeth Prescott


    Donation amount: __________

  10. Fundraiser #2

    Target: Business owners, fiscal conservatives




    Thank you! Thank you all for coming tonight! This November we need to make a choice how we want to the start of the 21st century to look like. I am running for Senate because I believe the 21st century will be the century we start to once again reward hard work and American entrepreneurs. For far too long we have seen our businesses being stifled by heavy bureaucracy, red tape and growth-hindering taxes.


    As your Senator I will fight to drastically reduce the size of bureaucracy in this country. Right now, too many decisions are being made by bureaucrats in Washington D.C., decisions that are better made by American businesses and families. Many of the decisions can be made at the state and local level, and most of them can be made by businesses themselves. Let us end the federal overreach and let our businesses prosper without having the government holding us back!


    Regulations are killing jobs in this country every year, and it won’t get any better until we elect true business friendly people to Congress. As your Senator I pledge to do everything in my power to eliminate as many regulations on your right to develop and grow your businesses. Why should you need a permit from a bureaucrat to build an extra plant in a town that desperately need new jobs? I simply cannot understand it. Big-government liberals believe they know better how to create prosperity for the American people. Well, I respectfully disagree. What has made this country the most prosperous in the world is American entrepreneurs, and by always implementing new regulations and directives we are stopping them from creating thousands of new jobs in this great state.


    Right now, we are running a budget surplus thanks to good conservative management in Congress. I believe we should use this surplus to cut taxes across the board to spur economic growth and create good-paying jobs for the new century. The Democrats want to use the surplus to further grow the government and hire more bureaucrats. I believe the money is best spent by returning them to the people and businesses who has made the surplus possible. As your Senator I will work to cut taxes for all businesses, big and small, so that you can get to keep and invest these money in your businesses. I will fight to eliminate the death tax, the capital gains tax and the property tax. I will also fight to lower the corporate tax down to 25 percent so that we can compete with businesses in Europe and Asia.


    My friends, we need to get real about creating an environment where American businesses can prosper and create new jobs. We need this to stay competitive on the world market, and the liberal belief in higher taxes, more bureaucracy and tougher regulations will have the opposite effect. I therefore ask for your support for the upcoming election. Join me and my campaign on the road to make the 21st century the century where we release American entrepreneurs from the chains of federal overreach! Thank you, God bless you and God bless the United States of America!

  11. Fundraiser #1


    Target: Christian Conservatives, Evangelicals





    Thank you all for coming! As you know I am running for Senate, but to be able to beat my opponent and prevent the Democrats from taking the Senate I need your help. We are standing at a crossroad in our nation’s history. We must decide what kind of country we want to be in the 21st century, and the upcoming election is the first test of what it would look like. As a conservative Republican I have a clear vision for how I want the country my children grow up in to look like. I believe in a society where traditional values are defended from attacks from the liberal elite in Washington and the big cities.


    I believe in defending the sanctity of marriage. The best environment for our children to grow up in is a family with a loving mother and a caring father. If we allow the liberals to redefine this important institution we are heading down a road it would be impossible to recover from. We need a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a holy and sacred union between one man and one woman, and as your Senator I will fight to make this happen.


    I believe in protecting life from the moment of conception. Our value of life is what makes this country the best country on the face of the earth. It is one of the things that separates us from radical Islamists who would strap a bomb to the belly of their own child, send them into a crowded room and set the detonator. My friends, for the last decades we have not expressed as clear as we should that the atrocity of abortions is unacceptable and that it needs to stop. We need to confirm judges to our Supreme Court that believes in the sanctity of life and maybe, once this is done, we can overturn Roe v. Wade and end abortions once and for all. As your Senator I will fight every day to achieve this goal, and I hope that you will stand by me!


    My friends, this country was founded on Christian values, and these values are under attack every single day from liberals that want to redefine what America is all about. Well, let me make this clear; we won’t allow them to succeed! We will stand up and fight for parents’ right to homeschool their children. We will fight for the right of God fearing Christians to worship the way they want without having the government infringe on this right. We will fight to protect schools right to teach creationism and we will fight to end taxpayer funding of abortions until we can ban it nationwide. My friends, I need your support! Only if we stand together we can win this fight and preserve the Christian values this country was founded on. I believe it is possible, simply because I believe in America! Thank you, God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!

  12. Balance:




    Fundraiser #1: $450,000

    Fundraiser #2: $400,000

    National Right to Life donation: $9,457

    Contributions from district, third quarter 2000: $161,484

    Conservative Groups donation: $8,494

    Fundraiser #3: $450,000

    Fundraiser #4: $450,000

    Fundraiser #5: $600,000

    Contribution Senate Members, Q4, 2000, from their state: $60,294

    Supplement, Q4: $30,147



    General round 1, 2000 senate campaign: $560,000

    General round 2, 2000 senate campaign: $2,240,000

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